30 research outputs found

    A systematic review of peptide-based serological tests for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis

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    Serological methods should meet the needs of leishmaniasis diagnosis due to their high sensitivity and specificity, economical and adaptable rapid diagnostic test format, and ease of use. Currently, the performances of serological diagnostic tests, despite improvements with recombinant proteins, vary greatly depending on the clinical form of leishmaniasis and the endemic area. Peptide-based serological tests are promising as they could compensate for antigenic variability and improve performance, independently of Leishmania species and subspecies circulating in the endemic areas. The objective of this systematic review was to inventory all studies published from 2002 to 2022 that evaluate synthetic peptides for serological diagnosis of human leishmaniases and also to highlight the performance (e.g., sensitivity and specificity) of each peptide reported in these studies. All clinical forms of leishmaniasis, visceral and tegumentary, and all Leishmania species responsible for these diseases were considered. Following PRISMA statement recommendations, 1,405 studies were identified but only 22 articles met the selection criteria and were included in this systematic review. These original research articles described 77 different peptides, of which several have promising performance for visceral or tegumentary leishmaniasis diagnosis. This review highlights the importance of and growing interest in synthetic peptides used for serological diagnosis of leishmaniases, and their performances compared to some widely used tests with recombinant proteins

    Recombinant forms of Leishmania amazonensis excreted/secreted promastigote surface antigen (PSA) induce protective immune responses in dogs

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    International audiencePreventive vaccination is a highly promising strategy for interrupting leishmaniasis transmission that can, additionally, contribute to elimination. A vaccine formulation based on naturally excreted secreted (ES) antigens was prepared from L. infantum promastigote culture supernatant. This vaccine achieved successful results in Phase III trials and was licensed and marketed as CaniLeish. We recently showed that newly identified ES promastigote surface antigen (PSA), from both viable promastigotes and axenically-grown amastigotes, represented the major constituent and the highly immunogenic antigen of L. infantum and L. amazonensis ES products. We report here that three immunizations with either the recombi-nant ES LaPSA-38S (rPSA) or its carboxy terminal part LaPSA-12S (Cter-rPSA), combined with QA-21 as adjuvant, confer high levels of protection in naive L. infantum-infected Beagle dogs, as checked by bone marrow parasite absence in respectively 78.8% and 80% of vaccinated dogs at 6 months post-challenge. The parasite burden in infected vaccinated dogs was significantly reduced compared to placebo group, as measured by q-PCR. Moreover, our results reveal humoral and cellular immune response clear-cut differences between vaccinated and control dogs. An early increase in specific IgG2 antibodies was observed in rPSA/QA-21-and Cter-rPSA/QA-21-immunized dogs only. They were found functionally active in vitro and were highly correlated with vaccine protection. In vaccinated protected dogs, IFN-Îł and NO productions, as well as anti-leishmanial macrophage activity, were increased. These data strongly suggest that ES PSA or its carboxy-terminal part, in recom-binant forms, induce protection in a canine model of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis by inducing a Th1-dominant immune response and an appropriate specific antibody response. These data suggest that they could be considered as important active components in vaccine candidates

    In Vitro Evaluation of a Soluble Leishmania Promastigote Surface Antigen as a Potential Vaccine Candidate against Human Leishmaniasis

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    International audiencePSA (Promastigote Surface Antigen) belongs to a family of membrane-bound and secreted proteins present in severalLeishmania (L.) species. PSA is recognized by human Th1 cells and provides a high degree of protection in vaccinated mice.We evaluated humoral and cellular immune responses induced by a L. amazonensis PSA protein (LaPSA-38S) produced in aL. tarentolae expression system. This was done in individuals cured of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to L. major (CCLm) or L.braziliensis (CCLb) or visceral leishmaniasis due to L. donovani (CVLd) and in healthy individuals. Healthy individuals weresubdivided into immune (HHR-Lm and HHR-Li: Healthy High Responders living in an endemic area for L. major or L. infantuminfection) or non immune/naive individuals (HLR: Healthy Low Responders), depending on whether they produce high orlow levels of IFN-c in response to Leishmania soluble antigen. Low levels of total IgG antibodies to LaPSA-38S were detectedin sera from the studied groups. Interestingly, LaPSA-38S induced specific and significant levels of IFN-c, granzyme B and IL-10 in CCLm, HHR-Lm and HHR-Li groups, with HHR-Li group producing TNF-a in more. No significant cytokine response wasobserved in individuals immune to L. braziliensis or L. donovani infection. Phenotypic analysis showed a significant increasein CD4+ T cells producing IFN-c after LaPSA-38S stimulation, in CCLm. A high positive correlation was observed between thepercentage of IFN-c-producing CD4+ T cells and the released IFN-c. We showed that the LaPSA-38S protein was able toinduce a mixed Th1 and Th2/Treg cytokine response in individuals with immunity to L. major or L. infantum infectionindicating that it may be exploited as a vaccine candidate. We also showed, to our knowledge for the first time, the capacityof Leishmania PSA protein to induce granzyme B production in humans with immunity to L. major and L. infantum infectio

    La sporotrichose (cas autochtones en Nouvelle-Calédonie)

