9 research outputs found

    Metabolism Underlies Physiological Homeostasis in \u3ci\u3eDrosophila\u3c/i\u3e

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    Organismal physiology emerges from metabolic pathways and subcellular structures like the mitochondria that can vary across development and among individuals. Here, we tested whether genetic variation at one level of physiology can be buffered at higher levels of biological organization during development by the inherent capacity for homeostasis in physiological systems. We found that the fundamental scaling relationship between mass and metabolic rate, as well as the oxidative capacity per mitochondria, changed significantly across development in the fruit fly Drosophila. However, mitochondrial respiration rate was maintained at similar levels across development. Furthermore, larvae clustered into two types—those that switched to aerobic, mitochondrial ATP production before the second instar, and those that relied on anaerobic, glycolytic production of ATP through the second instar. Despite genetic variation for the timing of this metabolic shift, metabolic rate in second-instar larvae was more robust to genetic variation than was the metabolic rate of other instars. We found that larvae with a mitochondrial-nuclear incompatibility that disrupts mitochondrial function had increased aerobic capacity and relied more on anaerobic ATP production throughout development relative to larvae from wild-type strains. By taking advantage of both ways of making ATP, larvae with this mitochondrial–nuclear incompatibility maintained mitochondrial respiratory capacity, but also had higher levels of whole-body reactive oxygen species and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, potentially as a physiological defense mechanism. Thus, genetic defects in core physiology can be buffered at the organismal level via physiological plasticity, and natural populations may harbor genetic variation for distinct metabolic strategies in development that generate similar organismal outcomes. Suppl data attached below (170MB

    Energy demand and the context-dependent effects of genetic interactions underlying metabolism

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    Genetic effects are often context dependent, with the same genotype differentially affecting phenotypes across environments, life stages, and sexes.We used an environmental manipulation designed to increase energy demand during development to investigate energy demand as a general physiological explanation for context-dependent effects of mutations, particularly for those mutations that affect metabolism. We found that increasing the photoperiod during which Drosophila larvae are active during development phenocopies a temperature-dependent developmental delay in a mitochondrial-nuclear genotype with disrupted metabolism. This result indicates that the context-dependent fitness effects of this genotype are not specific to the effects of temperature and may generally result from variation in energy demand. The effects of this genotype also differ across life stages and between the sexes. The mitochondrial-nuclear genetic interaction disrupts metabolic rate in growing larvae, but not in adults, and compromises female, but not male, reproductive fitness. These patterns are consistent with a model where context-dependent genotype-phenotype relationships may generally arise from differences in energy demand experienced by individuals across environments, life stages, and sexes

    Metabolism Underlies Physiological Homeostasis in \u3ci\u3eDrosophila\u3c/i\u3e

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    Organismal physiology emerges from metabolic pathways and subcellular structures like the mitochondria that can vary across development and among individuals. Here, we tested whether genetic variation at one level of physiology can be buffered at higher levels of biological organization during development by the inherent capacity for homeostasis in physiological systems. We found that the fundamental scaling relationship between mass and metabolic rate, as well as the oxidative capacity per mitochondria, changed significantly across development in the fruit fly Drosophila. However, mitochondrial respiration rate was maintained at similar levels across development. Furthermore, larvae clustered into two types—those that switched to aerobic, mitochondrial ATP production before the second instar, and those that relied on anaerobic, glycolytic production of ATP through the second instar. Despite genetic variation for the timing of this metabolic shift, metabolic rate in second-instar larvae was more robust to genetic variation than was the metabolic rate of other instars. We found that larvae with a mitochondrial-nuclear incompatibility that disrupts mitochondrial function had increased aerobic capacity and relied more on anaerobic ATP production throughout development relative to larvae from wild-type strains. By taking advantage of both ways of making ATP, larvae with this mitochondrial–nuclear incompatibility maintained mitochondrial respiratory capacity, but also had higher levels of whole-body reactive oxygen species and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, potentially as a physiological defense mechanism. Thus, genetic defects in core physiology can be buffered at the organismal level via physiological plasticity, and natural populations may harbor genetic variation for distinct metabolic strategies in development that generate similar organismal outcomes. Suppl data attached below (170MB

