36 research outputs found

    Computational Methods for Protein Inference in Shotgun Proteomics Experiments

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten kam es zu einem signifikanten Anstiegs des Einsatzes von Hochdurchsatzmethoden in verschiedensten Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften, welche zu einem regelrechten Paradigmenwechsel führte. Eine große Anzahl an neuen Technologien wurde entwickelt um die Quantifizierung von Molekülen, die in verschiedenste biologische Prozesse involviert sind, voranzutreiben und zu beschleunigen. Damit einhergehend konnte eine beträchtliche Steigerung an Daten festgestellt werden, die durch diese verbesserten Methoden generiert wurden. Durch die Bereitstellung von computergestützten Verfahren zur Analyse eben dieser Masse an Rohdaten, spielt der Forschungsbereich der Bioinformatik eine immer größere Rolle bei der Extraktion biologischer Erkenntnisse. Im Speziellen hilft die computergestützte Massenspektrometrie bei der Prozessierung, Analyse und Visualisierung von Daten aus massenspektrometrischen Hochdursatzexperimenten. Bei der Erforschung der Gesamtheit aller Proteine einer Zelle oder einer anderweitigen Probe biologischen Materials, kommen selbst neueste Methoden an ihre Grenzen. Deswegen greifen viele Labore zu einer, dem Massenspektrometer vorgeschalteten, Verdauung der Probe um die Komplexität der zu messenden Moleküle zu verringern. Diese sogenannten "Bottom-up"-Proteomikexperimente mit Massenspektrometern führen allerdings zu einer erhöhten Schwierigkeit bei der anschließenden computergestützen Analyse. Durch die Verdauung von Proteinen zu Peptiden müssen komplexe Mehrdeutigkeiten während Proteininferenz, Proteingruppierung und Proteinquantifizierung berücksichtigt und/oder aufgelöst werden. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation stellen wir mehrere Entwicklungen vor, die dabei helfen sollen eine effiziente und vollständig automatisierte Analyse von komplexen und umfangreichen \glqq Bottom-up\grqq{}-Proteomikexperimenten zu ermöglichen. Um die hinderliche Komplexität diskreter, Bayes'scher Proteininferenzmethoden zu verringern, wird neuerdings von sogenannten Faltungsbäumen (engl. "convolution trees") Gebrauch gemacht. Diese bieten bis jetzt jedoch keine genaue und gleichzeitig numerisch stabile Möglichkeit um "max-product"-Inferenz zu betreiben. Deswegen wird in dieser Dissertation zunächst eine neue Methode beschrieben die das mithilfe eines stückweisen bzw. extrapolierendem Verfahren ermöglicht. Basierend auf der Integration dieser Methode in eine mitentwickelte Bibliothek für Bayes'sche Inferenz, wird dann ein OpenMS-Tool für Proteininferenz präsentiert. Dieses Tool ermöglicht effiziente Proteininferenz auf Basis eines diskreten Bayes'schen Netzwerks mithilfe eines "loopy belief propagation" Algorithmus'. Trotz der streng probabilistischen Formulierung des Problems übertrifft unser Verfahren die meisten etablierten Methoden in Recheneffizienz. Das Interface des Algorithmus' bietet außerdem einzigartige Eingabe- und Ausgabeoptionen, wie z.B. das Regularisieren der Anzahl von Proteinen in einer Gruppe, proteinspezifische "Priors", oder rekalibrierte "Posteriors" der Peptide. Schließlich zeigt diese Arbeit einen kompletten, einfach zu benutzenden, aber trotzdem skalierenden Workflow für Proteininferenz und -quantifizierung, welcher um das neue Tool entwickelt wurde. Die Pipeline wurde in nextflow implementiert und ist Teil einer Gruppe von standardisierten, regelmäßig getesteten und von einer Community gepflegten Standardworkflows gebündelt unter dem Projekt nf-core. Unser Workflow ist in der Lage selbst große Datensätze mit komplizierten experimentellen Designs zu prozessieren. Mit einem einzigen Befehl erlaubt er eine (Re-)Analyse von lokalen oder öffentlich verfügbaren Datensätzen mit kompetetiver Genauigkeit und ausgezeichneter Performance auf verschiedensten Hochleistungsrechenumgebungen oder der Cloud.Since the beginning of this millennium, the advent of high-throughput methods in numerous fields of the life sciences led to a shift in paradigms. A broad variety of technologies emerged that allow comprehensive quantification of molecules involved in biological processes. Simultaneously, a major increase in data volume has been recorded with these techniques through enhanced instrumentation and other technical advances. By supplying computational methods that automatically process raw data to obtain biological information, the field of bioinformatics plays an increasingly important role in the analysis of the ever-growing mass of data. Computational mass spectrometry in particular, is a bioinformatics field of research which provides means to gather, analyze and visualize data from high-throughput mass spectrometric experiments. For the study of the entirety of proteins in a cell or an environmental sample, even current techniques reach limitations that need to be circumvented by simplifying the samples subjected to the mass spectrometer. These pre-digested (so-called bottom-up) proteomics experiments then pose an even bigger computational burden during analysis since complex ambiguities need to be resolved during protein inference, grouping and quantification. In this thesis, we present several developments in the pursuit of our goal to provide means for a fully automated analysis of complex and large-scale bottom-up proteomics experiments. Firstly, due to prohibitive computational complexities in state-of-the-art Bayesian protein inference techniques, a refined, more stable technique for performing inference on sums of random variables was developed to enable a variation of standard Bayesian inference for the problem. nextflow and part of a set of standardized, well-tested, and community-maintained workflows by the nf-core collective. Our workflow runs on large-scale data with complex experimental designs and allows a one-command analysis of local and publicly available data sets with state-of-the-art accuracy on various high-performance computing environments or the cloud

