159 research outputs found

    Changes in the algal composition, bacterial metabolic activity and element content of biofilms developed on artificial substrata in the early phase of colonization

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    Changes in the algal composition and metabolic profiles of bacterial communities as well as the inorganic components were studied on artificial substrata during the early phase of biofilm formation under laboratory conditions in September 2002 and 2003. Sterile Perspex and polished quartz glass discs with a diameter of 3 cm were placed into a Perspex rack, which was immersed vertically in an aquarium containing water from a shallow soda lake. The temperature was kept constant and sufficient oxygen supply was provided. The samples were illuminated for 12 hours a day. Periphyton communities were sampled from 2 to 126 hours of exposure. In both experiments, the alteration of the number of algal species and cells as well as the carbon source utilization of microbial communities was logarithmic. In the two years, considerable differences were revealed in the magnitude of algal cell numbers. The proportion of benthic and planktonic algae showed an undulating pattern in the second experiment. One of the dominant benthic species was the diatom Achnanthidium minutissimum KĂŒtz., while that of the planktonic, the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa KĂŒtz. During the experiments an increase in the bacterial activities could be observed; the higher the microbial diversity and abundance that was detected, the more BIOLOG carbon sources were utilized. The examined element contents indicated interactions among algae and bacteria in the biofilms from the beginning of the colonization processes

    Comparative algological and bacteriological examinations on biofilms developed on different substrata in a shallow soda lake

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    According to the European Water Framework Directives, benthic diatoms of lakes are a tool for ecological status assessment. In this study, we followed an integrative sample analysis approach, in order to find an appropriate substratum for the water qualification-oriented biomonitoring of a shallow soda lake, Lake Velencei. Six types of substrata (five artificial and one natural), i.e., andesite, granite, polycarbonate, old reed stems, Plexiglass discs and green reed, were sampled in May and in November. We analysed total alga and diatom composition, chlorophyll a content of the periphyton, surface tension and roughness of the substrata and carbon source utilisation of microbial communities. Water quality index was calculated based on diatom composition. Moreover, using a novel statistical tool, a self-organising map, we related algal composition to substratum types. Biofilms on plastic substrates deviated to a great extent from the stone and reed substrata, with regard to the parameters measured, whereas the biofilms developing on reed and stone substrata were quite similar. We conclude that for water quality monitoring purposes, sampling from green reed during springtime is not recommended, since this is the colonization time of periphyton on the newly growing reed, but it may be appropriate from the second half of the vegetation period. Stone and artificially placed old reed substrata may be appropriate for biomonitoring of shallow soda lakes in both spring and autumn since they showed in both seasons similar results regarding all measured features

    Pseudodifflugia klarae nov. spec., Bereczkya minuta nov. gen. nov. spec. and Paramphitrema muelleri nov. spec.: three new filose testate amoebae from the plankton of the river Danube.

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    Three new, minute testate amoeban species smaller than 15 ÎŒm, including one new genus, are described from the plankton of the River Danube (Hungary) using high resolution video micrography. Pseudodifflugia klarae nov. spec. is characterised by an oval/pyriform, rigid, slightly compressed, scarcely or densely agglutinated test with a length of 8–14 ÎŒm. Its aperture is irregular in outline and inconspicuous; the nucleus contains one nucleolus and a few bent rods in the nucleoplasm. Bereczkya nov. gen., an incertae sedis cercozoan, has a minute spherical cell enclosed in a thin, rigid, more or less agglutinated organic test that is filled entirely by the cytoplasm. Its test bears an irregular and inconspicuous aperture. A collar-like ectoplasmic rim is situated in the aperture, from which a pseudopodial stem with filopodia is erected. The nucleus is slightly irregular, without a central nucleolus, but it contains rod-shaped granules in the nucleoplasm. Bereczkya minuta nov. spec. (test length: 3.5–8 ÎŒm, the diameter of the ectoplasmic rim: 0.8–2.3 ÎŒm) has a spherical test with asymmetric swellings and depressions, agglutinated with refractile mineral and other flat or irregularly-shaped xenosomes that may sometimes be almost entirely absent. Paramphitrema muelleri nov. spec. has a tubular or lemon-like test (length: 13–17 ÎŒm), which tapers towards the rigid apertures. The test is rigid, agglutinated and ism circular in cross section. The nucleus is vesicular. Thin filopodia, as well as 1–2 thick, straight, unbranched, tubular pseudopodia are produced

    Diurnal course analysis of the WRF-simulated and observation-based planetary boundary layer height

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    Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) single-column model simulations were performed in the late summer of 2012 in order to analyse the diurnal changes of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Five PBL schemes were tested with the WRF. From the radiometer and wind-profiler measurements at one station, derived PBL heights were also compared to the simulations. The weather conditions during the measurement period proved to be dry; the soil moisture was below wilting point 85 percent of the time. Results show that (1) simulation-based PBL heights are overestimated by about 500–1000 m with respect to the observation-based PBL heights, and (2) PBL height deviations between different observation-based methods (around 700 m in the midday) are comparable with PBL height deviations between different model schemes used in the WRF single-column model. The causes of the deviations are also discussed. It is shown that in the estimation of the PBL height the relevance of the atmospheric profiles could be as important as the relevance of the estimation principles

    HunSum-1: an Abstractive Summarization Dataset for Hungarian

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    Climate and land-use as the main drivers of recent environmental change in a mid-altitude mountain lake, Romanian Carpathians

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    Recent decades have been marked by unprecendented environmental changes which threaten the integrity of freshwater systems and their ecological value. Although most of these changes can be attributed to human activities, disentagling natural and anthropogenic drivers remains a challenge. In this study, surface sediments from Lake Ighiel, a mid-altitude site in the Carpathian Mts (Romania) were investigated following high-resolution sedimentological, geochemical, environmental magnetic and diatom analyses supported by historical cartographic and documentary evidence. Our results suggest that between 1920 and 1960 the study area experienced no significant anthropogenic impact. An excellent correspondence is observed between lake proxy responses (e.g., growth of submerged macrophytes, high detrital input, shifts in diatom assemblages) and parameters tracking natural hydroclimate variability (e.g., temperature, NAO). This highlights a dominant natural hydroclimatic control on the lacustrine system. From 1960 however, the depositional regime shifted markedly from laminated to homogenous clays; since then geochemical and magnetic data document a trend of significant (and on-going) subsurface erosion across the catchment. This is paralleled by a shift in lake ecosystem conditions denoting a strong response to an intensified anthropogenic impact, mainly through forestry. An increase in detrital input and marked changes in the diatom community are observed over the last three decades, alongside accelerated sedimentation rates following enhanced grazing and deforestation in the catchment. Recent shifts in diatom assemblages may also reflect forcing from atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, a key recent drive of diatom community turnover in mountain lakes. In general, enhanced human pressure alongside intermittent hydroclimate forcing drastically altered the landscape around Lake Ighiel and thus, the sedimentation regime and the ecosystem’s health. However, paleoenvironmental signals tracking natural hydroclimate variability are also clearly discernible in the proxy data. Our work illustrates the complex link between the drivers of catchment-scale impacts on one hand, and lake proxy responses on the other, highlighting the importance of an integrated historical and palaeolimnological approach to better assess lake system changes
