441 research outputs found

    İslam hukuk tarihini İbn Haldun üzerinden okumak: İbn Haldun’un modern dönem İslam hukuk tarihi yazıcılığına etkileri

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    As an Ash‘ari and Maliki jurist, Ibn Khaldun’s various theories, ranging from economics to politics, sociology to philosophy, and history to literature have long been subject of inquiry by prominent scholars. However, his opinion on Islamic sciences such as fiqh, hadith, tafsir and their historical development have rarely been subject of investigation. This article aims to present Ibn Khaldun’s views on the history of fiqh and its impact on modern historiography of Islamic law through Muslim and Orientalist scholarship. The main framework of history of fiqh in his Muqaddimah gave both Muslim and Western scholarship of history of Islamic Law an opportunity to reconsider established views. After imperial politics and cultural impact of western countries on Islamic societies, Muslim scholars and intellectuals tried to find solutions for increased modern problems and intercept western challenge. As a result of this consideration, call for ijtihad arose among Muslim scholars. They used Ibn Khaldun’s concept of the history of Islamic Law in order to justify their thesis by periodization of the history of Islamic Law within the framework of ijtihad and taqlid. On the other hand, since the main concern of western scholars is the origin of Islamic Law, they applied his opinions to their approach to the early development of Islamic law. Although both Muslim and Orientalist discourses used his attitude for legitimating their conceptions, they did not consider his historical context.Bir Eş‘ârî ve Mâlikî fakihi olan İbn Haldûn’un ekonomiden siyasete, sosyolojiden felsefeye, tarihten edebiyata birçok alandaki teorileri üzerinde çalışılmakla beraber, İslamî ilimler ve bunların tarihlerine dair görüşleri ne yazık ki çok az araştırmaya konu edilmiştir. Bu yazının amacı İbn Haldûn’un fıkıh tarihiyle ilgili görüşlerini verip bunun modern dönem fıkıh tarihi yazıcılığına etkilerini Müslüman akademi ile ve Oryantalist İslam hukuk tarihçiliği üzerinden incelemektir. İbn Haldûn’un Mukaddime’de fıkıh tarihiyle ilgili sunmuş olduğu çerçeve, Müslüman İslam hukuk tarihi yazarlarıyla Oryantalistlere kendi tezlerine meşruiyet kazandırmak için önemli imkânlar sunmuştur. Özellikle Batılı devletlerin İslam coğrafyasındaki sömürge politikaları sonucunda gün yüzüne çıkan modern problemlere çözüm bulma çabasında olan Müslüman bilginler, ictihâd vurgusunu yüksek bir şekilde seslendirdiler. Bu çerçevede fıkıh tarihini de bir ictihâd tarihi olarak görüp onu ictihâd ve taklîd ekseninde dönemlendirdiler. Bunu yaparken İbn Haldûn’un seleflerinden farklı bir perspektifle ortaya koyduğu fıkıh tarihi yaklaşımından yararlandılar. Batılı İslam hukuk tarihçileri de temel problemleri olan İslam hukukunun kökeni meselesini incelerken İbn Haldûn’dan çokça istifade etmişlerdir. Her iki taraf da kendi teorilerini meşrulaştırmak için İbn Haldûn’un görüşlerinden azami derecede istifade etmekle beraber onun tarihsel bağlamını göz ardı etmişlerdir

    A note on the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche on the economic thought of Joseph A. Schumpeter

