1,142 research outputs found

    Hubble-Lema\^itre fragmentation and the path to equilibrium of merger-driven cluster formation

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    This paper discusses a new method to generate self-coherent initial conditions for young substructured stellar cluster. The expansion of a uniform system allows stellar sub-structures (clumps) to grow from fragmentation modes by adiabatic cooling. We treat the system mass elements as stars, chosen according to a Salpeter mass function, and the time-evolution is performed with a collisional N-body integrator. This procedure allows to create a fully-coherent relation between the clumps' spatial distribution and the underlying velocity field. The cooling is driven by the gravitational field, as in a cosmological Hubble-Lema\^itre flow. The fragmented configuration has a `fractal'-like geometry but with a self-grown velocity field and mass profile. We compare the characteristics of the stellar population in clumps with that obtained from hydrodynamical simulations and find a remarkable correspondence between the two in terms of the stellar content and the degree of spatial mass-segregation. In the fragmented configuration, the IMF power index is ~0.3 lower in clumps in comparison to the field stellar population, in agreement with observations in the Milky Way. We follow in time the dynamical evolution of fully fragmented and sub-virial configurations, and find a soft collapse, leading rapidly to equilibrium (timescale of 1 Myr for a ~ 10^4 Msun system). The low-concentration equilibrium implies that the dynamical evolution including massive stars is less likely to induce direct collisions and the formation of exotic objects. Low-mass stars already ejected from merging clumps are depleted in the end-result stellar clusters, which harbour a top-heavy stellar mass function.Comment: 22 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A search for passive protoplanetary disks in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region

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    We conducted a 12-month monitoring campaign of 33 T Tauri stars (TTS) in Taurus. Our goal was to monitor objects that possess a disk but have a weak Halpha line, a common accretion tracer for young stars, to determine whether they host a passive circumstellar disk. We used medium-resolution optical spectroscopy to assess the objects' accretion status and to measure the Halpha line. We found no convincing example of passive disks; only transition disk and debris disk systems in our sample are non-accreting. Among accretors, we find no example of flickering accretion, leading to an upper limit of 2.2% on the duty cycle of accretion gaps assuming that all accreting TTS experience such events. Combining literature results with our observations, we find that the reliability of traditional Halpha-based criteria to test for accretion is high but imperfect, particularly for low-mass TTS. We find a significant correlation between stellar mass and the full width at 10 per cent of the peak (W10%) of the Halpha line that does not seem to be related to variations in free-fall velocity. Finally, our data reveal a positive correlation between the Halpha equivalent width and its W10%, indicative of a systematic modulation in the line profile whereby the high-velocity wings of the line are proportionally more enhanced than its core when the line luminosity increases. We argue that this supports the hypothesis that the mass accretion rate on the central star is correlated with the Halpha W10% through a common physical mechanism.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS; 26 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Cosmic-ray electron transport in the galaxy M 51

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    Context. Indirect observations of the cosmic-ray electron (CRE) distribution via synchrotron emission is crucial for deepening the understanding of the CRE transport in the interstellar medium, and in investigating the role of galactic outflows. Aims. In this paper, we quantify the contribution of diffusion- and advection-dominated transport of CREs in the galaxy M51 considering relevant energy loss processes. Methods. We used recent measurement from M 51 that allow for the derivation of the diffusion coefficient, the star formation rate, and the magnetic field strength. With this input, we solved the 3D transport equation numerically including the spatial dependence as provided by the measurements, using the open-source transport framework CRPropa (v3.1). We included 3D transport (diffusion and advection), and the relevant loss processes. Results. We find that the data can be described well with the parameters from recent measurements. For the best fit, it is required that the wind velocity, following from the observed star formation rate, must be decreased by a factor of 5. We find a model in which the inner galaxy is dominated by advective escape and the outer galaxy is composed by both diffusion and advection. Conclusions. Three-dimensional modelling of cosmic-ray transport in the face-on galaxy M51 allows for conclusions about the strength of the outflow of such galaxies by quantifying the need for a wind in the description of the cosmic-ray signatures. This opens up the possibility of investigating galactic winds in face-on galaxies in general.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Cosmological constraints on multi-interacting dark matter

