100 research outputs found

    Childhood Obesity and its Influence on Sleep Disorders: Kids-Play Study

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    Background: Sleep disorders are associated with overweight and obese children, and could decrease life quality with limitations to normal daily activities. The purpose of the study is to describe the prevalence of sleep disorders in a cohort of overweight/obese children using respiratory polygraphy. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Granada (Spain) on a sample of 98 children with overweight or obesity. The presence of sleep disorders was determined by respiratory polygraphy. Results: Regarding apnoea–hypopnea-index (AHI) results, 44% of a ected children had severe sleep apnoea–hypopnea syndrome (SAHS), and the remaining 56% had a mild form of the disorder. With respect to oxygen-desaturation index, 56% of the same group had severe SAHS, 32% had mild SAHS, and the remaining 12% did not su er from SAHS. Among participants, average scores of 13.8 obstructive apnoea, 7.7 central apnoea, and 13.6 hypopnoea were recorded. Conclusions: Respiratory polygraphy can provide conclusive results in the diagnosis of SAHS in overweight/obese children. Interventional programmes designed and implemented to reduce overweight and obesity can improve quality of sleep and life in children

    Análisis de la huella de carbono en vías de pavimento flexible (asfalto): Vías de segundo orden en la provincia del Azuay

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    Objective. Determine the major pollutants generated during the construction and maintenance stage of the Minas Tablón Pucará highway project. Methodology. 1 km of track was analyzed and all the factors generated by the activities during all phases of the project were established, using the SimaPro software and the ReCiPe Midpoint methodology, different phases were distinguished as definition of the approach and limits of the system , inventory, impact analysis and interpretation of the results, with the guidelines of the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards, the environmental impacts were identified and evaluated during all stages of the life cycle. In addition, through the geographic information system ARC-GIS, the shapes of the Ministerium Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock 25k, 2018 and the georeferenced points taken in the field, the coverage and land use corresponding to the area where the project is located was determined. Results. Among the results with the highest contamination is the maintenance stage, which generates a high rate of climate change (67.1%), fossil depletion (68%), particulate matter (94.1%) and human toxicity (90.2%). Conclusion. During the maintenance stage, human interventions are more periodic so more contamination is generated, in addition, the study route is asphalt so it presents more chemicals and compounds, even with regard to the construction methodology generates an increase in emissions that contribute considerably to global warming and climate change.Objetivo. Determinar los mayores contaminantes generados durante la etapa de construcción y mantenimiento del proyecto vial Minas- Tablón - Pucará. Metodología. Se analizó 1 Km de vía y se estableció todos los factores que se generan por las actividades durante todas las fases del proyecto, mediante el software SimaPro y la metodología de ReCiPe Midpoint se distinguió diferentes fases como definición del enfoque y límites del sistema, inventario, análisis del impacto y la interpretación de los resultados, con lineamientos de las normas ISO 14040 y 14044, se identificó y evaluó los impactos ambientales durante todas las etapas del ciclo de vida. Además, mediante el sistema de información geográfica ARC-GIS, los shape del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería MAG 25k 2018 y los puntos de georreferencia tomados en campo se determinó la cobertura y uso de suelo que corresponde a la zona donde se ubica el proyecto. Resultados. Entre los resultados que mayor contaminación presentan se encuentra la etapa de mantenimiento, esta genera un alto índice de cambio climático (67.1%), agotamiento fósil (68%), material particulado (94.1%) y toxicidad humana (90.2%). Conclusión. Durante la etapa de mantenimiento las intervenciones humanas son más periódicas por lo que se generan mayor contaminación, además, la vía de estudio es de asfalto por lo que se presenta mayores químicos y compuestos, incluso a lo que refiere a la metodología constructiva genera incremento de emisiones que aporta considerablemente al calentamiento global y cambio climático

    La aplicación del coaching en la enseñanza universitaria del Derecho internacional: el alumno como coachee o pupilo y el profesor como coach

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    Se propone utilizar el denominado coaching como una metodología innovadora para la enseñanza del Derecho internacional público y del Derecho internacional privado, en las distintas asignaturas impartidas por las dos áreas de conocimiento en las diferentes titulaciones superiores ofertadas. Lo determinante para la elección de este método radica en que permite un aprendizaje más activo y próximo a la realidad profesional que no se limita a las aulas sino que revierte en el alumnado de forma permanente, dotándole de los instrumentos para afrontar no sólo la comprensión de la asignatura sino para afrontar su futuro proyecto profesional. Se trata de adaptar un método como el coaching concebido para acompañar, instruir y entrenar a una persona o a un grupo de ellas, con el propósito de conseguir cumplir los objetivos marcados en las guías docentes de cada asignatura y desarrollar las habilidades específicas que las mismas requieren para su total aprehensión

    Effect of nutrition on growth and neurodevelopment in the preterm infant: a systematic review

