88 research outputs found

    "Dieser zwang, vom alter zu sprechen" : zu biologischen, psychologischen und sozialen aspekten des männlichen Alters in Martin Walsers Werken aus dem XX. Jahrhundert

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    Old age, an inevitable outcome of the process of aging, in which biological, mental and social changes lead to biological and mental imbalance, has been present as a subject in literature since the very beginning, and we can find both male and female elderly protagonists, with the changes observable in their final stages of lives. The article analyses selected protagonists of literary works of Martin Walser created in the 20th century, their spiritual, emotional and physical aging, problems of sexual nature, the deepening gap between elderly women or man and the young generation, or loneliness and lack of understanding connected with aging. The subject of transience, aging, declining vital force, existential dilemmas which accompany the last years of life, has been present in Walser’s works for decades, not only in those created recently the motif of the fear of life, the truth, ageing, loss and inevitable death, determining the attitudes and actions of the protagonists has been particularly foregrounded. The early works “A Runaway Horse” and “Breakers” provide material for analysis herei

    Zwischen Realitätsblidheit, Leid und Hoffnung oder das gefährliche Spiel mit der Wahrheit : zum Motiv der barmherzigen Lüge in ausgewählten Werken der Deutschen Literatur

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    The article is devoted to the motif of a lie in selected works by Germanlanguage writers, and the texts analysed include Friedrich Dürenmatt’s Der Blinde, Stefan Zweig’s Die unsichtbare Sammlung and Jurek Becker’s Jakob der Lügner. A lie as an element used in literature has different representations: frauds, intrigues, betrayals and purposeful deceptions are accompanied by lies invoked by fear or necessity, and what matters in evaluation of the behaviour of the protagonists that lie are the reasons and motives of their decisions. The analysis included is focused on a merciful lie, a lie caused by pity, which determines significantly the course of action and the protagonists’ lives, saves their health or even life; a lie that results from good and love for other peopl

    „Bureaucrazy”, czyli uchodźcy w niewoli procedur. O biurokracji w "Gehen, ging, gegangen" (2015) Jenny Erpenbeck

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    The paper deals with the portrayal of bureaucracy in Gehen, ging, gegangen (2015) by Jenny Erpenbeck, a novel that explores the European migrant cri-sis through the eyes of Richard, a recently retired professor of classics, who begins to interview refugees in Berlin. Erpenbeck’s work is a compendium of refugees’ stories, a novel about displaced persons in kafkaesque bureaucratic situations. The author describes two worlds, which ostensibly have nothing to do with each other : that of the widowed classical philologist and the young men from Guinea, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Mali. Their lives and mindscapes are fundamentally different from one anothers. While Richard occupies himself more and more intensely with the refugees by giving help and German les-sons, the reader becomes increasingly familiar with a much bigger problem relating to the fact that these young men are not allowed to work or travel: the German bureaucracy and the legislation of the European Union have damned them to idleness. Without any real prospects, they simply hang around together, sometimes with more and sometimes with less patienc

    Problematyka osadnictwa paleolitycznego i mezolitycznego w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych. Analiza wybranych regionów

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    The article presents an outline of the research issues concerning Late Palaeolithic settlement,carried out by the authors as part of PhD studies at the Institute of Archaeology ofthe Nicolaus Copernicus University under the supervision of Prof. Dr hab. Krzysztof Cyrek.Ewa Jurzysta studied the remains of short-lived camps and flint workshops in the uppersection of the Narew River, located mainly on the sandy terraces above the floodplain ofthe river and its tributaries. The analysis covers the artefacts obtained during the surfaceresearch, as well as the materials discovered as a result of excavation works carried out in thisarea. Thermoluminescence dating was also performed for three samples of sandy sediments,and the obtained dates indicate the late glacial age of the river terrace. The results of theseworks were used for the study on the late Palaeolithic settlement in the area.Justyna Kuriga undertook an attempt of a multifaceted analysis of the multiculturaland multiphase site in Łykowe (Łódź Voivodeship), paying special attention to sourcesrelated to Mesolithic hunter-gatherer communities. The main goals of the work includethe reconstruction of the range, the manner of settlement and use of this place, as well aspresentation of individual settlement phases against a broader cultural background.The basic research assumption adopted by Beata Bielińska-Majewska was to verifyand systematize the results of research on the Late Palaeolithic in the basins of the lowerVistula and middle Warta rivers, analysis and determination of the cultural affiliation andchronology of available archaeological sources, and consequently creating an image of thecultural situation in this part of Poland at that time. The source base was materials fromover 280 archaeological sites and the complex in Brzoza (formerly Toruń-Rudak).W artykule przedstawiono zarys problematyki badawczej dotyczącej osadnictwa schyłkowopaleolitycznego, realizowanej przez autorki w ramach studiów doktoranckich w Instytucie Archeologii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika pod merytoryczną opieką prof. dr. hab. Krzysztofa Cyrka. Ewa Jurzysta badała pozostałości krótkotrwałych obozowisk i pracowni krzemieniarskich w górnym odcinku Narwi, położonych głównie na piaszczystych terasach nadzalewowych rzeki i jej dopływów. Analizie poddano zabytki pozyskane podczas badań powierzchniowych, a także materiały odkryte w wyniku prac wykopaliskowych prowadzonych w tym rejonie. Wykonano też datowanie metodą termoluminescencji dla trzech próbek osadów piaszczystych, uzyskane daty wskazują na późnoglacjalny wiek tarasu rzecznego. Efekty tych prac zostały wykorzystane do studiów nad schyłkowopaleolitycznym osadnictwem na wspomnianym obszarze. Justyna Kuriga pojęła próbę wieloaspektowej analizy wielokulturowego i wielofazowego stanowiska w Łykowem (województwo łódzkie), poświęcając szczególną uwagę źródłom związanym z mezolitycznymi społecznościami łowiecko-zbierackimi. Wśród głównych celów prowadzonych prac wymienić można rekonstrukcję zasięgu, sposobu zasiedlenia i użytkowania tego miejsca oraz przedstawienie poszczególnych faz osadniczych na szerszym tle kulturowym. Podstawowym założeniem badawczym przyjętym przez Beatę Bielińską-Majewską było zweryfikowanie i usystematyzowanie dotychczasowych wyników badań nad późnym paleolitem w dorzeczach dolnej Wisły i środkowej Warty, analiza oraz określenie przynależności kulturowej i chronologii dostępnych źródeł archeologicznych, a w konsekwencji stworzenie obrazu ówczesnej sytuacji kulturowej w tej części Polski. Bazę źródłową stanowiły materiały z ponad 280 stanowisk archeologicznych oraz kompleksu w Brzozie (dawniej Toruń–Rudak)

    The effect of Medicago arabica, M. hybrida and M. sativa saponins on the growth and development of Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f. sp. tulipae apt.

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    In the present work it was shown that total saponins originated from M. hybrida and M. sativa substantially limited mycelium growth of F. oxysporum f. sp. tulipae and symptoms of fusariosis on tulip bulbs. Out of 15 individual tested saponins originated from M. arabica, M. hybrida and M. sativa, four compounds: 3-O-[β-D-glucopyranosyl (1→2)α-L-arabinopyranosyl] hederagenin, hederagenin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, medicagenic acid, medicagenic acid 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside had the strongest inhibitory effect on mycelium growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tulipae on PDA medium. The total saponins from M. arabica, M. hybrida and M. sativa inhibited the number of colony forming units of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tulipae in artificially infested substrate. The use of saponins originated from Medicago as a fungicide is suggested

    Triterpene Saponins from the Aerial Parts of Trifolium medium L. var. sarosiense

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    Seven previously unreported triterpene glycosides (1−7) were isolated from methanol extract of the aerial parts of Trifolium medium var. sarosiense (zigzag clover). Their structures were established by the extensive use of 1D and 2D NMR experiments along with ESI-MS and HRMS analyses. Compounds 1−7 are oleanane derivatives characterized by the presence of a keto group at C-22 of an aglycone and a primary alcoholic function at C-24 and differing functions at C-30. Among these, compounds 1−3 and 6 showed a secondary alcoholic function at C-11, which is methoxylated in compounds 4 and 7. Compound 5 was shown to possess a known aglycone, wistariasapogenol A; however, it is described here for the first time as a saponin constituent of the Trifolium genus. Some aspects of taxonomic classification of zigzag clover are also discussed

    The Wall is still standing, or: encounters on the borderland. People, stories and conflicts in Unterleuten (2016) by Juli Zeh

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    The article is devoted to Juli Zeh’s novel Unterleuten, which explores what happens in a small village outside of Berlin, when an energy company arrives with plans to develop a wind farm. Brutality surfaces in many forms, from harassment and deliberate cruelty to perverse acts of revenge. Two old men, a successful agribusiness man and a displaced comrade from the former GDR farming collective, reengage in past conflicts, and their twenty-year-long feud grows into a prime source of vicious ill feeling. The structure of the novel is like a literary kaleidoscope: Unterleuten is a place between past and present, east and west, city and province, civilisation and tradition, reality and fiction, true and false, winners and losers

    The poetry of Bartłomiej Majzel: a psychoanalytic approach

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    Bartłomiej Majzel is one of the most interesting young polish authors. His first poetic book is robaczywość [worminess] published in 1997. As regards interpretation, many motifs which recur in the volume, suggest a psychoanalytic approach. This approach reveals a dark world of sub-consciousness and transcription of struggling against oneself, reporting the consequences of this tragic party called literature

    The poetry of Bartłomiej Majzel: a psychoanalytic approach

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    Bartłomiej Majzel is one of the most interesting young polish authors. His first poetic book is robaczywość [worminess] published in 1997. As regards interpretation, many motifs which recur in the volume, suggest a psychoanalytic approach. This approach reveals a dark world of sub-consciousness and transcription of struggling against oneself, reporting the consequences of this tragic party called literature