342 research outputs found

    Deu anys de vida (quotidiana) a la pantalla: una relectura crítica de la proposta de Sherry Turkle

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    Emotions in response to teaching online: Exploring the factors influencing teachers in a fully online university

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the emotions associated with the experience of teaching online in an online university and the factors that influence these emotions. Nine hundred and sixty-five (965) online teachers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (www.uoc.edu) were surveyed. Three emotions linked to teaching online were identified: satisfaction, relief and pleasure. Multiple regression analyses were used to make inferential judgments and test the effects of the teachers' demographic and professional variables. Findings suggest that satisfaction is associated with the instructional design and learning support roles and with the knowledge building approach; relief is inversely related to the content acquisition approach; and pleasure is linked to variables such as academic background and amount of online teaching hours, as well as the knowledge building approach. The practical implications of these results are discussed

    El reingrés dels estudiants al sistema universitari públic català

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    Aquest estudi, desenvolupat a partir d'informació d'estudiants universitaris catalans, ha detectat diversos perfils d'alumnes que abandonen els estudis i hi tornen més endavant. Els resultats apunten, entre altres, a la necessitat d'establir plans per a la transició a la universitat, l'acollida i l'acompanyament dels estudiants universitaris per evitar l'abandonament i el posterior canvi d'estudis. Cal, doncs, millorar el sistema d'orientació i accés a la universitat per tal de millorar el rendiment dels estudiants i la qualitat del sistema universitari.Este estudio, desarrollado a partir de información de estudiantes universitarios catalanes, ha detectado diversos perfiles de alumnos que abandonan los estudios y más adelante vuelven a matricularse. Los resultados apuntan, entre otras, a la necesidad de establecer planes para la transición a la universidad, la acogida y el acompañamiento de los estudiantes universitarios para evitar el abandono y el posterior cambio de estudios. Se debe, pues, mejorar el sistema de orientación y acceso a la universidad para mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes y la calidad del sistema universitario.This study based on information from Catalan university students has found several profiles of students who drop out of university and later return. The results suggest, among other things, the need to establish plans for the transition to college, and the reception and support of university students to avoid the abandonment and subsequent change of studies. It is therefore necessary to improve the system of guidance and access to the university to improve student performance and the quality of the university system

    La generación de capital social en el sistema educativo no universitario : un análisis del desarrollo comunitario de las escuelas de Cataluña

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo el estudio de los fenómenos comunitarios en el contexto del sistema educativo no universitario de Cataluña. Para ello, tras revisar los resultados de algunas aproximaciones realizadas anteriormente, se presenta un modelo de análisis basado en la teoría del capital social. De acuerdo con la distinción fundamental entre el capital social vinculante y aquél que tiende puentes, así como con la consideración de los diferentes ámbitos de actividad cotidiana de las escuelas (el aula y la escuela como contextos, así como sus respectivas relaciones con la comunidad local), se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra representativa de centros de educación primaria y secundaria de Cataluña. Para concluir, se discute la necesidad de considerar al propio desarrollo comunitario en el contexto escolar, no como un instrumento, sino como un fin en sí mismo.The present research intends to study the community phenomena in the context of the non-university, Catalonian education system. Therefore, once the results of certain previous approximations have been revised, we present an analysis model based on the social capital theory. Together with the fundamental distinction between bonding and bridging social capital, and with the relevance of the varied circumstances of everyday life in schools (the classroom and the school contexts, and their respective connections to the local community), we present results from a representative sample of primary and secondary education centers from Catalonia (Spain). To conclude, we discuss the necessity to consider the community building in the schools not as an instrument, but as an end itself

    Factors influencing university instructors' adoption of the conception of online teaching as a medium to promote learners' collaboration in virtual learning environments

