33 research outputs found
Painoon liittyvien ihanteiden ja käyttäytymisten vaikutus pitkän aikavälin terveyteen
Lectio PraecursoriaPeer reviewe
Successful weight maintainers among young adults—A ten-year prospective population study
Objectives: To assess factors associated with successful weight maintenance over ten years in a prospective general population sample of young adults. Material and methods: Our study comprised 2452 women and 2227 men born in 1975-1979 (mean age at baseline 24 years, attrition 27.1%). Weight maintenance was defined as weight maintained within +/- 5% of baseline body mass index (BMI). We examined the role of various sociodemographic and lifestyle factors in successful weight maintenance. Results: Relatively few young adults were able to maintain their weight over ten years (28.6% of women vs. 23.0% of men); net weight loss was uncommon (7.5% and 3.8%). Most participants gained weight (mean annual weight gain was 0.9 kg in women and 1.0 kg in men). Among women, exercise was associated with successful weight maintenance, but having two or more children, frequent use of sweet drinks, irregular eating, history of dieting (intentional weight loss) and low life satisfaction were associated with weight gain. Among men, higher baseline BMI and higher education were associated with successful weight maintenance, whereas irregular eating, history of dieting and smoking were associated with weight gain. Conclusions: Only about a quarter of young adults were able to resist weight gain. Regular eating and having no history of dieting were associated with successful weight maintenance in young women and men.Peer reviewe
Lokal mat i Finlands kommuner - utredning över användningen av lokal mat i kommunala måltider
Denna utredning är den första utredningen om användningen av lokal mat i nästan alla finska kommuner och beskriver rätt täckande användningen av närproducerade råvaror i kommunal kostverksamhet.
Utredningen redogör för resultaten av förfrågan som Närkökskonsulenterna inom projektet Närkök av EkoCentria utfört som telefonintervju till kommunernas förmän inom mattjänstbranschen i Kontinentala Finland år 2007. 366 kommuner deltog i intervjun, vilket motsvarar 92 % av alla kommuner i Kontinentala Finland.
Enligt slutsatserna skulle det vara möjligt att använda mera färska lokala matvaror i kommunala mattjänster. Detta kräver att produktions-, plock- och vidareförädlingsmängder skulle kunna höjas och att producenternas gemensamma leveranskedja skulle fungera
Local food in municipal catering - a survey of local food purchasing in Finnish municipalities
This report is the first published report on the use of local food in almost all of Finland's municipalities, and covers the use of local food products in public municipality catering fairly comprehensively.
The report presents the results of the telephone survey for the catering managers of Continental Finland carried out by EkoCentria's Lähikeittiöhanke's Local Cuisine Advisors in 2007. The count of participating municipalities totals to 366 which equals 92 % of municipalities in Continental Finland.
In conclusion, there would be room for local products in public municipality catering if production, harvest and processing quantities could be raised and the supply chain between producers was coalesced
FinnTwin16 : A Longitudinal Study from Age 16 of a Population-Based Finnish Twin Cohort
The purpose of this review is to provide a detailed and updated description of the FinnTwin16 (FT16) study and its future directions. The Finnish Twin Cohort comprises three different cohorts: the Older Twin Cohort established in the 1970s and the FinnTwin12 and FT16 initiated in the 1990s. FT16 was initiated in 1991 to identify the genetic and environmental precursors of alcoholism, but later the scope of the project expanded to studying the determinants of various health-related behaviors and diseases in different stages of life. The main areas addressed are alcohol use and its consequences, smoking, physical activity, overall physical health, eating behaviors and eating disorders, weight development, obesity, life satisfaction and personality. To date, five waves of data collection have been completed and the sixth is now planned. Data from the FT16 cohort have contributed to several hundred studies and many substudies, with more detailed phenotyping and collection of omics data completed or underway. FT16 has also contributed to many national and international collaborations.Peer reviewe
Koronainfektion laboratoriodiagnostiikka: Miten laboratorio valitsee menetelmät?
Laboratoriot valitsevat käyttöönsä testit käyttötarkoituksen ja soveltuvuuden perusteella siten, että diagnostiikka on mahdollisimman vaikuttavaa. PCR on luotettavin koronavirustartunnan toteamiseen, mutta etenkin tuoreissa tartunnoissa voidaan käyttää antigeenitestejä.</p
Koronainfektion laboratoriodiagnostiikka : miten laboratorio valitsee menetelmät?
Laboratoriot valitsevat käyttöönsä testit käyttötarkoituksen ja soveltuvuuden perusteella siten, että diagnostiikka on mahdollisimman vaikuttavaa. PCR on luotettavin koronavirustartunnan toteamiseen, mutta etenkin tuoreissa tartunnoissa voidaan käyttää antigeenitestejä.publishedVersio
Koronainfektion laboratoriodiagnostiikka : miten laboratorio valitsee menetelmät?
Laboratoriot valitsevat käyttöönsä testit käyttötarkoituksen ja soveltuvuuden perusteella siten, että diagnostiikka on mahdollisimman vaikuttavaa. PCR on luotettavin koronavirustartunnan toteamiseen, mutta etenkin tuoreissa tartunnoissa voidaan käyttää antigeenitestejä