578 research outputs found

    Predictors of Participation in Voluntary Vocational Training : An Empirical Study among Canadian Female and Male Managers

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    Using Canadian national data from the Workplace and Employee Survey (WES), this study aims to identify predictors of participation in voluntary vocational training for female and male managers, respectively. Results show a higher rate of participation for female managers and a differential effect of predictors by gender. For men, schooling is the sole human capital variable significantly linked to the probability of participating in voluntary vocational training. For women, the probability of participating in voluntary vocational training varies by age, organizational tenure and schooling. Results also indicate that both participation in mandatory training and family responsibilities are significantly and negatively linked to participation in voluntary training for female managers but not for male managers.Dans de nombreuses entreprises canadiennes, les travailleurs sont de plus en plus encouragĂ©s par leur employeur Ă  se dĂ©velopper par eux-mĂȘmes de façon volontaire, hors des activitĂ©s de formation obligatoire. Ce type particulier de formation externe rĂ©fĂšre Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire (vocational voluntary training). Il existe trĂšs peu d’études portant sur les dĂ©terminants de la participation Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire. Les travaux de Renaud, Morin et Cloutier (2006) figurent parmi les rares Ă©tudes Ă  s’ĂȘtre penchĂ©es sur la question. RĂ©alisĂ©e au sein d’une organisation du secteur bancaire canadien, leur Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšle notamment que les femmes cadres prĂ©sentent une probabilitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e de participer Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire que leurs homologues masculins. Elle met Ă©galement en Ă©vidence l’effet diffĂ©renciĂ© selon le sexe des facteurs de productivitĂ© (ex. : Ăąge, scolaritĂ©, nombre d’annĂ©es de service). En vue d’expliquer la participation supĂ©rieure des femmes Ă  ce type de formation, ces mĂȘmes chercheurs ont avancĂ© l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle les femmes utiliseraient ce type de formation pour compenser le manque de formation obligatoire.À partir des donnĂ©es nationales de l’EnquĂȘte sur le milieu de travail et les employĂ©s (EMTE) (Workplace and Employee Survey – WES) de Statistique Canada, notre Ă©tude vise Ă  identifier les dĂ©terminants de la participation Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire de cadres masculins et fĂ©minins, respectivement. Trois objectifs spĂ©cifiques sont visĂ©s : 1) vĂ©rifier l’effet diffĂ©renciĂ© des facteurs de capital humain (Ăąge, scolaritĂ©, annĂ©es de service) sur la participation des cadres masculins et fĂ©minins grĂące Ă  des donnĂ©es nationales, ce qui assure une meilleure gĂ©nĂ©ralisation des rĂ©sultats, 2) vĂ©rifier empiriquement si la formation professionnelle volontaire joue un rĂŽle compensatoire pour les femmes, et 3) Ă©largir le modĂšle d’analyse aux obstacles Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire en vĂ©rifiant empiriquement l’influence qu’exercent les responsabilitĂ©s familiales.En s’appuyant sur la thĂ©orie du capital humain, la thĂ©orie de la discrimination systĂ©mique et la thĂ©orie du conflit travail-famille, six hypothĂšses de recherche ont Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats d’une rĂ©gression logistique indiquent que la scolaritĂ©, le nombre d’annĂ©es de service et le fait d’avoir un conjoint(e) amĂ©liorent la probabilitĂ© des cadres de participer Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire. En revanche, l’ñge et le fait d’avoir au moins un enfant d’ñge prĂ©scolaire ont une influence nĂ©gative sur la participation. De plus, lorsque l’on contrĂŽle l’effet de ces variables, les femmes demeurent plus susceptibles de suivre de la formation professionnelle volontaire que les hommes.Les rĂ©sultats montrent ainsi que la participation plus importante des femmes Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire ne s’explique pas entiĂšrement par le fait que les hommes et les femmes possĂšdent des caractĂ©ristiques diffĂ©rentes (facteurs de productivitĂ©, formation obligatoire et responsabilitĂ©s familiales). À ce chapitre, les rĂ©sultats des rĂ©gressions logistiques respectivement effectuĂ©es pour les hommes et les femmes montrent que la diffĂ©rence de participation observĂ©e s’explique largement par l’effet diffĂ©renciĂ© qu’exercent ces caractĂ©ristiques. Pour les hommes, la scolaritĂ© constitue la seule variable liĂ©e significativement Ă  la probabilitĂ© de participer Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire. Pour les femmes, la probabilitĂ© de suivre ce type de formation varie en fonction : 1) de l’ñge, 2) du nombre d’annĂ©es de service, 3) du niveau de scolaritĂ©, 4) de la participation Ă  la formation obligatoire, 5) du fait d’avoir au moins un enfant de moins de 12 ans et 6) du fait d’avoir un conjoint(e). Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les hommes et les femmes cadres font une Ă©valuation diffĂ©rente de l’utilitĂ© marginale de la formation professionnelle volontaire et qu’ils font face Ă  des contraintes diffĂ©rentes.Pour les femmes, les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent ainsi que les jeunes femmes retarderaient leur investissement dans la formation professionnelle volontaire parce qu’elles anticipent d’interrompre leur carriĂšre pour se consacrer Ă  la maternitĂ©. En lien avec la thĂ©orie de la discrimination systĂ©mique, les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les femmes plus ĂągĂ©es participeraient moins Ă  ce type de formation parce qu’elles percevraient moins de possibilitĂ©s d’avancement de carriĂšre, ou parce qu’elles auraient des aspirations de carriĂšre plus limitĂ©es comparativement aux femmes plus jeunes et aux hommes. Toujours en lien avec la thĂ©orie de la discrimination systĂ©mique, les rĂ©sultats obtenus en regard des annĂ©es de service suggĂšrent que, pour les femmes, la formation professionnelle volontaire s’inscrirait dans une stratĂ©gie visant Ă  contrer les effets des pratiques discriminatoires de leur employeur Ă  travers la surqualification. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus concernant le niveau de scolaritĂ© sont Ă©galement cohĂ©rents avec la thĂ©orie de la discrimination systĂ©mique.Par ailleurs, les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les femmes participeraient Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire notamment pour compenser la formation obligatoire qu’elles n’ont pas reçue de leur employeur. La formation professionnelle volontaire constituerait alors une stratĂ©gie parallĂšle visant Ă  pallier la discrimination fondĂ©e sur le sexe en matiĂšre de formation. Enfin, les rĂ©sultats indiquent que les responsabilitĂ©s familiales constituent un obstacle significatif pour les femmes, ce qui corrobore la thĂ©orie du conflit travail-famille. Dans l’ensemble, les variables liĂ©es aux responsabilitĂ©s familiales sont celles qui expliquent le mieux la participation des femmes Ă  la formation professionnelle volontaire.Usando los datos canadienses de la Encuesta sobre los empleados y los lugares de trabajo, este estudio se propone identificar los factores de predicciĂłn de la participaciĂłn al entrenamiento vocacional voluntario para mujeres y hombres que ocupan puestos directivos. Los resultados muestran una alta tasa de participaciĂłn de la mujeres directivas y un efecto diferente de los predictores segĂșn el gĂ©nero. Para los hombres, la escolaridad es la Ășnica variable de capital humano con vinculo significativo a la probabilidad de participar en el entrenamiento vocacional voluntario. Para las mujeres, la probabilidad de participar en el entrenamiento vocacional voluntario varĂ­a segĂșn la edad, la posiciĂłn organizacional y la escolaridad. Los resultados indican tambiĂ©n que la participaciĂłn en entrenamiento obligatorio y las responsabilidades familiares son factores significativos por el grupo de directivos de sexo femenino, indicando un vinculo negativo a la participaciĂłn en el entrenamiento voluntario pero resultan no significativos por el grupo de directivos de sexo masculino

