9 research outputs found

    The emergence and dissemination of Housing First in Sweden

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    The development and dissemination of Housing First programmes have been slow and without nationalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Periodontitis may predict the use of prescription medicines later in life, a database study

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    Medications used for the treatment of diseases also affect oral health. We investigated how having/not having periodontitis at baseline in 1985 was associated with purchases of medicines in the long term. The study paradigm is in the oral health-systemic health connections. We hypothesized that periodontitis links to purchases of medicines later in life. The study cohort consisted of 3,276 individuals from the greater Stockholm area, Sweden. Of them, 1,655 were clinically examined at baseline. Patients were followed-up for >35 years, using the national population and patient registers. The burden of systemic diseases and purchases of medicines were statistically analyzed comparing patients with (n = 285) and without (n = 1,370) periodontitis. The results showed that patients with periodontitis had purchased more of certain medications than non-periodontitis patients. Periodontitis patients purchased significantly more drugs used in diabetes (p = 0.035), calcium channel blockers (p = 0.016), drugs acting on the renin-angiotensin system (p = 0.024), and nervous system drugs (p = 0.001). Hence, patients with periodontitis indeed had purchased specific medications statistically significantly more than the periodontally healthy ones. This indicates that periodontitis, over time, might increase the risk for systemic diseases with the subsequent need for medication.Peer reviewe

    Psychometric properties of the measure of achieved capabilities in homeless services

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    Background Purposeful participation in personally meaningful life tasks, enjoyment of positive reciprocal relationships, and opportunities to realize one’s potential are growth-related aspects of a meaningful life that should be considered important dimensions of recovery from homelessness. The extent to which homeless services support individuals to achieve the capabilities they need to become who they want to be and do what they want to do is, in turn, an important indicator of their efectiveness. In this study, we developed a measure of achieved capabilities (MACHS) for use in homeless services settings, and assessed its construct and concurrent validity. Methods We analysed data collected from homeless services users at two time points in eight European countries to assess the factor structure and psychometric properties of the new measure. Participants were adults engaged with either Housing First (n=245) or treatment as usual (n=320). Results Exploratory and confrmatory factor analyses yielded a four-factor structure of the capabilities measure: community integration, optimism, safety, and self-determination. We obtained evidence for construct validity through observed correlations between achieved capabilities and recovery, working alliance and satisfaction with services. Moreover, we obtained evidence of the measure’s concurrent validity from its positive association between HF and personal recovery, which was fully mediated by achieved capabilities. Conclusions Findings demonstrate that the MACHS is a valid and reliable measure that may be used to assess the extent to which homeless services support their clients to develop capabilities needed for growth-related recovery. Implications for practice and future research directions are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Förändringar av psykisk ohälsa mellan 2014 och 2020 och dess bestämningsfaktorer i Sverige. En empirisk undersökning av skol- och gymnasieungdomar i Stockholm

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    Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka sambandet mellan mobbning i skolan och psykisk ohälsa. Data gäller elever från skolor, med både praktisk och teoretisk inriktning, i Stockholms stad som svarat på stockholmsenkäten. Resultaten visar att personer som utsätts för mobbning i skolan oftare än en gång i veckan har mer än dubbelt så hög sannolikhet för att också rapportera psykisk ohälsa. Även skolklimat och prestationer i skolan är förklarande faktorer för psykisk ohälsa. Trots att psykisk ohälsa ökat över tid så har förekomsten av mobbning varit ganska stabil, vilket betyder att även andra faktorer bidrar

    Free from homelessness: Is "Housing first" the solution? : A comparison across time between homeless clients who have acquired a home of their own and a control group

