45 research outputs found


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    Translation skill is undoubtedly needed by university students to uncover the problems in understanding textbooks written in English. Despite the need, there are still few students using appropriate strategies to help them comprehend the textbooks. This is due to their lack of understanding in the theories of translation which more or less help them translate the textbooks well. This paper is intended to find out appropriate strategies adopted by English department students in coping with problems with non equivalence. Sixty five English department students have participated in this small survey. The data were collected by asking the students to translate three different genres of texts, from informational text, literary text and news. From the translation process, the students will face problems with non equivalence from each different genre of a text. This small survey revealed the common translation strategies adopted by the English department students in translating informational text, literary text and news. The underlying finding will reveal the typical strategies used to deal with the problems of non equivalence in informational text, literary text and news. At the end of the paper, it is suggested that the students undergo more practice in translation using the seven strategies of translation. Keywords: Translation Strategies, English Department Students, Non Equivalence Problem

    Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Language Teaching: Oral Interpretation Class

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    Critical Thinking Skill (CTS) is one of the skills that is required to survive in this globalization era. Peopleneed this skill to innovate in technology to increase education quality and to produce outstanding humanresources. However, not many Indonesian learners master this kind of skill. There are still some constraints in applying this skill into action. Both teachers and students have difficulties in implementing this skill in the classroom. This paper aims at producing innovative CTS strategies that are easily conducted in language teaching. The language teaching in this paper is specified in teaching oral interpretation class in which the students are expected to be able to apply CTS to master both receptive skills, listening and understanding audio visual teaching media, and productive skills, producing appropriate oral interpretation skills to bridge the gap between two languages. Constructing questions while watching audio-visual media and taking notes to supplement short term memory is the first innovation in CTS teaching. The second one is taking the essential notes using signs, symbols and figures to get the essence of the source language. Demonstrating a role play in oral interpretation is the final activity in this teaching and learning process

    Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Language Teaching: Oral Interpretation Class

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    Critical Thinking Skill (CTS) is one of the skills that is required to survive in this globalization era. Peopleneed this skill to innovate in technology to increase education quality and to produce outstanding humanresources. However, not many Indonesian learners master this kind of skill. There are still some constraints in applying this skill into action. Both teachers and students have difficulties in implementing this skill in the classroom. This paper aims at producing innovative CTS strategies that are easily conducted in language teaching. The language teaching in this paper is specified in teaching oral interpretation class in which the students are expected to be able to apply CTS to master both receptive skills, listening and understanding audio visual teaching media, and productive skills, producing appropriate oral interpretation skills to bridge the gap between two languages. Constructing questions while watching audio-visual media and taking notes to supplement short term memory is the first innovation in CTS teaching. The second one is taking the essential notes using signs, symbols and figures to get the essence of the source language. Demonstrating a role play in oral interpretation is the final activity in this teaching and learning process

    Designing a Syllabus of Collaborative English Teaching for Physics Study Program

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    The recommended model of teaching Englishfor students of non-English department is collaborativeteaching which provides subject lecturer‘s involvementin the curriculum design. This paper reported theprocess of designing a syllabus of collaborative teachingfor ESP teaching in Indonesian context. As a part ofcurriculum design, this ESP syllabus focuses on contentarea reading in the area of physics. Several text typescommonly used in physics department and vocabularybuilding of academic word lists and the ones related tophysics area study were elaborated as well. The paperconcludes that the implementation of this programneeds high commitment from the stakeholders in orderto make the program successfully implemented

    Error Analysis in the Travel Writing Made by the Students of English Study Program

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    This study was conducted to identify the kinds of errors in surface strategy taxonomy and to know the dominant type of errors made by the fifth semester students of English Department of one State University in Malang-Indonesia in producing their travel writing. The type of research of this study is document analysis since it analyses written materials, in this case travel writing texts. The analysis finds that the grammatical errors made by the students based on surface strategy taxonomy theory consist of four types. They are (1) omission, (2) addition, (3) misformation and (4) misordering. The most frequent errors occuring in misformation are in the use of tense form. Secondly, the errors are in omission of noun/verb inflection. The next error, there are many clauses that contain unnecessary phrase added there