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    The increasingly significant tensions within Λ\LambdaCDM, combined with the lack of detection of dark matter (DM) in laboratory experiments, have boosted interest in non-minimal dark sectors, which are theoretically well-motivated and inspire new search strategies for DM. Here we consider, for the first time, the possibility of DM having simultaneous interactions with photons, baryons, and dark radiation (DR). We have developed a new and efficient version of the Boltzmann code CLASS that allows for one DM species to have multiple interaction channels. With this framework we reassess existing cosmological bounds on the various interaction coefficients in multi-interacting DM scenarios. We find no clear degeneracies between these different interactions and show that their cosmological effects are largely additive. We further investigate the possibility of these models to alleviate the cosmological tensions, and find that the combination of DM-photon and DM-DR interactions can at the same time reduce the S8S_8 tension (from 2.3σ2.3\sigma to 1.2σ1.2\sigma) and the H0H_0 tension (from 4.3σ4.3\sigma to 3.1σ3.1\sigma). The public release of our code will pave the way for the study of various rich dark sectors.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Comments are welcom

    CMB photons shedding light on dark matter

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    The annihilation or decay of Dark Matter (DM) particles could affect the thermal history of the universe and leave an observable signature in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies. We update constraints on the annihilation rate of DM particles in the smooth cosmological background, using WMAP7 and recent small-scale CMB data. With a systematic analysis based on the Press-Schechter formalism, we also show that DM annihilation in halos at small redshift may explain entirely the reionization patterns observed in the CMB, under reasonable assumptions concerning the concentration and formation redshift of halos. We find that a mixed reionization model based on DM annihilation in halos as well as star formation at a redshift z~6.5 could simultaneously account for CMB observations and satisfy constraints inferred from the Gunn-Peterson effect. However, these models tend to reheat the inter-galactic medium (IGM) well above observational bounds: by including a realistic prior on the IGM temperature at low redshift, we find stronger cosmological bounds on the annihilation cross-section than with the CMB alone.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures; version accepted in JCAP after minor revision

    Diet pattern and variations of Ocellated Lizard Timon lepidus in a Mediterranean steppe area (Crau plain, France)

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    The diet of Ocellated Lizard, a reptile considered as vulnerable in Europe, was studied in a protected area containing one of the most important French populations of the species. It aims to describe diet composition and its temporal variation but also to identify differences between age classes. A sample of 221 scats was collected from May to September 2010 in seven different sites of the studied area (Crau plain, France). From the 4029 items analysed, 156 taxa were identified. The diet is composed by Coleoptera (26.7 %), Orthoptera (23 %), Hymenoptera (19.3 %) and fruits (17.1 %). Dung beetles represent only 2.1 % of Coleoptera prey, which is surprising for such a heavily grazed area. The diet composition is different from one month to another (χ2 = 943.173, df = 20, p < 0.001) and differences between age classes exist (V = 572, p < 0.001). Adult lizards eat more fruits than juveniles in August (χ2 = 80.349, df = 1, p < 0.001). The prey richness is not different between adults and juveniles (Z = 1.839, p > 0.05). Finally, diet characteristics in the Crau plain are discussed and compared to other Iberian and French Ocellated Lizard populationsNous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le rĂ©gime alimentaire du LĂ©zard ocellĂ©, espĂšce considĂ©rĂ©e comme vulnĂ©rable en Europe, sur un espace naturel protĂ©gĂ© abritant une des plus importantes populations françaises. Nous proposons de dĂ©crire la composition et les variations saisonniĂšres du rĂ©gime alimentaire dans la RĂ©serve naturelle de Crau, et d'identifier les diffĂ©rences entre les classes d'Ăąge. Un Ă©chantillon de 221 fĂšces a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ© entre mai et septembre 2010 sur sept localitĂ©s de la zone d'Ă©tude. Les 4029 proies et restes vĂ©gĂ©taux analysĂ©s ont permis d'identifier 156 taxons diffĂ©rents. Le rĂ©gime se compose de ColĂ©optĂšres (26,7 %), d'OrthoptĂšres (23 %), d'HymĂ©noptĂšres (19,3 %) et de fruits (17,1 %). Les ColĂ©optĂšres coprophages ne reprĂ©sentent que 2,1 % de tous les ColĂ©optĂšres consommĂ©s, ce qui est surprenant pour un site aussi fortement pĂąturĂ©. Il existe une variation saisonniĂšre de la composition (χÂČ = 943,173, df = 20, p < 0,001) mais aussi selon la classe d'Ăąge (V = 572, p < 0,001). Les adultes consomment beaucoup plus de fruits au mois d'aoĂ»t que les juvĂ©niles (χÂČ = 80,349, df = 1, p 0,05). Les particularitĂ©s de la Crau sont discutĂ©es et comparĂ©es aux autres Ă©tudes existantes dans la pĂ©ninsule ibĂ©rique et en France

