9 research outputs found

    Phylogeny and phylogeography of a recent HIV-1 subtype F outbreak among men who have sex with men in Spain deriving from a cluster with a wide geographic circulation in Western Europe

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    This work received support from the DirecciĂłn General de Farmacia, Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Government of Spain, grant EC11-272; European Network of Excellence EUROPRISE (Rational Design of HIV Vaccines and Microbicides), grant LSHP-CT-2006-037611; European Research Infrastructures for Poverty Related Diseases (EURIPRED). Seventh Framework Programme: FP7-Capacities-infrastructures-2012-1, grant agreement 312661; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, SubdirecciĂłn General de EvaluaciĂłn, and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Plan Nacional I + D + I, through project RD12/0017/0026; ConsellerĂ­a de Sanidade, Government of Galicia, Spain (MVI 1291/08); and the Osakidetza-Servicio Vasco de Salud, Basque Country, Spain (MVI-1255-08). Marcos PĂ©rez-Losada was supported by a DC D-CFAR Research Award from the District of Columbia Developmental Center for AIDS Research (P30AI087714) and by an University Facilitating Fund award from George Washington University. Aurora FernĂĄndez-GarcĂ­a is supported by CIBER in Epidemiology and Public Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.We recently reported the rapid expansion of an HIV-1 subtype F cluster among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the region of Galicia, Northwest Spain. Here we update this outbreak, analyze near full-length genomes, determine phylogenetic relationships, and estimate its origin. For this study, we used sequences of HIV-1 protease-reverse transcriptase and env V3 region, and for 17 samples, near full-length genome sequences were obtained. Phylogenetic analyses were performed via maximum likelihood. Locations and times of most recent common ancestors were estimated using Bayesian inference. Among samples analyzed by us, 100 HIV-1 F1 subsubtype infections of monophyletic origin were diagnosed in Spain, including 88 in Galicia and 12 in four other regions. Most viruses (n = 90) grouped in a subcluster (Galician subcluster), while 7 from Valladolid (Central Spain) grouped in another subcluster. At least 94 individuals were sexually-infected males and at least 71 were MSM. Seventeen near full-length genomes were uniformly of F1 subsubtype. Through similarity searches and phylogenetic analyses, we identified 18 viruses from four other Western European countries [Switzerland (n = 8), Belgium (n = 5), France (n = 3), and United Kingdom (n = 2)] and one from Brazil, from samples collected in 2005?2011, which branched within the subtype F cluster, outside of both Spanish subclusters, most of them corresponding to recently infected individuals. The most probable geographic origin and age of the Galician subcluster was Ferrol, Northwest Galicia, around 2007, while the Western European cluster probably emerged in Switzerland around 2002. In conclusion, a recently expanded HIV-1 subtype F cluster, the largest non-subtype B cluster reported in Western Europe, continues to spread among MSM in Spain; this cluster is part of a larger cluster with a wide geographic circulation in diverse Western European countries.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Diverse Large HIV-1 Non-subtype B Clusters Are Spreading Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Spain

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    In Western Europe, the HIV-1 epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM) is dominated by subtype B. However, recently, other genetic forms have been reported to circulate in this population, as evidenced by their grouping in clusters predominantly comprising European individuals. Here we describe four large HIV-1 non-subtype B clusters spreading among MSM in Spain. Samples were collected in 9 regions. A pol fragment was amplified from plasma RNA or blood-extracted DNA. Phylogenetic analyses were performed via maximum likelihood, including database sequences of the same genetic forms as the identified clusters. Times and locations of the most recent common ancestors (MRCA) of clusters were estimated with a Bayesian method. Five large non-subtype B clusters associated with MSM were identified. The largest one, of F1 subtype, was reported previously. The other four were of CRF02_AG (CRF02_1; n = 115) and subtypes A1 (A1_1; n = 66), F1 (F1_3; n = 36), and C (C_7; n = 17). Most individuals belonging to them had been diagnosed of HIV-1 infection in the last 10 years. Each cluster comprised viruses from 3 to 8 Spanish regions and also comprised or was related to viruses from other countries: CRF02_1 comprised a Japanese subcluster and viruses from 8 other countries from Western Europe, Asia, and South America; A1_1 comprised viruses from Portugal, United Kingom, and United States, and was related to the A1 strain circulating in Greece, Albania and Cyprus; F1_3 was related to viruses from Romania; and C_7 comprised viruses from Portugal and was related to a virus from Mozambique. A subcluster within CRF02_1 was associated with heterosexual transmission. Near full-length genomes of each cluster were of uniform genetic form. Times of MRCAs of CRF02_1, A1_1, F1_3, and C_7 were estimated around 1986, 1989, 2013, and 1983, respectively. MRCA locations for CRF02_1 and A1_1 were uncertain (however initial expansions in Spain in Madrid and Vigo, respectively, were estimated) and were most probable in Bilbao, Spain, for F1_3 and Portugal for C_7. These results show that the HIV-1 epidemic among MSM in Spain is becoming increasingly diverse through the expansion of diverse non-subtype B clusters, comprising or related to viruses circulating in other countries

