133 research outputs found

    Ambivalenzen in der Umsetzung schulischer Inklusion am Beispiel des Förderschwerpunkts Lernen in Nordrhein-Westfalen

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    Dieser Aufsatz thematisiert die aktuellen Schulentwicklungsprozesse im Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen, in welchem, unterstützt durch rechtliche Sicherung, zunehmend inklusive Strukturen etabliert werden. Die Autorin und der Autor nehmen dabei weiterhin bestehende Ambivalenzen, wie zum Beispiel das Spannungsfeld von Zuschreibungspraxis und Sicherung im Kontext von Unterstützung bzw. Förderung, in den Blick. Bezogen auf den Förderschwerpunkt Lernen werden – nach einem kurzen historischen Einblick – unterschiedliche Szenarien von Ressourcenzuweisungen theoretisch durchdacht und Herausforderungen für an Inklusion orientierte Schulen formuliert. (DIPF/Autor

    Critique and reconstruction – Exploring its relation with a focus on inclusive education

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    In this paper an interdisciplinary attempt is made to discuss the conceptualization of Inclusive Education from a theoretical and methodological perspective. The basic concern is to make a sufficient connection between a critical (theoretical) and a methodological reconstruction perspective. For this purpose, the focus is on critique that is directed at the object of ‘inclusion’, but at the same time – and this is the aim of the paper – is positioned as an integral component of inclusion. The argumentation unfolds in three steps: First, the concept of \u27critique\u27 is developed from a social-science perspective. Then, applying it empirically, a conceptuali-sation of reconstruction is discussed as a methodological approach for inclusive education research. Finally, implications are drawn for inclusion as critical-reflexive analysis, which aims to reveal processes of in- and exclusion. (DIPF/Orig.

    Teachers’ perspectives on dealing with students’ errors

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    With adequate support for the learner, errors can have high learning potential. This study investigates rather unsuitable action patterns of teachers in dealing with errors. Teachers rarely investigate the causes that evoke the occurrence of individual students’ errors, but instead often change addressees immediately after an error occurs. Such behavior is frequent in the classroom, leaving unexploited, yet important potential to learn from errors. It has remained unexplained why teachers act the way they do in error situations. Using video-stimulated recalls, I investigate the reasons for teachers’ behavior in students’ error situations by confronting them with recorded episodes from their own teaching. Error situations are analyzed (within-case) and teachers’ beliefs are classified in an explanatory model (cross-case) to illustrate patterns across teachers. Results show that teachers refer to an interaction of student attributes, their own attributes, and error attributes when reasoning their own behavior. I find that reference to specific attributes varies depending on the situation, and so do the described reasons that led to a particular behavior as a spontaneous or more reflective decision

    Rekonstruktion und Inklusion – Perspektiven und Spannungsfelder rekonstruktiver Inklusionsforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft

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    Dieser Beitrag nimmt die Verfasstheit erziehungswissenschaftlicher Inklusionsforschung zum Ausgangspunkt, die bislang wesentlich auf ‚enge‘ und ‚weite‘ Verständnisse rekurriert, und erweitert diese um die Dimension von Personen- und Strukturbezug. Eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Inklusionsforschung, die eine Operationalisierung entlang von Personenkategorien in Frage stellt, ist jedoch auf Forschungszugänge angewiesen, die (immanente) Praktiken, Strukturen und Kulturen und darin eingelagerte Prozesse von Inklusion/Exklusion sichtbar machen.   Abstract This article deals with inclusive education research and discusses dimensions and perspectives how inclusive education can be operationalized. It focuses on reconstructive methodologies and investigates its interconnection to the analysis of inclusive/exclusive practices, structures and cultures. It concludes with ambivalences and limitations of reconstructive research in inclusive education


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    Since the late 1990s, security education training and awareness (SETA) programs have become commonplace. Despite extensive research into the effective design of such programs and factors influencing compliance behavior, SETA programs tend not to be as effective as they should be. In order to tailor learning content as closely as possible to individual needs, vocational education relies on the modeling and measurement of competencies. We argue that this existing knowledge can be transferred to the information security domain. Therefore, we introduce a competence model from vocational education and consider it in the context of the information security domain. Subsequently, we conduct a structured literature review on conceptualization and effective SETA design and investigate to what extent the competence dimensions from vocational education are already considered in the SETA literature. Our results indicate that competence research can make an important contribution to adapting SETA programs to individual situational actions

    Die „perfekte“ Kooperationssituation: Rekonstruktionen ambivalenter Kooperationsvorstellungen angehender Lehrkräfte im Kontext schulischer Inklusion entlang von Norm und Expertise

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    Die Kooperation unterschiedlicher (para-)professioneller Akteur_innen wird im Fachdiskurs als sine qua non für gelingenden Unterricht in inklusiven Schulen verhandelt. Bislang ungeklärt ist, welche Vorstellungen von professioneller Kooperation im Kontext schulischer Inklusion Studierende in der ersten Ausbildungsphase besitzen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in diesem Beitrag Vorstellungen angehender Lehrkräfte von professioneller Kooperation im Rahmen schulischer Inklusion herausgearbeitet, basierend auf Daten aus dem Forschungsprojekt „Unterstützung von Lehrpersonen im Kontext inklusiver Lehr-Lernprozesse“ (UNIP). Entlang einer komparativen Sequenzanalyse von Gruppendiskussionen mit Lehramtsstudierenden werden Kooperationsverständnisse rekonstruiert. Das methodische Vorgehen basiert dabei auf der dokumentarischen Methode der Textinterpretation nach Bohnsack. Die Ergebnisse werden mit theoretischen Bezügen zu Norm und Expertise hinsichtlich einer zu entwickelnden inklusionsorientierten Lehrer_innenbildung eingeordnet und diskutiert.In the discourse of inclusive education, the importance professional cooperation of stakeholders from various professional backgrounds in inclusive schools gains increasing attention. However, the conceptions of students in initial teacher training on professional collaboration in inclusive settings have rarely been focused in research yet. This article aims at approaching this research gap by presenting reconstructions from a research project which gathered data referring to students' conceptions on collaborative practices in inclusive schools. The students' understandings of collaboration have been reconstructed by a comparative analysis of sequences accumulated in group discussions using the documentary method by Ralf Bohnsack. The results of this exploratory study are discussed with theoretical references to norm and expertise. Finally, possibilities of implementations regarding teacher education for inclusion are derived
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