17 research outputs found

    Microbial profiling of amniotic fluid, umbilical blood ad placenta of the foaling mare

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    The presence of a microbiome/microbiota in the placenta is hotly debated. In previous studies, the presence of bacteria in equine amniotic fluid and umbilical blood was independent of foal health. The objective of the present study was to determine if the same bacteria are present in the equine placenta as in amniotic fluid and umbilical blood. Samples were obtained from 24 parturient mares and foals. Placental bacterial DNA was extracted, and the microbiome was identified using 16S rRNA sequencing. All amniotic fluid samples contained some polymorphonucleocytes; bacteria were isolated from four samples. Aerobic or anaerobic growth was found in 18 and 3 umbilical blood samples, respectively. Serum amyloid A wa

    In vitro conservation of gametes: the way forward to conserve the genetic resources of autochthonous sheep breeds

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    Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) significantly improved livestock productivity and reproductive performance and enabled elite parents to produce thousands of offspring globally. However, indiscriminate use ARTs, lack of information and materials on autochthonous sheep breeds (ASB) resulted in a loss of their genetic resources (GnR), thus shooting up the number of atrisk and extinct ASB globally. This problem is more in Europe and the Caucasus region, Africa, and Asia, according to the FAO 2005, 2017, and Sustainable Development Goals, 2022 reports. Considering the current economic challenges, in vivo gene conservation (INGC) is expensive and less sustainable. Therefore, an in vitro gene conservation (IVGC) can supplement the INGC for better efficiency and sustainability. The current review explored the pros and cons of ARTs on ASB’s GnR, the need to conserve their GnR through IVGC, and the prospects of the IVGC on ASB’s GnR conservation. Interestingly, Vitrification with reduced volume (e.g., cryotop) is the leading technique in oocyte cryopreservation, as it results in lower cryoprotectants toxicity, better oocyte viability, and pregnancy rates aside from being cheap and field-friendly than the other vitrification techniques. With oocyte and spermatozoa cryopreservation from the same breed, an extinct breed of interest can be regenerated in a single generation. However, oocyte cryopreservation holds a considerable prospect in IVGC, but the technique in sheep still needs improvements

    A szabadalmi jog nemzetközi vonåsai

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    A szellemi tulajdonok Ă©s tulajdonjogok vĂ©delme a gazdasĂĄgi Ă©let minden szereplƑje szĂĄmĂĄra kiemelkedƑ fontossĂĄgĂș- Ă©s EurĂłpa versenykĂ©pessĂ©ge szempontjĂĄbĂłl is döntƑ jelentƑsĂ©gƱ. A gyĂłgyszeriparban is meghatĂĄrozĂł szerepet tölt be a kutatĂĄs-fejlesztĂ©s; a K+F beruhĂĄzĂĄsok terĂ©n a gyĂłgyszeripar a legnagyobbak közĂ© tartozik.A dolgozatomban a szabadalmi jog kialakulĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s a gyĂłgyszeripar törtĂ©netĂ©t mutatom be, majd gyĂłgyszeripari szabadalmi pĂ©ldĂĄt mutatok be.rĂ©gi kĂ©pzĂ©sJogi szakokleveles gazdasĂĄgi szakembe


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    Az Ă©let szinte minden terĂŒletĂ©n egyre erƑsödƑ verseny figyelhetƑ meg. A kialakult helyzetben csak azok az Ă©rtĂ©kesĂ­tƑk tudnak fennmaradni, akik folyamatosan figyelemmel kĂ­sĂ©rik a fogyasztĂłi magatartĂĄst, döntĂ©seket befolyĂĄsolĂł tĂ©nyezƑket, Ă©s alkalmazkodva ezekhez szĂŒksĂ©g esetĂ©n Ășj irĂĄnyvonalakat hoznak lĂ©tre, illetve elĂ©be mennek a mĂ©g ki nem alakult keresleti tĂ©nyezƑknek. Az Ășj tĂ­pusĂș mintĂĄk, magatartĂĄsmĂłdok kirajzolĂłdĂĄsĂĄnak megfigyelĂ©se, nyomon követĂ©se, a folyamatos impulzusokhoz alkalmazkodĂł viselkedĂ©sformĂĄk felismerĂ©se versenyelƑnyt jelent a vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok szĂĄmĂĄra. E tanulmĂĄny az egĂ©szsĂ©gturizmus terĂŒletĂ©n belĂŒl vizsgĂĄlja az igĂ©nybevevƑket Ă©s a fogyasztĂłi magatartĂĄst befolyĂĄsolĂł tĂ©nyezƑket. MagyarorszĂĄgon a modernebb Ă©rtelemben vett egĂ©szsĂ©gturisztikai termĂ©kek piacra vezetĂ©se a 2000-es Ă©v mĂĄsodik felĂ©ben a SzĂ©chenyi Tervvel kezdƑdött el. Az egĂ©szsĂ©gturizmus magyarorszĂĄgi tĂ©rhĂłdĂ­tĂĄsĂĄhoz nagyban hozzĂĄjĂĄrult, hogy az orszĂĄg turisztikai marketingjĂ©Ă©rt felelƑs Magyar Turizmus Zrt. a 2003-as Ă©vet az EgĂ©szsĂ©gturizmus, a 2008-at a Vizek ÉvĂ©nek nyilvĂĄnĂ­totta (a 2011-es Ă©vet az EgĂ©szsĂ©gturizmus ÉvĂ©nek terveztĂ©k, mely nem valĂłsult meg), s azĂłta is folyamatosan fĂłkuszĂĄl az egĂ©szsĂ©gturizmus nĂ©pszerƱsĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re. Mindez alĂĄtĂĄmasztja, hogy elengedhetetlen a piaci igĂ©nyek Ă©s vĂĄltozĂĄsok folyamatos monitoringja, az innovĂĄciĂł Ă©s a kapcsolĂłdĂł vĂĄltoztatĂĄsok, fejlesztĂ©sek megvalĂłsĂ­tĂĄsa. (Boros–Printz-Markó–Priszinger, 2011) --------------------------- In any segment of life, we can witness an increasing fight. In the given situation, the only purchasers to survive are those who constantly take attention to the factors influencing the consumer attitudes and decisions, and, adjusting to them, they are ready to path new ways if necessary or, rather, they meet the new demands halfway. The observation of the outlined new type of patterns, their tracking and the recognition of the attitudes adjusting constantly to the new impulses can pose a competitive advantage for enterprises. This study aims to focus on the factors influencing consumer attitudes within the framework of health tourism. In Hungary, the market launch of the modern health tourism products started in the second half of the year 2000 with the SzĂ©chenyi Plan. The fact that the Hungarian Tourism Ltd, responsible for the tourism marketing of the country, pronounced the year 2003 the Year of Health Tourism, and the year 2008 the Year of Waters, contributed to the spread of the health tourism (the year 2011 was to have been the Year of Health Tourism), and has since focused on the popularization of health tourism. Therefore, it is clear that the continuous monitoring of the indispensable market needs and changes and the realization of innovations and related changes be done. (Boros–Printz-Markó– Priszinger, 2011

