128 research outputs found

    Magnetic noise spectrum measurement by an atom laser in gravity

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    Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atoms can be used to sense fluctuations of the magnetic field by means of transitions into untrapped hyperfine states. It has been shown recently that counting the outcoupled atoms can yield the power spectrum of the magnetic noise. We calculate the spectral resolution function which characterizes the condensate as a noise measurement device in this scheme. We use the description of the radio-frequency outcoupling scheme of an atom laser which takes into account the gravitational acceleration. Employing both an intuitive and the exact three-dimensional and fully quantum mechanical approach we derive the position-dependent spectral resolution function for condensates of different size and shape

    Parametric amplification of the mechanical vibrations of a suspended nanowire by magnetic coupling to a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We consider the possibility of parametric amplification of a mechanical vibration mode of a nanowire due to its interaction with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of ultracold atoms. The magneto-mechanical coupling is mediated by the vibrationally modulated magnetic field around the current-carrying nanowire, which can induce atomic transitions between different hyperfine sublevels. We theoretically analyze the limitations arising from the fact that the spin inverted atomic medium which feeds the mechanical oscillation has a finite bandwidth in the range of the chemical potential of the condensate

    Magnetoconductance properties of rectangular arrays of spintronic quantum rings

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    Electron transport through multi-terminal rectangular arrays of quantum rings is studied in the presence of Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and of a perpendicular magnetic field. Using the analytic expressions for the transmission and reflection coefficients for single rings we obtain the conductance through such arrays as a function of the SOI strength, the magnetic flux, and of the wave vector kk of the incident electron. Due to destructive or constructive spin interferences caused by the SOI, the array can be totally opaque for certain ranges of kk, while there are parameter values where it is completely transparent. Spin resolved transmission probabilities show nontrivial spin transformations at the outputs of the arrays. When point-like random scattering centers are placed between the rings, the Aharonov-Bohm peaks split, and an oscillatory behavior of the conductance emerges as a function of the SOI strength.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Hataratlepes es Inkluzio – Tanarok Tanulasanak Tamogatasa

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    A tanulmány egy olyan nemzetközi projekt eredményeit és fejlesztéseit összegzi, melynek célja az inkluzív oktatás támogatása érdekében gyakorló tanárok és tanárjelöltek tanulását segítő anyagok kidolgozása és fejlesztése. A projekt abból az elméleti alapvetésből indul ki, hogy a komplex iskolai problémák kezeléséhez a szereplők közti együttműködés szükséges, ehhez készít támogató anyagokat. Jelen tanulmány a projektben zajló fejlesztés elméleti kereteinek rövid összegzését követően a projektben kifejlesztett eszközöket mutatja be, majd ismerteti egy pilot képzés fejlesztésének vizsgálatát. A pilot fejlesztése a kutatás alapú tervezés megközelítésre épül, ennek vizsgálati elemeit és eredményeit ismertetjük a kutatási részben. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a tananyagok segítik a közös probléma-feldolgozást, az eszközök különösen sikeresnek mutatkoztak a pedagógusok többszempontú problémamegoldásának ösztönzésében

    Spin Density Distribution in a Nitroxide Biradical Containing 13C-Enriched Acetylene Groups in the Bridge: DFT Calculations and EPR Investigation

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    Abstract A specially synthesized nitroxide biradical R6-13C:C-p-C6H4–C:13CR6,B3, where R6 = 1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine nitroxide, has been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). Spin density distribution and hyperfine splitting (hfs) constant on 13C atoms calculations for biradical B3 were carried out using B3LYP and PBE0 functionals and several different basis sets including N07 family and were compared with the experimental value of the hfs constant on 13C atoms, measured from ENDOR spectra of B3. The mechanism of the intramolecular electron spin exchange in B3 biradical is discussed

    Networks of quantum nanorings: programmable spintronic devices

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    An array of quantum rings with local (ring by ring) modulation of the spin orbit interaction (SOI) can lead to novel effects in spin state transformation of electrons. It is shown that already small (3x3, 5x5) networks are remarkably versatile from this point of view: Working in a given network geometry, the input current can be directed to any of the output ports, simply by changing the SOI strengths by external gate voltages. Additionally, the same network with different SOI strengths can be completely analogous to the Stern-Gerlach device, exhibiting spatial-spin entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Nano Letter

    Magnetic-noise-spectrum measurement by an atom laser in gravity

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    Borromean Binding of Three or Four Bosons

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    We estimate the ratio R=g3/g2R=g_{3}/g_{2} of the critical coupling constants g2g_{2} and g3g_{3} which are required to achieve binding of 2 or 3 bosons, respectively, with a short-range interaction, and examine how this ratio depends on the shape of the potential. Simple monotonous potentials give R0.8R\simeq 0.8. A wide repulsive core pushes this ratio close to R=1. On the other hand, for an attractive well protected by an external repulsive barrier, the ratio approaches the rigorous lower bound R=2/3R=2/3. We also present results for N=4 bosons, sketch the extension to N>4N>4, and discuss various consequences.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 5 Figures in tex include