24 research outputs found

    Análisis estadístico PFC/TFG y convenios empresa para determinar vias de transferencia tecnológica

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    La finalidad del proyecto final de carrera (PFC) realizar un análisis estadístico de los convenios de colaboración educativa y trabajos finales de carrera que se han llevado a cabo en la EPSEVG con la finalidad de estudiar la viabilidad de crear un departamento en la EPSEVG que se dedicara a visitar empresas, diagnosticar sus necesidades y establecer posibles vínculos de colaboración entre ambas partes. La crisis que está atravesando la sociedad actual ha dado lugar a que las empresas del sector industrial hayan reducido sus inversiones I+D. Nuestro PFC tiene como objetivo estudiar si sería viable abrir un departamento en la EPSEVG dedicado a establecer vínculos entre Universidad/Empresas. Actualmente en la EPSEVG ya existe el Centro Tecnológico, cuya finalidad es establecer relación entre empresas y grupos de investigación, pero según tengo entendido no existe una figura como la que proponemos en el PFC. La persona que se debería encargar de este servicio debería tener un perfil ingeniero, que conociera muy bien la estructura de la Universidad, que estuviera familiarizado con el ámbito empresarial, y que en base a las entrevistas que tuviera en las empresa, supiera interpretar las necesidades de las empresas y contactar con el PDI para establecer el vínculo y poder dar solución a esas necesidades. La novedad de nuestra empresa, es que contamos con el potencial de estudiantes para poder dar respuesta a las necesidades de las empresas. Proponer esas necesidades como trabajos finales de grado (TFG) e intentar establecer el máximo número de convenios educativos para que los estudiantes pudieran realizar sus TFG en las empresas. Eso beneficiaría a las tres partes, tanto a las empresas porque podrían dar respuesta a sus problemas, a los estudiantes porque enriquecen su currículo al poder tener experiencia profesional y a la Universidad porque los convenios representan una fuente de ingresos, pero el hecho de poder realizar transferencia de tecnología también aporta valor a sus estudios

    Software Components for Smart Industry Based on Microservices: A Case Study in pH Control Process for the Beverage Industry

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    [EN] Modern industries require constant adaptation to new trends. Thus, they seek greater flexibility and agility to cope with disruptions, as well as to solve needs or meet the demand for growth. Therefore, smart industrial applications require a lot of flexibility to be able to react more quickly to continuous market changes, offer more personalized products, increase operational efficiency, and achieve optimum operating points that integrate the entire value chain of a process. This requires the capture of new data that are subsequently processed at different levels of the hierarchy of automation processes, with requirements and technologies according to each level. The result is a new challenge related to the addition of new functionalities in the processes and the interoperability between them. This paper proposes a distributed computational component-based framework that integrates communication, computation, and storage resources and real-time capabilities through container technology, microservices, and the publish/subscribe paradigm, as well as contributing to the development and implementation of industrial automation applications by bridging the gap between generic architectures and physical realizations. The main idea is to enable plug-and-play software components, from predefined components with their interrelationships, to achieve industrial applications without losing or degrading the robustness from previous developments. This paper presents the process of design and implementation with the proposed framework through the implementation of a complex pH control process, ranging from the simulation part to its scaling and implementation to an industrial level, showing the plug-and-play assembly from a definition of components with their relationships to the implementation process with the respective technologies involved. The effectiveness of the proposed framework was experimentally verified in a real production process, showing that the results scaled to an industrial scale comply with the simulated design process. A qualitative comparison with traditional industrial implementations, based on the implementation requirements, was carried out. The implementation was developed in the beverage production plant "Punta Delicia", located in Colima, Mexico. Finally, the results showed that the platform provided a high-fidelity design, analysis, and testing environment for cyber information flow and their effect on the physical operation of the pH control.This work has been supported by for research cooperation between Universidad de Colima (Mexico), Universidad Autonoma de Occidente (Colombia), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) and the juice production plant Punta Delicia located in Colima, Mexico.Serrano-Magaña, H.; González-Potes, A.; Ibarra-Junquera, V.; Balbastre, P.; Martínez-Castro, D.; Simó Ten, JE. (2021). Software Components for Smart Industry Based on Microservices: A Case Study in pH Control Process for the Beverage Industry. Electronics. 10(7):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics1007076312110

    Factors affecting berry composition of Tempranillo grapevines before the arrest of phloem transport.

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    It is already known that berry ripening is determined by the leaf area/fruit ratio, as well as temperature and leaf physiology. The aim of this work was to assess the influence of these parameters on Tempranillo cultivar throughout stage III of berry development

    The second workshop on lists of commercial fish and shellfish species for reporting of MSFD D3 (WKD3Lists2)

