32 research outputs found

    Evaluasi perencanaan anggaran dan kompetensi sumber daya manusia terhadap penyerapan anggaran dengan komitmen manajemen sebagai pemoderasi pada satuan kerja kementerian agama Republik Indonesia di Kota Jambi

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    This research aims to investigate the evaluation of budget planning and human resource competence on budget absorption, both directly and through management commitment as a moderating variable in the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Religion Work Unit in Jambi City. This research used the quantitative approach. The method of the data collection was the survey using the questionnaires distributed to the respondents. The data were then analyzed using the multiple Regression analysis and the Moderated regression Analysis (MRA). The research results indicated that simultaneous budget planning and human resource competence had a significant effect on budget absorption at the end of the year. There is a partially significant positive effect of budget planning factors on budget absorption. There is a partially significant positive effect on the competence of human resources (HR) on budget absorption. Management's commitment moderates the influence between budget planning and budget absorption. Management's commitment moderates the effect between human resource competencies and budget absorption.

    Factors Affecting Regional Disparities in Indonesia 1985-2015

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    Indonesia’s economic development is intended to increase the country’s people welfare, but its disconnection to equality principle causes regional disparities. This research aims to reveal the factors which influence regional disparities and to analyze the impact of economic growth, investment, unemployment, allocation of government fund and economic crisis on regional disparities in Indonesia. Using quantitative and qualitative methods and data from 1985 to 2015, it concludes that from the year 1985 to 2015, regional disparities in Indonesia are high which is indicated by the Williamson Index. Based on the result of the research, it is concluded that from several analyzed variables, it is only variable of government fund allocation which have negative impact on regional disparities in Indonesia during 1985-2015. The other four variables; economic growth, investment, unemployment and dummy have are negative. Therefore in the future government of Indonesia should pay more attention to the implementation of allocating government fund for regional government in order to be able to create a good quality of economic growth. The Government of Indonesia should also implement equality in term of creating job opportunity, investment privilege so that those efforts are expected to lessen disparities among regions in Indonesian. Keywords: regional disparity, economic growth, allocation of government fund, investment, agglomeration

    Potensi Klaster Agroindustri Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of research is to 1). Analyzing the agro-industry group of SMEs that have the potential to be developed as an agro-industry clusters of SMEs in Jambi Province; (2. Analyze the various potentials, opportunities, barriers and challenges in the development of agro-industry SMEs in Jambi Province. The data used consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected from experts and stakeholders associated with agro-industry and agro-industry businesses. Collecting data using a structured questionnaire and interview. Secondary data sourced from related institutions / organizations at the national, provincial, district and sub-district. To identify and analyze the potential for agro-industry SME cluster development is done with consideration of the number of business units and discussions with the experts to get the cluster potential agro-industry group. Furthermore, to analyze the potential, opportunities, barriers and challenges of development of agro-industry cluster analyzed descriptively based on surveys and direct observation in the agro-industry businesses that have the potential clusters in Jambi Province. . The analysis was done by descriptive against internal and external conditions of SMEs. The results found that there are five groups of agroindustrial SMEs that have the potential to be developed in clusters, namely: industrial tempe / tofu soy: copra industry; industrial crackers, chips, dent and the like; industrial woven from rattan and bamboo instead of wood furniture as well as industry. Furthermore, in terms of business development, SMEs in Jambi Province showed relatively good progress, especially when seen from the development of production volume, revenue / turnover, product selling prices, raw material prices and profits. However, there are major obstacles in the development of the agro-industry is the future of SMEs, especially those related to the availability of raw materials, labor, market share and production equipment. Keywords: cluster,agro-indsutry,business developmen

    Rapid Visual Screening of Building for Potential Ground Movement in Kalirejo, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta

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    Landslides are the biggest threat in the Kalirejo area. The dynamics of land movements in the mountains often cause cracks and potentially collapse. Landslides due to land fractures caused building damage. This study aimed to analyze the condition of a simple building on the influence of land fracture. The method used was conducting a field survey of existing buildings in the Kalirejo area. The data of the surveys were the percentage of building damage and building categorization. From the results of the analysis, the percentages of buildings in the safe category were 78 buildings or 54.17%, the buildings of the unsafe category were 51 buildings or 35.42%, and buildings with the unsafe category were 15 buildings out of 144 surveyed building with the percentage of 10.42%. Based on the results of the analysis using the Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) method, 15 buildings with unsafe conditions need to be relocated because they do not use the minimum structure required for simple buildings while the 51 buildings with unsafe conditions, repairs must be made to the structure according to the minimum requirements of simple building


