8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Physical Activities on Physical Education Learning Outcomes

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    This study aimed to find the effect of physical activity on academic performance of physical education. The research method used in this research is quantitative approach, survey method with test and measurement technique. The population of the research was students at a public secondary school in East Jakarta, and 216 students of 6 classes grade eight participating in this research. There is a positive influence of physical activity on student learning outcome of physical education. Physical activity has a direct positive effect on learning outcomes of physical education. This means that increasing physical activity will lead to an increase in physical education learning outcomes. Implication of the present study is that efforts can be made to improve learning outcomes physical education through structured physical activity, by providing physical activities, games and sports chosen to achieve educational goals

    The Adsorption Efficiency of Lead From Post-Tin Mining Water using Nanomagnetic Fe3O4/Chitosan Portunus pelagicus shells

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    Adsorption was carried out on the water of post tin mining using nanomagnetic Fe3O4/chitosan from Portunus pelagicus shells. Nanomagnetic Fe3O4/Chitosan was prepared for lead adsorption. The nanomagnetic Fe3O4 was characterized through XRD and chitosan was characterized through FTIR The concentration of Pb in post tin mining water is 0,36 ppm. This study varied the mass of Fe3O4 and stirring time. The adsorption results were analyzed by AAS and obtained the largest adsorption efficiency (58,33%) at stirring 30 minutes with a mass of Fe3O4 of 75 mg

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Komposit Fe3O4/Kitosan/Kaolin Bangka

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    Sintesis dan karakterisasi komposit Fe3O4/kitosan/kaolin Bangka telah dilakukan. Sintesis komposit dilakukan dengan memvariasikan komposisi kaolin (0; 0,25; 0,5; dan 1 gr). Pada komposisi Fe3O4 95 mg dan kitosan 1 gr. Karakterisasi komposit Fe3O4/kitosan/kaolin dilakukan dengan analisis XRD, FTIR/, uji porositas, derajat pengembangan, dan uji adsorpsi pada ion Cu2+. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan adanya puncak difraksi kaolin dan Fe3O4 pada 2θ= 8,92o, 29,57o, dan 45,61o (kaolin) serta 35,64o, dan 45,61o (Fe3O4). Hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan adanya pita serapan yang khas dari kitosan, kaolin, dan Fe3O4 pada hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan ada pita serapan pada daerah 3825, 3689, 2103, dan 1425 cm-1 (kitosan), 1028, dan 884,41 cm-1 (kaolin), 791,11 cm-1 (kitosan), dan 696,95 cm-1 (Fe3O4). Nilai porositas tertinggi yaitu 1,547% tanpa penambahan kaolin, derajat pengembangan tertinggi yaitu 754,63 % juga tanpa penambahan kaolin. Uji adsorpsi terhadap ion Cu2+ menunjukkan nilai efisiensi adsorpsi sebesar 72,41% pada penambahan kaolin 1 gr


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    The problems is influence influence between work environment, work stress and motivation on the performance of janitors at the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Dairi. Where proposed three independent variables and one independent variable, namely the work environment (X1), work stress (X2) and motivation (X3) and performance (Y1) as the dependent variable. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between work environment, work stress and motivation on the performance of janitors at the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Dairi. The study was  a quantitative study using survey methods. Subjects were study were janitors at the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Dairi with 100 respondents. Validity and Reliability is performed to see validity of the study questionnaire was valid or not. T test performed to determine whether the independent variable partially has a significant influence on the dependent variable and the F test is performed to determine whether the independent variable simultaneously has a significant influence on the dependent variable. The results showed :  (1) Work environment variables had a positive and significant effect on the performance of janitors at the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Dairi by 0.506 or 50.60%, (2) Work stress variables had a positive but not significant effect on the performance of janitors at the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Dairi by 0.169 or 16.90%, (3) the variable of work motivation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of janitors at the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Dairi by 0.364 or 36.40%  and (4) the variable of work environment, work stress and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on performance janitors at the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Dairi by 60.90%, while the remaining 39.10% is influenced by other factors not examine

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Dinding Virtual Menggunakan Aplikasi Padlet pada Tema 8 Kelas V SD Negeri 3 Pasar Panguruan T.A. 2022/2023

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    <p><em><span>The problem examined in this research and development is that teachers rarely use learning media in teaching and learning activities in class, while the media used by teachers is media that is found around the class. This study aims to determine the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of virtual wall learning media using the Padlet application on Theme 8 Sub-theme 1 Learning 4 for VB class students at SD Negeri 3 Pasar Pangururan. This type of research is a type of research and development (Research and Development) using the ADDIE development model through 5 stages, namely the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation stages. The subjects in this study were 18 students in class V B SD Negeri 3 Pangururan Market. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, questionnaires, test questions and documentation. Based on the results of this research and development includes validation from experts which is an assessment of virtual wall learning media using the Padlet application by material experts, media experts and educational practitioners. The results of the validation by material experts got a final score of 88% with the "Very Eligible" criteria. The validation results by media experts got a final score of 92% with the criteria of "Very Eligible". The results of the validation by educational practitioners, namely the homeroom teacher of class VB SD Negeri 3 Pasar Panguruan, received a final score of 95% with the criteria "Very Practical". The results of the pretest the average value of students get a value of 52, 5 with the criteria of "Less Effective" and at the posttest stage the average score of students has increased to a score of 90.8 with the criteria of "Very Effective". Student learning outcomes increased by 38.3. Because of this, it can be concluded that virtual wall learning media using the Padlet application on Theme 8 Sub-theme 1 Learning 4 for V B class students at SD Negeri 3 Pasar Pangururan are deemed feasible, practical and effective for use by students during the learning process.</span></em></p&gt