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    Resultats: els tres usuaris-persona resultants s'acompanyen de descripcions i es complementen amb escenaris basats en evidències que han d'ajudar a dissenyar experiències d'usuaris. Aquests són el Marc (usuari), un estudiant adolescent que pretén codissenyar la biblioteca i que reclama activitats socials presencials; la Maria (mai usuària), una jubilada que necessita caliu humà i que fa evident la necessitat de col·laboració més estreta entre serveis socials i biblioteques, i el David (exusuari), treballador de més de trenta anys que considera que no necessita la biblioteca tot i que en desconeix la majoria de serveis que actualment li ofereix.The purpose of the study was to build a model of the factors that influence the university instructors' adoption of the conception of online teaching named 'promoting the learners' collaboration in virtual learning environments. We conducted a survey to nine hundred sixty-five higher education online instructors belonging to the Open University of Catalonia (www.uoc.edu). In this study we used three scales selected from a larger questionnaire that collected three types of information from the instructors: personal and professional data, online teaching roles, and online teaching conceptions. We identified several conceptions about online teaching through a factorial analysis from the third scale. In the present research we analyze the relationship between the instructors' conception about teaching as a medium to promote learners' collaboration (independent variable), and possible explanatory variables: gender, age, academic education, field of specialization, experience in online teaching, level of teaching, time devoted to online teaching, and instructors' perceived relevance of their online teaching roles. Correlations and preliminary multiple regression analyses were used to make inferential judgements and test the effects of the independent variable separately. Findings from correlation analysis suggest that gender, academic education, online teaching experience, time devoted to online teaching, and, more relevant, all five teaching roles: social interaction, instructional design, technology use, learning assessment and learning processes support, are relevant predictors of the adoption of this conception of teaching by online instructors

    La escuela eficaz en la Sociedad Red: el uso de internet y la generación de capital social en la relación de la escuela con la comunidad y el territorio

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto la presentación de nuestra investigación acerca de la relación entre escuela y comunidad desde el punto de vista del movimiento de la Eficacia Escolar en el marco del 'Projecte Internet Catalunya (PIC): L'escola en la societat xarxa'. Tomando como punto de partida el análisis que algunos autores claves hacen desde esta perspectiva de la apertura de las Escuelas Eficaces (Ainscow, Hopkins, Southworth & West, 2001; Hargreaves, 2001; Rudduck, 1999; Seeman & Seeman, 1976), introduciremos el marco de análisis que nos ofrece la teoría del Capital Social en el estudio de los procesos de participación, cooperación y colaboración. Así, entendido éste como el conjunto de redes sociales y las normas sobre las que es posible la colaboración y cooperación en beneficio mutuo (Putnam, 2002), nos aproximaremos tanto a los procesos de creación de comunidad dentro de la escuela como de relación con su entorno en el caso de las escuelas catalanas, presentando también nuestras primeras conclusiones acerca del grado de penetración del uso de internet para estos objetivos

    Factors Affecting School Teachers’ Perceptions of the Instructional Benefits of Digital Technology

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    AbstractThe potential benefits of digital technology for teaching and learning in schools have been extensively characterized in the academic literature. However, little is known about the factors that affect teachers’ perceptions of these benefits. This state of affairs is problematic since we know that teachers’ perceptions have an impact on their teaching practices. The ultimate aim of this study was to develop and test a model of the factors affecting primary and secondary school teachers’ perceptions about the instructional benefits of digital technology in their teaching practices. Instructional benefits are defined here as the contribution of digital technology in several aspects of curriculum development such as the formulation of learning goals, the development of curriculum content and learning activities, the allocation of educational resources, and the adoption of new methods of assessment. This study used survey data gathered from 702 teachers from a 356 primary and secondary schools in Spain. The study aimed at exploring the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of the benefits of using digital technology for curriculum development and individual and school-level conditions. Correlation analyses examined the relationship between overall variables and teachers’ perceptions. Several significant relations were identified. Preliminary findings suggest that factors such as teaching area, digital literacy, educational ICT training, and Internet access are important predictors of teachers’ perceptions of the instructional benefits of digital technology. The outcomes of the study will help schools and teachers to enhance the use of digital technology in their teaching and learning practices

    Collaboration and use of ICT as factors of professional teacher development in the Uruguayan educational context. Analysis protocol for a multiple case-study

