324 research outputs found


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    Information about material machinability is very important for the machining technology. Precise and reliable information on the machinability of a material before it enters the machining process is a necessity, and this brings the verification of technological methods in practice. This article presents the conclusions of machinability tests on austenitic stainless steel according to EN-EU (ISO): steel Cr20Ni10MoTi. This article presents the conclusions of VEGA grant agency at the Ministry of Education SR for supporting research work and co-financing the projects: Grant work #01/3173/2006 with the title ā€žExperimental investigation of cutting zones in drilled and milled stainless steel

    Meaning-Text Theory in the translator's classroom

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    The paper brings a brief presentation of key concepts of the Meaning-Text Theory and focuses on the practical value of its lexicographical tool for the description of syntagmatic meaning relations, i.e. the lexical functions (LFs). Although originally developed to facilitate the description of lexical relationships within the monolingual explanatory-combinatory dictionary, the system of lexical functions proves highly valuable in the bilingual setting as well, particularly in the L1-L2 translation, i.e. in encoding tasks. While translation into the translatorā€™s mother tongue is commonly regarded as less likely to suffer from poor knowledge of collocations, it is the L1-L2 translation that is typically affected by the translatorsā€™ erring on the collocational side. On the basis of selected lexical items the paper will bring a brief comparison of lexicographical presentations used in encoding (Slovene-English dictionaries) with the results of the LF-based approach. Applied systematically and consistently within a given lexical field, the encoding-adapted system of LFs will help translation students get a better grasp of the elusive collocability of lexemes

    Humanitarian practice fit for the digital age

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    This essay seeks to examine some of the implications of advanced digital technologies on the humanitarian sector. It first situates data and technology-driven transformations in the broader context of humanitarian innovation and reform. It outlines how the increasing scale and complexity of humanitarian needs and operating environments has led to experimentation with new tools and approaches, business models and organisational roles in the sector. These innovations are occurring against the background of the localisation agenda, competition from the private sector, collapsing trust in institutions, and increased scrutiny of charities. The essay then highlights how technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, biometrics, and blockchain are increasing the capacity of the sector to improve humanitarian outcomes for people in crisis through new functionalities and services, greater insights into emerging vulnerabilities and risks, and enhanced organisational performance. Conversely, the essay then explores how these tools and systems are introducing a host of potential harms by exposing vulnerable people and communities to new forms of intrusion, insecurity, and inequality. This includes issues of data protection, cyber security, inherent biases in technological tools, and the reality of the digital divide and exclusion. Lastly, the essay outlines an emerging critical research agenda and active policy debates about responsible, ethical and inclusive design, use and regulation of technology in humanitarian contexts


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    This paper gives an overview of the experimental results obtained by testing three reinforced concrete (RC) frame models with strong infill walls and one bare RC frame model for comparison. The experimental results of the RC frame models with and without a strong masonry infill are presented in terms of the collapse mechanism, lateral resistance, lateral stiffness and hysteretic energy. Based on those results, we obtained the ductility coefficients, behaviour factors, and equivalent damping coefficients of the RC frames with strong infill walls ("frame-wall") and the bare RC frame, all of these variables depending on storey drifts. The experimental and analytical results of frame-wall and RC frames, regarding their lateral capacity and lateral stiffness, were compared. Experiments showed that the masonry infill contributed to the lateral capacity, lateral stiffness, hysteretic energy, changed behaviour, as well as the equivalent damping coefficient of RC frames. It is shown that "frame-wall" composite behaved as full-fledged building type having lower vulnerability than RC frames and enough displacement capacity to sustain displacement cycles in the nonlinear range of response.U radu je dan prikaz eksperimentalnih rezultata tri ispitivana modela armirano-betonskih okvira (a-b) s jakim zidnim ispunama ("uokvireno ziđe") i jednog modela praznog a-b okvira. Prikazani su eksperimentalni rezultati u pogledu mehanizma sloma ispuna, poprečne nosivosti, poprečne krutosti kao i histereznih energija. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata dobiveni su koeficijenti duktilnosti, faktori ponaÅ”anja i koeficijenti ekvivalentnog priguÅ”enja uokvirenog ziđa i praznog a-b okvira u ovisnosti o nivou relativnog katnog pomaka. Utvrđene su razine oÅ”tećenja zidnog ispuna koje su povezane s nivoima relativnih katnih pomaka. Eksperimentalni rezultati, dobiveni na uokvirenom ziđu, uspoređeni su s analitičkim rezultatatima iz literature, glede poprečne nosivosti i poprečne krutosti. Iz eksperimentalnih rezultata vidljiv je doprinos zidnog ispuna na poprečnu nosivost, poprečnu krutost, histerezne energije, koeficijent duktilnosti, faktor ponaÅ”anja, i na koeficijent ekvivalentnog priguÅ”enja u odnosu na prazan a-b okvir. Uokvireno ziđe može se korisiti kao ravnopravan nosivi element za preuzimanje horizontalnih opterećenja, unutar ograničenja promatranih parametara

