233 research outputs found

    Smart development of Polish and the European Union

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    Inteligentny rozwój Polski i Unii Europejskiej to strategia Zjednoczonych Państw Europy polegająca na rozwoju gospodarki opartej na wiedzy i innowacji. Stanowi on swoistą, długofalową wizję społecznej gospodarki rynkowej przyjętą w 2010 roku przez Unię Europejską w celu wyjścia z kryzysu gospodarczego. Opracowana strategia ,,Europa 2020’’, jak również Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój mają zapewnić państwom członkowskim Unii Europejskiej wkroczenie na drogę zrównoważonego wzrostu, który w przyszłości zapewni dobrobyt i postęp społeczny. W tych wspólnych działaniach Unii Europejskiej najistotniejsze są procesy rozwojowe oparte na: wiedzy, innowacji, inwestycjach i właściwie zarządzanych finansach. Po kryzysie przywódcy Europy 2008 roku dostrzegli, że powstaje nowy paradygmat technologiczny. Tworzy się nowe społeczeństwo informacyjne i społeczeństwo wiedzy. Z tego też względu w państwach członkowskich Unii obowiązkowo muszą być wprowadzone i realizowane prawne zasady prowadzenia polityki rozwoju. Każda z polityk narodowych musi uwzględniać trzy strategiczne priorytety w zakresie rozwoju, tj.: wzrost inteligentny, wzrost zrównoważony i wzrost sprzyjający włączeniu społecznemu. Aktualnie postęp kulturalno-cywilizacyjny wręcz wymusza na państwach przyjęcie w swoich strategiach krajowych i polityce rozwoju pięciu kluczowych celów w przedmiocie: zatrudnienia, inwestycji, emisji gazów cieplarnianych, nauki i kształcenia oraz wykluczenia i ubóstwa. W Polsce zostały przyjęte i są wdrażane krajowe programy reform wyznaczające sposoby realizacji priorytetów i celów strategii ,,Europa 2020’’. Godne uwagi jest to, że realizację priorytetów i celów krajowych wspiera Komisja Europejska, dążąc do tego, aby rozwój zrównoważony, wspierając gospodarkę krajową, efektywniej korzystał z zasobów i był bardziej przyjazny środowisku dla dobra przyszłych pokoleń.Smart development of Polish and the European Union is a strategy of the United States of Europe involving the development of an economy based on knowledge and innovation. It is peculiar, long-term vision of the social market economy adopted in 2010 by the European Union to exit from the economic crisis. Developed strategy, ,,Europe 2020’’ as well as the Operational Programme Development of Intelligent shall provide the Member States of the European Union encroachment on the path of sustainable growth, which in the future will ensure prosperity and social progress. In these joint activities of the European Union's most important developmental processes are based on knowledge, innovation, investment, and well-managed finances. The leaders of Europe after the crisis 2008 years have recognized that a new technological paradigm. Creates a new information society and knowledge society. Therefore, in the Member States of the Union must necessarily be introduced and implemented the legal principles of development policy. Each national policies must take account of three strategic priorities for development ie smart growth, sustainable growth and growth conducive to social exclusion. At present, the progress of culture and civilization simply forces the adoption of their national strategies and development policies to achieve five key objectives concerning employment, investments, greenhouse gas emissions, science and education, and poverty and social exclusion. In Poland, have been adopted and are being implemented in the national reform programs defining the ways of the priorities and objectives of the strategy, ,,Europe 2020’’. Worth emphasizing is that the priorities and objectives of the national supports the European Commission with a view to the sustainable development to support the domestic economy more efficient use of resources and a more friendly environment for future [email protected]ł Ekonomii i Zarządzania, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku6(72)17018

    Geochemistry, petrology and evolutionary computations in the service of archaeology: restoration of the historical smelting process at the Katowice–Szopienice site

