64 research outputs found

    Gefühlte Wirklichkeit.: Versuch der korpuspragmatisch-kulturanalytischen Untersuchung eines neueren Phraseologismus

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    The article proceeds on the assumption that new phrasemes are a specifically enlightening research object for studies at the intersection of phraseology, pragmatics and corpus linguistics. Following recent theoretical approaches in phraseology, phrasemes can be understood as fixed expressions with a communicative function that satisfies a socially shared communicative demand. As such, new phrasemes might potentially allow for new insights into the culture – i. e., roughly speaking, the larger social contexts – of their development and existence. To test this idea, the article presents a corpuspragmatic study of the German phraseme gefühlte ([...]) SUB,objektives‘ empirisches Phänomen, which has come into existence in the 1990s only, and attempts a cultural interpretation of the results. It concludes with a critical evaluation to what extend such a cultural analysis of a new phraseme seems feasible

    Contributions to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference 2022 (ICSC2022)

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    This publication contains all contributions (extended abstracts) to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference, which was held in Dresden, Germany, Nov. 08-10, 2022

    What explains the poor contraction of the viral load during paediatric HIV infection?

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    An acute HIV infection in young children differs markedly from that in adults: Children have higher viral loads (VL), and a poor contraction to a setpoint VL that is not much lower than the peak VL. As a result, children progress faster towards AIDS in the absence of treatment. We used a classical ordinary differential equation model for viral infection dynamics to study why children have a lower viral contraction ratio than adults. We performed parameter sweeps to identify factors explaining the observed difference between children and adults. We grouped parameters associated with the host, the infection, or the immune response. Based on paediatric data available from datasets within the EPIICAL project (https://www.epiical.org/), we refuted that viral replication rates differ between young children and adults, and therefore these cannot be responsible for the low VL contraction ratios seen in children. The major differences in lowering VL contraction ratio resulted from sweeping the parameters linked to the immune response. Thus, we postulate that an "ineffective" (late and/or weak) immune response is the most parsimonious explanation for the higher setpoint VL in young children, and hence the reason for their fast disease progression

    Novel insights into the mechanisms mediating the local antihypertrophic effects of cardiac atrial natriuretic peptide: role of cGMP-dependent protein kinase and RGS2

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    Cardiac atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) locally counteracts cardiac hypertrophy via the guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A) receptor and cGMP production, but the downstream signalling pathways are unknown. Here, we examined the influence of ANP on β-adrenergic versus Angiotensin II (Ang II)-dependent (Gs vs. Gαq mediated) modulation of Ca2+i-handling in cardiomyocytes and of hypertrophy in intact hearts. L-type Ca2+ currents and Ca2+i transients in adult isolated murine ventricular myocytes were studied by voltage-clamp recordings and fluorescence microscopy. ANP suppressed Ang II-stimulated Ca2+ currents and transients, but had no effect on isoproterenol stimulation. Ang II suppression by ANP was abolished in cardiomyocytes of mice deficient in GC-A, in cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase I (PKG I) or in the regulator of G protein signalling (RGS) 2, a target of PKG I. Cardiac hypertrophy in response to exogenous Ang II was significantly exacerbated in mice with conditional, cardiomyocyte-restricted GC-A deletion (CM GC-A KO). This was concomitant to increased activation of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent prohypertrophic signal transducer CaMKII. In contrast, β-adrenoreceptor-induced hypertrophy was not enhanced in CM GC-A KO mice. Lastly, while the stimulatory effects of Ang II on Ca2+-handling were absent in myocytes of mice deficient in TRPC3/TRPC6, the effects of isoproterenol were unchanged. Our data demonstrate a direct myocardial role for ANP/GC-A/cGMP to antagonize the Ca2+i-dependent hypertrophic growth response to Ang II, but not to β-adrenergic stimulation. The selectivity of this interaction is determined by PKG I and RGS2-dependent modulation of Ang II/AT1 signalling. Furthermore, they strengthen published observations in neonatal cardiomyocytes showing that TRPC3/TRPC6 channels are essential for Ang II, but not for β-adrenergic Ca2+i-stimulation in adult myocytes

    Vom Handeln zur Kultur. Das Konzept der Praktik in der Analyse von Verabschiedungen

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    Offenheit : Die Geschichte eines Kommunikationsideals seit dem 18. Jahrhundert

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    Politisches Argumentieren in der Schweiz : ein Aufriss

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    Linguistische Argumentationsanalyse

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    Argumentationen sind für Einzelne, Gruppen und auch für demokratische Gesellschaften insgesamt zentral, weil sie unter anderem neue Erkenntnisse, Entscheidungen und Übereinkommen ermöglichen. Eine Argumentation liegt vor, wenn ein Standpunkt erkennbar ist, für den mindestens ein Grund vorgebracht wird. Weil Argumentationen im alltäglichen Sprachgebrauch überaus häufig sind, sind sie ein wichtiger Untersuchungsgegenstand der Linguistik. Die Einführung zeigt, wie man Argumentationen linguistisch beschreiben und interpretieren kann. Sie präsentiert ein kohärentes Modell von Analysebegriffen und -schritten, mit denen Argumentationen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen umfassend untersucht werden können