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    This study aims to determine the difference between abnormal return and trade volume activity before and after Effects on Food And Beverages Companies Listed in Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) in 2012 until 2017. In this study, samples were taken as many as 7 companies in the food and beverages sector. Researchers use quantitative research methods. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The type of data used is secondary data. Data analysis techniques are use parametric paired sample t-test and non parametric wilcoxon sign rank test using IBM SPSS 23 program.The results showed that there were significant differences of abnormal return between the month of sha'ban and syawal with significance value 0.003 < 0 .05. However there is a significant difference in trade volume activity between the month of sha'ban and the month of syawal with a significance value of 0.003 < 0.05. it can be concluded that Ramadhan has information on the market that causes abnormal return and changes in trade volume activity. &nbsp


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    The purpose of this research is to know the process of the implementation of the investigation against the crime of narcotics in a drug Polresta Surakarta Reskrim Units and to know the obstacles faced by Police investigators in conducting the process of investigation the Crime Unit in the Narcotics Drug Reskrim Polresta Surakarta. Research methods used are empirical juridical. Based on the results of research and analysis of the data it can be concluded that the process of case investigation of narcotics crime in Drug Polresta Surakarta Reskrim Units namely (1) received a report (2) the first Action after receiving a report from the someone then the investigators conducted a series of investigations and pembuntutan against someone suspected of (3)(4) Arrest Search Seizure (5) (6) the examination of the suspect and Witness Detention (7) (8) the completion of the Investigation. Obstacles in by investigators in conducting investigation is many people who don't want to inform the user about the Narcotics to the police.Key Words: Process, Investigators, Narcotics


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    Community service is very important to do as one of the implementation of the “tridharma” of higher education as the main task of lecturers. The implementation of community service in Telukan Village, Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency has been carried out on Sunday, March 27, 2022. The purpose of this community service is very noble, namely explaining the importance of public awareness, especially Telukan Village to be able to understand, understand and be able to carry out population administration in accordance with Law No. 24 of 2013 concerning population administration, both rights and obligations as law-abiding Indonesian citizens. The community service method was carried out by gathering community members at the Telukan village hall, the first event was opened by the Telukan village head and continued with material exposure by the community service team at the Faculty of Law, Islamic Batik University of Surakarta. The results that have been achieved in the implementation of community service in Telukan Village include: not all residents understand the importance of population administration, because most of the housewives who usually take care of population administration are fathers and fathers. What is very good is the participation of the community to attend, listen and hope that it will be conveyed to the head of the household for follow-up

    Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Bagi Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Kota Metro

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    Penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah guru merupakan bagian dari penilaian kompetensi guru. Sehingga pembinaan dan bimbingan terhadap guru untuk dapat melakukan penelitian dan pubikasi ilmiah sangat diperlukan. Karena secara umum semua guru memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah. Tujuan kegiatan adalah memberikan pengetahuan kepada guru dalam melakukan penelitian, baik penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) maupun penelitian konten bidang ilmu dilanjutkan dengan publikasi ilmiah hasil penelitiannya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi: tes awal, pemaparan materi (ceramah dilengkapi dengan praktek yang diikuti peserta), dan tes akhir.  Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan selama satu hari,  bertempat di SMPN 1 Metro. Kegiatan diikuti oleh oleh 28 orang, terdiri atas guru SMP negeri dan swasta Kota Metro. Hasil tes awal menggambarkan pengetahuan guru terhadap penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah masih rendah, yaitu nilai terendah 11, tertinggi 30, dan rata-rata 29.  Sedangkan  hasil tes akhir diperoleh nilai terendah 39, tertinggi 67, dan rata-rata 52.  Hasil tes akhir menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman guru yang ditunjukkan melalui peningkatan nilai tes akhir yaitu nilai terendah meningkat 167%, nilai tertinggi meningkat 71 %, dan rata-rata meningkat 81 %.

    Desain dan Realisasi Akumulator Elektrolit Air Laut dengan Penambahan Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif

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    Penelitian tentang karakteristik elektrik sel elektrokimia dengan elektrolit air laut dengan penambahan NaHCO3 menggunakan elektroda Cu-Zn telah dilakukan. Sistem elektrokimia ini dirancang agar dapat dilakukan penggantian elektrolit air laut tanpa membuat elektroda yang digunakan terpapar udara secara langsung. Pengukuran karakteristik elektrik  meliputi tegangan, arus, dan  daya, serta luminasi yang dihasilkan beban LED 1,2 watt. Penelitian ini melakukan perbandingan karakteristik elektrik sel elektrokimia dengan dan dengan tanpa penambahan NaHCO3. Pengukuran dilakukan selama 5 hari (120 jam) dengan penggantian elektrolit setiap 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem elektrokimia  dengan penambahan NaHCO3 mampu menyalakan LED lebih lama (5 hari) dibandingkan dengan tanpa penambahan NaHCO3 yang hanya mampu menyalakan LED selama 3 hari. Laju korosi pada elektroda Cu-Zn tanpa penambahan NaHCO3 semakin lama digunakan semakin besar, sedangkan dengan penambahan NaHCO3 tidak terjadi korosi

    Studi klasterisasi industri galangan kapal kayu berdasarkan ukuran kapal perikanan di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    The abundant potential of fishery products in Aceh has encouraged ship growth to increase. Ship growth continued to increase by 8% over the past 5 years. So as to support the availability of a seaworthy and reliable fishing fleet, the availability and suitability of shipyards are needed at strategic locations. This study aims to determine the strategic location of shipyards for vessels size ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. Data were collected by interview method and using a questionnaire. The data were accumulated, weighted, and analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method using Expert Choice 11. The results showed that the comparison between Peukan Bada Shipyard and Lampulo Shipyard obtained: Peukan Bada Shipyard is suitable for vessels size ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT, compared to Lampulo Shipyard which is not suitable to be used as a shipyard. The comparison of Peukan Bada Shipyard with Krueng Raya Shipyard obtained the following results: The Peukan Bada Shipyard is suitable for vessels size ≤ 10 GT and ≥ 30 GT, and the Krueng Raya Shipyard is suitable for vessels size ≥ 10–20 GT. Determination of shipyards suitable for the vessels size ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT through the consideration of several criteria including land area, human resources, sources of raw materials, and facilities owned by each shipyard.Keywords: Wooden shipyard, Analytical Hierarchy Prosess (AHP), Vessel sizeABSTRAKPotensi hasil perikanan yang melimpah di Aceh telah mendorong pertumbuhan kapal semakin meningkat. Pertumbuhan kapal terus mengalami kenaikan sebesar 8% selama 5 tahun terakhir. Sehingga untuk menunjang ketersediaan armada penangkapan yang laik laut dan handal, maka diperlukan ketersediaan dan kesesuaian galangan kapal pada lokasi yang strategis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui letak lokasi galangan kapal yang strategis untuk kapal yang berukuran ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10 – 20 GT, ≥ 30 GT di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan menggunakan kuesioner. Data diakumulasikan, diberikan bobot, dan dianalisis dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Prosess (AHP) menggunakan Software Expert Choice 11.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari perbandingan antara Galangan Peukan Bada dengan Galangan Lampulo diperoleh hasil,  Galangan Peukan Bada sesuai untuk kapal yang berukuran ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10–20 GT, ≥ 30 GT dibandingkan dengan Galangan Lampulo yang tidak sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai galangan kapal. Perbandingan Galangan Peukan Bada dengan Galangan Krueng Raya diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut. Galangan Peukan Bada sesuai untuk kapal ≤ 10 GT dan ≥ 30 GT, dan Galangan Krueng Raya sesuai untuk kapal ≥ 10–20 GT. Penentuan galangan kapal yang sesuai untuk ukuran kapal ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT melalui pertimbangan beberapa kriteria yang meliputi luas lahan, sumber daya manusia, sumber bahan baku, serta fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing galangan.Kata kunci: Galangan kapal kayu, Analytical Hierarchy Prosess (AHP), Ukuran kapa