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    La colaboración entre docentes, con o sin uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), constituye un factor determinante en su desarrollo profesional y, en consecuencia, un elemento clave para el buen funcionamiento de los centros educativos y la calidad del sistema escolar. Por este motivo, y dada la escasez de investigaciones sobre el tema en Uruguay fueron exploradas las formas que adopta la colaboración con fines profesionales y los usos de las TIC con estos fines. El diseño del estudio siguió la estrategia de estudio de caso múltiple para el que se seleccionaron cuatro escuelas primarias y cuatro centros de enseñanza secundaria en el departamento de Colonia. En cada centro se aplicó una entrevista en profundidad al director y a dos docentes identificados por sus actitudes hacia la colaboración a partir de un grupo de discusión realizado entre docentes. Asimismo se recolectaron datos del contexto y se realizaron observaciones no participantes de la infraestructura y del ambiente escolar. Los datos fueron procesados según un protocolo de análisis por capas mediante el que se describieron dos casos en detalle. Luego se buscaron patrones entre dichos casos y temas transversales. Por último se organizaron los hallazgos en una meta-matriz para mostrar los vínculos entre qué se identifica como colaboración docente, cuáles son las formas más usuales de colaboración y cuál es el rol de las TIC en el trabajo colaborativo teniendo en cuenta el contexto particular de los casos descriptos. Las principales conclusiones están asociadas al uso de los espacios de socialización y reflexión sobre las prácticas en los centros estudiados y a la manera en que los docentes y la dirección pueden aprovechar esas instancias para el intercambio sobre aspectos ligados a lo pedagógico.Collaboration between teachers, with or without the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), is a determining factor in their professional development and, therefore, a key element for the proper functioning of educational centers and the quality of school system. For such reason, and given the paucity of research on the subject in Uruguay, the forms adopted by collaboration for professional purposes and the uses of ICT for said purposes were explored. The study design followed the multiple case-study strategy for which four primary schools and four secondary schools were selected in the department of Colonia. At each center, an in-depth interview was conducted with the principal and two teachers identified for their attitudes toward collaboration from a discussion group conducted by teachers. In addition, context data were collected and non-participant observations of infrastructure and school environment were carried out. The data were processed according to a layer analysis protocol, in which two cases were described in detail. Patterns between these cases and cross-cutting themes were then sought. Finally, the findings were organized in a meta-matrix in order to show the links between what is identified as teacher collaboration, which are the most common forms of collaboration and what is the role of ICT in collaborative work, taking into account the particular context of the cases described. The main conclusions are associated with the use of spaces for socialization and reflection on the practices in the centers studied, and the way in which teachers and management can take advantage of these instances for the exchange on pedagogical aspects

    How do Primary Education Students Perceive the Computer Profession? Influence of Gender and Percetion of Capacity

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    Este artículo analiza la opinión que tiene sobre la profesión de informática el alumnado del último ciclo de educación primaria. Se encuestaron 300 alumnos de 12 escuelas y se observó que la opinión de las niñas era sensiblemente peor que la de los niños además de que ellas se consideran menos capaces de realizar un programa informático. A partir del análisis de los datos se sugiere que se inicie a los alumnos de primaria en la programación y especialmente a las niñas para que mejoren su percepción de sus capacidades en este ámbito.In this paper the perspective on the computer's profession of students at the end of primary school is analyzed. 300 students from 12 schools were surveyed and we observed that the girls' opinion were significantly worse than boys, as well as, the girls considered themselves less capable of creating a computer program. From the analysis of the data it's suggest that students in primary school should be taught in programming, especially girls, to improve their perception of their capabilities in this area

    Use of Augmented Reality Technology as a Didactic Resource in University Teaching

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    La presente investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación español (I+D+I) Realidad aumentada para aumentar la formación. Diseño, producción y evaluación de programas de realidad aumentada para la formación universitaria" (EDU-5746-P–Proyecto RAFODIUN). Se analiza una experiencia de innovación universitaria con Realidad Aumentada con 117 estudiantes que cursan asignaturas de Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España). Se ha aplicado una metodología de investigación cualitativa mediante el diseño de un cuestionario abierto que permite analizar con mayor profundidad la funcionalidad, limitaciones y posibilidades formativas de la realidad aumentada por estudiantes que han empleado la misma en sus procesos formativos. El análisis se ha realizado con ayuda del programa Atlas-Ti y los resultados muestran que la realidad aumentada es una tecnología emergente con amplias posibilidades formativas. Sin embargo, se precisa de una formación e inversión económica para garantizar su éxito en las aulas.The present research is part of the Spanish research project (I+D+I) Augmented reality to foster training. Design, production and assessment of augmented reality programs for University education (EDU-5746-P-Project RAFODIUN). An experience of University innovation with Augmented Reality is analyzed with the participation of 117 students who study subjects of Information and Communication Technology at Pablo de Olavide University in Seville (Spain). A qualitative research methodology has been applied through the design of an open questionnaire that allows to deeper analyze the functionality, limitations and formative possibilities of augmented reality by students who have used it in their formative processes. The analysis was carried out with the help of the Atlas-Ti program and the results show that augmented reality is an emerging technology with broad training possibilities. However, it requires training and economic investment to guarantee its success in the classroom