324 research outputs found
Possibilities of Funding Non-profit Organisations in the Czech Republic
Import 29/09/2010V dnešní složité ekonomické situaci musí každá organizace sledovat a umět řešit svou finanční situaci. Neziskové organizace mají o to těžší úkol, jelikož jejich hlavní činnost je činností nevýdělečnou, a přesto musí získat dostatek finančních prostředků, aby zabezpečili fungování organizace, a tím plnil svůj stanovený cíl. Ve své bakalářské práci stručně charakterizuji jednotlivé druhy neziskových organizací v České republice a provedu analýzu možných zdrojů financování pro neziskové organizace. Také provedu zhodnocení možností financování neziskových organizací v České republice. Tím umožním zájemcům, kteří přemýšlí o založení neziskové organizace, se blíže seznámit s problematikou financování neziskových organizací, a tím přispět k jejich úspěšnosti.Each organization has to monitor and know how to solve their financial situation in today's difficult economic situation. Nonprofit organizations have a harder task in it, because their main activity is non-profitable activity, despite they must obtain sufficient funds to secure the functioning of the organization and thereby fulfill its stated objective. In my Bachelor thesis I briefly describe the different types of nonprofit organizations in the Czech Republic and I will analyze potential funding sources for nonprofit organizations. Also I will conduct an evaluation of financing options for nonprofit organizations in the Czech Republic. Thereby I will enable to the candidates who are thinking about establishing of a non-profit organization, to be more familiar with the issue of funding of nonprofit organizations and thereby contribute to their success.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn
Climate change, depletion of natural resources, social inequality and poverty, a lack of food resources, etc. issues related to world sustainable development has become increasingly relevant in the last 50 years, negatively affecting people\u27s opportunities, and living standards in various countries. Despite these problems, the average level of wealth of the population in the world is gradually increasing over time. Considering forecasts on population growth by the end of the 21st century, it must be admitted that the current world-dominant linear economic model is fully unsustainable in resource consumption, as there is a natural barrier to economic growth. The aim of the present research study is to explore the potential of the circular economy as a tool for achieving sustainable development, based on a theoretical framework. This paper was built based on a broad literature review to examine the limitations and conceptual gaps of the circular economy concept as a tool for achieving sustainable development. It has been concluded that the circular economy concept undeniably has huge potential to promote sustainability within planetary boundaries as well as it can be implemented to decouple economic growth from the utilization of finite resources. However, a broader analysis of the circular economy concept allows us to assert that to date, a clear and effective approach for the transition to this economic model, affecting all areas of sustainable development (i.e. environmental, economic, social) has not been developed. In addition, the circular economy concept is still evolving, there is a tendency to view the circular economy concept holistically, covering various sub-concepts of the circular economy under the common Sustainable Circular Economy concept\u27s umbrella
The place and role of effective classroom management in the improvement of Mathematics education in Gauteng province
This study explores the feelings, perceptions and experiences of Mathematics educators as they use classroom management to improve Mathematics education in the sampled four secondary schools in the Gauteng province. The main research question was to understand the place and role of effective classroom management in the improvement of mathematics education. In answering this question, the researcher collected data through purposively and conveniently selected four schools in Gauteng province. The researcher engaged the Mathematics head of department and Mathematics educators of participating schools to conduct face-to-face semi-structured interviews with heads of departments, and focus group discussions with Mathematics educators. Data was also collected through limited observation of different administrative aspects in Mathematics classrooms. Data collected was thematically analysed. The data analysis resulted in four main themes emerging. Overall, it was identified that Mathematics educators are expected to perform multiple tasks which necessitate good classroom management skills thereby enhancing an improvement in the performance of learners. From the data obtained, analysed and discussed, the study established that good Mathematics teaching cannot be separated from effectively managing classes, and that effective classroom management is a necessity in Gauteng province. Several elements which enhance effective classroom management were found to be, possession of relevant and adequate resources in the form of material and physical or material, educator professional skills and characteristics, parental and school management support as well as positive learner participation. it was seen that educators were facing several challenges which interfere with their efforts to restore and maintain an organised teaching–learning environment.Educational Management and LeadershipPh. D. (Educational Management