    LFQ-Based Peptide and Protein Intensity Differential Expression Analysis

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    Testing for significant differences in quantities at the protein level is a common goal of many LFQ-based mass spectrometry proteomics experiments. Starting from a table of protein and/or peptide quantities from a given proteomics quantification software, many tools and R packages exist to perform the final tasks of imputation, summarization, normalization, and statistical testing. To evaluate the effects of packages and settings in their substeps on the final list of significant proteins, we studied several packages on three public data sets with known expected protein fold changes. We found that the results between packages and even across different parameters of the same package can vary significantly. In addition to usability aspects and feature/compatibility lists of different packages, this paper highlights sensitivity and specificity trade-offs that come with specific packages and settings

    Tissue-based absolute quantification using large-scale TMT and LFQ experiments

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    Relative and absolute intensity-based protein quantification across cell lines, tissue atlases and tumour datasets is increasingly available in public datasets. These atlases enable researchers to explore fundamental biological questions, such as protein existence, expression location, quantity and correlation with RNA expression. Most studies provide MS1 feature-based label-free quantitative (LFQ) datasets; however, growing numbers of isobaric tandem mass tags (TMT) datasets remain unexplored. Here, we compare traditional intensity-based absolute quantification (iBAQ) proteome abundance ranking to an analogous method using reporter ion proteome abundance ranking with data from an experiment where LFQ and TMT were measured on the same samples. This new TMT method substitutes reporter ion intensities for MS1 feature intensities in the iBAQ framework. Additionally, we compared LFQ-iBAQ values to TMT-iBAQ values from two independent large-scale tissue atlas datasets (one LFQ and one TMT) using robust bottom-up proteomic identification, normalisation and quantitation workflows

    Generation of ENSEMBL-based proteogenomics databases boosts the identification of non-canonical peptides

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    We have implemented the pypgatk package and the pgdb workflow to create proteogenomics databases based on ENSEMBL resources. The tools allow the generation of protein sequences from novel protein-coding transcripts by performing a three-frame translation of pseudogenes, lncRNAs and other non-canonical transcripts, such as those produced by alternative splicing events. It also includes exonic out-of-frame translation from otherwise canonical protein-coding mRNAs. Moreover, the tool enables the generation of variant protein sequences from multiple sources of genomic variants including COSMIC, cBioportal, gnomAD and mutations detected from sequencing of patient samples. pypgatk and pgdb provide multiple functionalities for database handling including optimized target/decoy generation by the algorithm DecoyPyrat. Finally, we have reanalyzed six public datasets in PRIDE by generating cell-type specific databases for 65 cell lines using the pypgatk and pgdb workflow, revealing a wealth of non-canonical or cryptic peptides amounting to >5% of the total number of peptides identified

    BioContainers: An open-source and community-driven framework for software standardization

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    Motivation BioContainers (biocontainers.pro) is an open-source and community-driven framework which provides platform independent executable environments for bioinformatics software. BioContainers allows labs of all sizes to easily install bioinformatics software, maintain multiple versions of the same software and combine tools into powerful analysis pipelines. BioContainers is based on popular open-source projects Docker and rkt frameworks, that allow software to be installed and executed under an isolated and controlled environment. Also, it provides infrastructure and basic guidelines to create, manage and distribute bioinformatics containers with a special focus on omics technologies. These containers can be integrated into more comprehensive bioinformatics pipelines and different architectures (local desktop, cloud environments or HPC clusters). Availability and Implementation The software is freely available at github.com/BioContainers/.publishedVersio

    A proteomics sample metadata representation for multiomics integration and big data analysis

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    The amount of public proteomics data is rapidly increasing but there is no standardized format to describe the sample metadata and their relationship with the dataset files in a way that fully supports their understanding or reanalysis. Here we propose to develop the transcriptomics data format MAGE-TAB into a standard representation for proteomics sample metadata. We implement MAGE-TAB-Proteomics in a crowdsourcing project to manually curate over 200 public datasets. We also describe tools and libraries to validate and submit sample metadata-related information to the PRIDE repository. We expect that these developments will improve the reproducibility and facilitate the reanalysis and integration of public proteomics datasets.publishedVersio