    Data from: Maternal loading of a small heat shock protein increases embryo thermal tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Maternal investment is likely to have direct effects on offspring survival. In oviparous animals whose embryos are exposed to the external environment, maternal provisioning of molecular factors like mRNAs and proteins may help embryos cope with sudden changes in the environment. Here we sought to modify the maternal mRNA contribution to offspring embryos and test for maternal effects on acute thermal tolerance in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster. We drove in vivo overexpression of a small heat shock protein gene (Hsp23) in female ovaries and measured the effects of acute thermal stress on offspring embryonic survival and larval development. We report that overexpression of the Hsp23 gene in female ovaries produced offspring embryos with increased thermal tolerance. We also found that brief heat stress in the early embryonic stage (0 to 1 hour-old) caused decreased larval performance later in life (5 to 10 days-old), as indexed by pupation height. Maternal overexpression of Hsp23 protected embryos against this heat-induced defect in larval performance. Our data demonstrate that transient products of single genes have large and lasting effects on whole-organism environmental tolerance. Further, our results suggest that maternal effects have a profound impact on offspring survival in the context of thermal variability

    Thermal phenotypic data and qPCR data

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    Data from: Energy demand and the context-dependent effects of genetic interactions underlying metabolism

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    Genetic effects are often context-dependent, with the same genotype differentially affecting phenotypes across environments, life stages, and sexes. We used an environmental manipulation designed to increase energy demand during development to investigate energy demand as a general physiological explanation for context-dependent effects of mutations, particularly for those mutations that affect metabolism. We found that increasing the period during which Drosophila larvae are active during development phenocopies a temperature-dependent developmental delay in a mitochondrial-nuclear genotype with disrupted metabolism. This result indicates that the context-dependent fitness effects of this genotype are not specific to the effects of temperature and may result generally from variation in energy demand. The effects of this genotype also differ across life stages and between the sexes. Metabolic rates are disrupted by this genetic interaction in growing larvae, but not in adults; and reproduction of females, but not males, is compromised by this genetic interaction. These patterns are consistent with a model where context-dependent genotype-phenotype relationships may generally arise from differences in energy demand experienced by individuals across environments, life stages, and sexes

    Seasonal plasticity in morphology and metabolism differs between migratory North American and resident Costa Rican monarch butterflies

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    Abstract Environmental heterogeneity in temperate latitudes is expected to maintain seasonally plastic life‐history strategies that include the tuning of morphologies and metabolism that support overwintering. For species that have expanded their ranges into tropical latitudes, it is unclear the extent to which the capacity for plasticity will be maintained or will erode with disuse. The migratory generations of the North American (NA) monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus lead distinctly different lives from their summer generation NA parents and their tropical descendants living in Costa Rica (CR). NA migratory monarchs postpone reproduction, travel thousands of kilometers south to overwinter in Mexico, and subsist on little food for months. Whether recently dispersed populations of monarchs such as those in Costa Rica, which are no longer subject to selection imposed by migration, retain ancestral seasonal plasticity is unclear. To investigate the differences in seasonal plasticity, we reared the NA and CR monarchs in summer and autumn in Illinois, USA, and measured the seasonal reaction norms for aspects of morphology and metabolism related to flight. NA monarchs were seasonally plastic in forewing and thorax size, increasing wing area and thorax to body mass ratio in autumn. While CR monarchs increased thorax mass in autumn, they did not increase the area of the forewing. NA monarchs maintained similar resting and maximal flight metabolic rates across seasons. However, CR monarchs had elevated metabolic rates in autumn. Our findings suggest that the recent expansion of monarchs into habitats that support year‐round breeding may be accompanied by (1) the loss of some aspects of morphological plasticity as well as (2) the underlying physiological mechanisms that maintain metabolic homeostasis in the face of temperature heterogeneity

    Lactate dehydrogenase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase cooperatively regulate growth and carbohydrate metabolism during Drosophila melanogaster larval development

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    The dramatic growth that occurs during Drosophila larval development requires rapid conversion of nutrients into biomass. Many larval tissues respond to these biosynthetic demands by increasing carbohydrate metabolism and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. The resulting metabolic program is ideally suited for synthesis of macromolecules and mimics the manner by which cancer cells rely on aerobic glycolysis. To explore the potential role of Drosophila LDH in promoting biosynthesis, we examined how Ldh mutations influence larval development. Our studies unexpectedly found that Ldh mutants grow at a normal rate, indicating that LDH is dispensable for larval biomass production. However, subsequent metabolomic analyses suggested that Ldh mutants compensate for the inability to produce lactate by generating excess glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P), the production of which also influences larval redox balance. Consistent with this possibility, larvae lacking both LDH and G3P dehydrogenase (GPDH1) exhibit growth defects, synthetic lethality and decreased glycolytic flux. Considering that human cells also generate G3P upon inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA), our findings hint at a conserved mechanism in which the coordinate regulation of lactate and G3P synthesis imparts metabolic robustness to growing animal tissues