380 research outputs found

    How two word-trained dogs integrate pointing and naming

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    Two word-trained dogs were presented with acts of reference in which a human pointed, named objects, or simultaneously did both. The question was whether these dogs would assume co-reference of pointing and naming and thus pick the pointed-to object. Results show that the dogs did indeed assume co-reference of pointing and naming in order to determine the reference of a spoken word, but they did so only when pointing was not in conflict with their previous word knowledge. When pointing and a spoken word conflicted, the dogs preferentially fetched the object by name. This is not surprising since they are trained to fetch objects by name. However, interestingly, in these conflict conditions, the dogs fetched the named objects only after they had initially approached the pointed-to object. We suggest that this shows that the word-trained dogs interpret pointing as a spatial directive, which they integrate into the fetching game, presumably assuming that pointing is relevant to finding the requested object

    Feedback, fairness, and validity: effects of disclosing and reusing multiple-choice questions in medical schools.

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    BACKGROUND Disclosure of items used in multiple-choice-question (MCQ) exams may decrease student anxiety and improve transparency, feedback, and test-enhanced learning but potentially compromises the reliability and fairness of exams if items are eventually reused. Evidence regarding whether disclosure and reuse of test items change item psychometrics is scarce and inconclusive. METHODS We retrospectively analysed difficulty and discrimination coefficients of 10,148 MCQ items used between fall 2017 and fall 2019 in a large European medical school in which items were disclosed from fall 2017 onwards. We categorised items as 'new'; 'reused, not disclosed'; or 'reused, disclosed'. For reused items, we calculated the difference from their first ever use, that is, when they were new. Differences between categories and terms were analysed with one-way analyses of variance and independent-samples t tests. RESULTS The proportion of reused, disclosed items grew from 0% to 48.4%; mean difficulty coefficients increased from 0.70 to 0.76; that is, items became easier, P < .001, ηp2 = 0.011. On average, reused, disclosed items were significantly easier (M = 0.83) than reused, not disclosed items (M = 0.71) and entirely new items (M = 0.66), P < .001, ηp2 = 0.087. Mean discrimination coefficients increased from 0.21 to 0.23; that is, item became slightly more discriminating, P = .002, ηp2 = 0.002. CONCLUSIONS Disclosing test items provides the opportunity to enhance feedback and transparency in MCQ exams but potentially at the expense of decreased item reliability. Discrimination was positively affected. Our study may help weigh advantages and disadvantages of using previously disclosed items

    Technik-Öffentlichkeiten fĂŒr MĂ€dchen: inwieweit können sich MĂ€dchen und Frauen durch digitale Medienkommunikation die Welt der Technik erschließen?

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    Technik wird in unserer Gesellschaft noch immer mit MĂ€nnlichkeit assoziiert. Das Bild eines Mannes, der mit einer schweren Bohrmaschine arbeitet, erscheint uns vertrauter als das einer Frau, die dieselbe TĂ€tigkeit ausfĂŒhrt. Derartige ReprĂ€sentationen von Technik und Geschlecht werden auch von den Medien verbreitet und könnten so bereits MĂ€dchen und jungen Frauen den Zugang zu Technik erschweren. Digitalisierte Medienwelten bieten allerdings die Möglichkeit, neue Technik-Bilder zu entwerfen und dominante Vorstellungen dadurch zu verschieben. Hier könnten Öffentlichkeiten fĂŒr MĂ€dchen und Frauen entstehen, die eine SelbstverstĂ€ndigung ĂŒber technische Interessen und damit einhergehend eine Erfahrung von Kompetenz vermitteln könnten. Anhand von fĂŒnf Gruppendiskussionen mit 12- bis 15-jĂ€hrigen Gymnasiastinnen wurden deren TechnikverstĂ€ndnis, deren Nutzung digitaler Medien zu Technikthemen, vor allem aber auch deren Ideen zu einer fĂŒr sie attraktiven Vermittlung von Technikthemen erfragt. Dabei wurden insbesondere die Vorteile einer symmetrischen Kommunikation im Netz deutlich.Studies have shown that the general connotation of technology with masculinity has an impact on young women’s career choices and technical understanding. The picture of a man using a heavy drilling machine is much more familiar to us than that of a woman doing the same work. As previous studies have indicated, media may consolidate this problem by presenting men and women in a certain way. Digital media however offer the opportunity to create new images of technology and to shift dominant representations. Five group discussions with 12 up to 15 year old girls offered insights in their understanding of technology, their use of digital media as well as their ideas concerning an interesting and fascinating communication of technology topics

    Linguistik zum Anfassen: Hör- und Sprecherfahrungen - mit theoretischer UnterfĂŒtterung. Konzept fĂŒr eine Lehrerfortbildung zum Thema "Gesprochene Sprache im DaF-Unterricht.