    Studija promjena ispod obrađene povrÅ”ine i pridruženi fenomeni u zoni rezanja tijekom buÅ”enja nehrđajućeg čelika s niskim sadržajem ugljika

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    This article presents the results of experiments that concerned the verification of machined surface conditions of workpieces from a new austenitic stainless steel with Extra Low Carbon (ELC) Cr22Ni9MoTi compared with stainless steels Cr18Ni8. The results of cutting zone evaluation under cutting speed 80 m/min, depth of cut 2,75 mm and feed 0,08 mm per rev., a definition of shear level angle Ī¦1. For Cr22Ni9MoTi steel Ī¦1 is 36Ā° to 39Ā°. The acquired results are interesting in that for the defined conditions we can achieve a quality outer surface after cutting with roughness parameters down to around 0,65 Ī¼m at cutting speed 80 m/min and feed 0.08 mm per rev.Rad prikazuje rezultate eksperimentalnog istraživanja koji se odnose na verifikaciju uvjeta strojne obrade radnih komada od austenitnog nehrđajućeg čelika sa posebno niskim sadržajem ugljika (ELC) Cr22Ni9MoTi u usporedbi sa nehrđajućim čelikom Cr18Ni8. Rezultati ocjene rezne povrÅ”ine kod brzine rezanja 80 m/min, dubine reza 2,75 mm i posmaka 0,08 mm po okretaju definiraju vrijednost smičnog kuta Ī¦1. Za čelik Cr22Ni9MoTi Ī¦1 je 36Ā° do 39Ā°. Prikupljeni rezultati su zanimljivi za definiranje uvjeta pod kojim se može postići kvaliteta hrapavosti vanjske povrÅ”ine nakon rezanja do oko 0,65 Ī¼m kod brzine rezanja 80 m/min i posmaka 0,08 mm po okretaju

    Pediatric reference values for arterial stiffness parameters cardio-ankle vascular index and CAVI0

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    The process of arteriosclerosis begins early in life, and cardiovascular risk factors identified in childhood tend to persist into adulthood. Cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI), a recent parameter of arterial stiffness, is considered an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk. However, there are no studies reporting sex- and age-specific physiological values of CAVI in childhood. We aimed to establish reference values for CAVI and its blood pressure-corrected variant (CAVI0) in 500 healthy children and adolescents aged 7 to 19 years and to study potential relationships with anthropometric indices. Sex- and age-specific distributions of CAVI and CAVI0 values in healthy children and adolescents are presented. Boys aged 15-19 years had lower CAVI than girls, which could result from CAVI's slight blood pressure dependence. CAVI0 did not show such sex difference. Body roundness index-a novel parameter to quantify abdominal fat-was a strong anthropometric predictor of both CAVI and CAVI0. This is the first study providing pediatric age- and sex-specific reference values for arterial stiffness parameters CAVI and CAVI0. The presented data can contribute to the understanding of the evolution of these indices during childhood and adolescence. Under specific conditions, CAVI0 may offer more robust information about arterial stiffness than standard CAVI

    Motor Structures in Female Volleyball Players Aged 14ā€“17 According to Technique Quality and Performance

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    The aim of the study was to identify motor structures in elite female volleyball players aged 14ā€“17, and to assess the effect of these motor structures on their technical and situation efficiency. For this purpose, a battery of 12 motor tests as predictor variables, and a set of six technical elements and evaluation of performance quality as criterion variables were applied in a sample of 147 female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and a sample of 50 female volleyballers aged 16ā€“17. Analysis of variance between subgroups within the groups of volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and those aged 16ā€“17 showed the results on all motor tests to improve with the increase in situation performance, which was especially pronounced in the tests assessing explosive strength and agility. The same held true for the results on all tests assessing volleyball techniques, spike and block in particular. In both samples, factor analysis of motor tests isolated two factors underlain by the generation and regulation of strength, and the mechanism of speed regulation. Canonical correlation analysis between the motor regulatory mechanisms and technical elements revealed determination of the mechanisms of strength and technical efficiency in both samples. Regression correlation analysis showed the mechanisms of strength regulation and speed to be good predictors of game performance in female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and 16ā€“17, whereby the mechanism of strength regulation had greater effect on the game performance than the mechanism of speed regulation. Regression correlation analysis also revealed the set of 6 techniques evaluated to be a good predictor of situation efficiency in both groups of female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and 16ā€“17. The block and spike techniques were found to be the best predictors of game performance quality in the former, and the techniques of spike and block in the latter. Based on the results obtained, a possible model of selection for supreme score achievement in female volleyball is described


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    This paper provides a systematic review of research on glued laminated timber beams with circular and rectangular openings. Experiments on girders with unreinforced openings varied several parameters, including the girder span and shape, opening position and shape, and the relationship between the stress state near the opening and the ratio of opening size to girder size. We compare experimental results with recommendations given by DIN 1052:2004-08, DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA: 2010, prEN 1995-1-1: Final Draft, analytical expressions, and other relevant standards, as well as with the results of numerical models using the finite element method. Because of its myriad complexities and uncertainties, this area remains open for further research and for implementation of that research into practical design guidelines and rules
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