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    Introduction: Homelessness is as large political question globally as it is in Sweden with a growing number of homeless. “Housing First” is a municipality based program aiming to offer stable and enduring housing to homeless people immediately. This model was imported to Sweden and was tried in Stockholm and Helsingborg, a provincial town in the southwest of Sweden. This prevailing study is to test the feasibility of making longitudinal studies on homeless individuals. Method: A longitudinal study using repeated measures of selfreports on questionnaires. Result: This study report results from baseline and a 24 month follow-up of the program compared to a treatment-as-usual control group. It was shown that although the former homeless in the Housing First group perceived an increased housing normality and empowerment there were no significant differences between groups across time. Conclusion: Although individuals living in a Housing First apartment tended to have a more normal way to live they seem to not improve psychologically. However some problems that is connected to longitudinal research on the homeless was detected. Since Housing First is a program consisting of housing and support the effect is dependent on both. The null result in this study was discussed as a consequence of foremost insufficient support in housing

    Relations between moral foundations, moral identity, and moral behavior.

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    Maģistra darba mērķis bija noskaidrot, kā morāles intuitīvie pamati un morālā identitāte prognozē morālo uzvedību, un vai morālās identitātes internalizācijas dimensijai ir mediatora efekts starp morāles intuitīvajiem pamatiem un morālo uzvedību. Pētījumā piedalījās 237 studenti (76% sievietes, vidējais vecums M=23,11). Pētījumā tika izmantotas metodikas : Morāles intuitīvo pamatu aptauja (Moral Foundations Questionnaire: 30-Item Full version-MFQ 30; Graham, Haidt & Nosek, 2008), Morālās identitātes nozīmības aptauja ( The Self-Importance of Moral Identity Scale, SIMI,Aquino & Reed, 2002) un pētījuma autores izveidotā “Morālās uzvedības aptauja”. Šajā pētījumā, kā nozīmīgākais prognozētājs morālajai uzvedībai, uzrādījās morālās identitātes internalizācijas dimensija. Rezultāti norāda, ka morālās identitātes internalizācijai ir daļējs mediatora efekts uz morāles pamatu un morālās uzvedības saistību. Atslēgas vārdi: morāles intuitīvie pamati, morālā identitāte, morālā uzvedībaThe goal of this masters thesis was to explore how moral foundations and moral identity predict moral behavior, and if moral identity internalization mediates the relationship between moral foundations and moral behavior. Two hundred and thirty seven students (76% of them women, mean age M=23,11) participated in the study. The following methods were used in this study: Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ30; Graham, Haidt & Nosek, 2008); The Self-Importance of Moral Identity Scale (Aquino & Reed, 2002) and Moral Behavior Questionanaire, developed for this study. The results show that the most significant predictor of moral behavior in this study is moral identity internalization dimension. Results indicate that the moral identity internalization have partial mediator effect between the moral foundations and moral behavior. Key words: moral foundations, moral identity, moral behavio

    Homeless adults’ recovery experiences in housing first and traditional services programs in seven european countries

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    Across Europe, as governments turn to housing-led strategies in attempts to reverse rising rates of homelessness, increasing numbers of Housing First (HF) programs are being implemented. As HF programs become more widespread, it is important to understand how service users experience them compared to the more prevalent traditional treatment-first approach to addressing long-term homelessness. Although there is a large body of research on service users' experiences of Housing First compared to treatment-first in North American contexts, comparatively less is known about how these two categories of homeless services are experienced in the European context. In a correlational and cross-sectional study, part of a larger examination of homelessness in Europe, participants (n = 520) engaged with either HF (n = 245) or traditional services (TS; n = 275) programs in seven countries completed measures of their experiences of services (consumer choice, housing quality, and service satisfaction) and recovery (time in independent housing, psychiatric symptoms, and community integration). Across the seven countries, participants engaged with HF programs reported experiencing more consumer choice, better perceived housing quality, and more satisfaction with services than participants engaged in TS programs. Participants in HF programs also reported a greater proportion of time in independent accommodation, fewer psychiatric symptoms, and more community integration. Varying patterns of association between experiences of services and recovery outcomes were observed. Findings indicate HF consistently predicts greater recovery than TS across diverse sociopolitical and economic contexts. Implications of findings for configurations of homeless services and homeless services policy are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio