21 research outputs found
Bildungsstagnation bei abnehmender Erwerbsbevölkerung : Bildungspolitische Herausforderungen durch Geringqualifizierte
Obwohl in einer alternden und schrumpfenden Gesellschaft die Ausbildung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials immer wichtiger wird, scheint der Bildungsfortschritt in Deutschland in den letzten Jahren zu stagnieren: Der Qualifikationsvorsprung Deutschlands im Vergleich zu anderen OECD-LĂ€ndern ist geschrumpft, die Anteile junger Erwachsener mit niedrigen Qualifikationen weisen leicht steigende Tendenz auf, und Studien wie PISA identifizieren deutliche SchwĂ€chen deutscher SchĂŒler. Das angesichts des demographischen und technischen Wandels gebotene Mindestziel, die nachfolgenden Generationen mindestens gleich gut oder besser auszubilden als ihre VorgĂ€nger, wird zumindest im Bereich der Niedrigqualifizierten hierzulande nicht erreicht. Erforderlich sind deshalb MaĂnahmen, die die EffektivitĂ€t und Effizienz des Bildungssystems sowie die Bildungsbeteiligung (insbesondere von Zuwanderern) erhöhen. Dabei sollte bereits die vorschulische Bildung intensiviert werden, und Lernschwache sollten in Schule und Berufsausbildung gezielte Förderangebote bekommen.Although in an aging and shrinking society the education of the workforce becomes more and more important, in recent years the educational progress in Germany shows signs of stagnation: Germany's qualification advantage compared to other OECD countries has fallen, the shares of young adults with low qualifications have slightly risen, and studies such as PISA have identified substantial deficits of German pupils. In view of demographic and technical change, the minimum goal should be to qualify the following generations at least as good as or better than their predecessors, but concerning the lowqualified this goal is not reached in Germany. Measures should be implemented which increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational system as well as the participation in higher education (in particular of immigrants). In doing so, pre-school education should be intensified, and low performers should get special offers at school and in vocational training
Bildungsstagnation bei abnehmender Erwerbsbevölkerung : Bildungspolitische Herausforderungen durch Geringqualifizierte
Obwohl in einer alternden und schrumpfenden Gesellschaft die Ausbildung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials immer wichtiger wird, scheint der Bildungsfortschritt in Deutschland in den letzten Jahren zu stagnieren: Der Qualifikationsvorsprung Deutschlands im Vergleich zu anderen OECD-LĂ€ndern ist geschrumpft, die Anteile junger Erwachsener mit niedrigen Qualifikationen weisen leicht steigende Tendenz auf, und Studien wie PISA identifizieren deutliche SchwĂ€chen deutscher SchĂŒler. Das angesichts des demographischen und technischen Wandels gebotene Mindestziel, die nachfolgenden Generationen mindestens gleich gut oder besser auszubilden als ihre VorgĂ€nger, wird zumindest im Bereich der Niedrigqualifizierten hierzulande nicht erreicht. Erforderlich sind deshalb MaĂnahmen, die die EffektivitĂ€t und Effizienz des Bildungssystems sowie die Bildungsbeteiligung (insbesondere von Zuwanderern) erhöhen. Dabei sollte bereits die vorschulische Bildung intensiviert werden, und Lernschwache sollten in Schule und Berufsausbildung gezielte Förderangebote bekommen. -- Although in an aging and shrinking society the education of the workforce becomes more and more important, in recent years the educational progress in Germany shows signs of stagnation: Germany?s qualification advantage compared to other OECD countries has fallen, the shares of young adults with low qualifications have slightly risen, and studies such as PISA have identified substantial deficits of German pupils. In view of demographic and technical change, the minimum goal should be to qualify the following generations at least as good as or better than their predecessors, but concerning the lowqualified this goal is not reached in Germany. Measures should be implemented which increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational system as well as the participation in higher education (in particular of immigrants). In doing so, pre-school education should be intensified, and low performers should get special offers at school and in vocational training.Geringqualifizierte,Bildungspolitik,Demographischer Wandel
Erfolg und Misserfolg bei der Ausbildungsplatzsuche: Eine empirische Untersuchung von HauptschĂŒlern im Landkreis NĂŒrnberger Land
Eine im FrĂŒhjahr und Herbst 2009 durchgefĂŒhrte Befragung aller HauptschĂŒler im Landkreis NĂŒrnberger Land zeigt, dass fast drei Viertel von ihnen eine berufliche oder schulische Ausbildung anstrebten. Hatten im FrĂŒhjahr 49 Prozent der Ausbildungsplatzsucher eine Lehrstellenzusage, so stieg diese Quote bis zum Herbst auf knapp 56 Prozent. Probit-Analysen deuten darauf hin, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, einen Ausbildungsplatz zu erhalten, fĂŒr SchĂŒler mit Mittlerer Reife, mit guten Noten (v.a. in Mathematik) sowie mit Berufserfahrung auĂerhalb des Pflichtpraktikums signifikant höher ausfĂ€llt. Dagegen haben Hauptschulabsolventen mit Migrationshintergrund oder mit alleinerziehenden Eltern sowie Klassenwiederholer signifikant geringere Chancen auf einen Ausbildungsplatz. Zwar gibt es Indizien dafĂŒr, dass auch Hauptschulabsolventen mit aus Sicht der Arbeitgeber nicht so positiven Merkmalen im Lauf der Zeit noch Chancen haben, auf nicht besetzte AusbildungsplĂ€tze nachzurĂŒcken. Dennoch dĂŒrfte ein verstĂ€rkter Einsatz von UnterstĂŒtzungsangeboten fĂŒr diese Risikogruppen sinnvoll sein.A survey of all pupils attending general-education lower secondary schools (Hauptschulen) in the Bavarian district NĂŒrnberger Land conducted in spring and fall of 2009 shows that three out of four pupils intended to take up vocational training. While 49 percent of these managed to obtain an apprenticeship position in spring already, this ratio increased to 56 percent in fall. Probit analyses suggest that the probability of getting an apprenticeship is significantly higher for pupils with better graduation levels and marks (in particular in mathematics) and with some work experience, whereas pupils with a migration background or from single-parent families and those who had to repeat a grade have significantly lower chances. There are some indications that in the course of time graduates with less positive characteristics (from the perspective of employers) also have a chance to obtain apprenticeship positions that remained unfilled. Nevertheless, more intensive support of such high-risk groups seems appropriate
The force of the sign. Terrorism as a symbolic phenomenon
Seit der radikalen Ănderung der weltpolitischen Lage durch das Selbstmordattentat islamistischer Terroristen auf die Supermacht U.S.A. am 11.9.01 versucht die Weltöffentlichkeit, dem PhĂ€nomen des Terrorismus durch die verschiedensten ErklĂ€rungsstrategien Herr zu werden. Man fĂŒhrt den Kampf der Kulturen oder Religionen an, verweist auf die Ausbeutung der Peripherie des kapitalistischen Weltsystems durch den Hegemon U.S.A. oder pathologisiert bzw. dĂ€monisiert die Taten der Terroristen. Uns scheinen diese ErklĂ€rungsstrategien den Machtkonstellationen der postmodernen Gesellschaften nicht gerecht zu werden, da sie ein zentrales soziales PhĂ€nomen der vergangenen Jahrzehnte nicht beachten: das Unbehagen an der pluralistischen Gesellschaft und der konsensuell-reprĂ€sentativen Demokratie. Um dieses Unbehagen angemessen beschreiben zu können, wollen wir uns ihm aus einer zeichentheoretischen Perspektive nĂ€hern, die soziale Formationen nicht durch (kooperative) Arbeit determiniert sieht, sondern durch die Instanz des Codes. FĂŒr Jean Baudrillard ist die Wahl des Ziels der beiden TĂŒrme bedeutend, die sich wechselseitig reflektieren und das System nach allen Seiten hin abschlieĂen. Mit ihnen wurde das neuralgische Zentrum des Systems getroffen, das sich auf einem binĂ€ren Code grĂŒndet. Die Twintowers bedeuteten nicht nur das Ende jedweder originalen Referenz, sondern auch den Abschluss des Bezeichneten durch die Wiederholung des Zeichens. Der Code fĂŒhrt eine symbolische Verteilung der gesellschaftlichen Körper durch und zielt auf eine möglichst genaue Ăbereinstimmung der Gemeinschaft mit sich selbst gemÀà eines arithmetischen und geometrischen KalkĂŒls. Die integrative Kraft dieses auf dem IdentitĂ€tsprinzip basierenden Systems scheint immer hĂ€ufiger nicht mehr in der Lage zu sein, das negative Potential antagonistischer Strategien binden zu können, die in Form von zivilem Ungehorsam, Politik von MinoritĂ€ten oder terroristischen Akten die symbolische Ordnung der westlichen Gesellschaften unterhöhlen. In diesem Tagungsband diskutieren wir das AusmaĂ der Krise der konsensuellen Demokratie und ihrer Institutionen. Die AufsĂ€tze behandeln folgende Themen: âą Die Krise der pluralistischen Gesellschaft: Wie verstĂ€ndlich ist das kulturelle, politische und religiöse Unbehagen am westlichen Wertekanon? âą Die Funktion der Medien in der konsensuellen Demokratie; die gesellschaftliche Wirkung der medialen Reproduktion terroristischer Akte; das Bild des Terrorismus in der PopulĂ€rkultur âą Ăsthetischer Terror: Die Vernichtung von Sinn und Bedeutung in der zeitgenössischen Kunst und Kunsttheorie âą Die politische Logik des Terrorismus (Ziele, Bedingungen u. LegitimitĂ€t des Terrorismus in Abgrenzung zu alternativen politischen Ausdrucksformen wie z.B. dem zivilen Ungehorsam; die Bedeutung des terroristischen Opfertodes) âą Geschichte des Terrorismus (speziell der Terrorismus der RAF) âą Terror als irrationale Gewalt (der ontologische Status des Terrorismus)Since the radical changes in international politics caused by the suicide attacks on the USA by Islamic terrorists on the 11th of September in 2001, the world public tries to grasp the phenomenon of âTerrorismâ through different explanatory strategies. These include referring to the clash of cultures and of religions, to the exploitation of the periphery by the capitalist system incarnated by the USA, or pathologizing as well as demonizing the deeds of the terrorists. All these explanatory attempts do not seem to do justice to the actual constellations of power in postmodern societies, because they do not take a widespread social phenomenon of the past decades in consideration: the discomfort with the pluralistic society and with the concurrent-representative democracy.
In order to describe this discomfort adequately we would like to approach the phenomenon from a semiotic perspective which does not consider social formations as determined by cooperative work but rather by the authority of the code. For Jean Baudrillard the target was meaningful since the two towers not only reflect each other but also completely close the system. With them the neuralgic center which is based upon the binary code was severely hit. The twin towers not only meant the end of every original reference but also the completion of the signified by the reduplication of the sign.
The code conducts a symbolic distribution of the social bodies and aims at an as accurate as possible identification of the community with itself corresponding to an arithmetic and geometric calculus. The system which is based upon the principle of identity does not seem to have the ability to integrate antagonist energies properly. So these antagonist powers undermine the symbolic order of western societies in terms of civil disobedience, politics of minorities or terroristic acts.
In this conference transcript we discuss the degree of crisis of consensual democracy and ist institutions. The essays cover the following topics:
âą The crisis of the pluralistic society: How comprehensible and justified is the cultural, political, and religious discomfort with western values?
âą The function of mass media in democratic systems: What is the impact of the reproduction of terrorist acts on society? How does popular culture deal with terrorism?
âą Aesthetic terror: the destruction of sense and meaning in contemporary arts and art theory
âą The political logic of terrorism (aims, legitimacy of terrorism as opposed to other forms of opposition like civil disobedience; the meaning of the terrorist self-sacrifice death)
âą History of terrorism (e.g. The German terrorism of the RAF)
âą Terrorism as an irrational power (ontological status of terrorism
A liver immune rheostat regulates CD8 T cell immunity in chronic HBV infection
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection affects 300 million patients worldwide1,2, in whom virus-specific CD8 T cells by still ill-defined mechanisms lose their function and cannot eliminate HBV-infected hepatocytes3â7. Here we demonstrate that a liver immune rheostat renders virus-specific CD8 T cells refractory to activation and leads to their loss of effector functions. In preclinical models of persistent infection with hepatotropic viruses such as HBV, dysfunctional virus-specific CXCR6+ CD8 T cells accumulated in the liver and, as a characteristic hallmark, showed enhanced transcriptional activity of cAMP-responsive element modulator (CREM) distinct from T cell exhaustion. In patients with chronic hepatitis B, circulating and intrahepatic HBV-specific CXCR6+ CD8 T cells with enhanced CREM expression and transcriptional activity were detected at a frequency of 12â22% of HBV-specific CD8 T cells. Knocking out the inhibitory CREM/ICER isoform in T cells, however, failed to rescue T cell immunity. This indicates that CREM activity was a consequence, rather than the cause, of loss in T cell function, further supported by the observation of enhanced phosphorylation of protein kinase A (PKA) which is upstream of CREM. Indeed, we found that enhanced cAMPâPKA-signalling from increased T cell adenylyl cyclase activity augmented CREM activity and curbed T cell activation and effector function in persistent hepatic infection. Mechanistically, CD8 T cells recognizing their antigen on hepatocytes established close and extensive contact with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, thereby enhancing adenylyl cyclaseâcAMPâPKA signalling in T cells. In these hepatic CD8 T cells, which recognize their antigen on hepatocytes, phosphorylation of key signalling kinases of the T cell receptor signalling pathway was impaired, which rendered them refractory to activation. Thus, close contact with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells curbs the activation and effector function of HBV-specific CD8 T cells that target hepatocytes expressing viral antigens by means of the adenylyl cyclaseâcAMPâPKA axis in an immune rheostat-like fashion.</p
