319 research outputs found

    Local Institutions and Armed Group Presence in Colombia

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    This paper investigates the causal impact of non-state armed groups on local institutions during the armed conflict in Colombia, and tests competing theoretical mechanisms that may shape such effect. Our identification strategy is based on the construction of contiguous-pairs of rural communities that share common socio-economic characteristics but differ in armed group presence. The results show that the presence of armed groups is associated with increases in overall participation in local organizations, with a particularly strong effect on political organizations. This strengthening of local institutions during wartime appears to be driven by coercion exercised by armed groups that capture local organizations for strategic war purposes, rather than a reflection of a vibrant civil society

    Impact of the wave/wind induced oscillations on the power performance of the WindFloat wind turbine

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    ABSTRACT: The main objective of this work is the characterization of the wave/wind induced oscillations on the power performance of the wind turbine operating on a WindFloat floating system. To assess the potential impact on the wind turbine power performance induced by these oscillations, the nacelle movements of the WindFloat wind turbine were monitored using accelerometer sensors synchronized with : 1) metocean data measured with a buoy; 2) wind turbine power data installed in the WindFloat floating system; and 3) wind speed data gathered from a nacelle-mounted LiDAR. Based on this data, a clustering analysis approach is proposed. No meaningful relationship between the ocean parameters and the nacelle movements or the wind power production could be established. The obtained results suggest that the dynamic adaptation of the drive train (mainly due to wind turbine torque control) to a fast oscillating (primary energy) moving force is the source of the largest oscillations in the nacelle of the WindFloat wind turbine. Nevertheless, results suggest that the wind/wave induced oscillations and their impact on the power performance of the WindFloat wind turbine is low considering its nominal capacity. Outcomes of this work were extremely relevant to demonstrate the stability of the WindFloat system, and, consequently, also important for the development of the floating wind offshore industry (and other technologies).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of job referrals on labor market outcomes in Brazil

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    This paper is the first to use program administrative data from Brazil’s National Employment System (SINE) to assess the impact of SINE job interview referrals on labor market outcomes. We use data from a five-year period (2012–16) to evaluate the impact of SINE job referrals on reemployment, time until reemployment, job tenure, and wage rates. Causal impact estimates based on propensity score matching suggest that a SINE job interview referral increases the probability of finding a job within three months of the referral and reduces the number of months needed to find reemployment, the average job tenure of the next job, and the reemployment wage. Subgroup analysis suggests that SINE is particularly effective at helping less educated workers find work in a timely fashion. Finally, the evidence suggests that the self-service online labor exchange is less effective than the in-person job interview referrals provided at SINE offices

    Estudo do desenvolvimento social e emocional em crianças de ambos os géneros durante a primeira infância

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    Introdução: A escassez de instrumentos de avaliação no âmbito do desenvolvimento social e emocional na primeira infância leva-nos a contribuir para a adaptação e validação do Infant Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) e verificar como se processa esse desenvolvimento relativamente ao género. Objetivos: Traduzir, validar e confirmar a fiabilidade do instrumento ITSEA, a fim de ser utilizado para comparar as diferenças de género existentes no desenvolvimento social e emocional, em crianças entre os 12 e os 36 meses de idade, na região sul de Portugal. Metodologia: Realizou-se o processo de tradução do ITSEA, a análise fatorial exploratória e o estudo da fiabilidade do questionário traduzido. Posteriormente procedeu-se à análise comparativa do desenvolvimento social e emocional entre géneros, através do teste t-Student para amostras independentes. O estudo contemplou uma amostra de 134 crianças. Resultados: Obteve-se níveis aceitáveis de consistência interna e de validade do ITSEA. No estudo comparativo não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os géneros em quaisquer domínios e subdomínios. Conclusões: O ITSEA demonstrou níveis aceitáveis de validade e fiabilidade. O desenvolvimento social e emocional não diferiu entre os géneros, nas crianças da região sul de Portugal; ### ABSTRACT Study of social and emotional development in children of both genders during early childhood Introduction: The lack of assessment tools in the scope of social and emotional development in early childhood leads us to contribute to the adaptation and validation of the Infant Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) and to verify how this development occurs in both genders. Objectives: Translate, validate and confirm the reliability of the ITSEA tool so that it can be used to compare the existing gender differences in social and emotional development, in children aged between 12 and 36 months, in the southern region of Portugal. Methodology: The ITSEA tool was translated, followed by the exploratory factorial analysis and finally we studied the reliability of the translated questionnaire. Afterwards a comparative analysis of the social and emotional development between genders was undertaken, through the t-student test in order to obtain independent samples. The study sample included 134 children. Results: Acceptable levels of internal consistency and ITSEA validation were obtained. In the comparative study no statistically significant differences were found between genders in any domain or sub domain. Conclusions: The ITSEA shown acceptable levels of validation and reliability. The social and emotional development did not differ between the genders, in the children in the southern region of Portugal