    Endometrial biopsy sampling and interpretation of the findings in the diagnosis of subfertile mares in veterinary practice - Literature review Part 2.

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    SUMMARY Background: Non-pregnant, subfertile broodmares cause a significant expense in horse breeding. Beyond the routine physical and sonographic examination, advanced techniques are available for diagnosing subfertility (microbiology, endometrial biopsy) in mares. For detecting inflammatory and degenerative changes of the endometrium, histopathologic studies have been investigated the possible causes of sub/infertility. Objectives: The aim of the authors was to summarize the available information about the usefulness of endometrial biopsy sampling in mares in connection with barrenness. Furthermore, a special attention has been paid to the recently discovered investments in the diagnosis of endometrial problems in the mare.Material and method: Review and study papers have been summarized with the aim of scientific databases (www.sciencedirect.com; www.pubmed.com)from 1978 until 2017. The following keywords have been used: endometrial biopsy, mare, barren mares, endometritis, endometrosis (endometriosis), fibrosis.Results and discussion: According to our experience and the available veterinary literature, in case of infertility/subfertility of broodmares of high value, the use of advanced examination techniques is suggested in order to detect subclinical diseases; however, a single examination is not sufficiently enough to estimate the fertility of a broodmare

    Alternative Opportunities to Collect Semen and Sperm Cells for Ex Situ In Vitro Gene Conservation in Sheep

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    The semen of domestic mammals is conventionally collected with an artificial vagina (AV) for artificial insemination (AI) or for short- or long-term storage. However, the procedure has certain drawbacks: animal training is not feasible in extensive animal care systems nor among wild species, as the trained animals sometimes fail to mount. Hence, there is a need for alternative semen collection methods. Electroejaculation (EEJ) and epididymal sperm recovery (ESR) are the two effective alternatives to AV. However, in recent years, animal welfare campaigners have called for the ban, in certain EU countries, of EEJ due to its inhumane nature. In this review, alternative methods of sperm collection (by EEJ and ESR, their qualities, and their freezing techniques) are highlighted, as well as the effects of EEJ on pre-freeze and post-thaw ram sperm quality parameters and the animal welfare progress made in EEJ between the 20th and 21st centuries. Additionally, the techniques for enhancing post-thaw sperm quality prior to freezing and for the freezing of EEJ and ESR spermatozoa are explored. ESR and EEJ are reliable alternatives to AV on certain occasions. EEJ is ideal for semen collection in wild or untrained animals, breeding soundness examinations, collection outside of the breeding season, and culling. At the same time, ESR is ideal in cases of castration, accidental death of elite sire, or postmortem for gene conservation purposes or assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) studies

    Ovarian granulosa cell type tumour in a mare with embryonic loss Case report

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    SUMMARY Background: Granulosa cell type tumours are the most common tumour in the equine ovary. They are usually benign and unilateral. They are often associated with the cessation of the normal oestrous cycle in mares and the suppression of the normal remaining ovary. Clinical diagnosis of this condition is based on hormone tests (inhibin, testosterone, progesterone) but suspected diagnosis can be made based on physical examination (rectal palpation, ultrasonography, dis section). Objectives: The aim of this study was to summarize the present knowledge about granulosa cell type (GCT) tumours in mares and to present an atypical case from the practice. Materials and methods: A 22-year-old Holstein broodmare has been pre sented with previous pregnancy loss in the history. Therefore a specialized reproductive examination has been performed (physical examination, rectal and ultrasonographic examination, hormone analysis, endometrium biopsy). Based on the owner’s decision, the mare was euthanized and the left ovary has been fixed in buffered formalin solution and histological examination has been made. Results and discussion: Based on all information available, the diagnosis of granulosa cell type tumour has been made. Interestingly, the contralateral ovary was not affected, because the mare could have been pregnant and there were active ovarian structures (follicles and corpora lutea) on the right ovary during the last breeding season. The authors could conclude that in case of GCTs, a thorough reproductive examination in needed for the diagnosis, but in case of this condition, the contralateral ovary is not always affected and mares some times are able to concei