12 research outputs found

    An Examination of Perceived Quality, Satisfaction, and Loyalty Relationship: Applicability of Comparative and Noncomparative Evaluation

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    This paper evaluates alternative measurement approaches to investigating the relationship amongst perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors define and measure the constructs within a relative attitudinal framework and compare these results to a noncomparative or individual evaluation of brands. In addition, loyalty is measured by and defined as a behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. The object of this research is teh botol whilst the subjects are undergraduate students in Surabaya and Yogyakarta. The proposed model, with satisfaction as a mediator between quality and loyalty, is found to be an acceptable representation of data across three brands of teh botol and for both comparative and noncomparative evaluation. The use of relative attitude, however, indicates a much stronger relationship amongst perceived quality, satisfaction, and loyalty than the attitude towards a brand when they are performed in individual evaluation. With respect to predictive ability, this study’s findings suggest that comparative evaluation has higher degree of applicability than does noncomparative evaluation


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    Currently, diversity grows rapidly in business and organizations that it becomes the major problem to academics and practitioners. Many organizations had attempted to implement diversity management, but they failed afterward. This article discusses the definition of diversity management, the causes of failure in implementing diversity management, and an effective model of diversity management.Keywords: diversity, diversity management, organizatio


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    This study aims to examine the effect of endorsers and social media advertising on consumer purchase decisions of Instagram social media users with brand awareness as a mediating variable. The research sample used in this study was 150 samples with a purposive sampling technique. The data used was primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to Instagram social media users. The data analysis technique used was SEM with Smart PLS 3 software. The results show that social media advertising has a significant effect on brand awareness, endorsers have no effect on brand awareness, brand awareness has a significant effect on consumer purchase decisions, social media advertising has a significant effect on consumer purchase decisions, endorsers have a significant effect on consumer purchase decisions, social media advertising has no effect on consumer purchase decisions through brand awareness, and endorsers have no effect on consumer purchase decisions through brand awareness


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    The research is aimed at investigating the impact distibutive justice, procedural justice,interactional justice, employee engagement and job satisfaction on turnover intention.. Hence, it is a causal research. The data are drawn from a sample of  208 bank employees in Surabaya determined using a purposive sampling technique. The collected data are then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling, LISREL version 8.70. The result of the hypothesis testing indicates that distibutive justice and procedural justice does not have any significant impact on employee engagement and job satisfaction, interactional justice have any significantly affect on employee engagement and job satisfaction, employee engagement significantly affect on turnover intention, and job satisfaction significantly affect on turnover intentio

    Pelatihan Public Speaking Untuk Alumni Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Bisnis Unika Widya Mandala Surabaya

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    This community service aims to provide additional knowledge-based and practical insights in becoming a business professional in terms of Public Speaking, special topics of Personal Branding and Grooming. Participants are alumni of the Management Department of the Faculty of Business, Widya Mandala, Surabaya. There were 10 participants who registered for the Community Service. However, 9 people attended the meeting. The results of the evaluation of this activity showed an average value of 4.44 which indicated that the participants rated it very well in providing training, providing material, and other facilities. The participants seemed enthusiastic, it was seen from their comments, input, and the desire for training with advanced and other topics

    Membangun Etos Kerja Karyawan Baru di Paroki Surabaya

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh sumberdaya manusia yang memiliki etos kerja yang positif. Kegiatan penyuluhan etos kerja dilakukan pada Rabu 30 Januari pk 19.30-21.20. Jumlah peserta yang hadir adalah 9 orang OMK di Paroki Salib Suci Tropodo Surabaya. Peserta pengabdian masyarakat sangat antusias karena mengikuti diskusi dengan semangat

    Mengembangkan Diri Pribadi untuk Melayani di Paroki St. Paulus Juanda Sidoarjo

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan umat Paroki Santo Paulus Juanda Sidoarjo khususnya Ibu-Ibu dalam peningkatankan kemampuan public speaking, personal branding, dan grooming dalam pelayanan. Peserta yang mendaftar dalam kegiatan abdimas sebanyak 34 orang, namun yang hadir pada pertemuan pertama sebanyak 24 orang dan pertemuan kedua sebanyak 20orang. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan ini menunjukkan nilai 4.30 yang berarti baik sekali dalam penyelenggaraan pelatihan, pemberi materi, dan fasilitas lainnya. Peserta nampak antusias, terlihat dari komen, masukan, dan keinginan pelatihan dengan topik lanjutan maupun lainnya

    Pengaruh Dispositions Terhadap Persepsi Politik Organizational Di Tempat Kerja

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    Previous research investigated the relationship among antecedents of politic to demography factors, such as age, gender, race, and tenure (Ferris et aL, 1996; Ferris et aL, 1994; Ferris & Kacmar 1992), Valle dan Perrewe (2000) inisiated to explore the relationship between personality dan organizational politic, the personality was disposition, such as need of power, achiavellianism, se!fmonitoring, locus of control and the outcomes were satisfaction, anxiety, and intent to turnover. O'Connor and Morrison (2001) fund that there was a significant relationship among machiavellianism and locus of control to politic. This reseach was not only replicate to Adams, Treadway, dan Stepina (2008) but also improve the Valle dan Perrewe (2000) dan O'Connor dan Morrison (2001 )'s reseach about disposition that correlated to politic. In this reseach, disposition involved negative and positive tiffectivi,ty, equity sensitivi,ty, and se!fejficaq. Respondents were 319 retail employes. Why retail employees? It was because researcher assumed that retail employees were not like other traditional employee. Result showed that only equity sensitivi,ty have significant relationship to organizational politic

    Niat Menggunakan Layanan Berbasis Teknologi: Efek Moderasi Technology Readiness, Need for Interaction, and Situational Factors

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    This paper evaluates Technology Based Self-Service (fBSS) as alternatives forms 9f service delivery. It is giving rise to questions about the customers' acceptance of such forms of service delivery under different situational context and by all kinds of customers. This ultimate purpose of this paper is investigates the moderating effects of need for interaction, technology readiness (optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, insecurity), and situational factors (perceived waiting time and social anxiety) within a core attitudinal model for TBSS. An experimental design is used with perceived waiting time and social anxiety (through perceived crowding) as the situational treatments. The results support the core attitudinal model for TBSS and some of the hypothesized moderating effects. Implications for service practitioners as well as directions for future research are discussed