    The Effectiveness of Classroom Management Using the Resource Based Learning (RBL) Learning Model on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 2 Rantau Selatan

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of classroom management using the Resource Based Learning (RBL) learning model on student mathematics learning outcomes. This research is Classroom Action research which applies data collection methods through observing learning activities and learning results tests. The research subjects consisted of 36 students in class VIII 4 at SMP Negeri 2 Rantau Selatan for the 2023/2024 academic year. In this research, a significant increase in the effectiveness of classroom management in solving mathematics problems was seen, which was realized through the use of various learning resources such as Student Worksheets (LKPD), mathematics books, internet sources, and teaching aids. This is better than students who receive normal learning. Meanwhile, student learning outcomes were successfully improved by using LKPD using the Resource Based Learning (RBL) learning model. We can see the improvement in students' mathematics learning outcomes from the average score, where there was an increase in cycle I and cycle II. The average score from cycle I was 75.15 and in cycle II was 82.00 with a learning completeness percentage of 66.6%, 93%

    The Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Komposit Fe3O4/Kitosan/Kaolin Bangka

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    Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4/chitosan/clay Bangka has been carried out. Synthesis of composite was done with variations the composition of clay (0; 25; 50; 100 %) at the composition of Fe3O4 95 mg of Fe3O4 and 1 gr of chitosan. Characterization of composite Fe3O4/chitosan/clay have been analysed with XRD, FTIR, porosity test, the degree of development, and adsorption efficiency test for Cu2+ ion. The results of the analysed with XRD show the difractogram of clay and Fe3O4 at 2θ= 8,92o, 29,57o, and 45,61o (clay); 26,90o, and 35,64o (Fe3O4). Results of the analysed with ftir show the spectrum of the chitosan, clay, and Fe3O4 at 3825, 3689, 2103, 1425 cm-1 (chitosan), 1028, 884,41 cm-1 (clay), 791,11 cm-1 (chitosan) and 696,95 cm-1 (Fe3O4). The results of porosity test and the degree of development showed the high point are 1,547 and 754,63% without composition of clay. The adsorption test for Cu2+ ion show percentage of adsorption efficiency is 72,41% at composite of Fe3O4/chitosan with the clay added 1 gr.      Sintesis dan karakterisasi komposit Fe3O4/kitosan/kaolin Bangka telah dilakukan. Sintesis komposit dilakukan dengan memvariasikan komposisi kaolin (0; 0,25; 0,5; dan 1 gr). Pada komposisi Fe3O4 95 mg dan kitosan 1 gr. Karakterisasi komposit Fe3O4/kitosan/kaolin dilakukan dengan analisis XRD, FTIR/, uji porositas, derajat pengembangan, dan uji adsorpsi pada ion Cu2+. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan adanya puncak difraksi kaolin dan Fe3O4 pada 2θ= 8,92o, 29,57o, dan 45,61o (kaolin) serta 35,64o, dan 45,61o (Fe3O4). Hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan adanya pita serapan yang khas dari kitosan, kaolin, dan Fe3O4 pada hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan ada pita serapan pada daerah 3825, 3689, 2103, dan 1425 cm-1 (kitosan), 1028, dan 884,41 cm-1 (kaolin), 791,11 cm-1 (kitosan), dan 696,95 cm-1 (Fe3O4). Nilai porositas tertinggi yaitu 1,547% tanpa penambahan kaolin, derajat pengembangan tertinggi yaitu 754,63 % juga tanpa penambahan kaolin. Uji adsorpsi terhadap ion Cu2+ menunjukkan nilai efisiensi adsorpsi sebesar 72,41% pada penambahan kaolin 1 gr.   &nbsp


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian identifikasi bidang gelincir di Desa Bantir Kabupaten Semarang dengan menggunakan alat geolistrik tahanan jenis multichanel S-Field 16 elektroda dengan konfigurasi Wenner sebanyak 5 lintasan. Masing-masing lintasan memiliki panjang 150 meter dan spasi antar elektroda 10 meter. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan software Res2Dinv versi 3.45. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan interpretasi menunjukkan bahwa di lokasi penelitian terdeteksi litologi antara lain lempung, batu pasir, hingga andesit. Bidang gelincir berupa lapisan lempung dengan nilai tahanan jenis antara 19,3 Ωm sampai 60 Ωm ditemukan pada lintasan 1 dan 2. Untuk lintasan 1 ditemukan pada kedalaman 20 sampai 25 meter, dan untuk lintasan 2 ditemukan pada kedalaman 13 sampai 27 meterKata kunci : geolistrik tahanan jenis, tanah longsor, bidang gelincir