22 research outputs found

    The Surface Tension of Surfactant-Containing, Finite Volume Droplets

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    Rate of cervical cancer, severe intraepithelial neoplasia, and adenocarcinoma in situ in primary HPV DNA screening with cytology triage: randomised study within organised screening programme

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    Objective To assess the performance and impact of primary human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA screening with cytology triage compared with conventional cytology on cervical cancer and severe pre-cancerous lesions

    Adsorptive uptake of water by semisolid secondary organic aerosols

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    Aerosol climate effects are intimately tied to interactions with water. Here we combine hygroscopicity measurements with direct observations about the phase of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles to show that water uptake by slightly oxygenated SOA is an adsorption-dominated process under subsaturated conditions, where low solubility inhibits water uptake until the humidity is high enough for dissolution to occur. This reconciles reported discrepancies in previous hygroscopicity closure studies. We demonstrate that the difference in SOA hygroscopic behavior in subsaturated and supersaturated conditions can lead to an effect up to about 30% in the direct aerosol forcinghighlighting the need to implement correct descriptions of these processes in atmospheric models. Obtaining closure across the water saturation point is therefore a critical issue for accurate climate modeling.Peer reviewe

    Suomen rahapelimarkkinat ja sähköinen rahapelaaminen

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    Rahapelit ovat Suomessa erittäin suosittuja ja niillä on miljardiluokan merkitys erilaisten hyväntekeväisyys-, kult-tuuri- ja urheilukohteiden rahoituksessa. Viime aikoina niin Suomessa kuin muuallakin Euroopassa on käyty paljon keskustelua rahapeleistä, koska sähköisesti välitettävien rahapelien suosio on kasvanut hyvin voimakkaasti ja suosio jatkaa kasvuaan edelleen. Internet-pelien kasvu on asettanut paineita maiden kansallisille rahapelijärjestelmille ja kymmenissä Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltioissa onkin tehty lakimuutoksia tämän johdosta. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata Suomen nykyistä rahapelijärjestelmää sekä vertailun vuoksi tarkastella Tanskan, Iso-Britannian ja Viron rahapelijärjestelmiä. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on käydä läpi sähköisten rahapelien kehitystä. Tavoitteena on pohtia Suomen nykyisen rahapelijärjestelmän järkevyyttä ja toteutumista internetin rahapeleissä. Aluksi työssä kerrotaan Suomen rahapelijärjestelmän kehityksestä ja kuvaillaan nykyisiä monopoliyhtiöitä. Tämän jälkeen tarkastelun alla ovat arpajaislain rahapelaamista koskevat osiot, jotka luonnollisesti vaikuttavat Suomen rahapelijärjestelmään. Seuraavaksi käydään läpi sähköistä rahapelaamista, josta edetään Tanskan, Iso-Britannian ja Viron rahapelijärjestelmien tarkasteluun. Loppupäätelmissä todetaan, että nykyinen monopolijärjestelmä ei toteudu sähköisesti välitettävissä rahapeleissä. Rahapelit ovat nykypäivän tietoyhteiskunnassa pelattavissa internetin kehittymisen vuoksi sähköisessä muodossa yli kansallisten rajojen. Työssä havaitaan, että Euroopassa ja EU:n sisällä on tapahtunut selvää polarisoitumista rahapelijärjestelmien suhteen. Osa maista on päätynyt avaamaan markkinoitaan lisenssipohjaistenjärjestelmien muodossa ja toiset ovat tiukasti pitäytyneet, usein valtiollisessa, monopolissa.Gambling is very popular in Finland and it plays a very significant role in financing different charity, cultural and sports organisations. In recent years, both Finland and Europe, there has been a lot of public discussion about gambling because the popularity of remote gambling has increased a lot and is expected to continue the same way. The purpose of this thesis project is to describe how the gambling markets are organized in Finland at the moment and for comparison, the gambling markets in Denmark, Great Britain and Estonia are studied briefly. Also the development of remote gambling is examined. A further aim of this thesis is to discuss whether the prevailing gambling monopoly is realized in remote gambling as well. Firstly, the development of the existing gambling monopoly and the monopoly companies are studied. Secondly, this thesis focuses on The Finnish Lotteries Act, on which the current monopoly system is naturally based on. The next section deals with remote gambling and its history. The final parts will include descriptions of the gambling markets in Denmark, Great Britain and Estonia. In the summary section it is concluded that the present gambling monopoly is not manifested in remote gambling. In the today’s information society it is possible to gamble across borders due to the internet. Based on the findings of this study, evidenet polarization between the member states of the EU has already been generated. Some countries have established a licensing system for more than one operator and others have strictly held on to their monopolies

    On the early studies recognizing the role of sulphuric acid in atmospheric haze and new particle formation

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    Abstract Atmospheric aerosols have been a subject to scientific interest at least since the Age of Enlightenment, including theories concerning the origins of atmospheric haze and dust. Early studies associated haze with geological sources — earthquakes and volcanism — which were believed to be related to the chemistry of sulphuric compounds. Thus, sulphuric acid became the strongest candidate to explain atmospheric new particle formation. The idea was carried over when the first quantitative studies of condensation nuclei and atmospheric chemistry took place during the later part of the 19th century. Laboratory and field measurements by von Helmholtz, Aitken, Kiessling, and Barus, among others, a century ago led to the conclusion that widespread new particle formation occurs in the atmosphere and is caused by sulphuric acid together with water and ammonia — a viewpoint, which has been rediscovered and expanded during the past 25 years

    A monolayer partitioning scheme for droplets of surfactant solutions

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    Abstract Bulk‐surface partitioning of surface active species affects both cloud droplet activation by aerosol particles and heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry. Various approaches are given in the literature to capture this effect in atmospheric models. Here we present a simple, yet physically self‐contained, monolayer model for prediction of both composition and thickness of the surface layer of an aqueous droplet. The monolayer surface model is based on assuming a finite surface layer and mass balance of all species within the droplet. Model predictions are presented for binary and ternary aqueous surfactant model systems and compared to both experimental and model data from the literature and predictions using a common Gibbsian model approach. Deviations from Gibbsian surface thermodynamics due to volume constraints imposed by the finite monolayer lead to stronger predicted surface tension reduction at smaller droplet sizes with the monolayer model. Process dynamics of the presented monolayer model are also contrasted to other recently proposed approaches to treating surface partitioning in droplets, with different underlying assumptions

    Heterogeneous nucleation of water vapor on different types of black carbon particles

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    Abstract The heterogeneous nucleation of water vapor on insoluble particles affects cloud formation, precipitation, the hydrological cycle, and climate. Despite its importance, heterogeneous nucleation remains a poorly understood phenomenon that relies heavily on empirical information for its quantitative description. Here, we examine the heterogeneous nucleation of water vapor on different types of soots as well as cloud drop activation of different types of soots, including both pure black carbon particles and black carbon particles mixed with secondary organic matter. We show that the recently developed adsorption nucleation theory quantitatively predicts the nucleation of water and droplet formation upon particles of the various soot types. A surprising consequence of this new understanding is that, with sufficient adsorption site density, soot particles can activate into cloud droplets – even when completely lacking any soluble material