    Fostering greater equity and inclusion with plant-based food options in school: a critical inquiry with elementary parents in the Lakehead District School Board

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    While there has been increasing attention to equity and inclusion in Ontario schools, school food and drink offerings have yet to be explicitly incorporated in most equity and inclusion policies and practices. With the growing number of vegetarian and vegan (veg*n) families and literature documenting the marginalization of veg*ns, this study sought to explore Thunder Bay parents’ experiences with school food options available to their children who eat plant-based diets. Taking a narrative inquiry-inspired approach, interviews were conducted with 10 mothers and one father. In most schools, plant-based options were not available, and as a result, students felt socially excluded and, at times, were physically excluded, which negatively affected their feelings of well-being and interrupted their learning. Parents also reported feeling unsupported when advocating for their children and their attempts to mitigate their children's exclusion were time-consuming. Parents felt it was important that schools make more effort to learn about the dietary needs of their student population and provide appropriate options, and they recommended that an inclusive school food policy be created at the Board level. To normalize dietary diversity, they also wanted school staff to learn and teach about plant-based diets, including the different reasons people adopt these diets, including for health, animal welfare, sustainability, religion, and culture. Since some individual teachers and one school demonstrated inclusive school food practices, parents recommended that these educators could lead professional development workshops for other school staff. Additionally, that the participants were mostly women and all were White, illuminates mothers’ responsibilization for food as well as raises a concern about whose voices were not heard in this study

