6 research outputs found

    Highly variable species distribution models in a subarctic stream metacommunity : Patterns, mechanisms and implications

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    Special Issue: Metacommunities in river networks: The importance of network structure and connectivity on patterns and processes1. Metacommunity theory focuses on assembly patterns in ecological communities, originally exemplified through four different, yet non-exclusive, perspectives: patch dynamics, species sorting, source-sink dynamics, and neutral theory. More recently, three exclusive components have been proposed to describe a different metacommunity framework: habitat heterogeneity, species equivalence, and dispersal. Here, we aim at evaluating the insect metacommunity of a subarctic stream network under these two different frameworks. 2. We first modelled the presence/absence of 47 stream insects in northernmost Finland, using binomial generalised linear models (GLMs). The deviance explained by pure local environmental (E), spatial (S), and climatic variables (C) was then analysed across species using beta regression. In this comparative analysis, site occupancy, as well as taxonomic and biological trait vectors obtained from principal coordinate analysis, were used as predictor variables. 3. Single-species distributions were better explained by in-stream environmental and spatial factors than by climatic forcing, but in a highly variable fashion. This variability was difficult to relate to the taxonomic relatedness among species or their biological trait similarity. Site occupancy, however, was related to model performance of the binomial GLMs based on spatial effects: as populations are likely to be better connected for common species due to their near ubiquity, spatial factors may also explain better their distributions. 4. According to the classical four-perspective framework, the observation of both environmental and spatial effects suggests a role for either mass effects or species sorting constrained by dispersal limitation, or both. Taxonomic and biological traits, including the different dispersal capability of species, were scarcely important, which undermines the patch dynamics perspective, based on differences in dispersal ability between species. The highly variable performance of models makes the reliance on an entirely neutral framework unrealistic as well. According to the three-component framework, our results suggest that the stream insect metacommunity is shaped by the effect of habitat heterogeneity (supporting both species-sorting and mass effects), rather than species equivalence or dispersal limitation. 5. While the relative importance of the source-sink dynamics perspective or the species-sorting paradigm cannot be deciphered with the data at our disposal, we can conclude that habitat heterogeneity is an important driver shaping species distributions and insect assemblages in subarctic stream metacommunities. These results exemplify that the use of the three-component metacommunity framework may be more useful than the classical four perspective paradigm in analysing metacommunities. Our findings also provide support for conservation strategies based on the preservation of heterogeneous habitats in a metacommunity context.Peer reviewe

    LIMPER trials : immediate mobilisation versus 2-week cast immobilisation after distal radius fracture treated with volar locking plate - a study protocol for a prospective, randomised, controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Open reduction and internal fixation with volar locking plate has become the most common fixation method in the treatment of unstable distal radius fracture (DRF). There is, however, no consensus as to whether or for how long a wrist should be immobilised after operative treatment. To date, there have been relatively few studies that have evaluated the effect of immediate postoperative mobilisation on functional outcomes. The aim of postoperative rehabilitation is to obtain a good function and to reduce impairment, recovery time, socioeconomical costs and absence from work. Therefore, there is a need for studies that evaluate the optimal method of postoperative rehabilitation to optimise wrist function and return to work. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This study is a prospective, randomised, controlled trial in which a total of 240 working-age patients who undergo volar plating for DRF will be randomly assigned to either an early mobilisation group or a postoperative 2-week casting group. The aim of the study will be to compare early postoperative outcomes between the study groups. The primary outcome will be patient-rated wrist evaluation at 2 months after operation. A coprimary outcome will be the total length of sick leave. Our follow-up period will be 1 year, and secondary outcomes will include pain, patient satisfaction, perceived ability to work and complications identified at different time points. We expect those patients who undergo immediate mobilisation will have at least as rapid a return to work and function as those patients who undergo postoperative immobilisation, indicating/meaning that there will be no need for postoperative casting. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study will be conducted according to the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials statement. The Ethics committee of Tampere University Hospital has approved the protocol. Ethics committee approval number is R21111, and it is accepted on 7 September 2021. The results of this study will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT05150925.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Perheen sosioekonomisen aseman yhteys lasten ja nuorten hampaiden harjaukseen