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    Introducción: Las necesidades energéticas de los bebés pretérmino son elevadas y se incrementan en la medida en que el peso corporal es menor; para ello, es importante el aporte calórico óptimo, como garantía del desarrollo posterior. Objetivo: Analizar los principales artículos relacionados con la nutrición del recién nacido pretérmino y los efectos en su crecimiento y desarrollo. Método: Revisión sistemática, con etapas dirigidas a la selección de los estudios y estrategia de búsqueda y entre los meses de marzo y septiembre del año 2014. Para la búsqueda bibliográfica se siguieron los métodos: Análisis de documentos y síntesis de la información para hacer posible la ordenación y la combinación de la información extractada, así como una evaluación comparativa. La validez de los artículos seleccionados estuvo dada por el grado de evidencias demostrado, por las recomendaciones del artículo y por la aplicabilidad a nuestro contexto. Resultados: El proceso de búsqueda permitió seleccionar 79 estudios que cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Se trata de un tema ampliamente tratado por la literatura y se constata su frecuencia en los estudios referidos a la nutrición del prematuro a corto plazo. Se evidencia la relación directa entre la ingesta nutricional y el crecimiento de la longitud de los recién nacidos prematuros. Conclusiones: Una nutrición adecuada del recién nacido pretérmino tiene efectos positivos en su crecimiento y neurodesarrollo. Se constata que, a mayor ingesta de proteínas y lípidos, la altura de los bebés prematuros resulta favorecida, pero no el peso corporal. Los estudios denotan el efecto beneficioso de la leche materna sobre el cerebro, la retina y los vasos arteriales, pero una correlación negativa entre la adiposidad y el volumen cerebral.Introduction: The energy needs of preterm infants are high and more so when the body weight is lower; for this reason, and to safeguard the infant’s future development, it is important to ensure an optimal caloric intake is obtained. Aim: To analyse leading research papers related to nutrition in the preterm newborn and its effects on growth and development. Method: Systematic review of relevant studies, based on the application of a search strategy, from March to September 2014. The literature search was conducted using document analysis and information synthesis to classify and compile the information extracted, followed by a comparative evaluation. The validity of the articles obtained was corroborated by the weight of findings obtained, by the citations received by the articles and by their applicability to our healthcare environment. Results: The search process produced 61 studies that met the selection criteria. The research question addressed has been widely examined and many studies have reported findings related to the nutrition of preterm infants. The direct relationship between nutritional intake and the growth rate of preterm infants is well documented. Conclusions: Proper nutrition in the preterm infant has positive effects on its growth and neurodevelopment. It has been reported that a greater intake of proteins and lipids favours the growth of preterm infants, but not weight gain. Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect of breast milk on the brain, the retina and the blood vessels; however, there is a negative correlation between adiposity and brain volume

    Aptitud del suelo de la zona costera del departamento de córdoba (colombia) para la piscicultura

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    Resumen. Se evaluó la aptitud del suelo de la región costera del departamento de Córdoba (Colombia), para el cultivo de peces. Se tomaron muestras de suelos, a tres profundidades, en 62 sitios; a las cuales se les midió pH, materia orgánica (MO), fósforo (P), textura e hierro (Fe). Mediante un SIG, los resultados de los parámetros estudiados, las coordenadas de los sitios y la cartografía relacionada se incorporaron en la base de datos del software ArcGIS 9.3 y asociados a las herramientas de análisis espacial para realizar interpolación y generación de mapas temáticos de la aptitud del suelo para piscicultura. Los valores promedio de pH (6,67±0,76), MO (0,51±0,34%) y P (19,62±26,99 ppm) se encontraron dentro del rango para cultivo de peces. La alta concentración de Fe (26,34±22,65 ppm) fue considerada la variable más crítica para la aptitud del suelo para la piscicultura, principalmente en las áreas con pH bajo. El mapa de aptitud del suelo, generado con la integración de las variables estudiadas, permitió identificar 123.625 ha como moderadamente aptas (67,4%), 53.909 ha como aptas (29,3%) y solamente 6.093 fueron consideradas no aptas (3,3%). Sin embargo, este resultado debe ser correlacionado con otras variables como topografía, cobertura vegetal, uso del suelo, disponibilidad hídrica, calidad hídrica, capacidad de drenaje, restricciones ambientales y aspectos socioeconómicos de la región

    Travelling with Dengue: From the Skin to the Nodes

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    Dengue virus (DENV) infects humans through the skin. The early infection and encounters between DENV and cutaneous immune and non‐immune cells only recently are under investigation. We have reported DENV‐infected cutaneous dendritic cells (DCs), also keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts permissive to DENV infection. Now, upon cutaneously inoculating fluorescently labeled DENV into immune‐competent mice, we found DENV mostly in dermis from 1 h post‐inoculation. Afterwards, DENV rapidly localized in the subcapsular sinus of draining lymph nodes (DLNs) associated with CD169+ macrophages, suggesting virus travelling through lymph flow. However, DENV association with CD11c+ DCs in the paracortex and T:B border suggests DENV being ferried from the skin to DLNs by DCs too. DENV was not associated with F4/80+ macrophages nor with DEC205+ DCs, but it was inside B cell follicles early after cutaneous inoculation. DENV inside B follicles likely affects the development of humoral responses. Antibody responses deserve very careful scrutiny as neutralizing memory antibodies are crucial to counteract homotypic reinfections whereas non‐neutralizing ones might facilitate heterotypic DENV infection or even Zika infection, another flavivirus. Unravelling the DENV journey from skin to lymph into regional nodes and the cellular compartments will aid to understand the disease, its pathology and how to counteract it

