78 research outputs found

    Preemptive Fuzzy Goal Programming in Fuzzy Environments

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    There are a variety of efficient approaches to solve crisp multiple objective decision making problems. However in the real life the input data may not be precisely determined because of the incomplete information. This paper deals with a method which can be applied to solve fuzzy multi objective production marketing problems

    Der Entwicklungsbegriff und die ethische Dimension von Entwicklung

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwicklungsbegriff und der „ethischen Dimension von Entwicklung”. Ausgangspunkt ist die Beobachtung, dass in den letzten Jahrzehnten die Hemmnisse für ein gutes und menschenwürdiges Leben für Millionen von Menschen weltweit nicht beseitigt werden konnten. Ein Hauptgrund dafür lässt sich darin erkennen, dass wesentliche Aspekte einer humanen Entwicklung Wachstumsbestrebungen nachgestellt wurden. Daher gilt es zu fragen, was „Entwicklung” eigentlich bedeutet und mit welcher Sicht des Menschen (und seiner Beziehung zu Anderen und zur Umwelt) diese zusammenhängt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der Entwicklungsbegriff aus einer historischen Perspektive näher untersucht. Daraus geht hervor, dass dieser mit unterschiedlichen Inhalten besetzt ist und vielseitig verwendet wurde und wird. Diese Begriffsinhalte werden freigelegt und die Problematik der ökonomischen Verengung kurz diskutiert. Gleichzeitig wird daraus die Notwendigkeit einer ethischen Dimension von Entwicklung begründet und im Anschluss auf das Verhältnis von Entwicklung und Ethik näher eingegangen. Es werden zentrale Aspekte der ethischen Dimension von Entwicklung erörtert und auf die Dringlichkeit ihrer stärkeren Berücksichtigung, gerade in einer Zeit der zunehmenden Globalisierung, hingewiesen. In einem dritten Teil werden die Theorien von Martha Nussbaum und Ivan Illich als Beiträge zur ethischen Dimension von Entwicklung vorgestellt. Beiden ist gemeinsam, dass sie nach dem guten und würdevollen menschlichen Leben fragen und Entwicklung aus einer ethisch-philosophischen Perspektive reflektieren. Martha Nussbaum ist Philosophin und Entwicklungsethikerin und hat mit ihrem Capabilities Approach einen alternativen Gegenentwurf zu bisherigen Entwicklungsmodellen konzipiert, der Entwicklung als Ausweitung von menschlichen Chancen, Freiräumen, und Möglichkeiten versteht. In Rückgriff auf die aristotelische Ethik entwickelt Nussbaum ihre Theorie des guten Lebens, die als Grundlage für entwicklungspolitische Programme dient. Ivan Illich war Theologe, Philosoph, Schriftsteller und katholischer Priester, der insbesondere in den 1970er Jahren eine Gesellschaftskritik der modernen Industrie- und Konsumgesellschaft vorlegte und die Aspekte dieser in einer Reihe polemischer Schriften ausführte. Berühmt wurde er vor allem durch das interkulturelle Zentrum CIDOC in Cuernavaca, Mexiko, wo sich Intellektuelle aus aller Welt zum Austausch – unter anderem über Entwicklungsfragen – versammelten. Er selbst stand Entwicklung, insbesondere nach westlichem Vorbild, äußerst kritisch gegenüber.This thesis is an examination of the term „development” and its ethical dimension / and „the ethical dimension of development”. The starting point of the analysis is the observation that in recent decades the impediments/obstacles to a decent and dignified human life for millions of people around the world couldn´t be removed. A major cause lies in the fact that economic aspects, directed to growth, were – and still are – considered as more important than aspects of human development. It is therefore necessary to ask, what „development” actually means and which understanding of the human person underlies the idea of development. In the first part of the thesis, the reader will find an analysis of the concept of development from a historical perspective. It shows that the word „development” has different meanings and is somewhat differently defined and used by different academic disciplines. These different meanings are discussed briefly as well as the difficulties associated with the narrow notion of development, focusing on economic aspects. As a result the thesis argues for the stronger consideration of the „ethical dimension of development” – especially with regard to globalization – and examines the relationship between development and ethics by pointing out the central aspects and questions (that) they have in common. The third part of the thesis deals with the theories of Martha Nussbaum and Ivan Illich as contributions to the ethical dimension of development. Both raise questions about the good human life and reflect development from a philosophical perspective. Martha Nussbaum is a famous philosopher and development ethicist. She has designed the so-called Capabilities Approach, (which can be seen as) an ethical approach to development. Her Theory of the Good Life is enchored in Aristotle´s ethics. In Nussbaum´s understanding development means the enlargement of essential human capabilities. Her approach therefore aims to provide a realistic framework for development politics, in order to ensure these entitlements and make a dignified human life possible for all people worldwide. Ivan Illich was a theologian, philosopher, author and catholic priest. He became well known in the 1970s with a radical social critique of the modern Western society and its institutions, which he expressed in various polemical writings. Illich founded the Center for Intercultural Documentation (CIDOC) in Cuernavaca, Mexico, where scholars from all over the world came together to discuss different topics, inter alia development. Illich was questioning the very idea of development and its goals and called for (a less modern but) more convivial and human society

