51 research outputs found

    A genetic basis for a postmeiotic X versus Y chromosome intragenomic conflict in the mouse.

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    Intragenomic conflicts arise when a genetic element favours its own transmission to the detriment of others. Conflicts over sex chromosome transmission are expected to have influenced genome structure, gene regulation, and speciation. In the mouse, the existence of an intragenomic conflict between X- and Y-linked multicopy genes has long been suggested but never demonstrated. The Y-encoded multicopy gene Sly has been shown to have a predominant role in the epigenetic repression of post meiotic sex chromatin (PMSC) and, as such, represses X and Y genes, among which are its X-linked homologs Slx and Slxl1. Here, we produced mice that are deficient for both Sly and Slx/Slxl1 and observed that Slx/Slxl1 has an opposite role to that of Sly, in that it stimulates XY gene expression in spermatids. Slx/Slxl1 deficiency rescues the sperm differentiation defects and near sterility caused by Sly deficiency and vice versa. Slx/Slxl1 deficiency also causes a sex ratio distortion towards the production of male offspring that is corrected by Sly deficiency. All in all, our data show that Slx/Slxl1 and Sly have antagonistic effects during sperm differentiation and are involved in a postmeiotic intragenomic conflict that causes segregation distortion and male sterility. This is undoubtedly what drove the massive gene amplification on the mouse X and Y chromosomes. It may also be at the basis of cases of F1 male hybrid sterility where the balance between Slx/Slxl1 and Sly copy number, and therefore expression, is disrupted. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first demonstration of a competition occurring between X and Y related genes in mammals. It also provides a biological basis for the concept that intragenomic conflict is an important evolutionary force which impacts on gene expression, genome structure, and speciation

    The multicopy gene Sly represses the sex chromosomes in the male mouse germline after meiosis.

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    Studies of mice with Y chromosome long arm deficiencies suggest that the male-specific region (MSYq) encodes information required for sperm differentiation and postmeiotic sex chromatin repression (PSCR). Several genes have been identified on MSYq, but because they are present in more than 40 copies each, their functions cannot be investigated using traditional gene targeting. Here, we generate transgenic mice producing small interfering RNAs that specifically target the transcripts of the MSYq-encoded multicopy gene Sly (Sycp3-like Y-linked). Microarray analyses performed on these Sly-deficient males and on MSYq-deficient males show a remarkable up-regulation of sex chromosome genes in spermatids. SLY protein colocalizes with the X and Y chromatin in spermatids of normal males, and Sly deficiency leads to defective repressive marks on the sex chromatin, such as reduced levels of the heterochromatin protein CBX1 and of histone H3 methylated at lysine 9. Sly-deficient mice, just like MSYq-deficient mice, have severe impairment of sperm differentiation and are near sterile. We propose that their spermiogenesis phenotype is a consequence of the change in spermatid gene expression following Sly deficiency. To our knowledge, this is the first successful targeted disruption of the function of a multicopy gene (or of any Y gene). It shows that SLY has a predominant role in PSCR, either via direct interaction with the spermatid sex chromatin or via interaction with sex chromatin protein partners. Sly deficiency is the major underlying cause of the spectrum of anomalies identified 17 y ago in MSYq-deficient males. Our results also suggest that the expansion of sex-linked spermatid-expressed genes in mouse is a consequence of the enhancement of PSCR that accompanies Sly amplification

    Foxl2 gene and the development of the ovary : a story about goat, mouse, fish and woman

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    In this review, we describe recent results concerning the genetics of sex determination in mammals. Particularly, we developed the study of the FOXL2 gene and its implication in genetic anomalies in goats (PIS mutation) and humans (BPES). We present the expression of FOXL2 in the ovaries of different species

    SLY regulates genes involved in chromatin remodeling and interacts with TBL1XR1 during sperm differentiation

