9 research outputs found

    Results of breast and cervical cancer Health Promotion Model for older Turkish women

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    Introduction: Gynecological cancers are an important cause of morbidity and mortality.Purpose: This study was conducted in an attempt to increase the participation of 60-75 year-old women in early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer and determine the efficiency of nursing interventions on health promotion and development behaviors.Method and material: The sampling of this experimental study consisted of 50 women in the experimental group and 50 women in the control group. The data collection process involved socio-demographic characteristics information form, Standardized Mini Mental State Test, information form regarding previous behaviors, screening behaviors monitoring form, Health Belief Model Scale, Self-Efficacy Scale, and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale II-Health Responsibility subscale. Results: The study determined that health perceptions in older women increased the rate of Breast Self-Exam, mammography and Pap-smear test utilization, but that the interventions were not effective in Clinical Breast Examination performance.Conclusion: The nursing interventions, which were performed using group health education based on the Health Belief Model and the Health Promotion Model as well as brochures, film displays, breast models and telephone reminders, had positive effects on the behaviors of early breast and cervical cancer diagnosis in older women

    Knowledge and skill needs of home caregivers and their care burden perceptions

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    Research problem/aim: Family members are increasingly taking more responsibility for patient care. We were conducted this study to determine knowledge and skill needs of in-home caregivers and their care burden perceptions. Methods: The study was designed as descriptive study. The universe of this study included 350 patients who were registered in a Public Hospital Home Care Services Department by year of 2016 and the research sample consisted of 161 patients and patient relatives. Data was collected to use Patient and Caregiver Forms, Care Burden Scale, and Barthel Index. We were calculated the data with percentage, average, standard deviation, independent samples t test, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis tests. Finding: Total Care Burden Scale point is 41.32 ± 13.20, caregiver’s age, marital status, educational status, economic status, to get help about care and receiving care duration do not affect CBS points, female caregivers have less CBS points than male caregivers and this difference is statistically significant (p < 0.05), the least skill level part of caregivers are care and prevention of decubitus, patient handling with the proper method, pay attention to their own body mechanisms, wound care, vital measurements, genital care, stress management and constipation. Conclusion: Caregivers have in a low level of training about care and need knowledge and skills according to patient needs. Care burden of men is higher than women

    COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde bilimsel araştırmalar, etik boyutu ve hemşirelik: Geleneksel derleme

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    Throughout history, science has enlightened us in over- coming the obstacles in our way and has tried to be a solution to our problems. Science has been the port where people took refuge while trying to cope with the problems they experienced. With the develop- ing technology in recent years, human beings have been able to reach information faster in overcoming obstacles and have shaped their re- search in this direction. Especially recently, coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) has been an important pandemic problem affecting peo- ple. People have sought to get faster information to solve their problems during the pandemic process. Because the reasons such as the fact that COVID-19 can be transmitted through the respiratory tract quickly, that it is a virus encountered for the first time and that there is no treatment yet, and that it causes the death of many individuals, have led to the ac- celeration of research in this process. Scientists have made efforts in a rapid scientific research process in order to be beneficial to the soci- ety, but in this process, they had to face a situation that could create many ethical problems and debates. Nursing profession, which is one of the important building blocks of the health field, was also affected in this process in terms of nursing research. Significant difficulties were encountered in the planning and conduct of the studies. Especially since the profession is an applied discipline by nature, the difficulties en- countered in practice have also affected the structure of research and led to ethical debates.Bilim, tarih boyunca yolumuza ç ıkan engelleri a şmada önü- müzü aydınlatmış, sorunlarımıza çare olmaya çabalamıştır. Bilim, in- sanların yaşadığı sorunları ile baş etmeye çalışırken sığındığı limanı olmuştur. İnsanoğlu, son yıllarda gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte engelleri aşmada bilgiye daha hızlı ulaşabilmiş ve araştırmalarını bu doğrultuda şekillendirmiştir. Özellikle son zamanlarda yaşanılan koronavirüs has- talığı-2019 [coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19)], insanlar ı etkile- yen önemli bir pandemik sorun olmuştur. İnsanlar, pandemi sürecinde sorunlarının çözümü için daha h ızlı bir bilgi alma aray ışına girmiştir. Çünkü COVID-19’un hızlı bir şekilde solunum yolu ile bula şabiliyor olması, ilk kez karşılaşılan bir virüs olması ve tedavisinin henüz olma- ması, çok sayıda bireyin ölümüne yol açması gibi nedenler bu süreçte araştırmaların hızlanmasına yol açmıştır. Bilim insanları, topluma fay- dalı olabilmek için hızlı bir bilimsel araştırma süreci içinde çabalar har- camış, ancak bu süreçte pek çok etik sorun ve tartışma oluşturabilecek durum ile yüzle şmek zorunda kalm ıştır. Sağlık alanının önemli yap ı taşlarından olan hem şirelik mesleği de bu süreçte hem şirelik araştır- maları anlamında etkilenmiştir. Araştırmaların planlanması ve yürü- tülmesinde önemli zorluklar ya şanmıştır. Özellikle mesle ğin doğası gereği uygulamalı bir disiplin olmas ı nedeniyle uygulamalarda kar şı- laşılan güçlükler, araştırmaların yapısını da etkilemiş ve etik tartışma- lara yol açmıştır

    Traditional and Religious Death Practices in Western Turkey

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    SummaryPurposeTo investigate death-related traditional and religious practices in Narlıdere, a district of Izmir province in Turkey.MethodsA descriptive design was used (n = 181). The interview form was composed of 28 open-ended questions. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews by the researchers. Descriptive statistics and chi-square significance test were conducted.ResultsOf all the participants, 36.5% described death as the end of life. Praying took place first among the religious practices following death. A total of 42.0% said that relatives and friends who joined the burial ceremony shovel some soil into the pit over the corpse in order to express that they would not claim any rights from the deceased person thereafter, and 55.2% stated that they visited the deceased person's home to give social support to his or her relatives.ConclusionWe recommended that nurses and physicians be closely acquainted with the prevailing traditions and religious beliefs in the communities where they served