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    Acknowledgments This study was was supported by NCN 53 grant No. 2014/13/B/ST10/02403, entitled “Zinc and lead metallurgical slags—testing ground for investigation of behaviour of potentially toxic elements in the crystal phase structures and their interaction with environment” given to AG and supported by the grant of Centre for Polar Studies, University of Silesia, Poland—The Leading National Research Centre (KNOW) in Earth Sciences 2014-2018 given to RWActivity at the smelting plant at Katowice–Szopienice dates back to the nineteenth century. Currently, the Museum of Zinc has been funded at the site. Unfortunately, as a result of unrest during both World Wars, all technological descriptions were lost. Three historically described samples were provided by Museum of Zinc and additional slag and lining samples were collected directly from the furnace. “Enriched ore” is dominated by ZnS (89.5%) as sphalerite and wurtzite accompanied by gangue minerals. “Roasted ore” is composed mainly of zincite (74%) resulting from the oxidation of ZnS. Study has proved that “roasted ore with coke” sample description is inappropriate. It is zinc depleted and enriched in Si (22.93 wt.%), Al (9.16 wt.%), C (9.66 wt.%) and its phase composition suggest that it contains recycled lining material and coke. Such characteristics place sample as additions used for smelting process. Advanced mathematical tool, the differential evolution algorithm, was used for restoration of smelting process at the site. Algorithm proved great usefulness by providing low dispersed results for calculated compositions of loss on smelting (mainly yield) with the fitting error reduced down to 1.19 wt.%. Loss on smelting composition was dominated by Zn (41.40 wt.%), Si (9.67 wt.%) and C (9.50 wt.%). Proportion of roasted ore to addition in smelting process was estimated as 1:1.27 and loss on smelting share from batch was 62%. Geochemistry and petrology have provided rich qualitative information about the samples and smelting process, but in combination with evolutionary computations, high-quality quantitative data were obtained

    Wpływ analizy fundamentalnej na skuteczność systemów wspomagających decyzje inwestycyjne

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    Wskaźnik ATR (Average True Range) na rynku walutowym jest bardzo często stosowanym narzędziem umożliwiającym ustalenie poziomu zabezpieczenia. Jednak nierzadko zdarza się, iż podczas istotnych wydarzeń ekonomicznych następują silne wahania danej pary walutowej, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do zamknięcia zlecenia ze stratą. W artykule zaproponowana została modyfikacja wskaźnika ATR, uwzględniająca możliwą dynamikę zmian ceny zarówno przed, jak i po pojawieniu się danej informacji ekonomicznej

    Adaptacyjny algorytm ewolucji różnicowej w rozwiązywaniu problemów teorii gier

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    Analiza wyników przeprowadzonych badan eksperymentalnych pozwoliła wysnuć szereg wniosków. Stanowi jednocześnie dobry punkt wyjścia do dalszych badań nad zagadnieniem generowania równowag Nasha w grach n-osobowych. Pytaniem otwartym pozostaje maksymalny rozmiar gier, dla których równowagi Nasha mogą być efektywnie wyznaczane przez adaptacyjny algorytm ewolucji różnicowej. Ponadto, istotnym zagadnieniem jest także wyznaczenie zbioru strategii aktywnych należących do rozwiązania. Zagadnienie to związane jest ściśle z optymalizacja kombinatoryczna i dobre efekty powinno przynieść w tym wypadku zastosowanie algorytmów mrowiskowych lub symulowanego wyżarzania. Zagadnienia związane z algorytmem ewolucji różnicowej powinny być rozwijane w kierunku adaptacji parametrów, co prowadzi do ograniczenia ingerencji użytkownika w sam algorytm. Jednocześnie duża skuteczność opisanej metody pozwala sądzić, iż inne metaheurystyki mogą umożliwiać generowanie satysfakcjonujących rezultatów w zbliżonych problemach. Potwierdzenie tego mogłoby skutkować próba budowy hiperheurystyki stosowanej w problemach teorii gier

    The pyrolytic-plasma method and the device for the utilization of hazardous waste containing organic compounds