The aim of the work is to evaluate the participation of residents in the house management process and the factors influencing it, and develop proposals for improving participation. The problem of research - home management is a primary need of every apartment owner, and it is their duty to take part in this process, however, the public still lacks knowledge and neutral, objective information in house management and administration process. Novelty of the research - identified the main inhibitory factor to citizen participation in the house management process
Accounting Changes in the Public Sector in Estonia
This paper reviews the implementation of the accrual accounting in the entities of the Estonian public sector. It gives a brief overview of the historical development of governmental accounting theories and examines the introduction of theory-based accounting policy. It explains main problems and risks to face in connection with the accounting system change process and offers solutions. This study attempts to answer the following research question: how to gain full benefit from accounting information in public sector entities. As to general scientific research methods, mainly comparative analysis and description were used. This study reveals as follows. Firstly, approach to accrual accounting leads to financial information that fulfils needs for true and fair accounting data for decision making purposes. Secondly, reform of public sector financial accounting can improve the quality and the quantity of services provided to the citizens. Thirdly, the Estonian accounting regulation has recently succeeded a remarkable evolution. Fourthly, considerable problems that need to be solved have arisen from the process of the transition to the accrual basis accounting. The given study does not touch upon the development of budgeting systems for public sector entities. Hopefully, this study will contribute to further optimization of accounting systems and management tools for public sector entities in Estonia. Therefore, it will contribute to economic growth and development of business environment. Studies carried out by independent researchers on the move to accrual based accounting in public sector entities are relatively scarce
Epidemioloogiline olukord Eestis 2002. aastal
Artiklis on esitatud ülevaade soolenakkushaiguste levikust Eestis. Kaasaegset olukorda iseloomustab haigestumise jätkuv vähenemistendents kõigi soolenakkuste osas. See on kestva tõrjetegevuse tulemus. Siiski pole õnnestunud vältida inimeste rühmaviisi haigestumist (nn puhanguid). Immunoprofülaktika korraldus vajab täiustamist, sest kaitsepookijad lahendavad olulise tähtsusega probleeme erinevalt. Lülijalgsete siirutatavatest haigustest levivad praegu suhteliselt intensiivselt puukentsefaliit ja puukborrelioos (Lyme’i tõbi). Nende levikut on võimalik piirata repellentide laiema kasutamisega
Since the transition to a circular economy (CE) in various sectors is a priority strategic goal of policy planning in the European Union (EU), the goal of this article is to reveal the principles of the CE in the food sector. To achieve the goal, the study is based on a systematic literature review using the literature synthesis and analysis method and the PRISMA 2020 approach for the selection of appropriate literature. From 25 articles, which were selected from the SCOPUS database, 20 were left for final analysis. Based on the literature review, it was discovered that the main principles of the CE in the food sector are management of resources and waste, emission control, natural and production resource sustainability, increase in energy efficiency, reduction and prevention of food waste, recycling and reuse of food waste and public involvement in the transition to the CE. The determination of CE principles in the food sector is the basis for choosing goals and a right strategy for the implementation of CE principles in practice in this are
Escherichia coli soolenakkus Eestis
Artiklis on esitatud ülevaade E. coli soolenakkuse (ešerihhioosi) levikust Eestis, mis põhineb Tervisekaitseinspektsiooni arhiivimaterjalil. Diarröageensete ešerihhiate põhjustatud soolenakkus kulgeb gastroenteriidi või enterokoliidina. Ohtlikud on enterohemorraagiliste ešerihhiate põhjustatud soolenakkused, sest nendega kaasneda võivate tüsistuste puhul on suremus 5–10%. Vaatamata haiguse üldisele vähenemistendentsile nõuab ešerihhiooside diagnoosimine ja ravi jätkuvat tähelepanu.
Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (6): 416-42
Läkaköha tõrje tulemusi
Immunoprofülaktikat on Eestis kasutatud läkaköha ennetusmeetmena ligi pool sajandit. Selle tulemusena on haigestumine periooditi vähenenud, kuid erinevalt teistest immunoprofülaktika abil juhitavatest nakkushaigustest ei ole läkaköha tõrjetulemused osutunud püsikindlaks. Viimastel aastakümnetel on ilmnenud haiguse sagenemise tendents. Läkaköha profülaktika ebakohti on eelseisvail aastail otstarbekas käsitleda kui tundmaõppimist vajavaid teadusprobleeme.
Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (1): 31-3
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