31 research outputs found

    The suitability of NEO-PI-R/3 questionnaire mean profiles of different cultures to the Five Factor model

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    Käesolev uurimustöö võtab aluseks täiendatud NEO-PI-R/3 küsimustike 76 erineva kultuuri keskmised tulemused ning kasutades klassisisest korrelatsiooni (ICC), testib, kas erinevate kultuuride NEO-PI-R/3 küsimustike enesekohased ja tema-hinnangu keskmiste profiilid ühtivad Suure Viisiku mudeliga (FFM). Lisaks võrreldakse töös saadud klassisisese korrelatsiooni väärtusi inimarenguindeksiga. Tulemused näitasid, et 18% kultuuride ICC väärtused jäävad alla ühe standardhälbe (keskmine=.33; SD=.19), ehk siis ei saa väita, et FFMi mudel oleks kultuuriülene. Samuti leiti kerge korrelatsioon ICC ja inimarenguindeksi r=.27; p=.018 ning tugev korrelatsioon r=.63; p<.001 kultuuride keskmiste ekstravertsuse ja avatuse dimensioonide ning inimarenguindeksiga, mis viitab sellele, et mida arenenum on riik, seda paremini sobitub tema kultuuri keskmine isiksuse profiil FFM-i mudeliga ning seda paremaid tulemusi saavad kultuuri liikmed NEO-PI-R/3 ekstravertsuse ning avatuse dimensioonides

    Throwing Mud in the Face or Gentle Journeys into Frames of Time? Some Notes on Post-Soviet Life-Writing in Estonia

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    Throwing Mud in the Face or Gentle Journeys into Frames of Time? Some Notes on Post-Soviet Life-Writing in Estoni

    Rooma impeerium keiser Hadrianuse valitsusajal (117-138)

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    Kliendi rahulolu roll lojaalsuse kujunemisel Reisieksperdi AS näitel

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    Terrorismivastase võitluse mõju demokraatia edendamisele Aafrikas: Keenia ja Uganda näitel

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    Portfelli optimiseerimine kahel meetodil

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    Bakalaureusetöös uuritakse aktivaportfelli optimiseerimist kahel meetodil. Üks optimiseerimismeetod põhineb Harry Markowitzi portfelliteoorial ja teine Kiyoharu Tagawa artiklis „Chebyshev Inequality based Approach to Chance Constrained Portfolio Optimization” [14] välja pakutud meetodil, kus püstitatakse tõenäosusega tõkestatud optimiseerimisülesanne. Töö esimeses osas antakse ülevaade Markowitzi meetodist ja teises osas kirjeldatakse tõenäosusega tõkestatud meetodit. Kolmandas osas võrreldakse meetodeid omavahel arvulise näite abil

    Mõistete rägastikus: autobiograafiast omaelulookirjutuseni. In a Maze of Concepts: From Autobiography to Life Writing

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    The introductory article provides a conceptual background of the special issue of Methis focusing on the role of “life writing” (omaelulookirjutus) in Estonian cultural history, examining it from the perspective of different disciplines and theoretical and critical frameworks. Functioning as an umbrella term for the issue, omaelulookirjutus is largely a synonym for the term “life writing”. While referring, in its widest usage, to a diverse body of texts that take life as its subject, the gradual adoption of the term life writing to refer both to a field of study and its subject also denotes a self-conscious turn away from a more narrow notion of autobiography. In European cultural contexts of a certain time period, autobiography conveys certain conceptions of the nature of truth and selfhood (the Enlightenment subject). Life writing, on the other hand, can be understood as a concept that facilitates a wide range of textual practises, both literary and nonliterary, that represent a diverse array of cultural contexts and categories of identity. The Estonian near equivalent of the term life writing, omaeluloolisus, is used with regard to the conceptualisation of the term by Jaan Kross, a canonical Estonian contemporary novelist in his Omaeluloolisus ja alltekst (Autobiographism and Subtext, 2003). Although mainly an attempt at constructing a systematic interpretational frame for the consideration of the trajectory of his own work, Kross’ observations have wider implications, addressing some central concerns of the development of Estonian life writing. Delineating a scale of manifestations of “the autobiographical” (omaeluloolisus) in the literary work of an author and the autobiographical essence of language, Kross also makes visible its functioning and uses as a socio-politically charged entity in everyday contexts, in particular with regard to the experience of the Soviet regime. In its wide range of manifestation and application possibilities, omaeluloolisus, as outlined by Kross, in many aspects relates to the conceptualisation of life -writing and life narrative by Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, the notion of “the autobiographical” by Jeanne Perreault and Marlene Kadar, and “autobiographics” by Leigh Gilmore, whose theoretical perspectives have also informed terminological situating processes of Estonian life writing texts and practises in the current volume. Taking as its starting point life writing as an interdisciplinary field of study, this special issue aims at presenting Estonian life writing research from the viewpoint of different disciplines (literary and cultural studies, theatre studies, folklore and sociolinguistics) and different types of texts ranging from the work of canonical authors and lesser-known literary figures to different types of archival material. With regard to life writing studies’ relation to autobiography studies that consolidated in Europe and the USA as a distinct field of study in the 1960s and 1970s, it is important to point out that regardless of the existence of a rich and diverse body of Estonian life writing texts, life writing has so far received minimal systematic critical attention in Estonian literary history and criticism. The special issue aims at advancing the initiatives taken in the field by a number of individual researchers, most of whom are also represented in the current volume. It also aims to facilitate a critical forum for Estonian life writing and contribute to the establishment of life writing as a legitimate object of Estonian literary and cultural studies, aiming for its enhancement in Estonian cultural history

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    Atomic layer deposition of titanium oxide films on As-synthesized magnetic Ni particles : Magnetic and safety properties

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    Spherical nickel particles with size in the range of 100-400 nm were synthesized by non-aqueous liquid phase benzyl alcohol method. Being developed for magnetically guided biomedical applications, the particles were coated by conformal and antimicrobial thin titanium oxide films by atomic layer deposition. The particles retained their size and crystal structure after the deposition of oxide films. The sensitivity of the coated particles to external magnetic fields was increased compared to that of the uncoated powder. Preliminary toxicological investigations on microbial cells and small aquatic crustaceans revealed non-toxic nature of the synthesized particles.Peer reviewe