    Anthracology: past disturbances and vegetation evolution

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    One of CoForChange aims is to highlight the relationship between human settlement and plant distribution. Recent studies show that anthropogenic disturbances have had an impact on vegetation, including enabling the expansion of light-demanding species (see Newsl. No 4). To contribute to this analysis in a context of deep scarcity of anthracological data in Africa, we have been studying the charcoals from nine soil pits of the CoForChange project as part of a Master’s. The objective was to understand past and present species composition of the forests in relation with past disturbances. Two anthracological protocols of identification were tested: 1) at species level, by describing the anatomical characteristics of charcoals, by carrying investigations with InsideWood online database, and by comparing anatomical data at XylariumTervuren; 2) at community level, by searching for statistical relationships between ecological traits of species and wood anatomy. The results show that the taxonomic diversity is greater in Marantaceae forests than in lowland forests. Three identifications were obtained from 48 described taxa: Gilbertiodendron dewevrei under G. dewevrei monodominant forest (GIB1 at 40 cm depth, 1510 ± 30 years cal. BP), Millettia drastica and Pterocarpus soyauxii inMarantaceae open forests (F9 at 40 cm, 1200 ± 30 cal. BP). Our hypothesis is that monodominant stands of G. dewevrei are relatively stable. With regard to P. soyauxii, the proportion of this lightdemanding species seems to be decreasing over time (at levels from 20 to 40 cm) for the benefit of Marantaceae. Another result highlights the absence of Triplochiton scleroxylon under T. scleroxylon, which may confirm the hypothesis of the recent settlement of this species. Results on the relationship between wood anatomy and functional traits are still preliminary, and further research will be conducted through a PhD programme. The on-going developments of anthracology in tropical Africa will help to identify a larger number of collected samples, and thus to understand better the evolution of tropical forests

    Le Roman d’AubĂ©ron. Une lecture texte/images

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    Le manuscrit du Roman d’AubĂ©ron, Ă©crit entre 1260 et 1311 (et connu comme Ă©tant le prologue au cycle de Huon de Bordeaux), contient trois miniatures et des enluminures qui nourrissent son texte. Il est conservĂ© dans un imposant volume, Ă  Turin, qui a partiellement brĂ»lĂ© en 1904. NĂ©anmoins, les images demeurent visibles et signifiantes. La premiĂšre est une composition en trois volets oĂč se mĂȘlent des faits militaires, la nature et un certain cĂŽtĂ© mystique. La deuxiĂšme est une scĂšne de bataille esthĂ©tiquement trĂšs bien rĂ©ussie et conservĂ©e oĂč Jules CĂ©sar connaĂźt le triomphe. La troisiĂšme reprĂ©sente la scĂšne de la naissance des jumeaux AubĂ©ron et Georges, alors que trois fĂ©es sont occupĂ©es Ă  leur octroyer des vƓux. Nous rendons ici compte de l’état des miniatures et des particularitĂ©s des illustrations en lien avec le texte, afin de les dĂ©coder et de parfaire la comprĂ©hension de ce roman dont l’édition critique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par Jean Subrenat en 1973.The manuscript of the Roman d’AubĂ©ron, written between 1260 and 1311 (and known as the prologue to the Huon de Bordeaux cycle), contains three miniatures and some illuminations that nourish the text. It is kept in imposing volume, in Torino, which partially burned in 1904. Nevertheless, the images stay visible and significant. The first one is a composition in three parts where are mixed military acts, nature and a certain mystical side. The second one is a battle scene aesthetically very well executed and preserved where Julius Caesar triumphs. The third one represents the birth scene of the twins AubĂ©ron and Georges, while the three fairies are busy to grant them with wishes. We give here an account of the miniature’s condition and their particularities linked with the text, so we can decode them and perfect the understanding of this novel edited by Jean Subrenat in 1973

    Dynamics of Territorial Occupation by North American Beavers in Canadian Boreal Forests: A Novel Dendroecological Approach

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    Research Highlights: Our study highlights a new, simple, and effective method for studying the habitat use by beavers in Canadian boreal forests. Information regarding the presence of beaver colonies and their habitat occupation is essential for proper forest management and damage prevention in the boreal forest. Background and Objectives: The North American beaver (Castor canadensis) is a major element of natural disturbance, altering the dynamics and structure of boreal forest landscapes. Beaver-related activities also affect human infrastructure, cause floods, and lead to important monetary losses for forestry industries. Our study aimed to determine the spatiotemporal patterns of beaver occupation of lodges over time. Materials and Methods: Using a dendroecological approach to date browsing activity, we studied the occupation of two lodges per water body for eight water bodies located in the boreal forest of Quebec, Canada. Results: Three sites showed alternating patterns of lodge use (occupation) over time, three sites (37.5%) demonstrated no alternating patterns of use, and two sites (25%) presented unclear patterns of lodge use. Conclusions: Alternating patterns of lodge use can be linked to food depletion and the need to regenerate vegetation around lodges, while non-alternating patterns may be related to fluctuations in water levels, the specific shrub and tree species surrounding the lodges, the size of the beaver territory, and the number of lodges present on a water body