    COVID-19 in Northeast Bosnia and Herzegovina and patient’s length of hospitalization

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    BACKGROUND: Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, clinical data from various parts of the world have been reported. Up till now, there has been no clinical data with regards to COVID-19 from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The aim was to report on the first cohort of patients from B&H and to analyze factors that influence COVID-19 patient’s length of hospitalization (LOH). METHODS: This retrospective cohort study was conducted at Tuzla University Clinical Center (UKC), B&H. It involved 25 COVID-19 positive patients that needed hospitalisation between March 28th and April 27th 2020. The LOH was measured from the time of admission to discharge. Factors analyzed induced age, BMI, presence of known comorbidities, serum creatinine and O2 saturation upon admission. RESULTS: The mean age was 52.92 ± 19.15 years and BMI 28.80 ± 4.22. LOH for patients with BMI < 25 was 9 ± SE2.646 days (CI 95% 3.814–14.816) vs 14.182 ± SE .937 (CI 95% 12.346–16.018 p < 0.05; HR 5.148 CI95% 1.217 to 21.772 p = 0.026) for ≥25 BMI. The mean LOH of patients with normal levels of O2 ≥ 95% was 11.667 ± SE1.202 (CI95% 8.261 to 13.739; p = 0.046), while LOH for patients with < 95% was 14.625 ± SE 1.231 CI95% 12.184 to 16.757 p = 0.042; HR 3.732 CI95%1.137–12.251 p = 0.03). Patients without known comorbidities had a mean LOH of 11.700 ± SE1.075 (CI 95% 9.592–13.808), while those with comorbidities had a mean of 14.8 ± 1.303 (CI 95% 12.247–17.353; p = 0.029) with HR2.552. CONCLUSION: LOH varied among COVID-19 patients and was prolonged when analyzed for BMI ≥25, comorbidities, elevated creatinine, and O2 saturation < 95%. Furthermore, risk factors for COVID-19 patients in B&H do not deviate from those reported in other countries

    Tolerability of Omalizumab in Asthma as a Major Compliance Factor: 10-Year Follow Up

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    BACKGROUND: There is a lack of data related to real life, long-term safety, tolerability and compliance of omalizumab treatment in asthma patients beyond 6 years. AIM: Study aimed to assess safety, tolerability, compliance and all reasons for treatment discontinuation during 10 years on omalizumab. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This is a retrospective, observational study of uncontrolled asthma patients receiving omalizumab for the last 10 years. All data were collected from patients’ files (demographics, adverse events, comorbidities, compliance index, reasons for discontinuation of omalizumab). Reactions to omalizumab were classified as local and systemic, and their severity as mild, moderate or severe. Reactions were either immediate (minutes to hours after drug administration) or delayed (after days). Compliance to omalizumab, defined as Compliance index (CI), was calculated by comparing milligrams of given to milligrams of prescribed dose/ per year. RESULTS: Out of 35 patients receiving omalizumab, 15 drop out at different time points mostly due to treatment efficacy or appearance of new comorbidities. Patients who continue for the next ten years had mild to moderate adverse events related to omalizumab. There was no increased risk of severe adverse events during 10 years on omalizumab. Patient’s treatment tolerability, despite mild to moderate adverse events, is in favour of compliance. CONCLUSION: Compliance with omalizumab mildly decreased over 10 years but was not affected by severe adverse events of treatment or new comorbidities. Although, omalizumab is safe medicine appearance of new comorbidities has to be closely followed up

    Quantitative analyses of interactions between SpoVG and RNA/DNA

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    The Borrelia burgdorferi SpoVG protein has previously been found to be a DNA- and RNA-binding protein. To aid in the elucidation of ligand motifs, affinities for numerous RNAs, ssDNAs, and dsDNAs were measured and compared. The loci used in the study were spoVG, glpFKD, erpAB, bb0242, flaB, and ospAB, with particular focus on the untranslated 5′ portion of the mRNAs. Performing binding and competition assays yielded that the 5′ end of spoVG mRNA had the highest affinity while the lowest observed affinity was to the 5’ end of flaB mRNA. Mutagenesis studies of spoVG RNA and ssDNA sequences suggested that the formation of SpoVG-nucleic acid complexes are not entirely dependent on either sequence or structure. Additionally, exchanging uracil for thymine in ssDNAs did not affect protein-nucleic acid complex formation

    Multifocal versus monofocal intraocular lenses after cataract extraction.