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    Horstmann S. Linguistik zum Anfassen: Hör- und Sprecherfahrungen - mit theoretischer UnterfĂŒtterung. Konzept fĂŒr eine Lehrerfortbildung zum Thema "Gesprochene Sprache im DaF-Unterricht. In: Weidner B, GĂŒnthner S, Schopf J, eds. Gesprochene Sprache in der kommunikativen Praxis - Analysen authentischer Alltagssprache und ihr Einsatz im DaF-Unterricht. Reihe Deutschdidaktik. TĂŒbingen: Stauffenburg; 2021

    Carbon degradation and potential greenhouse gas production in a changing Arctic thermokarst landscape

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    Permafrost carbon pools are vulnerable to a warming climate and bear the potential to alter the terrestrial carbon cycle. In the extensive drained lake basins that span across Arctic lowlands, enhanced degradation of organic-rich deposits upon permafrost thaw could lead to greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. Yet, little is known on the geochemical properties of the sediments in these basins and on the rate of release of greenhouse gases. This study investigates processes and intensity of organic matter decomposition and associated potential greenhouse gas production in thawed sediment from drained lake basins on the Yukon Coastal Plain in the western Canadian Arctic. We conducted a three-month low temperature (4 °C) incubation experiment, during which we measured carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) production in thawed sediment from two permafrost cores from adjacent drained lake basins. To simulate current and near future greenhouse gas production potential we incubated material from the active layer as well as from the transition layer and permafrost to account for projected active layer deepening. Four replicates of each sample were incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively. CO2 and CH4 concentrations were measured by gas chromatography. The experiment was supplemented by a comprehensive lipid biomarker analysis of the same sample material before and after the incubation covering n-alkanes, n-fatty acids, triterpenoids and hopanes. Biomarker concentrations and indices (average chain length, carbon preference index, higher-plant fatty acid index) gave insights on the origin and degradation state of organic matter as well as changes to carbon accompanying the incubation experiment. In a multi-proxy approach, findings are further aligned with biogeochemical and sedimentological parameters. Results will reveal organic matter vulnerability to decomposition and potential greenhouse gas production in sediments after thawing, both of which are key elements in assessing future trajectories of carbon dynamics in drained lake basins

    "A Museum, wo a gaunzes Dorf ausgstöllt is!"

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    Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der historischen Entwicklung der Freilichtmuseen in Europa nachgegangen. In der zweiten HĂ€lfte des 19. Jahrhunderts entstanden in Skandinavien erste Freilichtmuseen; von dort ausgehend verbreitete sich dieses Genre auch in Mitteleuropa. In Österreich setzte eine derartige Entwicklung erst nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ein. Ein österreichisches Freilichtmuseum, das im Sommer 1990 eröffnet wurde, steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit: das Dorfmuseum Mönchhof. Dieses Museum unterscheidet sich in seiner Entstehungsgeschichte von den meisten wissenschaftlich konzipierten und nach wissenschaftlichen Kriterien errichteten Freilichtmuseen: Josef Haubenwallner hat als Privatperson dieses Museum in jahrelanger Handarbeit und in Unkenntnis bzw. Ignoranz der sich damit beschĂ€ftigenden Wissenschaften in seinem eigenen Garten errichtet. Gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Christine betreibt er das Dorfmuseum Mönchhof, das mittlerweile fast 50.000 Besucher im Jahr aufweisen kann. In dieser Arbeit wird versucht, die Herangehensweise des Laien Haubenwallner mit den wissenschaftlichen AnsprĂŒchen eines Museums laut den ICOM-Kriterien zu vergleichen. Die fĂŒnf SĂ€ulen der Museumsarbeit – Sammeln, Bewahren, Forschen, PrĂ€sentieren und Vermitteln – dienen dabei als GerĂŒst. Bereits praktizierte und zukĂŒnftige Möglichkeiten eines vielfĂ€ltigen Vermittlungsangebots bilden den Abschluss der Arbeit

    Modularity and Architecture of PLC-based Software for Automated Production Systems: An analysis in industrial companies

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    Adaptive and flexible production systems require modular and reusable software especially considering their long term life cycle of up to 50 years. SWMAT4aPS, an approach to measure Software Maturity for automated Production Systems is introduced. The approach identifies weaknesses and strengths of various companie's solutions for modularity of software in the design of automated Production Systems (aPS). At first, a self assessed questionnaire is used to evaluate a large number of companies concerning their software maturity. Secondly, we analyze PLC code, architectural levels, workflows and abilities to configure code automatically out of engineering information in four selected companies. In this paper, the questionnaire results from 16 German world leading companies in machine and plant manufacturing and four case studies validating the results from the detailed analyses are introduced to prove the applicability of the approach and give a survey of the state of the art in industry

    Paraneoplastic Necrotizing Myopathy with a Mild Inflammatory Component: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Inflammatory myopathies such as dermatomyositis and polymyositis are well-recognized paraneoplastic syndromes. Little is known, however, about necrotizing myopathies in association with cancer. We here describe a case of paraneoplastic necrotizing myopathy with a mild inflammatory infiltrate in a patient with adenocarcinoma. After the rapid development of a severe, disabling muscle weakness, the patient experienced near complete recovery within 4 months under oral prednisone treatment. In the context of the presented case, we will review current knowledge about paraneoplastic necrotizing myopathies