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    Tämän systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, onko perheen sosioekonomisella asemalla yhteyttä lasten ja nuorten hampaiden harjaukseen, ja jos yhteys on, miten perheen sosioekonominen asema on yhteydessä hampaiden harjaukseen. Suun terveys on merkittävä osa yleisterveyttä ja vaikuttaa koettuun elämänlaatuun. Suun terveys on yhteydessä useaan eri sairauteen ja moni yleissairaus puolestaan voi vaikuttaa suun terveyteen. Suomessa lasten ja nuorten hampaiden harjaus ei toteudu suositellun mukaisesti. Perheen sosioekonominen asema vaikuttaa terveyskäyttäytymiseen ja terveyteen yleisesti. Terveyskäyttäytymisen tavat ja tottumukset luodaan lapsuudessa, joten niillä on vaikutusta terveyskäyttäytymiseen myös aikuisuudessa. Kirjallisuushaku toteutettiin kahteen terveystieteiden suureen tietokantaan, MEDLINE- ja CINAHL-tietokantoihin. Haun perusteella viitteitä oli alkujaan 434, joista sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerien perusteella katsaukseen valikoitui 9 tutkimusta. Näistä tutkimuksista seitsemässä havaittiin ero hampaiden harjauksen säännöllisyydessä perheen sosioekonomisen aseman perusteella, niin että korkeamman sosioekonomisen perheen lapset ja nuoret harjasivat hampaitaan säännöllisemmin verrattuna matalamman sosioekonomisen aseman perheiden lapsiin ja nuoriin. Yhdessä tutkimuksessa eroa ei havaittu lainkaan, ja yhdessä tutkimuksessa ero havaittiin vain vanhempien tuloluokan mukaan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa todettiin, että perheen sosioekonominen asemalla on yhteys perheen lasten ja nuorten hampaiden harjaukseen. Korkeamman sosioekonomisen aseman perheiden lapset ja nuoret harjasivat säännöllisemmin hampaitaan verrattuna matalan sosioekonomisen aseman perheisiin. Tutkimustietoa suun terveyden ja yleisterveyden yhteydestä on paljon, ja säännöllinen hampaiden harjaus on tärkeää suun terveyden ylläpitämiseksi. Jatkossa aihetta voisi tutkia selvittämällä niitä esteitä, joiden vuoksi harjaus ei aina toteudu suositellun mukaisesti, ja sekä sitä, miten ne esteet voitaisiin poistaa

    Structured PDMS chambers for enhanced human neuronal cell activity on MEA platforms

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    Structured poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) chambers were designed and fabricated to enhance the signaling of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) - derived neuronal networks on microelectrode array (MEA) platforms. The structured PDMS chambers enable cell seeding on restricted areas and thus, reduce the amount of needed coating materials and cells. In addition, the neuronal cells formed spontaneously active networks faster in the structured PDMS chambers than in control chambers. In the PDMS chambers, the neuronal networks were more active and able to develop their signaling into organized signal trains faster than control cultures. The PDMS chamber design enables much more repeatable analysis and rapid growth of functional neuronal network in vitro. Moreover, due to its easy and cheap fabrication process, new configurations can be easily fabricated based on investigator requirements.Peer reviewe

    "No one has invented such as this" - Students with special needs as developers of educational technology: Final report of the project "Technologies for Children with Individual Needs"