    Inhibitors of the Cellular Trafficking of Ricin

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    Throughout the last decade, efforts to identify and develop effective inhibitors of the ricin toxin have focused on targeting its N-glycosidase activity. Alternatively, molecules disrupting intracellular trafficking have been shown to block ricin toxicity. Several research teams have recently developed high-throughput phenotypic screens for small molecules acting on the intracellular targets required for entry of ricin into cells. These screens have identified inhibitory compounds that can protect cells, and sometimes even animals against ricin. We review these newly discovered cellular inhibitors of ricin intoxication, discuss the advantages and drawbacks of chemical-genetics approaches, and address the issues to be resolved so that the therapeutic development of these small-molecule compounds can progress

    A cornucopia of diversity—Ranunculales as a model lineage

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    The Ranunculales are a hyperdiverse lineage in many aspects of their phenotype, including growth habit, floral and leaf morphology, reproductive mode, and specialized metabolism. Many Ranunculales species, such as opium poppy and goldenseal, have a high medicinal value. In addition, the order includes a large number of commercially important ornamental plants, such as columbines and larkspurs. The phylogenetic position of the order with respect to monocots and core eudicots and the diversity within this lineage make the Ranunculales an excellent group for studying evolutionary processes by comparative studies. Lately, the phylogeny of Ranunculales was revised, and genetic and genomic resources were developed for many species, allowing comparative analyses at the molecular scale. Here, we review the literature on the resources for genetic manipulation and genome sequencing, the recent phylogeny reconstruction of this order, and its fossil record. Further, we explain their habitat range and delve into the diversity in their floral morphology, focusing on perianth organ identity, floral symmetry, occurrences of spurs and nectaries, sexual and pollination systems, and fruit and dehiscence types. The Ranunculales order offers a wealth of opportunities for scientific exploration across various disciplines and scales, to gain novel insights into plant biology for researchers and plant enthusiasts alike

    UMAN – a pluralistic view of uncertainty management

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    Decisions associated with Radioactive Waste (RW) Management programmes are made in the presence of irreducible and reducible uncertainties. Responsibilities and roles of each actor, the nature of the RW disposal programme and the stage in its implementation influence the preferences of each category of actors in approaching uncertainty management. UMAN (UMAN – Uncertainties Management Multi-Actor Network is a Work Package of the European Radioactive Waste Management Programme – EURAD) carries out a strategic study about the management of uncertainties based on extended exchanges among actors representing Waste Management Organisations, Technical Support Organisations, Research Entities and Civil Society, a review of knowledge generated by past and ongoing R&D projects, and findings of international organisations. UMAN discusses the classification schemes and approaches applied in uncertainty management, and identifies possible actions to be considered in the uncertainty treatment. The relevance for the safety of the uncertainties associated with waste inventory, including spent fuel, near-field, site and geosphere and human aspects, as perceived by each type of actors, and approaches used in their management are explored with the aim to reach either a common understanding on how uncertainties relate to risk and safety and how to deal with them along the programme implementation, or at least arrive at a mutual understanding of each individual view. Finally, uncertainties assessed as highly significant and the associated R&D issues that can be further investigated are being identified