    O Serviço social na atenção à saúde no sistema prisional do Distrito Federal

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, 2017.Este trabalho, intitulado: “O Serviço Social na atenção à saúde no sistema prisional do Distrito Federal”, tem como objetivo compreender a inserção do Assistente Social no âmbito da saúde prisional no Distrito Federal. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o Assistente Social é também um profissional da saúde e nesse sentido busca-se analisar como a profissão se insere Atenção Primária em Saúde, com ênfase para a saúde prisional. O estudo contemplou a realização de pesquisa empírica, do tipo qualitativa, realizada por meio de aplicação de questionário e de entrevista semi - estruturada com Assistentes Sociais que atuam junto ao serviço de saúde no sistema prisional do Distrito Federal. O estudo aborda a relação entre Serviço Social e questão social, bem como, procura contextualizar o Assistente Social como profissional da saúde. Aponta aspectos reflexivos sobre a política de saúde, a Atenção Primária em Saúde e a saúde prisional, com foco no Distrito Federal. Discorre sobre a prática do Assistente Social na saúde prisional do DF, a partir dos resultados da pesquisa empírica, que sinalizam para inúmeros desafios no exercício profissional, considerando as características desse espaço sócio – ocupacional.This work, titled: "The Social Service in health care in the prison system of the Federal District", aims to understand the insertion of the social worker in the field of prison health in the Federal District. Part of the assumption is that the social worker is also a health professional and in this sense seeks to analyze how the profession is inserted Primary Health Care, with emphasis on prison health. The study contemplated the accomplishment of empirical research, of the qualitative type, accomplished by means of application of questionnaire and semi - structured interview with social assistants who work with the health service in the prison system of the Federal District. The study addresses the relationship between social service and social issue, as well as, seeks to contextualize the social worker as a health professional. It points out reflective aspects about health policy, Primary Health Care and prison health, focusing on the Federal District. It discusses the practice of the social worker in prison health in the Federal District, based on the results of empirical research, which point to numerous challenges in the professional practice, considering the characteristics of this social - occupational space

    Poliedros de Platão

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    Geometry is, frequent, taught in the schools in traditional way, with the theories of didactic books. However, this work has as objective a bibliographical research and a proposal of activity to awake in the pupils the interest for special geometry in the Polyhedra of Platão, being shown that the study of the subject it can be understood of practical, dynamic and amused form. In such a way we can: historically to point out regular Geometry, Platão and its polyhedra, to identify platonic solids, to calculate areas, perimeters and volumes, to relate volumes and capacities to construct Geometric Solids, using tools of daily with the activity the regular Polyhedra: making the pazes with the intuition.A Geometria é frequentemente ensinada nas escolas de modo tradicional, com as teorias dos livros didáticos. No entanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo uma pesquisa bibliográfica e uma proposta de atividade para despertar nos alunos o interesse pela Geometria, em especial os Poliedros de Platão, mostrando que o estudo do assunto pode ser entendido de forma prática, dinâmica e divertida. Desta forma, podemos situar historicamente a Geometria, Platão e seus poliedros regulares, identificar sólidos platônicos, calcular áreas, perímetros e volumes, relacionar volumes e capacidades de construir Sólidos Geométricos, utilizando ferramentas do cotidiano com a atividade Poliedros regulares: fazendo as pazes com a intuição

    The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of wave energy using GIS based analysis: the case study of Portugal

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    The main objective of this paper is to establish an economic modelling of wave energy through a Geographical Information System (GIS). Furthermore, this method has been tested for the particular case of the Portuguese coast. It determines the best sea areas to install wave energy converters in this region, using spatial analysis of the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). Several economic parameters, as capital or O&M costs, have been considered. In addition, a sensitivity analysis has been performed by varying the discount rate in three different scenarios. Several types of physical restrictions have been taken into account: bathymetry, submarine electrical cables, seabed geology, environmental conditions, protected areas in terms of heritage, navigation areas, seismic fault lines, etc. Spatial operations have been carried out to complete the procedure, using Model Builder of GIS software. Results indicate the most suitable areas in economic terms in Portugal to install wave energy devices

    Heterogeneous Impacts on Layoffs of Changes in Brazilian Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Rules

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    This paper is based on the first use of program administrative data from Brazil’s unemployment insurance (UI) program to assess the impact of changes in UI eligibility criteria on layoff probabilities. We exploit exogenous program changes introduced by executive and legislative changes in 2015 to estimate impacts while accounting for the number of prior UI benefit requests. We estimate that changes in UI eligibility criteria had heterogeneous impacts distinguished by the number of prior benefit requests. We show that the 2015 changes in UI eligibility rules reduced layoffs and find evidence that the changes reduced collusion between workers and employers for layoffs because it became harder to extract subsidies from the UI system. The layoff reductions were greatest before workers\u27 second benefit request