1,690 research outputs found

    Improving the mobile robots indoor localization system by combining SLAM with fiducial markers

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    Autonomous mobile robots applications require a robust navigation system, which ensures the proper movement of the robot while performing their tasks. The key challenge in the navigation system is related to the indoor localization. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) techniques combined with Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) are widely used to localize robots. However, this approach is susceptible to errors, especially in dynamic environments and in presence of obstacles and objects. This paper presents an approach to improve the estimation of the indoor pose of a wheeled mobile robot in an environment. To this end, the proposed localization system integrates the AMCL algorithm with the position updates and corrections based on the artificial vision detection of fiducial markers scattered throughout the environment to reduce the errors accumulated by the AMCL position estimation. The proposed approach is based on Robot Operating System (ROS), and tested and validated in a simulation environment. As a result, an improvement in the trajectory performed by the robot was identified using the SLAM system combined with traditional AMCL corrected with the detection, by artificial vision, of fiducial markers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    E-SCM and inventory management: a study of multiple cases in a segment of the department store chain

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    Inventory management through the supply chains is a theme that has always enticed managers throughout the world. Due to the increase in market competitiveness and complexity, the traditional statistical models of forecasting demand, based on time series, no longer met the needs imposed on businesses to maintain adequate levels of their inventory and supply interruptions. With the intent to meet these market demands, ERP systems appeared in the 1990's. Nevertheless, even if allowing for a more adequate level of inventory and supply interruptions achieved mainly by the optimization of internal processes and the reduction in lead time, ERP systems did not contribute to reach the SCM's desired levels of inventory that were aimed at by the more competitive businesses. This is because ERP limits itself to an internal analysis of the business. By contrast, inventory management depends on the consumption information (which is external to the business). Aiming to improve even further the level of services delivered to the end consumer, new solutions have been developed, among them the e-SCM, which, since it makes consumption information available in real time, ends up being more dynamic and efficient than the traditional demand forecasting models, Therefore, the present study aims to analyze how the e-SCM can collaborate in maintaining adequate levels of inventory and interruptions in the supply chains. The hypothesis made is that the traditional statistical forecasting models, based on time series and isolatedly, are no longer adequate to adjust the demand, as the tools based on these models do not update the demand in real time and this is fundamental in the current business dynamics. The research method used was the study of multiple cases in a segment of a chain involving a large retailer, its Distribution Center and a supplier of home appliances. For the analysis of the data, the content analysis technique was used. As main results, it was observed that, after the integration of the chain segment by the e-SCM, there was a reduction in the level of the inventory (36.8% in retail and 18% in the industry) and in inventory turnover (from 18.3 to 5.1 days in retail and from 19.6 to 3.2 days in the Distribution Center), aside from the variation in the interruption (from 17.3% to 2.6% in retail and from 3% to 0.1% in the case of the Distribution Center). Therefore, the study brings forth strong indication that the integration of the chain through the e-SCM, may contribute to the SCM's competitiveness.A gestão dos estoques ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos é um tema que sempre instigou gestores por todo o mundo. Com o aumento da competitividade e da complexidade dos mercados, os tradicionais modelos estatísticos de previsão da demanda, fundamentados em séries temporais, não mais atendiam as necessidades impostas às empresas na adequação de seus níveis de estoques e ruptura. No intuito de atender essas exigências do mercado surgem, nos anos 1990, os sistemas ERP. Entretanto, mesmo possibilitando uma adequação nos estoques e na ruptura, levado principalmente pela otimização dos processos internos e redução do lead time, os ERP não contribuíram para que o SCM atingisse o nível de estoque almejado pelas empresas mais competitivas. Isso porque o ERP limita-se a análise interna da empresa. Já a gestão dos estoques depende de informações de consumo (que são externas a empresa). Buscando-se melhorar ainda mais os níveis de serviços prestados ao consumidor final, novas soluções foram desenvolvidas, dentre elas, o e-SCM que por disponibilizar a informação do consumo em tempo real, acaba sendo mais dinâmico e eficiente que os modelos tradicionais de previsão da demanda. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetiva analisar como o e-SCM pode colaborar para a adequação dos níveis de estoques e ruptura das cadeias de abastecimento. A hipótese defendida é a de que os modelos estatísticos tradicionais de previsão, baseados em séries temporais, isoladamente não são mais adequados para o ajuste da demanda, tendo em vista que ferramentas baseadas nestes modelos não atualizam a demanda em tempo real e isso é fundamental para a atual dinâmica empresarial. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o estudo de múltiplos casos em um segmento de cadeia que envolve um grande varejista, seu CD e um fornecedor de linha branca. Para análise dos dados, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Como principais resultados observou-se que, após a integração do segmento de cadeia pelo e-SCM, houve uma redução no nível dos estoques (36,8% no varejo e 18% na indústria) e no giro (de 18,3 para 5,1 dias no varejo e de 19,6 para 3,2 dias no CD), além da variação da ruptura (de 17,3% para 2,6% no varejo e de 3% para 0,1% no caso do CD). Sendo assim, o estudo traz fortes indícios de que a integração da cadeia, por meio do e-SCM, pode colaborar para o aumento da competitividade da SCM