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    La sporotrichose est une mycose due au champignon Sporothrix schenckii. Celui-ci est cosmopolite mais relativement répandu en Nouvelle-Calédonie, grâce au climat chaud et humide. C'est une espèce dimorphique et hétérotrophe. Elle survit dans le sol et les matières végétales en décomposition. Ce champignon peut engendrer des mycoses à l Homme ou à l animal. Les formes cliniques de la sporotrichose sont diverses. La forme cutanée lymphatique prédomine, mais elle peut aussi être cutanée fixe ou encore se disséminer au niveau pulmonaire, osseux, oculaire. Les trois cas étudiés lors de notre travail montrent trois degrés de gravité, de l aspect relativement bénin et facilement traité, à une forme plus sévère qui est ponctuée par deux rechutes. De plus, un des cas montre la difficulté de diagnostic. Il existe différents traitements pour ces multiples atteintes, mais le traitement de première intention, en Nouvelle-Calédonie, est l'itraconazole.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Revue systématique des tests sérologiques à base de peptides pour le diagnostic de la leishmaniose

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    International audienceSerological methods should meet the needs of leishmaniasis diagnosis due to their high sensitivity and specificity, economical and adaptable rapid diagnostic test format, and ease of use. Currently, the performances of serological diagnostic tests, despite improvements with recombinant proteins, vary greatly depending on the clinical form of leishmaniasis and the endemic area. Peptide-based serological tests are promising as they could compensate for antigenic variability and improve performance, independently of Leishmania species and subspecies circulating in the endemic areas. The objective of this systematic review was to inventory all studies published from 2002 to 2022 that evaluate synthetic peptides for serological diagnosis of human leishmaniases and also to highlight the performance (e.g., sensitivity and specificity) of each peptide reported in these studies. All clinical forms of leishmaniasis, visceral and tegumentary, and all Leishmania species responsible for these diseases were considered. Following PRISMA statement recommendations, 1,405 studies were identified but only 22 articles met the selection criteria and were included in this systematic review. These original research articles described 77 different peptides, of which several have promising performance for visceral or tegumentary leishmaniasis diagnosis. This review highlights the importance of and growing interest in synthetic peptides used for serological diagnosis of leishmaniases, and their performances compared to some widely used tests with recombinant proteins.Serological methods should meet the needs of leishmaniasis diagnosis due to their high sensitivity and specificity, economical and adaptable rapid diagnostic test format, and ease of use. Currently, the performances of serological diagnostic tests, despite improvements with recombinant proteins, vary greatly depending on the clinical form of leishmaniasis and the endemic area. Peptide-based serological tests are promising as they could compensate for antigenic variability and improve performance, independently of Leishmania species and subspecies circulating in the endemic areas. The objective of this systematic review was to inventory all studies published from 2002 to 2022 that evaluate synthetic peptides for serological diagnosis of human leishmaniases and also to highlight the performance (e.g., sensitivity and specificity) of each peptide reported in these studies. All clinical forms of leishmaniasis, visceral and tegumentary, and all Leishmania species responsible for these diseases were considered. Following PRISMA statement recommendations, 1,405 studies were identified but only 22 articles met the selection criteria and were included in this systematic review. These original research articles described 77 different peptides, of which several have promising performance for visceral or tegumentary leishmaniasis diagnosis. This review highlights the importance of and growing interest in synthetic peptides used for serological diagnosis of leishmaniases, and their performances compared to some widely used tests with recombinant proteins. Re ´sume ´-Revue systématique des tests sérologiques à base de peptides pour le diagnostic de la leishmaniose. D'une sensibilité et d'une spécificité élevées, faciles à réaliser, économiques et adaptables à un format de test de diagnostic rapide, les méthodes sérologiques devraient répondre aux besoins du diagnostic de la leishmaniose. Actuellement, les performances des tests de diagnostic sérologique, malgré des améliorations avec les protéines recombinantes, varient fortement selon la forme clinique de la leishmaniose et les zones d'endémie. Les tests sérologiques à base de peptides sont prometteurs car ils pourraient compenser la variabilité antigénique et améliorer les performances, indépendamment des espèces et sous-espèces de Leishmania circulant dans les zones endémiques. L'objectif de cette revue systématique était d'inventorier toutes les études publiées de 2002 à 2022 qui évaluent les peptides synthétiques pour le diagnostic sérologique des leishmanioses humaines et également de mettre en évidence les performances (dont la sensibilité et la spécificité) de chaque peptide rapporté dans ces études. Toutes les formes cliniques de leishmanioses, viscérales et tégumentaires, et toutes les espèces de Leishmania responsables de ces maladies ont été considérées. Suite aux recommandations de la déclaration PRISMA, 1405 études ont été identifiées mais seuls 22 articles répondaient aux critères de sélection et ont été inclus dans cette revue systématique. Ces articles de recherche originaux décrivent 77 peptides différents, dont plusieurs sont prometteurs pour le diagnostic de la leishmaniose viscérale ou tégumentaire. Cette revue met en évidence l'importance et l'intérêt croissant accordés aux peptides synthétiques utilisés pour le diagnostic sérologique des leishmanioses, et leurs performances par rapport à certains tests largement utilisés avec des protéines recombinantes