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    BACKGROUND: Good unaided distance visual acuity is now a realistic expectation following cataract surgery and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Near vision, however, still requires additional refractive power, usually in the form of reading glasses. Multiple optic (multifocal) IOLs are available which claim to allow good vision at a range of distances. It is unclear whether this benefit outweighs the optical compromises inherent in multifocal IOLs. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this review was to assess the effects of multifocal IOLs, including effects on visual acuity, subjective visual satisfaction, spectacle dependence, glare and contrast sensitivity, compared to standard monofocal lenses in people undergoing cataract surgery. SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 2), MEDLINE (January 1946 to March 2012), EMBASE (January 1980 to March 2012), the metaRegister of Controlled Trials (mRCT) (www.controlled-trials.com), ClinicalTrials.gov (www.clinicaltrials.gov) and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (www.who.int/ictrp/search/en). We did not use any date or language restrictions in the electronic searches for trials. The electronic databases were last searched on 6 March 2012. We searched the reference lists of relevant articles and contacted investigators of included studies and manufacturers of multifocal IOLs for information about additional published and unpublished studies. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised controlled trials comparing a multifocal IOL of any type with a monofocal IOL as control were included. Both unilateral and bilateral implantation trials were included. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors collected data and assessed trial quality. Where possible, we pooled data from the individual studies using a random-effects model, otherwise we tabulated data. MAIN RESULTS: Sixteen completed trials (1608 participants) and two ongoing trials were identified. All included trials compared multifocal and monofocal lenses but there was considerable variety in the make and model of lenses implanted. Overall we considered the trials at risk of performance and detection bias because it was difficult to mask patients and outcome assessors. It was also difficult to assess the role of reporting bias. There was moderate quality evidence that similar distance acuity is achieved with both types of lenses (pooled risk ratio (RR) for unaided visual acuity worse than 6/6: 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.91 to 1.05). There was also evidence that people with multifocal lenses had better near vision but methodological and statistical heterogeneity meant that we did not calculate a pooled estimate for effect on near vision. Total freedom from use of glasses was achieved more frequently with multifocal than monofocal IOLs. Adverse subjective visual phenomena, particularly haloes, or rings around lights, were more prevalent and more troublesome in participants with the multifocal IOL and there was evidence of reduced contrast sensitivity with the multifocal lenses. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Multifocal IOLs are effective at improving near vision relative to monofocal IOLs. Whether that improvement outweighs the adverse effects of multifocal IOLs will vary between patients. Motivation to achieve spectacle independence is likely to be the deciding factor

    Polyomavirus BK (BKPyV) og simian virus 40 (SV40) koinfeksjon i humane nyreepitelceller

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    Det humane BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) infiserer de fleste mennesker allerede i barndommen og etablerer en latent infeksjon i epitelceller i nyrer og urinveier. BKPyV gir vanligvis bare sykdom hos immunsupprimerte og da spesielt nyre – eller beinmargstransplanterte pasienter. Ape polyomaviruset simian virus 40 (SV40) har mest sannsynlig blitt introdusert til mennesker gjennom kontaminerte polio- og adenovirusvaksiner i årene 1955 – 1963 og ser nå ut til å spres mellom mennesker. Sannsynligvis etablerer også SV40 en latent infeksjon i epitelceller i nyrer og urinveier og viruset er av og til mistenkt i å være involvert i sykdomsutvikling hos nyre – og beinmargstransplanterte og dessuten i en del kreftformer. Siden det er høy homologi mellom proteiner fra BKPyV og SV40 og siden disse virusene sannsynligvis etablerer infeksjon i samme organer, celletype og kanskje til og med i nøyaktig samme celler, er det mulig at infeksjon med det ene viruset kan påvirke infeksjon med det andre viruset og vice versa. Formålet med denne oppgaven er å finne ut om replikasjon av SV40 i nyreepitelceller vil påvirke replikasjon av BKPyV og vice versa
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