40 research outputs found

    Commentary on Narrow Bridge Games and Their Rescue of Rational Constraints in Moral Contractualism

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    Commentary on Narrow Bridge Games and Their Rescue of Rational Constraints in Moral Contractualis

    Polietilen glikol hidrojel dural bariyer nörotoksisitesinin değerlendirilmesi

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    AIm: Although polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a neutral, biocompatible hydrophilic polymer recognized for its lack of interaction with biological barrier, its neurotoxicity has not been clearly identified in neurosurgery. This study is constructed to evaluate the possible neurotoxicity of a PEG hydrogel dural sealant. Ma terIal and Methods: After a burrhole was opened in the left parietal bone of the twenty five Wistar albino rats, the dura mater and cerebral cortex were incised and the experimental material (activated polyethylene glycol and polyethylene imine) was sprayed into the burrhole. Then brain tissues were harvested for histopathological and biochemical studies at 72 hours to investigate the acute stage changes and on 15th day to evaluate the chronic stage changes. Results: There were statistically significant differences among the groups regarding the comparison of the values of the PMNL cell infiltration grades, gliosis and congestion in both acute and chronic stages. However, the values of the MNL cell infiltration grades, edema and fibrin formation, lipid peroxidation levels of harvested brain tissues were similar in all groups. ConclusIon: Although this study did not present the detailed histopathological and biochemical evaluation results, it indicated that the application of the PEG-based hydrogel sealant was not associated with neurotoxicity, delayed healing, or degenerative changes

    Isotretinoin-induced spondyloarthropathy-related symptoms: A prospective study

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    Objective. Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease involving the pilosebaceous unit of the skin. Isotretinoin is a systemic retinoid that is often used as an effective treatment option for severe and treatment-resistant acne. Isotretinoin may also cause rheumatologic symptoms. The aim of this prospective observational study was to present followup results regarding the rheumatologic symptoms of patients who received systemic therapy for the treatment of acne (isotretinoin and tetracycline). Methods. For inclusion in the study, all consecutive patients with acne who were aged > 18 years were evaluated by the same dermatologist. The first 42 consecutive patients were included in the isotretinoin group, and after matching for age and sex, 32 consecutive patients were included in the tetracycline group. Isotretinoin treatment was planned as an average dose of 30 mg daily and a total dose of 120-150 mg/kg for 4-6 months. The patients were administered a dose of 1 g/day of tetracycline as 2 equal doses for 3 months. Results. Forty-two patients diagnosed with acne vulgaris were treated with isotretinoin 20.6 ± 4.4 (male/female: 17/22), and 32 patients were treated with tetracycline 20.6 ± 2.7 (male/female: 8/24). There was no significant difference between the 2 groups with respect to age and sex. Unilateral Achilles enthesopathy developed in 3 patients, whereas both Achilles enthesopathy and unilateral sacroiliitis developed in 1 patient. Inflammatory back pain developed in 6 patients in the isotretinoin group. Conclusion. To our knowledge, this was the first prospective observational study that assessed the rheumatologic symptoms of isotretinoin treatment. The spondyloarthropathy findings were identified in 23.1% of the patients who used isotretinoin

    A Study on the Effects of Dexamethasone Added to Levobupivacaine during Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blockade with USG.

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    TEZ9810Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2012.Kaynakça (s. 50-56) var.x, 57 s. : res. (bzs. rnk.), tablo ; 29 cm.USG Eşliginde Yapılacak İnfraklavikular Brakiyal Pleksus Bloğunda Levobupivokaine Eklenen Deksametazon’un Etkilerinin Araştırılması Amaç: Çalışmamızda USG eşliğinde yapılan infraklavikular brakiyal pleksus bloğunda postoperatif analjezik etkileri üzerine % 0,5 Levobupivokain (200 mg)’e eklenen 8mg deksamethazonun etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Fakültemiz Etik Kurul onayı ve olguların yazılı onayları alındıktan sonra, üst ekstremite cerrahisi uygulanacak ortopedi hastaları çalışma kapsamına alınarak, toplam 40 hastaya USG eşliginde infraraklavikular brakiyal pleksus bloğu uygulandı. Hastalar rastgele iki gruba ayrılarak; Grup I’de 40 ml volüm içinde % 0,5’lik toplam 200 mg levobupivakain kullanıldı. Grup II’de aynı doz ve volümdeki levobupivakaine 8mg deksametazon eklendi. Blok infraklavikuler teknik ile periferik sinir stimülatörü yönlendiriciliğinde ve USG eşliginde uygulandı. Uygulamanın başlamasını takiben cerrahi başlama süresi, sedasyon ve analjezi düzeyleri Vizüel Analog Skala ve Verbal Rating Scala (VAS, VRS) ile değerlendirildi ve kaydedildi. Hemodinamik parametreler blok öncesi ve blok sonrası 5., 10., 15., 30., 45., 60., 90., 120. dakikalarda ölçümleri yapılarak kaydedildi. Operasyon esnasında ve postoperatif derlenme odasında hastalarda; bulantı, kusma, solunum depresyonu gelişip gelişmediği izlendi. Bulantı ve kusması olan hastalarda 4 mg Ondansetron IV (intravenöz) yapılması planlandı. Hastaların ağrı başlama süreleri postoperatif ikinci gün ziyaret edildiklerinde sorularak öğrenildi ve kaydedildi. Ağrıları başladığında oral tramadol HCl kullanmaları önerildi. Kategorik ölçümlerin gruplar arasında karşılaştırılmasında Ki- Kare test istatistiği kullanıldı. Gruplar arasında sayısal ölçümlerin karşılaştırılmasında varsayımların sağlanması durumunda bağımsız gruplarda T testi (Student T testi), sağlanmaması durumunda ise Mann Whitney U testi kullanıldı. Zaman içindeki değişimleri incelemede Tekrarlı ölçümler analizi (Repeated Measurements) kullanıldı. p< 0.05 değerleri anlamlı kabul edildi.Purpose: In our study, we aimed to research the postoperative analgesic effects of 8 mg dexamethasone addition to 0.5% levobupivacaine (200 mg) during infraclavicular brachial plexus blockade with USG. Materials and Methods: After written approvals were taken from the ethical council of our faculty and the cases, orthopedic patients who are planned to be subjected to upper extremity surgery were included in the scope of the study, and infraclavicular brachial plexus blockade with USG was applied to 40 patients in total. The patients were divided into two groups and a total amount of 200 mg of levobupivacaine (0.5% in 40 ml) was used for the patients in Group I. In Group II, 8 mg of dexamethasone was added to the same dose andvolume of levobupivacaine. Blockade was applied through the infraclavicular technique, under the guidance of peripheral nerve stimulator and with USG. Surgery start time after the start of the procedure, and sedation and analgesia levels were evaluated by use of Visual Analog Scale and Verbal Rating Scale (VAS, VRS) and recorded. Hemodynamical parameteres were measured and recorded on 5th, 10th, 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th, 90th and 120th minutes before and after the blockade. Development of nausea, vomiting and respiratory depression were monitored on the patients during the operation and also in the postoperative recovery room. Patients having nausea and vomiting were planned to be given 4 mg of Ondansetron IV (intravenous). Pain start times of the patients were asked and the answers were recorded when they were visited on the postoperative second day. They were advised to take oral tramadol HCl when pain develops. Chi-square test statistics were used for making comparisons between the categorical measurement results of the two groups. For comparing the quantitative measurements between the two groups, independent group T test (Student T test) was applied when the hypotheses were confirmed, and Mann Whitney U test was applied in other cases. On the other hand, Repeated Measurements Analysis was used for the evaluation of the changes in time. p values lower than 0.05 were accepted to be statistically significant