    Association entre l'utilisation de Facebook et les marqueurs de stress psychologiques et physiologiques chez les adolescents

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    La crĂ©ation de Facebook est venue changer la façon dont les gens interagissent, mais nous en savons peu sur les impacts de Facebook sur la santĂ© et le bien-ĂȘtre. À l’heure actuelle, environ 90 % des adolescents sont actifs sur Facebook et la majoritĂ© l’utilise tous les jours. Sachant que l’adolescence est une pĂ©riode critique du dĂ©veloppement et que lors de cette pĂ©riode les adolescents sont particuliĂšrement vulnĂ©rables aux effets du stress, il importe de comprendre les facteurs pouvant entrainer une augmentation des hormones de stress chez les adolescents. Le but du prĂ©sent mĂ©moire Ă©tait donc d’étudier la relation entre l’utilisation de Facebook chez les adolescents et des marqueurs de stress psychologique et physiologique. Pour ce faire, nous avons mesurĂ© les hormones de stress chez 88 adolescents (41 garçons, 47 filles) ĂągĂ©s entre 12 et 17 ans. Les adolescents devaient remplir le ‘Social Network Survey’, un questionnaire mesurant diffĂ©rents facteurs associĂ©s Ă  l’utilisation de Facebook et le ‘Child Depression Inventory’, qui mesure les symptĂŽmes de dĂ©pression. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que ce n’est pas le temps passĂ© sur Facebook qui est en lien avec le stress psychologique et physiologique, mais plutĂŽt la nature de l’utilisation de Facebook. Pour les filles, c’est le nombre d’amis sur Facebook qui est reliĂ© Ă  des hauts niveaux de cortisol, tandis que pour les garçons c’est le fait de s’exposer sur Facebook. Cette Ă©tude est la premiĂšre Ă  dĂ©montrer une association entre la nature de l’utilisation de Facebook et les niveaux d’hormones de stress chez des adolescents.The creation of Facebook can change the way people interact, but we know little about the impact of Facebook on health and well-being. As of today, 90 % of adolescents are active on Facebook and most of them connect everyday. Adolescence is a critical period in childrens’ development and during this period they are particularly vulnerable to stress hormones. It is therefore important to understand factors that may cause an increase in stress hormones in adolescents. The goal of this Masters thesis was to determine the relation between Facebook utilization in adolescents and psychological and physiological markers of stress. In order to do so, we measured stress hormones in 88 adolescents (41 boys, 47 girls) aged between 12 and 17 years old. Adolescents where asked to fill out the Social Network Survey, a questionnaire measuring different factors related to Facebook utilization and the Child depression Inventory, measuring symptoms of depression. Results suggest that it is not the time spent on Facebook that is related to psychological and physiological stress but the nature of Facebook utilization. For adolescent girls, it is the number of Facebook friends that is associated with high levels of cortisol, whereas in adolescent boys it is the fact of exposing one-self on Facebook that is associated with high levels of cortisol. This study is the first to show an association between Facebook utilization and stress hormones in adolescents

    Anatomic features underlying wood density, in 110 rainforest tree species from central Congo basin

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    Investigate the influence of fiber thickness and vessel diameter on the wood density in 110 rainforest tree species, and the relationships between wood density, wood water content and shrinking ratio.COBIMF

    New testosterone derivatives as semi-synthetic anticancer agents against prostate cancer : synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is a major health issue in the world. Treatments of localized PC are quite efficient and usually involve surgery, radiotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. Metastatic PC is however rarely curable to this day. Treatments of metastatic PC involve radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal treatment such as orchiectomy, antiandrogens and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists. The suppression of tumor growth by hormonal treatment is efficient but overtime resistance still occurs and the disease progresses. Thus, more urgently than ever there is a need for discovery of new treatment options for castration-resistant PC (CRPC). Hence, we designed and tested a series of amide derivatives located at position 7α of testosterone as prospective “natural” or “semisynthetic” anticancer agents against CRPC with the goal of discovering therapeutic alternatives for the disease. This manuscript describes an efficient path towards the target molecules that are made in only 6 or 7 chemical steps from testosterone in good overall yields. This strategy can be used to make several compounds of interest that present higher biological activity than the classic antiandrogen; cyproterone acetate (3). The best testosterone-7α-amide was the N-2-pyridylethylamide (25) which was as active as the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate (3) on androgen-dependent LNCaP cells and 2.7 times more active on androgen-independent PC3 prostate cancer cells. The results obtained show the synthetic feasibility and the potential for future development of this unique class of semi-synthetic anticancer agents that offer the premise of new treatment modalities for patients afflicted with CRPC
