121 research outputs found

    Intraoligochaete development of Myxobolus intimus (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae), a gill myxosporean of the roach (Rutilus rutilus)

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    The infection with Myxobolus intimus Zaika, 1965 in the gills of the roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) from Lake Balaton was recorded in 28 out of the 39 fish examined. Developing and mature plasmodia were detected on the gills exclusively in the spring. The Myxobolus intimus infection was found only in 2- to 3-year-old fish. In histological sections, young plasmodia were found in capillaries of the secondary lamellae. More mature, round plasmodia 0.4-0.6 mm in diameter, deformed the respiratory lamellae. The intraoligochacte development of M. intimus was studied in experimentally infected oligochaetes. In two experiments, uninfected Tubifex tubifex Muller and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (Claparede) were exposed to mature myxospores of M. intimus. In both experiments, typical triactinospores developed in T. tubifex specimens but no infection was found in L. hoffmeisteri. In semithin sections, developmental stages, pansporocysts and actinospores, were found within the proliferated gut epithelium of T. tubifex. Triactinospores were first released from oligochaetes 37 and 58 days after initial exposure in the two experiments, respectively. Each triactinospore had three pyriform polar capsules and a cylindrical sporoplasm with 32 secondary cells. The spore body joined the 3 caudal projections with a moderately long style

    Radiodiagnostic method for studying the dynamics of Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) infection and pathological status of the swimbladder in Lake Balaton eels

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    Swimbladder changes resulting from Anguillicola crassus infection of the European eel Anguilla anguilla have been the subject of several studies reported in the literature. These investigations, however, studied exclusively the status of infection at a given point in time and did not deal with changes in swimbladder infection in eels suffering from anguillicolosis over a period of time. In this study, A. crassus-induced pathological changes were monitored in 78 eels naturally infected in Lake Balaton and subsequently kept in the laboratory, thus excluding the possibility of further infection. During the 3 mo study, the status of the swimbladder was checked by radiographic examination on 4 occasions. At the end of the study the eels were dissected and the gross pathological changes in the swimbladders were compared with the radiographic findings. As compared to their starting condition, by the end of the study the pathological status of the swimbladder had deteriorated in 55 % and remained the same in 37 % of the cases. Tendency to improvement (1 %) and variable findings (7 %) were recorded in a low percentage of cases only. With the help of the radiographs presented, the dynamics of A. crassus infection and of changes in the swimbladder of individual eel specimens can be monitored easily

    Magnetic noise spectrum measurement by an atom laser in gravity

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    Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atoms can be used to sense fluctuations of the magnetic field by means of transitions into untrapped hyperfine states. It has been shown recently that counting the outcoupled atoms can yield the power spectrum of the magnetic noise. We calculate the spectral resolution function which characterizes the condensate as a noise measurement device in this scheme. We use the description of the radio-frequency outcoupling scheme of an atom laser which takes into account the gravitational acceleration. Employing both an intuitive and the exact three-dimensional and fully quantum mechanical approach we derive the position-dependent spectral resolution function for condensates of different size and shape

    Parametric amplification of the mechanical vibrations of a suspended nanowire by magnetic coupling to a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We consider the possibility of parametric amplification of a mechanical vibration mode of a nanowire due to its interaction with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of ultracold atoms. The magneto-mechanical coupling is mediated by the vibrationally modulated magnetic field around the current-carrying nanowire, which can induce atomic transitions between different hyperfine sublevels. We theoretically analyze the limitations arising from the fact that the spin inverted atomic medium which feeds the mechanical oscillation has a finite bandwidth in the range of the chemical potential of the condensate


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    A Fresh Look at Grape Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe necator) A and B Genotypes Revealed Frequent Mixed Infections and Only B Genotypes in Flag Shoot Samples

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    Erysiphe necator populations, causing powdery mildew of grapes, have a complex genetic structure. Two genotypes, A and B, were identified in most vineyards across the world on the basis of fixed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in several DNA regions. It was hypothesized that A populations overwinter as mycelia in grapevine buds, giving rise to so-called flag shoots in spring, and are more sensitive to fungicides than B populations, which overwinter as ascospores and become widespread later in the season. Other studies concluded that the biological significance of these genotypes is unclear. In the spring of 2015, there was a unique opportunity to collect E. necator samples from flag shoots in Hungary. The same grapevines were sampled in summer and autumn as well. A total of 182 samples were genotyped on the basis of beta-tubulin (TUB2), nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) intergenic spacer (IGS), and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Genotypes of 56 samples collected in 2009-2011 were used for comparison. Genotype A was not detected at all in spring, and was present in only 19 samples in total, mixed with genotype B, and sometimes with another frequently found genotype, designated as B2. These results did not support the hypothesis about temporal isolation of the two genotypes and indicated that these are randomly distributed in vineyards

    Improved DNA extraction and quantitative real-time PCR for genotyping Erysiphe necator and detecting the DMI fungicide resistance marker A495T, using single ascocarps

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    DNA extraction from minute fungal samples is challenging in all genetic studies. Identification of genetic groups and population biology mostly rely on the laborious production of single conidium isolates or on field samples, including infected plant materials. This paper reports a simple and cost-effective protocol for DNA extraction from individual chasmothecia of Erysiphe necator for subsequent applications. It is a less laborious alternative for genotyping purposes than production and analysis of single conidium isolates or analysis of infected plant material from the field. Using the protocols described here for 186 E. necator samples tested, genetic groups A and B were assigned. Based on CYP51 sequences, all the samples belonged to group B, while TUB2 sequences exhibited SNPs also diagnostic for group A. Additionally, a quantitative real-time PCR detection method of single nucleotide polymorphism in the CYP51 gene associated with DMI fungicide resistance was applied. The A495T marker, associated with DMI resistance, and here reported for the first time from Hungary, was detected by quantitative real-time PCR assays and direct sequencing of CYP51. The methods developed in this study can be applied as routine tests to monitor powdery mildew populations for fungicide resistance and other genetic characteristics