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    Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950) tarafından eserlerinde ortaya konulan en özgün ve iddialı fikir, bir kahramanın, yaratıcı girişimcinin, dinamik iktisadî yapının öncüsü olmasıdır. Bu mükemmel insan iktisadın üretici güçlerine yeni olanaklar sağlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Nietzsche'nin görüşlerinin Schumpeter'inkiler ile çok sayıda benzerliği vardır. Diğer taraftan, Schumpeter'in vizyonunda Nietzsche'nin tanımladığı anlamda bir yaratıcı unsur da bulunmaktadır. Zamanla bu unsur, iktisadî olgunun gerçek doğasını anlamaya yönelik, daha tutarlı analitik bir önermeye dönüşmüştür. Dolayısıyla, Schumpeter'in girişimcinin önem yitirmesi veya kapitalizmin çöküşü gibi bazı analitik önermelerine, test edilemeyen karakterlerine rağmen, rasyonelleştirilmeleri kaydıyla hoşgörü gösterilebilir.The more original and provocative these which Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950) developed in his work is that an heroic individual, the creative entrepreneur is the innovator of the dynamic economic system. This is the greatest personality who introduces new abilities to the productive forces of the economy. In this context, Nietzsche's thoughts have many similarities with those of Schumpeter's. On the other hand, there is a Nietzschean creative element in the vision of Schumpeter. As time passed, this element has been transformed into a more coherent analytical proposition to understand the very nature of the economic phenomenon. Despite the untestable character of some Schumpeterian analytical propositions, like the obsolescence of the entrepreneur or the danger of the decline of capitalism, we could have tolerance towards them in a rationally justified manner

    Sivil bir başkaldırı örneği:Arnavutköy semt girişimi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 44-Arnavutköyİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033


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    At the point of monitoring developments taking place in the internal and external environmental conditions of the businesses, gaining the necessary skills is critical. To gain these skills, conscious and visionary individuals are given strategic management course in the universities at the associate degree, undergraduate, graduate and doctor's degree. In this study, students’ opinions regarding the level of strategic management course’s gaining to business with qualified employee were given. To serve this purpose, a research was made on students in Gazi University Social Sciences Institute, registered in 2015-2016 fall semester master’s and doctoral level and taking a strategic management course. Independent Sample T-Test using for comparison and a parametric method analysis was applied to data obtained.As a result of the study, it is observed that students educated in master's and doctoral level expressed their opinions concerning the strategic management course as an important tool to function in providing qualified employee to business in the middle level. As a result of analysis, it is observed that gaining qualified employee to business in a strategic management course is the level of 3, 32 in graduate students and 2, 63 in doctoral students

    A Review about Using Bioactive Compounds-Rich Microalgae as Pigments

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    Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms with different morphological, physiological, and genetic characteristics. Microalgae, which grow in fresh and salt water, have an important role in the aquatic ecosystem due to their photosynthetic properties. Microalgae-derived bioactive components are produced as primary metabolism sources, such as proteins, various fatty acids, vitamins, or secondary metabolism products. Various microalgae can produce different bioactive compounds. Frequently studied microalgae can be listed as%253B Spirulina sp. (phycocyanin, tocopherols, phenolic acids), Haematococcus pluvialis (lutein, oleic acid, beta carotene), Chlorella sp. (carotenoids, eicosapentaenoic acid) and Dunaliella (trans-betacarotene, oleic acid, linolenic acid). It has been reported that these microalgae can be used in a wide variety of areas and can gain new uses day by day. They have antioxidative, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, immunomodulatory, and anticarcinogenic effects with their important bioactive components. Their antioxidant properties are of great interest in industrial applications. Microalgae have different colors due to their pigment contents and gain coloring properties. These properties emerge through various pigments called chlorophyll Chlorophyll is the green pigment and plays an important role in the photosynthesis of microalgae. microalgae species can produce different chlorophyll variants, making them appear in different colors. In addition to chlorophyll, the coloring properties of microalgae emerge through other pigments. For example, Microalgae also contain carotenoids with a red, orange, or yellow color and phycobilins with a blue, green, or red color. These various pigments and their coloring properties allow microalgae to be used in industrial, agricultural, and biotechnological applications