    Direct Oral Anticoagulants versus Warfarin in Octogenarians with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been demonstrated to be more effective and safer than vitamin-K antagonist (VKA) for stroke prevention in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF). This meta-analysis aims to assess the effect of DOACS vs. VKA in patients ≥ 80 and AF. Primary endpoints were stroke or systemic embolism and all-cause death. Secondary endpoints included major bleeding, intracranial bleeding, and gastrointestinal bleeding. A random-effects model was selected due to significant heterogeneity. A total of 147,067 patients from 16 studies were included, 71,913 (48.90%) treated with DOACs and 75,154 with VKA (51.10%). The stroke rate was significantly lower in DOACs group compared with warfarin group (Relative risk (RR): 0.72; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.63-0.82; p < 0.001). All-cause mortality was significantly lower in DOACs group compared with warfarin group (RR: 0.82; 95% CI: 0.70-0.96; p = 0.012). Compared to warfarin, DOACs were not associated with reductions in major bleeding (RR: 0.85, 95% CI 0.69-1.04; p = 0.108) or gastrointestinal bleeding risk (RR: 1.08, 95% CI 0.76-1.53; p = 0.678) but a 43% reduction of intracranial bleeding (RR: 0.47, IC 95% 0.36-0.60; p < 0.001) was observed. Our meta-analysis demonstrates that DOACs are effective and safe with statistical superiority when compared with warfarin in octogenarians with AF

    Multi-Trait selection indices for identifying new cassava varieties adapted to the Caribbean Region of Colombia

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    In Colombia, the highest cassava production comes from the semi-arid region of the Atlantic Coast with relatively low yield for fresh consumption (≤11 t/ha). Development of improved varieties is based on a plant ideotype which integrates a group of desirable traits independently measured in the field. However, selecting high performance genotypes for several traits simultaneously is a complex process. Sixteen genotypes were evaluated under four environmental conditions (localities) of the Colombian Caribbean region (Cereté, Carmen de Bolivar, Agustín Codazzi, and Sevilla), and two production cycles (2016/2017–2017/2018) in order to assess phenotypic expression of selected traits, their stability, and utility in genotype selection. Selection of promising genotypes should consider both their superiority and stability. Genotypes SM3106-14, GM1692-56, CM9456-12, and GM214-62 were selected based on their agronomic performance. In addition, frequency analysis of sensorial data showed that genotypes CM9456-12, SM1127-8, SM3553-27, and SM3562-32 were preferred by panelists who assessed, color, flavor, texture, and root shape. Determination of superiority through across-environments, multi-trait selection index allows identifying genotypes with superior per-formance. However, selection was improved when local multi-trait selection indices were includ-ed—phenotypic stability determination (through Lin and Binns index and AMMI model) supported an adequate selection of superior and stable cassava genotypes. The inclusion of palatability re-sponse and quality features determination in cassava genotypes can be recommended to identify genotypes with higher adoption rates by farmers and consumers

    Expansion of Signal Transduction Pathways in Fungi by Extensive Genome Duplication

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    Plants and fungi use light and other signals to regulate development, growth, and metabolism. The fruiting bodies of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus are single cells that react to environmental cues, including light, but the mechanisms are largely unknown [1]. The related fungus Mucor circinelloides is an opportunistic human pathogen that changes its mode of growth upon receipt of signals from the environment to facilitate pathogenesis [2]. Understanding how these organisms respond to environmental cues should provide insights into the mechanisms of sensory perception and signal transduction by a single eukaryotic cell, and their role in pathogenesis. We sequenced the genomes of P. blakesleeanus and M. circinelloides and show that they have been shaped by an extensive genome duplication or, most likely, a whole-genome duplication (WGD), which is rarely observed in fungi [3–6]. We show that the genome duplication has expanded gene families, including those involved in signal transduction, and that duplicated genes have specialized, as evidenced by differences in their regulation by light. The transcriptional response to light varies with the developmental stage and is still observed in a photoreceptor mutant of P. blakesleeanus. A phototropic mutant of P. blakesleeanus with a heterozygous mutation in the photoreceptor gene madA demonstrates that photosensor dosage is important for the magnitude of signal transduction. We conclude that the genome duplication provided the means to improve signal transduction for enhanced perception of environmental signals. Our results will help to understand the role of genome dynamics in the evolution of sensory perception in eukaryotes.Office of Science (USA) DE-AC02-05CH11231Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2005-25029-E , BIO2015-67148-RJunta de Andalucía P06-CVI-0165