Identifizierung von Faktoren, welche die Hochdruck-Toleranz von <em>C. botulinum</em> Typ E Endosporen beeinflussen
This work highlights factors influencing high pressure resistance of Clostridium botulinum type E endospores. The inactivation behavior of endospores in an emulsion model was strongly influenced by the fat content of these matrices. According to MALDI-TOF MS analyses, several spore proteins could be identified, which are involved in increased pressure resistance. The probing of different transformation strategies suggested that C. botulinum (beluga) possess an effective restriction endonuclease, which prevents the uptake of foreign DNA and hinders the construction of knock out mutants for detailed analyses.In dieser Arbeit werden Faktoren aufgezeigt, welche die Hochdruck-Toleranzen von Clostridium botulinum Typ E Endosporen beeinflussen. In Modell-Emulsionen wurde das Inaktivierungsverhalten signifikant vom Fettgehalt der Matrix beeinflusst. Mittels MALDI-TOF MS konnten Sporen-Proteine identifiziert werden, die an AusprĂ€gung von Hochdruck-Toleranz beteiligt sind. AnsĂ€tze zur Transformation zeigten, dass C. botulinum (beluga) eine Restriktionsendonuklease exprimiert, welche die Aufnahme von Fremd-DNA verhindert und damit die Generierung von knock-out Mutanten fĂŒr detaillierte Untersuchungen verhindert
Visual Function is Gradually Restored During Retina Regeneration in Adult Zebrafish
In comparison to mammals, zebrafish are able to regenerate many organs and tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS). Within the CNS-derived neural retina, light lesions result in a loss of photoreceptors and the subsequent activation of MĂŒller glia, the retinal stem cells. MĂŒller glia-derived progenitors differentiate and eventually restore the anatomical tissue architecture within 4 weeks. However, little is known about how light lesions impair vision functionally, as well as how and to what extent visual function is restored during the course of regeneration, in particular in adult animals. Here, we applied quantitative behavioral assays to assess restoration of visual function during homeostasis and regeneration in adult zebrafish. We developed a novel vision-dependent social preference test, and show that vision is massively impaired early after lesion, but is restored to pre-lesion levels within 7 days after lesion. Furthermore, we employed a quantitative optokinetic response assay with different degrees of difficulty, similar to vision tests in humans. We found that vision for easy conditions with high contrast and low level of detail, as well as color vision, was restored around 7â10 days post lesion. Vision under more demanding conditions, with low contrast and high level of detail, was regained only later from 14 days post lesion onwards. Taken together, we conclude that vision based on contrast sensitivity, spatial resolution and the perception of colors is restored after light lesion in adult zebrafish in a gradual manner
Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Chronic Neuropathic Pain Clinical Trials â A Systematic Literature Review
International audienceIn neuropathic pain clinical trials, the patient's perspective is often insufficiently reflected focusing mainly on pain intensity. Comparability of outcome assessment is limited due to heterogenous patient reported outcome measures (PROMs). The MEDLINE, CENTRAL, and Embase databases and reference lists of published meta-analyses were searched. Randomized controlled studies assessing treatment efficacy of drugs for chronic neuropathic pain were included. PROMs were assigned to recommended IMMPACT/NeuPSIG domains: pain intensity, pain other aspects, physical functioning, emotional functioning, global improvement and satisfaction, adverse events, participant disposition. Domains and PROMs were compared regarding the publication year and methodological quality of the studies. Within the 251 included studies 200 PROMs were used with 27 being recommended by IMMPACT/NeuPSIG. The number of domains was higher in high/moderate quality studies. The (sub-) domains âphysical functioningâ, âglobal improvement and satisfactionâ, and âneuropathic pain qualityâ were assessed more frequently in high/moderate quality studies and those published after 2011. Recent studies and those of better quality more often used the recommended PROMs. Although neuropathic assessment via PROMs has improved, there is still a high heterogeneity. A standardized core set of outcome domains and should be defined to improve neuropathic pain treatment and to achieve better comparability of clinical trials. Perspective: This systematic literature review assesses the use of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in chronic neuropathic pain. The results show that there is still a high heterogeneity, highlighting the need for a standardized core set of outcome domains and PROMs to improve comparability of clinical trials and neuropathic pain treatment