1,017 research outputs found

    Le tératome cervical: A propos de 2 cas

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    Le tératome est une tumeur embryonnaire généralement localisé au niveau sacro-coccygien. La localisation cervicale est rare, et ne représente que3%, elle est associée à un fort taux de mortalité arrivant jusqu’à 80 % à la période néonatale du fait de l’obstruction des voies aériennes.L’immaturité n’est pas un signe de malignité quand la tumeur est prise en charge à la période néonatale. Nous rapportons 2 cas colligés au servicede chirurgie pédiatrique du CHU HASSAN II de Fès, en mettant en relief qu’il existe encore un manque de diagnostic anténatal, malgrél’amélioration de la prise en charge des nouveaux nés.Key words: Tératome cervical géant, nouveau né, chirurgi

    Wavelet phase evaluation extended to digital speckle patterninterferometry

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    A wavelet algorithm developed to improve metrology based on electronic speckle pattern intérferometry (ESPI) is presented. The wavelet algorithm is based on the calculation of the continuous wavelet transform of a modulated speckle correlation fringes .The Paul wavelet is used , the extraction of the maximum scales of the modulus of the wavelet transform leads simply to the phase gradient distribution. The advantage of the method is to provide phase distribution, with a high accuracy, from a single interferogram without unwrapping step.A wavelet algorithm developed to improve metrology based on electronic speckle pattern intérferometry (ESPI) is presented. The wavelet algorithm is based on the calculation of the continuous wavelet transform of a modulated speckle correlation fringes .The Paul wavelet is used , the extraction of the maximum scales of the modulus of the wavelet transform leads simply to the phase gradient distribution. The advantage of the method is to provide phase distribution, with a high accuracy, from a single interferogram without unwrapping step

    Aneurysmal bone cyst primary - about eight pediatric cases: radiological aspects and review of the literature

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    The aneurysmal bone cyst is a pseudotumoral lesion that can take several aspects. This is a rare lesion representing 1% of bone tumors. It appears usually during the first 30 years of life. The pathogenesis is that of a process of "dysplasia/hyperplasia", favored by a circulatory deficiency and hemorrhage within the lesion and the phenomena of osteoclasis. The objective of this work is to illustrate with analysis, the specific forms and atypical aneurysmal bone cyst which often pose a diagnostic challenge requiring radiological investigation with histological confirmation. We report eight pediatric cases of aneurysmal cysts collected over a period of 3 years, 3 boys and 5 girls. All patients had standard radiographs. MRI was performed in three patients. The diagnosis was confirmed histologically. The atypia has been in the seat: fibula (1 case), metaphyseal (2 cases), diaphyseal (4 cases) and metatarsal (1 case). Aneurysmal bone cyst is a rare benign tumor with predilection to the metaphysis of long bones. Atypical forms even fewer are dominated by the atypical seat.Key words: Bone cyst, aneurysm, osteolytic lesio

    Relationship tensions and mood: Adult children’s daily experience of aging parents’ stubbornness

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    This study examined middle‐aged individuals’ reports of parents’ behaviors commonly attributed to stubbornness. Middle‐aged adults (N = 192) completed a 7‐day diary reporting their mood and how often they felt their parents (N = 254) engaged in behaviors often described as “stubbornness” (insistent or risky). Thirty‐one percent of middle‐aged children reported insistent behaviors, and 17% reported risky behaviors by their parent(s). Daily reports of parent behaviors attributed to stubbornness were positively associated with parent–child relationship quality, parent functional limitations, and child neuroticism. Reports of perceived parent insistent behaviors were also associated with greater daily negative mood among adult children. Findings highlight the impact of adult children’s daily perceptions of parent behaviors commonly attributed to stubbornness on the individual and relationship.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142899/1/pere12229_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142899/2/pere12229.pd

    Immobilization of bovine serum albumin on the chitosan/PVA film

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    Chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol (Chitosan/PVA) blended film was prepared by direct blend process and solution casting methods. In order to reduce the swelling ratio and enhance the chemical and mechanical stability, Chitosan/PVA film was crosslinked with glutaraldehyde in order to produce Chitosan-g-PVA. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as a model protein to incorporate into the Chitosan-g-PVA. The chemical structure and morphological characteristics of films were studied by FT-IR and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mechanical and physical properties of blended films such as tensile properties in the dry and wet states, water uptake and water contact angle measurement were characterized. Blending PVA and chitosan improved strength and flexibility of the films. Crosslinking with glutaraldehyde further improves the tensile strength and decrease the hydrophilicity of films. BSA immobilized on the Chitosan-g-PVA film was calculated as BSA encapsulation efficiency

    Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Systolic Blood Pressure Control Loop

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    We use detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) to study the dynamics of blood pressure oscillations and its feedback control in rats by analyzing systolic pressure time series before and after a surgical procedure that interrupts its control loop. We found, for each situation, a crossover between two scaling regions characterized by exponents that reflect the nature of the feedback control and its range of operation. In addition, we found evidences of adaptation in the dynamics of blood pressure regulation a few days after surgical disruption of its main feedback circuit. Based on the paradigm of antagonistic, bipartite (vagal and sympathetic) action of the central nerve system, we propose a simple model for pressure homeostasis as the balance between two nonlinear opposing forces, successfully reproducing the crossover observed in the DFA of actual pressure signals

    The endorsement of cognitive distortions: comparing child pornography offenders and contact sex offenders

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    This study examined the endorsement of cognitive distortions in child pornography offenders (CPOs), using an established assessment tool, the Abel and Becker Cognition Scale. The scale was expanded to include cognitions specific to child pornography offending, extracted from Howitt and Sheldon’s Children and Sexual Activities Inventory (C&SA). Three samples of CPOs, child sex offenders and offenders with both offence types responded to the cognition items. An exploratory Principal Component Analysis suggested six main components of the scale. CPOs were significantly less likely to endorse these statements in general, and this was more pronounced on items that project blame onto the child or other people, describe a need for power and consider children as sexually active. The statements extracted from C&SA did not differentiate between the groups. These findings are discussed under consideration of the relationship between cognitive distortions and contact sex offending, and in reference to the general criticism concerning the definition and appropriate measurement of cognitive distortion

    Romantic jealousy and relationship satisfaction: the costs of rumination

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    The experience of romantic jealousy and its influence on relationship outcomes is unclear. Romantic jealousy is often associated with damaging effects; on the other hand, jealousy is linked to positive relationship outcomes such as increased commitment. In this study, we aimed to address inconsistencies in previous research by proposing rumination as a mediator between romantic jealousy (cognitive jealousy and surveillance behaviors) and relationship dissatisfaction. We also aimed to extend our understanding of behavioral responses to jealousy, and in particular, partner surveillance and its link to relational dissatisfaction by proposing a research question. Overall, there were two paths to relationship dissatisfaction: Cognitive jealousy and surveillance behaviors were associated with relationship dissatisfaction via rumination, and cognitive jealousy was also directly associated with relationship dissatisfaction. Interestingly, surveillance behaviors were directly associated with relationship satisfaction. From these results, rumination is highlighted as a factor in explaining the link between romantic jealousy and relationship dissatisfaction. Clinical implications are discussed