    Özdemir Asaf’ın şiirlerinde ve nesirlerinde kelime grupları

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bir milletin varlığının devamını sağlayan en önemli unsurlardan olan dilin, anlamlı en küçük ögesi kelimelerdir. Kelimelerin anlam ilişkileri sonucu bir araya gelmesinden oluşan, yargısız dil birlikleri olan kelime grupları, cümle içinde işlevsel olarak çok önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Birçok başka milletin aksine var olduğu günden beri tek bir coğrafyada değil birden fazla coğrafyada yaşayıp birçok devlet kuran Türk milleti yaklaşık 2500 senelik tarihi ile dünya üzerinde siyasî, tarihî ve kültürel olarak çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Türk milleti, yaşadığı coğrafyada, mekân, zaman ve insan unsurunun etkileri ile kendine özgü bir kültür ortaya koymuştur. Bu kültürün bir kolu olan edebiyatımız, süregelen zaman dilimindeki gelişmeler göz önüne alınarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Kültürün ve kültürün önemli unsurlarından edebiyatın en önemli taşıyıcısı dildir. Türk edebiyatı nadide birikimlerini sözlü dönemde vermeye başlamıştır. Edebiyatımızın yazılı dönemi birçok farklı koldan gelişim göstermiştir. 19. yüzyıl ile başlayan Batılılaşma hareketi ile yeni bir gelişim dönemine adım atan edebiyatımızın İstiklâl Savaşımız ile kimlik kazanmaya başlayan ve Cumhuriyetimizin ilanı ile de isim kazanan son dönemi, birçok önemli edebî topluluğu içinde barındırmaktadır. Düşünce ve kültür hayatındaki özgür ortam sayesinde sanatçılar özgür sanat anlayışlarını ortaya koymuş böylece olgun, nitelikli ve gelişime devam eden bir edebî süreç başlamıştır. Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Edebiyatının kendi çizgisinde iddialı sanatçılarından Özdemir Asaf daha çok şair kimliği ile bilinmektedir. Fakat nesirlerinde de şiirlerinde olduğu kadar başarılı ve şeffaftır. Çalışmamızda Özdemir Asaf'ın şiir ve nesirlerindeki söz varlığı kelime grupları açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Ana başlıklar ve alt başlıklar şeklinde sınıflandırma yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Zengin bir kelime hazinesine sahip olan Özdemir Asaf'ın şiir ve nesirlerinden hareketle edebî kimliği tahlil edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kelime, Kelime grupları, Özdemir Asaf, DizinThe language is the most important element which allows the existence of a nation. The smallest meaningful elements of a language are words. Word Phrases, which are extrajudicial language association consisting by the result of combination with the meaning relationship of words, have a very important position in a sentence. Unlike many other nations, Turkish Nation living more than one geography not a single geography, who have found many states with, has a very important place with about 2,500 years of history as political, historical and cultural in the world. Turkish Nation has revealed a unique culture with the effects of place, time and human factors on the region inhabited by Turkish Nation. Our literature which is a branch of this culture is classified by taking consideration past and ongoing developments in this period of time. The most important carrier of the culture and literature, which is the most important elements of the culture, is language. Turkish Literature has started to give their precious savings in the period of oral. Written period of our literature has shown improvement in many different branches. Starting with the 19th century of the Westernization movement, The last period of our literature, stepped into a new period of development with the proclamation of the War of Independence and Our Republic which began to gain identity with the winning name, contains many important literary communities. Thanks to free environment in thought and cultural life, artists have revealed their understanding of free art, so a literary process, which is mature, qualified and ongoing quality development, has started. Özdemir Asaf, who is ambitious artist of Turkish literature in the Republican Period on his own line, is known more with the identity of the poet.But, he is as successful and transparent as in his poem and prose. In our study, word existence in Özdemir Asaf's poetries and proses has been evaluated in terms of word phrases. Main headings and sub-headings in the form a classification method are preferred.Özdemir Asaf's literary identity that has a rich vocabulary treasure in his poem and proses, has been tried to analyze. Keywords: Word, Word groups, Özdemir Asaf, İnde

    A New Integrated Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Model for Performance Evaluation

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    The perspective of competition in the high technology industry has changed impressively over the last two decades and the indicators which can be defined as the traditional indicators of business performance are insufficient today. So we have identified a new set of financial and non-financial performance indicators that can be used by firms and then, we developed a business performance measurement model. There may be relations and dependencies among the dimensions of performance. For this reason, performance evaluation should be conducted in a holistic manner. In this study, a hybrid method, Equated Priority Values (EPV), has been used to reflect the outcomes of the most commonly used approaches, including the modified Fuzzy Logarithmic Least Squares Method (modified fuzzy LLSM), Chang’s Extent Analysis Method and Mikhailov’s Fuzzy Prioritization Approach. A real world application is carried out to illustrate how the model can be utilized. The application could be interpreted as demonstrating the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model