869 research outputs found

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    Szent Ephrem: Exodus-kommentár (I-IV.) (fordítás és kommentek); The Exodus Commentary of Saint Ephrem (I-IV.) (translation and comments)

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    Szent Ephrem Exodus-kommentárja első 4 fejezetét fordítottam le klasszikus szírből magyarra, és kommenteket fűztem hozzá

    Kemijski efekti i efekti čvrstog stanja na Augerove procese

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    Following a short review of the phenomena leading to changes in the Auger spectral distributions, it is demonstrated how Auger spectroscopy can be used for revealing the electronic structure local to the initial core hole and for obtaining information on hole-hole and electron-electron correlations. Using the Auger parameter concept, by the help of different Auger parameters, the initial and final state effects can be separated, the local screening and ligand polarizability can be characterized and the charge transfer can be determined. The advantages of the use of the X-ray excited Auger spectroscopy and cluster molecular orbital theoretical models in the studies of chemical and solid state effects on Auger processes are discussed. The power of these methods is illustrated by recent results obtained for metals, alloys and oxides, including materials of great practical importance.Nakon uvoda o pojavama koje uzrokuju promjene Augerovih spektralnih raspodjela, opisuje se kako se Augerova spektroskopija može primijeniti za istraživanje lokalne elektronske raspodjele u odnosu na početnu šupljinu, kao i za podatke o korelacijama šupljina–šupljina i elektron–elektron. Primjenom Augerovog parametra mogu se razdvojiti učinci početnih i konačnih stanja, lokalno zasjenjenje i polarizivost liganada, te se može odrediti prijenos naboja. Moć tih metoda ilustrira se nedavnim rezultatima mjerenja za metale, legure i okside, uključivši neke materijale od velike praktične važnosti

    Bonaparte Napóleon közel-keleti expedíciója a vágyak egzotikuma és a valóság tükrében avagy Egyiptom három Savary olvasatában

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    The records of travellers greatly shaped the image of Egypt formed during the French expansion at the end of the 18th century. They were either intellectual or military travellers, who had their own attitudes and points of view that influenced their observations. The intellectual type was motivated by gathering scientific data, even though these travels often had political or diplomatic aspects. This is also true the other way around, a diplomatic mission in the early modern period always had intellectual and cultural results, partly due to the new knowledge acquired during these missions. The origins of this point of view date back to the 16th century, but it arguably reached its peak during Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign. In the eyes of Europe Egypt was synonymous with the wonder of secrets ready to be uncovered ever since the Renaissance. This study examines the changes in the image of Egypt through three works created in different eras and contexts. François Savary de Brèves (1560–1628) travelled the Middle East as a successful diplomat, and during these travels became a knowledgeable Orientalist, who devoted the last decades of this life to making the science and culture of the “Orient” more widely known. The writer and Egyptologist ClaudeEtienne Savary (1750–1788) spoke perfect Arabic, and his 1776-1777 journey to Egypt can be considered one of the first literary journeys to Egypt, long before Chateaubriand and Lamartine. In his highly influential Letters, the man of the Enlightenment examines the monumental relics and the contemporary society of a non-European, but nonetheless ancient civilization, and creates the idyllic, desire-driven image of Egypt. The third author, Anne Jean Marie René Savary (1774–1833), who later became Napoleon’s Minister of Police, was an officer in the Egyptian campaign. As a member of the occupying force, he became the chronicler of the French regime in Egypt. However, his account of the French administration and modernization efforts fails to mention most of the problems (being one of the precursors of the later colonial “quest for civilisation”) and proves inadequate when contrasted with other sources

    Lectori salutem!

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    A 18. századi Délvidék és francia telepesei

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