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    No contexto da gestão pública há muito se discute a importância do controle como função essencial, cuja articulação deve culminar com o alcance dos objetivos organizacionais. No entanto nos estudos predominam as abordagens que remetem o controle a uma perspectiva fragmentada da eficiência e deixa de considerar a multiplicidade de aspectos que o envolvem. A fim de contribuir e estimular este debate, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa e bibliográfica este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a função controle à luz de um modelo dialógico de gestão numa perspectiva crítica e reflexiva que considere as especificidades de uma gestão universitária democrática. Neste sentido, o controle enquanto fenômeno foi discutido sob a ótica da Gestão Social (GS), do Novo Serviço Público (NSP) e da Administração Pública Societal (APS). As conclusões apontam para a utilização dos pressupostos teóricos na construção de mecanismos universitários que possibilitem o diálogo e o controle dos processos através da participação da comunidade universitária e de outros atores também impactados, inclusive a sociedade

    O e-SCM e a gestão dos estoques: um estudo de múltiplos casos em um segmento de cadeia de lojas de departamento

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    Inventory management through the supply chains is a theme that has always enticed managers throughout the world. Due to the increase in market competitiveness and complexity, the traditional statistical models of forecasting demand, based on time series, no longer met the needs imposed on businesses to maintain adequate levels of their inventory and supply interruptions. With the intent to meet these market demands, ERP systems appeared in the 1990's. Nevertheless, even if allowing for a more adequate level of inventory and supply interruptions achieved mainly by the optimization of internal processes and the reduction in lead time, ERP systems did not contribute to reach the SCM's desired levels of inventory that were aimed at by the more competitive businesses. This is because ERP limits itself to an internal analysis of the business. By contrast, inventory management depends on the consumption information (which is external to the business). Aiming to improve even further the level of services delivered to the end consumer, new solutions have been developed, among them the e-SCM, which, since it makes consumption information available in real time, ends up being more dynamic and efficient than the traditional demand forecasting models, Therefore, the present study aims to analyze how the e-SCM can collaborate in maintaining adequate levels of inventory and interruptions in the supply chains. The hypothesis made is that the traditional statistical forecasting models, based on time series and isolatedly, are no longer adequate to adjust the demand, as the tools based on these models do not update the demand in real time and this is fundamental in the current business dynamics. The research method used was the study of multiple cases in a segment of a chain involving a large retailer, its Distribution Center and a supplier of home appliances. For the analysis of the data, the content analysis technique was used. As main results, it was observed that, after the integration of the chain segment by the e-SCM, there was a reduction in the level of the inventory (36.8% in retail and 18% in the industry) and in inventory turnover (from 18.3 to 5.1 days in retail and from 19.6 to 3.2 days in the Distribution Center), aside from the variation in the interruption (from 17.3% to 2.6% in retail and from 3% to 0.1% in the case of the Distribution Center). Therefore, the study brings forth strong indication that the integration of the chain through the e-SCM, may contribute to the SCM's competitiveness.A gestão dos estoques ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos é um tema que sempre instigou gestores por todo o mundo. Com o aumento da competitividade e da complexidade dos mercados, os tradicionais modelos estatísticos de previsão da demanda, fundamentados em séries temporais, não mais atendiam as necessidades impostas às empresas na adequação de seus níveis de estoques e ruptura. No intuito de atender essas exigências do mercado surgem, nos anos 1990, os sistemas ERP. Entretanto, mesmo possibilitando uma adequação nos estoques e na ruptura, levado principalmente pela otimização dos processos internos e redução do lead time, os ERP não contribuíram para que o SCM atingisse o nível de estoque almejado pelas empresas mais competitivas. Isso porque o ERP limita-se a análise interna da empresa. Já a gestão dos estoques depende de informações de consumo (que são externas a empresa). Buscando-se melhorar ainda mais os níveis de serviços prestados ao consumidor final, novas soluções foram desenvolvidas, dentre elas, o e-SCM que por disponibilizar a informação do consumo em tempo real, acaba sendo mais dinâmico e eficiente que os modelos tradicionais de previsão da demanda. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetiva analisar como o e-SCM pode colaborar para a adequação dos níveis de estoques e ruptura das cadeias de abastecimento. A hipótese defendida é a de que os modelos estatísticos tradicionais de previsão, baseados em séries temporais, isoladamente não são mais adequados para o ajuste da demanda, tendo em vista que ferramentas baseadas nestes modelos não atualizam a demanda em tempo real e isso é fundamental para a atual dinâmica empresarial. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o estudo de múltiplos casos em um segmento de cadeia que envolve um grande varejista, seu CD e um fornecedor de linha branca. Para análise dos dados, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Como principais resultados observou-se que, após a integração do segmento de cadeia pelo e-SCM, houve uma redução no nível dos estoques (36,8% no varejo e 18% na indústria) e no giro (de 18,3 para 5,1 dias no varejo e de 19,6 para 3,2 dias no CD), além da variação da ruptura (de 17,3% para 2,6% no varejo e de 3% para 0,1% no caso do CD). Sendo assim, o estudo traz fortes indícios de que a integração da cadeia, por meio do e-SCM, pode colaborar para o aumento da competitividade da SCM