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    Sperm differentiation requires unique transcriptional regulation and chromatin remodeling after meiosis to ensure proper compaction and protection of the paternal genome. Abnormal sperm chromatin remodeling can induce sperm DNA damage, embryo lethality and male infertility, yet, little is known about the factors which regulate this process. Deficiency in Sly, a mouse Y chromosome-encoded gene expressed only in postmeiotic male germ cells, has been shown to result in the deregulation of hundreds of sex chromosome-encoded genes associated with multiple sperm differentiation defects and subsequent male infertility. The underlying mechanism remained, to date, unknown. Here, we show that SLY binds to the promoter of sex chromosome-encoded and autosomal genes highly expressed postmeiotically and involved in chromatin regulation. Specifically, we demonstrate that Sly knockdown directly induces the deregulation of sex chromosome-encoded H2A variants and of the H3K79 methyltransferase DOT1L. The modifications prompted by loss of Sly alter the postmeiotic chromatin structure and ultimately result in abnormal sperm chromatin remodeling with negative consequences on the sperm genome integrity. Altogether our results show that SLY is a regulator of sperm chromatin remodeling. Finally we identified that SMRT/N-CoR repressor complex is involved in gene regulation during sperm differentiation since members of this complex, in particular TBL1XR1, interact with SLY in postmeiotic male germ cells.This work was supported by Inserm (Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale), the Agence Nationale de la Recherche program ANR-12–JSV2-0005–01 (to JC), Labex ‘Who am I?’(ANR-11- LABX-0071 under program ANR-11-IDEX-0005-01) and a Marie Curie fellowship FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IEF-273143 (to JC

    Expression and epigenomic landscape of the sex chromosomes in mouse post-meiotic male germ cells

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    International audienceAbstractBackground During meiosis, the X and Y chromosomes are transcriptionally silenced. The persistence of repressive chromatin marks on the sex chromatin after meiosis initially led to the assumption that XY gene silencing persists to some extent in spermatids. Considering the many reports of XY-linked genes expressed and needed in the post-meiotic phase of mouse spermatogenesis, it is still unclear whether or not the mouse sex chromatin is a repressive or permissive environment, after meiosis.Results To determine the transcriptional and chromatin state of the sex chromosomes after meiosis, we re-analyzed ten ChIP-Seq datasets performed on mouse round spermatids and four RNA-seq datasets from male germ cells purified at different stages of spermatogenesis. For this, we used the last version of the genome (mm10/GRCm38) and included reads that map to several genomic locations in order to properly interpret the high proportion of sex chromosome-encoded multicopy genes. Our study shows that coverage of active epigenetic marks H3K4me3 and Kcr is similar on the sex chromosomes and on autosomes. The post-meiotic sex chromatin nevertheless differs from autosomal chromatin in its enrichment in H3K9me3 and its depletion in H3K27me3 and H4 acetylation. We also identified a posttranslational modification, H3K27ac, which specifically accumulates on the Y chromosome. In parallel, we found that the X and Y chromosomes are enriched in genes expressed post-meiotically and display a higher proportion of spermatid-specific genes compared to autosomes. Finally, we observed that portions of chromosome 14 and of the sex chromosomes share specific features, such as enrichment in H3K9me3 and the presence of multicopy genes that are specifically expressed in round spermatids, suggesting that parts of chromosome 14 are under the same evolutionary constraints than the sex chromosomes.ConclusionsBased on our expression and epigenomic studies, we conclude that, after meiosis, the mouse sex chromosomes are no longer silenced but are nevertheless regulated differently than autosomes and accumulate different chromatin marks. We propose that post-meiotic selective constraints are at the basis of the enrichment of spermatid-specific genes and of the peculiar chromatin composition of the sex chromosomes and of parts of chromosome 14

    Relation microstructure comportement mécanique de mousses PEBAX

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    International audienceThe mechanical behaviors of five polyether block amide foams, obtained by mold-opening foam injection process, were investigated with regard to their microstructures. The materials vary in mass ratios of hard versus soft segments, and/or in process packing time. The resulting microstructures have been characterized in terms of cavity size and shape ratios, by analyzing scanning electron microscope images after careful sample preparation. The foam mechanical responses have been characterized in compression at small and large strain. At small strain, the initial linear part of the stress-strain curve is enhanced firstly by the hard segment mass ratio and secondly by the fineness of the microstructure. Similar results have been obtained at large strain. The foam viscoelasticity at large strain has been characterized by stress relaxation and strain recovery tests, relevant for foam applications. Reduced packing time and pressure have been shown to lead to the presence of undesired large cavities. The morphological defects appear to have a negligible impact on the macroscopic mechanical behavior of the foams at infinitesimal strain, but lead to critical inconsistency at large strain. Furthermore, the mechanical behavior of the tested polyether block amide foams is controlled first by hard vs. soft segments ratio, and second by the microstructure finenes

    Compositional biases and polyalanine runs in humans.

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    Human proteins containing polyalanine tracts tend to have runs of other amino acids and their open reading frames (ORFs) display a biased codon usage. Their alanine, glycine, proline, and histidine content strongly correlates with the GC content of the third codon base, suggesting that the compositional specificity of these proteins is dictated to a great extent by the evolution of their ORFs