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    WKD3Lists2 created lists of regionally relevant commercial fish and shellfish species (and higher order taxa) for the use of Article 8 reporting by EU member states under Descriptor 3 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The regional taxa lists were based on landings data from the Fisheries Dependent Information data base (FDI) provided by EU member states and compiled by the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The taxonomy of landings data was consolidated by regional experts and the consolidated data were combined to obtain absolute and proportional landing weights and values for each (sub)re-gion, which were used to apply dual (weight and vale) selection thresholds to compile (sub)re-gional D3-taxa-lists. Regional D3-taxa-lists were produced for two MSFD regions (Baltic Sea & Black Sea) and eight MSFD subregions: The Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast, Mac-aronesia, Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean, the Adriatic Sea and the Aegean-Levantine Sea. To exclude taxa with very low landing weights or value from the final lists, two types of thresh-olds (cumulative and minimum) with differing cut-off values were evaluated (90%, 95%, 98% and 99% for cumulative and 0.1% and 1% for minimum thresholds). Depending on the cut-off value, the number of taxa included varied substantially and in most (sub)regions the application of thresholds reduced the initial number of taxa by more than 50%. WKD3Lists2 did not recommend any threshold type or cut-off value to be applied generically in all (sub)regions, but identified trade-offs between inclusiveness and parsimony of relevant con-tent i.e. higher cut-off values will lead to longer lists including many taxa with relatively low landings weights/values. In some (sub)regions, thresholds with lower cut-off values (90% to 95%) were considered feasible by regional experts (Mediterranean subregions, Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast, Macaronesia), whereas in other MSFD (sub)regions cut-off values in the range of 98-99% were considered as appropriate (Baltic Sea, Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas). The regional D3-taxa lists by WKD3Lists2 were created without considering the availability of data or assessments i.e. many species are included, for which no assessment information is avail-able. WKD3Lists2 decided on this approach because a representative selection of commercially targeted taxa was considered to indicate knowledge and data gaps in current data collection and assessment schemes. Regional species lists shall be used by EU member states for the national reporting of D3. Stocks and species from the regional lists shall be considered by member states, and additional stocks/species can be added where appropriate (e.g. those stocks/species of national or local of importance that do not appear on the regional lists). x WKD3Lists2 discussed and compiled recommendations on how Member States can complement the regional lists of D3-taxa. A key recommendation is to maintain taxa reported in 2018 under D3, even if they are not part of the regional D3-taxa list for 2024. Wherever possible, Member States should report on stock level. WKD3Lists2 also discussed linkages between D1 and D3-reporting of commercial taxa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predictors of Response to Exclusive Enteral Nutrition in Newly Diagnosed Crohn´s Disease in Children: PRESENCE Study from SEGHNP

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    Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) has been shown to be more effective than corticosteroids in achieving mucosal healing in children with Crohn´s disease (CD) without the adverse effects of these drugs. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of EEN in terms of inducing clinical remission in children newly diagnosed with CD, to describe the predictive factors of response to EEN and the need for treatment with biological agents during the first 12 months of the disease. We conducted an observational retrospective multicentre study that included paediatric patients newly diagnosed with CD between 2014–2016 who underwent EEN. Two hundred and twenty-two patients (140 males) from 35 paediatric centres were included, with a mean age at diagnosis of 11.6 ± 2.5 years. The median EEN duration was 8 weeks (IQR 6.6–8.5), and 184 of the patients (83%) achieved clinical remission (weighted paediatric Crohn’s Disease activity index [wPCDAI] 15 mg/L and ileal involvement tended to respond better to EEN. EEN administered for 6–8 weeks is effective for inducing clinical remission. Due to the high response rate in our series, EEN should be used as the first-line therapy in luminal paediatric Crohn’s disease regardless of the location of disease and disease activityS

    Análisis estadístico PFC/TFG y convenios empresa para determinar vias de transferencia tecnológica

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    La finalidad del proyecto final de carrera (PFC) realizar un análisis estadístico de los convenios de colaboración educativa y trabajos finales de carrera que se han llevado a cabo en la EPSEVG con la finalidad de estudiar la viabilidad de crear un departamento en la EPSEVG que se dedicara a visitar empresas, diagnosticar sus necesidades y establecer posibles vínculos de colaboración entre ambas partes. La crisis que está atravesando la sociedad actual ha dado lugar a que las empresas del sector industrial hayan reducido sus inversiones I+D. Nuestro PFC tiene como objetivo estudiar si sería viable abrir un departamento en la EPSEVG dedicado a establecer vínculos entre Universidad/Empresas. Actualmente en la EPSEVG ya existe el Centro Tecnológico, cuya finalidad es establecer relación entre empresas y grupos de investigación, pero según tengo entendido no existe una figura como la que proponemos en el PFC. La persona que se debería encargar de este servicio debería tener un perfil ingeniero, que conociera muy bien la estructura de la Universidad, que estuviera familiarizado con el ámbito empresarial, y que en base a las entrevistas que tuviera en las empresa, supiera interpretar las necesidades de las empresas y contactar con el PDI para establecer el vínculo y poder dar solución a esas necesidades. La novedad de nuestra empresa, es que contamos con el potencial de estudiantes para poder dar respuesta a las necesidades de las empresas. Proponer esas necesidades como trabajos finales de grado (TFG) e intentar establecer el máximo número de convenios educativos para que los estudiantes pudieran realizar sus TFG en las empresas. Eso beneficiaría a las tres partes, tanto a las empresas porque podrían dar respuesta a sus problemas, a los estudiantes porque enriquecen su currículo al poder tener experiencia profesional y a la Universidad porque los convenios representan una fuente de ingresos, pero el hecho de poder realizar transferencia de tecnología también aporta valor a sus estudios

    Synthetic Cannabis Overdose and Withdrawal in a Young Adult: A Case Report, Commentary on Regulation, and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction. Marijuana has been used for its psychotropic effects including enhanced relaxation and perceptual alterations. However, the use of synthetic marijuana (SM) leads to more frequent and drastic side effects than the typical use of regular marijuana, owing to the fact that SM has a shorter duration and an earlier peak of action. Despite all the potential adverse health effects associated with SM use, current health policies on SM are very limited. It is believed that the popularity of SM has increased, due to its easy accessibility in the US and lack of detection in typical urine drug screens for THC. Case Report. One case presented is of a young adult patient, with histories of recurrent synthetic cannabis and recreational cannabis use, who had developed drastic physiological and psychiatric symptoms, including the development of acute-onset psychosis. Conclusion/Discussion. This case, as many others nationwide, exemplifies the impact of synthetic cannabinoid use and abuse in adolescents. Side effects and adverse health consequences of synthetic cannabinoid use warrant stricter regulations and policies in order to decrease psychiatric hospital admissions and associated healthcare costs