    Ways of Seeing and Showing in Cahit Zarifoglu's Poems

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    Modern Türk şiirinin önemli şairlerinden biri olan Cahit Zarifoğlu’nun şiirlerinin merkezini görme eylemi oluşturmaktadır. Şairin şiirlerinin merkezinde olduğu düşünülen görmenin, şiirin sentaktik düzeyinden semantik düzeyine şiiri içerik-yapı olarak bütünleştiren bir matris işlevi yüklendiği görülür. Zarifoğlu’nun şiirlerinde görme biçimleri hem şiirde görme ve görsellik ilişkisinin belirleyeni hem de bu ilişkinin sonucu olarak ortaya çıkar. Şiirlerde görmeden görülmeye doğru bir yol izlendiği ve bu izleğin Zarifoğlu’nun şiirlerinin genel karakterini belirlediği görülmektedir. Şiirler; görme, görsellik ve görselleştirme ile ilgili kullanımlar aracılığıyla merkezdeki görme eylemine yapısal ve anlamsal olarak bağlanırken şiir atmosferi, görmenin farklı boyutlarda gerçekleştiği bir görme perdesine dönüşür. Zarifoğlu’nun şiirlerinde görme, modern Türk şiirinin genelinde olduğu gibi merkezî perspektifin penceresinden gerçekleşmez. Zarifoğlu şiirini modern Türk şiiri içinde farklı kılan, görmenin mutlak biçiminin merkezî perspektif olduğu iddiasını taşıyan görme ve düşünme biçimlerini reddetmesidir. Zarifoğlu şiirinin bu noktada hem İslâm düşüncesi ve sanatlarında görülen hem de modern ve modern sonrası sanat anlayışlarının ulaşmaya çabaladığı “çoklu bakış”a ya da “tersten perspektif”e dayanan bir görme biçimi ile şekillendiği görülmektedir. Görenin görünen dünyaya bir görülen olarak katıldığı Zarifoğlu şiiri, görmeyi yeniden öğrenme tecrübesi olarak bir seyir hâlidir. Bu seyir, görmenin yalnızca görme organı olan göz ile ilişkili olmadığı, görmede hakikate ulaşmanın kalbin görmeye açılmasıyla mümkün olacağı idraki ile şekillenen, görme bilgisinin görme bilincine dönüştüğü bir süreçtir. Bu anlamıyla Zarifoğlu şiiri, İslam düşüncesi ve sanatlarının görme biçimini modern ve modern sonrası sanatın yönelimleri ile yeniden görmeye açan bir görme poetikası olarak düşünülebilir. Bu çalışmada, Zarifoğlu’nun şiirlerinde görme ve gösterme biçimleri, şiirlerde görme ve görsellik ilişkisinin belirleyeni ve sonucu olarak değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.The act of seeing the center of the poems of Cahit Zarifoğlu, one of the important poets of modern Turkish poetry. It is seen that sight, which is thought to be at the center of the poet's poems, is loaded from the syntactic level to the semantic level of the poem as a matrix function that integrates the poem as content-structure. The ways of seeing in Zarifoğlu's poems emerge both as the determinant of the relationship between vision and visuality in poetry and as a result of this relationship. It is seen that a path from seeing to being seen is followed in poems and this theme determines the general character of Zarifoğlu's poems. Poetry; while seeing is connected structurally and semantically to the act of seeing in the center through the uses related to vision, visuality and visualization, the atmosphere of poetry turns into a visual screen where seeing takes place in different dimensions. Seeing in Zarifoğlu's poems does not occur from the window of a central perspective, as is the case in modern Turkish poetry in general. What makes Zarifoğlu's poetry different in modern Turkish poetry is its rejection of the ways of seeing and thinking, which claim that the absolute form of seeing is the central perspective. At this point, it is seen that Zarifoğlu's poetry is shaped by a way of seeing that is based on "multiple perspective" or "reverse perspective", which is seen both in Islamic thought and arts and which modern and post-modern artistic understandings strive to achieve. Zarifoğlu's poem, in which the seer joins the visible world as seen, is a state of journey as an experience of re-learning to see. This journey is a process that is shaped by the cognizance that seeing is not only related to the eye, which is the organ of vision, but that reaching the truth in seeing will be possible by opening the heart to seeing and vision information turns into vision consciousness. In this sense, Zarifoğlu's poetry can be considered as a poetics of seeing that reopens the Islamic thought and arts’s way of seeing to sight with the tendencies of modern and post-modern art. In this study, the ways of seeing and showing in Zarifoğlu's poems are tried to evaluate as result and determiner of relation of seeing and visuality in poems