    Indonesian User Perception on the Usefulness of Auto-translate Feature on Social Media

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    This paper focuses on the user perception of their experience in using the auto-translate feature on social media. A mixed method is employed in this study to gain quantitative and qualitative results and provide a more in-depth understanding of the analysis, with an online questionnaire as the research instrument. In order to reach a broader audience, snowball sampling is used since there are no specific criteria for the subject target. The majority of the respondents are women with bachelor's degrees aged 17-28. There are three aspects of assessment on the questionnaire following Nababan’s theory: accuracy, acceptability, and readability. The findings showed that the result of the auto-translate feature on social media has good accuracy, moderate readability, and is very acceptable. Meanwhile, the shortcomings of this feature are lack of context understanding, mistranslation due to wrong diction, and grammar updates


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     This study attempts to analyze the illocutionary act of Jacinda Ardern speech by using Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis. The data of this study is a video transcript of Jacinda Ardern’s speech on policies regarding Covid-19 which she delivered on Mar 22, 2020. The data analysis of the study is a descriptive study using Fairclough’s theory of discourse analysis. The result shows that it is known that the types of speech used in Ardern’s speech are representative and commissive illocutionary speech. From the point of view of Fairclough’s discourse analysis, Ardern’s utterances tend to use language that is straightforward, concise and easy to understand. Her utterances do not use figurative language that might be used to disguise the real language of the situation at hand. The language used by Ardern tends to be straightforward and reveal facts that occur in the field and provide sufficient explanation for the consequences that will occur in the future. However, on the other hand, she can choose good words so that people’s worries do not get bigger. She can also control and reduce public concern by giving a statement about the actions that the government will take to tackle the coronavirus.

    Konservasi Nilai Budaya Indonesia melalui Bahasa Daerah

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    Pendidikan seni budaya, termasuk pendidikan budi pekerti, merupakan upaya paling mendasar yang harus diterapkan kepada anak-anak generasi bangsa, karena tanpa mengenal budaya Indonesia, maka pertumbuhan generasi akan kacau di masa datang. Efek dari hal ini adalah timbulnya demoralisasi atau kemerosotan moral di masyarakat. Misalnya, dalam masyarakat Jawa, kehalusan bertutur kata yang tercermin dalam stratifikasi bahasa Jawa sudah mengalami erosi berat. Anak-anak muda tidak lagi mau dan mampu berbahasa krama dengan orang tuanya dan dengan orang lain yang lebih tua sebagai wujud adanya rasa hormat. Apalagi pada era globalisasi saat ini, identitas budaya pribumi (lokal) dan budaya nasional makin musnah, tergerus oleh budaya global atau kultural dunia barat. Kecintaan budaya lokal dan nasional sangat penting demi kemajuan bangsa. Akar dan keberagaman budaya lokal dan nasional tersebut akan mampu mengikis masuknya budaya global yang negatif. Tidak hanya itu, perspektif budaya lokal akan mampu menyatukan komponen bangsa menuju keberhasilan pembangunan. Perangkat dan pengaruh globalisasi terhadap budaya dan seni masyarakat akan memudarkan aktivitas seni dan budaya lokal. Seni budaya lokal dan nasional yang sangat positif sangat perlu diterapkan menjadi materi pendidikan dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Oleh karena itu, upaya peningkatan dalam menanamkan kecintaan terhadap budaya daerah dan nasional diterapkan di sekolah dengan berbagai kompetisi, kreativitas lomba budaya daerah terutama melalui lembaga-lembaga pendidikan formal dan non formal. Agar pemilik dan penutur asli bahasa daerah sadar tentang begitu besar dan pentingnya fungsi bahasa daerah, perlu diupayakan peningkatan mutu pemakaian bahasa daerah, mencakup upaya meningkatkan sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan berbahasa daerah melalui jalur formal—pendidikan dan pengajaran di sekolah dan jalur informal--dengan memfungsikan bahasa daerah dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari