39 research outputs found

    Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of two in-office bleaching techniques using a hydrogen peroxide based product

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar “in vivo” o efeito da utilização das lâmpadas halógenas como catalisadoras de um gel à base de peróxido de hidrogênio a 37,5% utilizado para o clareamento dental em consultório. Treze pacientes foram submetidos ao tratamento clareador em consultório com peróxido de hidrogênio a 37,5% (Whiteness HP Maxx, FGM/ Joinvile, SC, Brasil). A arcada superior de cada paciente foi dividida, e então em um dos hemiarcos o tratamento clareador foi realizado com a aplicação do peróxido de hidrogênio associado à iluminação com lâmpada halógena e no outro hemiarco o peróxido de hidrogênio foi utilizado sem nenhuma fonte de luz. Fotografias pré e pós operatórias foram realizadas nas mesmas condições de iluminação e submetidas à análise através de um software para comparar o grau de clareamento obtido nos hemiarcos esquerdo e direito. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o teste de t-student (p?0.05). Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa no clareamento obtido quando as duas técnicas foram comparadas. Estes resultados possibilitaram concluir que a iluminação com lampadas halógenas não melhorou o resultado final da técnica de clareamento dental em consultório quando um gel à base de peróxido de hidrogênio a 37,5% foi utilizado.Purpose: To clinically evaluate the capacity of a halogen curing-light to act as a catalyst of a 37.5% hydrogen peroxide based product used to lightening teeth. Materials and Methods: Thirteen human subjects had their upperarches (premolar to premolar) bleached and evaluated. Split-arch design using centrals, laterals, canines and premolars on one side treated with bleach (Whiteness HP Maxx, FGM, Joinvile, SC/Brazil)plus light, was compared with contralateral teeth using bleach alone. Pre and pos-operatory pictures were taken under the same light conditions. Then the pictures were analyzed with commercial software to compare the degree of lightening obtained on the right and left cervical area of the upper central incisors. Data were analyzed using paired Student-T test (p≤0.05). Results: Pairs of means for brightness and RGB blue channel showed no statistically significance differences at baseline and immediately after the third session of bleaching, despite of the use of the halogen light for gel activation. Clinical significance: The halogen curing-light does not improve the final result of the in-office bleaching technique using a 37.5% hydrogen peroxide gel

    Relación de la vitamina D sobre la inflamación en la obesidad

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    Introdução: A literatura tem evidenciado deficiência de vitamina D em indivíduos obesos o que contribui para a manifestação da inflamação crônica de baixo grau. Portanto, esta revisão objetiva trazer informações atualizadas sobre a relação da vitamina  D  com o processo inflamatório desencadeado na obesidade. Metodologia: Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados Pubmed, SciELO, LILACS e Cochrane, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: "vitamin D” e “inflammation”; “obesity” e “inflammation”; "vitamin D”, “obesity” e “inflammation”. Resultados: Os indivíduos obesos parecem apresentar deficiência de vitamina D decorrente da ingestão inadequada ou captação aumentada dessa vitamina pelo tecido adiposo o que pode contribuir para o aumento da inflamação crônica de baixo grau, presente na obesidade. Conclusão: A inadequação no consumo de vitamina D contribui para a manifestação de sua deficiência em obesos. No entando, mais estudos são necessários, considerando que o metabolismo desse micronutriente não está completamente elucidado.Introduction: The literature has shown vitamin D deficiency in obese individuals, which contributes to the manifestation of low-grade chronic inflammation. Therefore, this review aims to provide updated information on the relationship of vitamin D with the inflammatory process triggered in obesity. Methodology: A bibliographic survey was performed in the Pubmed, SciELO, LILACS and Cochrane databases, using the following keywords: "vitamin D" and "inflammation"; "obesity" and "inflammation"; "vitamin D", " obesity” and“ inflammation ”. Results and Discussion: Obese individuals appear to have vitamin D deficiency due to inadequate intake or increased uptake of this vitamin by adipose tissue which may contribute to the increase of chronic low grade inflammation present in obesity. Conclusion: The inadequate intake of vitamin D contributes to the manifestation of its deficiency in obese. However, further studies are needed, considering that the metabolism of this micronutrient is not completely elucidated.Introduction: La literatura ha evidenciado deficiencia de vitamina D en individuos obesos, lo que contribuye a la manifestación de inflamación crónica de bajo grado. Por lo tanto, esta revisión tiene como objetivo proporcionar información actualizada sobre la relación entre la vitamina D y el proceso inflamatorio desencadenado en la obesidad. Metodología: se realizó una encuesta bibliográfica en las bases de datos Pubmed, SciELO, LILACS y Cochrane, utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: "vitamina D" e "inflamación", "obesidad" e "inflamación", "vitamina D", " obesidad "e" inflamación ". Resultados: las personas obesas parecen tener deficiencia de vitamina D debido a una ingesta inadecuada o una mayor absorción de esta vitamina por el tejido adiposo, lo que puede contribuir al aumento de la inflamación crónica de bajo grado presente en la obesidad. Conclusión: la ingesta inadecuada de vitamina D contribuye a la manifestación de su deficiencia en obesos. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios, considerando que el metabolismo de este micronutriente no está completamente aclarado

    Zinc and Oxidative Stress: Current Mechanisms

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    Oxidative stress is a metabolic dysfunction that favors the oxidation of biomolecules, contributing to the oxidative damage of cells and tissues. This consequently contributes to the development of several chronic diseases. In particular, zinc is one of the most relevant minerals to human health, because of its antioxidant properties. This review aims to provide updated information about the mechanisms involved in the protective role of zinc against oxidative stress. Zinc acts as a co-factor for important enzymes involved in the proper functioning of the antioxidant defense system. In addition, zinc protects cells against oxidative damage, acts in the stabilization of membranes and inhibits the enzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase (NADPH-Oxidase). Zinc also induces the synthesis of metallothioneins, which are proteins effective in reducing hydroxyl radicals and sequestering reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced in stressful situations, such as in type 2 diabetes, obesity and cancer. Literature provides strong evidence for the role of zinc in the protection against oxidative stress in several diseases

    Effects of obesity on lung volume and capacity in children and adolescents: a systematic review

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    Abstract Objective: To assess the effects of obesity on lung volume and capacity in children and adolescents. Data source: This is a systematic review, carried out in Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo and PEDro databases, using the following Keywords: Plethysmography; Whole Body OR Lung Volume Measurements OR Total Lung Capacity OR Functional Residual Capacity OR Residual Volume AND Obesity. Observational studies or clinical trials that assessed the effects of obesity on lung volume and capacity in children and adolescents (0-18 years) without any other associated disease; in English; Portuguese and Spanish languages were selected. Methodological quality was assessed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Data synthesis: Of the 1,030 articles, only four were included in the review. The studies amounted to 548 participants, predominantly males, with sample size ranging from 45 to 327 individuals. 100% of the studies evaluated nutritional status through BMI (z-score) and 50.0% reported the data on abdominal circumference. All demonstrated that obesity causes negative effects on lung volume and capacity, causing a reduction mainly in functional residual capacity in 75.0% of the studies; in the expiratory reserve volume in 50.0% and in the residual volume in 25.0%. The methodological quality ranged from moderate to high, with 75.0% of the studies classified as having high methodological quality. Conclusions: Obesity causes deleterious effects on lung volume and capacity in children and adolescents, mainly by reducing functional residual capacity, expiratory reserve volume and residual volume