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    This publication "No one has invented such as this" - Students with special needs as developers of educational technologytells about the project Technologies for Children with Individual Needs that was carried out in University of Joensuu in years 2005-07 (ISLH-2005-01363/Ha-7). The publication goes through aims and results as well as ideas achieved based on the project. This Northern Carelian multidisciplinary project to develop educational technology to support special education was active from 1 July 2005 to 31 August 2007. This project was a continuation for the development project of technology-enhanced learning carried out in years 2003-05 which showed that technologies developed to address the needs of special education are a challenging and relatively untouched research domain. This project was organized by Department of Computer Science and Statistics at University of Joensuu (researchers belonging to the research group of educational technology) together with the research unit of special education of Faculty of Education at University of Joensuu. The research project aimed to develop methods, models and tools that can be used to help learning difficulties in special education. In addition, one aim was to educate teachers to exploit various technologies in teaching. To achieve these aims this project has combined reseach of educational technology, reaseach of special education, software development, supplementary education for teachers and collaboration with schools.Tämä julkaisu ”Kukaan ei oo keksinyt tällaista” – Erityisoppilaatopetusteknologian kehittäjinä kertoo Joensuun yliopistossa vuosina 2005–07 pidetystäErityisopetuksen teknologiat -projektista (ISLH-2005-01363/Ha-7). Julkaisu käy läpi projektin tavoitteita ja tuloksia sekä projektin pohjalta syntyneitä oivalluksia.Tämä opetusteknologiaa erityisopetuksen tueksi kehittävä poikkitieteellinen pohjoiskarjalainen tutkimushanke oli toiminnassa 1.7.2005 – 31.8.2007. Projekti on jatkoa vuosina 2003–05 käynnissä olleelle Teknologiakasvatuksen kehittämisprojektille, jonka aikana erityisopetuksen tarpeisiin kehitetyt teknologiat osoittautuivat haasteelliseksi ja lähes koskemattomaksi tutkimusalueeksi. Projektin toteuttajana oli Joensuun yliopiston Tietojenkäsittelytieteen ja tilastotieteen laitos (opetusteknologian tutkimusryhmän tutkijat), yhteistyössä Joensuun yliopiston Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan Erityispedagogiikan oppiaineen kanssa. Tutkimushankkeen tavoitteena on ollut kehittää menetelmiä, malleja ja välineitä, joilla voidaan helpottaa oppimisvaikeuksia erityisopetuksessa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on ollut kouluttaa opettajia käyttämään hyväkseen erilaisia teknologioita opetuksessa. Näiden tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi hankkeessa on yhdistetty oppimisteknologian tutkimus, erityisopetuksen tutkimus, ohjelmistokehitys, opettajien täydennyskoulutus ja yhteistyö koulujen kanssa.Peer reviewe

    Preventing Adolescent Social Anxiety and Depression and Reducing Peer Victimization: Intervention Development and Open Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) and depression are common among adolescents, frequently comorbid, and resistant to change. Prevention programs for adolescent SAD are scant, and depression prevention programs do not fully address peer-risk factors. One critical peer-risk factor for SAD and depression is peer victimization. We describe the development and initial evaluation of a transdiagnostic school-based preventive intervention for adolescents with elevated symptoms of social anxiety and/or depression and elevated peer victimization. We modified Interpersonal Psychotherapy-Adolescent Skills Training for depression, incorporating strategies for dealing with social anxiety and peer victimization. OBJECTIVE: Our open trial assessed the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary benefit of the modified program (called UTalk) for adolescents at risk for SAD or depression and who also reported peer victimization. METHOD: Adolescents (N=14; 13–18 years; 79% girls; 86% Hispanic) were recruited and completed measures of peer victimization, social anxiety, and depression both pre- and post-intervention and provided ratings of treatment satisfaction. Independent evaluators (IEs) rated youths’ clinical severity. The intervention (3 individual and 10 group sessions) was conducted weekly during school. RESULTS: Regarding feasibility, 86% of the adolescents completed the intervention (M attendance=11.58 sessions). Satisfaction ratings were uniformly positive. Intention-to-treat analyses revealed significant declines in adolescent- and IE-rated social anxiety and depression and in reports of peer victimization. Additional secondary benefits were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Although further evaluation is needed, the UTalk intervention appears feasible to administer in schools, with high satisfaction and preliminary benefit. Implications for research on the prevention of adolescent SAD and depression are discussed