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    This paper is focused on the new method of waste processing. The waste, including hazardous waste, contain organic compounds. The method consists in two main processes: the pyrolysis of waste and the oxidation of the pyrolytic gas with a use of non-equilibrium plasma. The practical implementation of the method requires the design, construction and testing of the new device in large laboratory scale. The experiments were carried out for the two kinds of waste: polyethylene as a model waste and the electronic waste as a real waste. The process of polyethylene decomposition showed that the operation of the device is correct because 99.74% of carbon moles contained in the PE samples was detected in the gas after the process. Thus, the PE samples practically were pyrolyzed completely to hydrocarbons, which were completely oxidized in the plasma reactor. It turned out that the device is useful for decomposition of the electronic waste. The conditions in the plasma reactor during the oxidation process of the pyrolysis products did not promote the formation of PCDD/Fs despite the presence of the oxidizing conditions. An important parameter determining the efficiency of the oxidation of the pyrolysis products is gas temperature in the plasma reactor.Web of Science31829028

    Effect of genomic and subgenomic leader sequences of potato leafroll virus on gene expression

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    AbstractThe effect of the genomic and subgenomic leader sequence of potato leafroll polerovirus on the efficiency of translation of the downstream located genes has been studied. The results obtained in vitro and in vivo indicate that neither leader sequence functions as translational enhancer, a generally important feature of leader sequences. Deletion analyses demonstrated that both leader sequences not only decrease translation of the downstream located genes but also alter the ratio of the synthesized proteins. A correlation between the in vitro and in vivo results can be established in the case of the subgenomic leader sequence

    Equine endometrosis pathological features: are they dependent on NF-κB signaling pathway?

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences ; ZoologyEndometrosis is an important mares’ disease which considerably decreases their fertility. As classic endometrial classification methods might be insufficient for tissue pathological evaluation, further categorization into active/inactive and destructive/non-destructive types was developed by Hoffmann and others. This study aimed to compare NF-κB pathway genes transcription among histopathological types of endometrosis, following Hoffmann and co-authors’ classification. Endometrial samples, collected postmortem from cyclic mares (n = 100) in estrus or diestrus, were classified histologically and used for gene transcription assessment. Gene transcription of NF-κB subunits (RelA, NF-κB1, NF-κB2), pro-inflammatory molecules (MCP-1, IL-6), and hyaluronan synthases (HAS 1, HAS 2, HAS 3) was compared among endometrosis types (active, non-active, destructive, non-destructive). Most individual mRNA samples showed high expression of RelA, NF-κB1, and MCP-1 gene transcripts and the destructive type of endometrosis, simultaneously. The expression of RelA and NF-κB1 genes was higher in active destructive group than in the other groups only in the follicular phase, as well as being higher in the inactive destructive group than in the others, only in the mid-luteal phase. The increase in gene transcription of the NF-κB canonical activation pathway in destructive endometrosis may suggest the highest changes in extracellular matrix deposition. Moreover, the estrous cycle phase might influence fibrosis pathogenesis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nucleotide sequence and variations of the bovine myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C) gene promoter in Bos Taurus cattle

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    Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2 (MEF2) proteins are a small family of transcription factors that play pivotal role in morphogenesis and myogenesis of skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells. In vertebrates, there are four MEF2 genes, referred to as MEF2A, -B, -C, and -D, that are located on different chromosomes. After birth MEF2A, MEF2B, MEF2D transcriptions are expressed ubiquitously, whereas MEF2C transcripts are restricted to skeletal muscle, brain, and spleen. In this study, on the basis of the sequences of the bovine chromosome 7 genomic contig, available in the GenBank database, sets of PCR primers were designed and to amplify the bovine MEF2C gene promoter region, exon 1 (5′UTR) and part sequence of the intron 1. Seven overlapping fragments of the bovine MEF2C gene were amplified and then sequenced. Altogether, these fragments were composed in the 3,120-bp sequence which was deposited in the GenBank database under accession no. GU211007. The sequence fragment included the putative site of the promoter region and transcription start of the exon 1. The sequence analysis of these fragments in individual animals representing different Bos taurus breeds revealed four variations in promoter region: g.-1606C>T, g.-1336_-1335DelG, g.-818C>T, g.-613_-612DelA and four SNPs within intron 1: g.2711A>G, g. 2913A>G, g.2962G>T and g.3014A>G. No polymorphism was found within sequence of the exon 1 (5′UTR). These polymorphisms were identified for first time using these sequences and were confirmed by RFLP or MSSCP methods