    Phylogeny and phylogeography of a recent HIV-1 subtype F outbreak among men who have sex with men in Spain deriving from a cluster with a wide geographic circulation in Western Europe

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    We recently reported the rapid expansion of an HIV-1 subtype F cluster among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the region of Galicia, Northwest Spain. Here we update this outbreak, analyze near full-length genomes, determine phylogenetic relationships, and estimate its origin. For this study, we used sequences of HIV-1 protease-reverse transcriptase and env V3 region, and for 17 samples, near full-length genome sequences were obtained. Phylogenetic analyses were performed via maximum likelihood. Locations and times of most recent common ancestors were estimated using Bayesian inference. Among samples analyzed by us, 100 HIV-1 F1 subsubtype infections of monophyletic origin were diagnosed in Spain, including 88 in Galicia and 12 in four other regions. Most viruses (n = 90) grouped in a subcluster (Galician subcluster), while 7 from Valladolid (Central Spain) grouped in another subcluster. At least 94 individuals were sexually-infected males and at least 71 were MSM. Seventeen near full-length genomes were uniformly of F1 subsubtype. Through similarity searches and phylogenetic analyses, we identified 18 viruses from four other Western European countries [Switzerland (n = 8), Belgium (n = 5), France (n = 3), and United Kingdom (n = 2)] and one from Brazil, from samples collected in 2005?2011, which branched within the subtype F cluster, outside of both Spanish subclusters, most of them corresponding to recently infected individuals. The most probable geographic origin and age of the Galician subcluster was Ferrol, Northwest Galicia, around 2007, while the Western European cluster probably emerged in Switzerland around 2002. In conclusion, a recently expanded HIV-1 subtype F cluster, the largest non-subtype B cluster reported in Western Europe, continues to spread among MSM in Spain; this cluster is part of a larger cluster with a wide geographic circulation in diverse Western European countries.</p

    Maximum clade credibility tree of PR-RT sequences of the subtype F Western European cluster and Galician subcluster.

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    <p>Nodes supported by PP = 1 and PP = 0.95–0.99 are marked with filled and unfilled circles, respectively. Colors of terminal and internal branches represent sampling locations and most probable locations of the corresponding nodes, respectively, according to the legend on the right. For the nodes corresponding to the Galician subcluster and the Western European cluster, the posterior probabilities for the most probable locations and the tMRCAs are indicated above the subtending branches (95% HPD intervals are in parentheses).</p

    Maximum likelihood trees of sequences from databases belonging to the Western European subtype F cluster.

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    <p>The trees correspond to genome segments in (a) p17<sup>gag</sup> (HXB2 positions 790–1185), (b) p24<sup>gag</sup> (HXB2 positions 1575–2042), (c) reverse transcriptase (HXB2 positions 2637–3278), (d) <i>env</i> V3 region (HXB2 positions 6709–7448), and (e) <i>nef</i> (HXB2 positions 8797–9417). References for the subtype F cluster are near full-length genome sequences obtained by us, with names beginning with X, P or VA, with ‘i’ ending denoting those derived from cultured isolates. Database viruses branching in the subtype F cluster are in bold type. Countries of sample collection of database viruses are indicated with the ISO two-letter codes: BE, Belgium; BR: Brazil; CH, Switzerland; ES, Spain; FR, France; GB, United Kingdom. Cities of sample collection of database viruses of the subtype F cluster, when known, are in parentheses. Only bootstrap values ≄70% are shown.</p