    Biodiversity of Insects in the Amazon: survey of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) in Amazon rainforest areas in Amazonas state, Brazil

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    The thematic network ‘Biodiversity of Insects in the Amazon’ is the first network among researchers of the Brazilian Amazon in terms of the increase of knowledge and provision of subsidies for the conservation of Amazonian biodiversity, focusing on insects, and disseminate this knowledge to different sectors of society. In this way, expeditions to six localities in the Amazonas State were carried out and we present here the results for social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae). We used two modified Malaise traps combined with two suspended traps from July 2016 to June 2017. A total of 140 species and 20 genera were collected: 92 species and 18 genera in ZF-2-Manaus area, where the greatest diversity was recorded, followed by Tefé (73 species, 16 genera), Careiro-Castanho (72 species, 17 genera), Novo Airão (71 species, 16 genera), Presidente Figueiredo (62 species, 16 genera), and Ipixuna (58 species, 17 genera). Metapolybia rufata Richards, 1978 and Polybia diguetana du Buysson, 1905 were new records for Brazil, and other six species were first records for Amazonas state. The results indicate that further investigations should significantly increase the species diversity of wasps in the Amazon region and add more information to the knowledge of Polistinae diversity

    RobotAtFactory 4.0: a ROS framework for the SimTwo simulator

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    Robotics competitions encourage the development of solutions to new challenges that emerge in sync with the rise of Industry 4.0. In this context, robotic simulators are employed to facilitate the development of these solutions by disseminating knowledge in robotics, Education 4.0, and STEM. The RobotAtFactory 4.0 competition arises to promote improvements in industrial challenges related to autonomous robots. The official organization provides the simulation scene of the competition through the open-source SimTwo simulator. This paper aims to integrate the SiwTwo simulator with the Robot Operating System (ROS) middleware by developing a framework. This integration facilitates the design of robotic systems since ROS has a vast repository of packages that address common problems in robotics. Thus, competitors can use this framework to develop their solutions through ROS, allowing the simulated and real systems to be integrated.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020. The project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from ”la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/DI20/11780028.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning cybersecurity in iot-based applications through a capture the flag competition

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the main foundations of Industry 4.0, providing widespread connectivity of systems and devices, which promotes significant benefits, such as improved performance, responsiveness, and reconfigurability. However, it also brings some security problems, which make these devices and systems vulnerable to cyberattacks, consequently demanding efficient learning and training initiatives to address the challenges regarding the qualification of undergraduate students and active professionals to design more secure systems, as well as to be more aware of cyberthreats during the management and use of them. With this in mind, this paper describes a Capture the Flag competition based on IoT cybersecurity. The participants’ feedback and performance evaluation show that this type of hands-on competition strongly contributes to learning the importance of cybersecurity in IoT-based applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biodiversity of Insecta in Amazonia: Updating the geographic records of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) in Acre and Rondônia States, Brazil

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    The Acre and Rondônia states in Brazil are part of Western Amazon rainforest in Brazil, an area harboring high biodiversity and high degree of endemisms Nevertheless, there are few studies on diversity of social wasps occurring in both states. This study presents a list of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) collected using three modified Malaise traps model: Townes, Gressit and Gressit, and suspended traps in two localities in Acre and two in Rondônia state.  A total of 60 species were collected, 20 of these species are new distribution records to Acre state and 54 species, 15 of these species are new distribution records to Rondônia state. Some species are not commonly found in the collections and lists of species, and some are recorded for the first or second time to Brazil or the Amazon region. Now there are 114 species (19 genera) for Acre and 116 species (19 genera) for Rondônia. This increase may be an indication that the Polistinae richness is probably higher in the regions studied and that Acre and Rondônia may well contain a number of additional (as yet unrecorded) social wasp species. He we present an updated about the geographic records of social wasps’ fauna in both states

    Uma proposta de discussão da relação entre desenvolvimento humano e a eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais preponderantes em alguns países democráticos ocidentais

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    Este artigo se propôs, a partir da pesquisa teórico-bibliográfica, a expor as principais teorias sobre o efeito horizontal das normas de direito fundamental e a expor sua correlação com o desenvolvimento de alguns países ocidentais considerados democráticos. O desenvolvimento tido com base nos indicativos do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano – IDH pelo PNUD/ONU, foi utilizado no método comparativo, de forma a tentar correlacionar a eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais com o nível de desenvolvimento geral destes países, especificamente no que concerne a sua visão histórica sobre a autonomia privada e o permissivo a sua limitação pelos direitos fundamentais nas relações privadas