163 research outputs found

    Media Outlets and Gender Violence: An abusive relationship?

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    Gender violence in Brazil is a persistent phenomenon It has engaged both public and academic agents in finding solutions and putting them into practice One of the points that draws attention in this regard is the investigation of the role of the media in this fight The current legislation asserts that such outlets must commit to avoiding the perpetuation of stereotypes by rethinking their practices and placing themselves as agents of transformation Through literature review this article inquires about possible relations positive or negative between gender violence and the means of communication - with the objective of presenting the pertinent legislation and the scenario of violence in the light of Pierre Bourdieu s symbolic violence In final considerations based on the Argentine legislation this article proposes the inclusion of media violence alongside the other types of violence that are already recognized by the legal framework in order to reframe such relationship as well as to increase its visibilit

    Media Outlets and Gender Violence: An abusive relationship?

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    Gender violence in Brazil is a persistent phenomenon It has engaged both public and academic agents in finding solutions and putting them into practice One of the points that draws attention in this regard is the investigation of the role of the media in this fight The current legislation asserts that such outlets must commit to avoiding the perpetuation of stereotypes by rethinking their practices and placing themselves as agents of transformation Through literature review this article inquires about possible relations positive or negative between gender violence and the means of communication - with the objective of presenting the pertinent legislation and the scenario of violence in the light of Pierre Bourdieu s symbolic violence In final considerations based on the Argentine legislation this article proposes the inclusion of media violence alongside the other types of violence that are already recognized by the legal framework in order to reframe such relationship as well as to increase its visibilit

    First occurrence of a lingulide (Brachiopoda: Lingulidae) at Piauí Formation (Upper Carboniferous), Parnaíba Basin, Brazil

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOThis paper presents the first possible occurrence of Lingularia in the Carboniferous of the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil. In addition, an attempt to clarify the classification of lingulids of Brazil and to demonstrate that the diversity of the group can still be better known and explored in the Brazilian basins is made.This paper presents the first possible occurrence of Lingularia in the Carboniferous of the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil. In addition, an attempt to clarify the classification of lingulids of Brazil and to demonstrate that the diversity of the group can still be better known and explored in the Brazilian basins is made193527530FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO12/03517-

    The coronelism of Victor Nunes Leal and the conservative modernization

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    The Brazilian State has, in its formation, peculiar characteristics that somehow can still be detected. Among them, there is patrimonialism, i.e., the disregard for the separation between public and private. In spite of the current understanding that this form of State was superseded with Getúlio Vargas, this paper proposes an understanding that signs of patrimonialism persist and can be related to the category of conservative modernization. One of the celebrated works of the Brazilian sociopolitical thought that concerns patrimonialism is Coronelismo, enxada e voto: o município e o regime representativo no Brasil, by Victor Nunes Leal. By this book, there could be further investigation on how it is possible to apprehend the process of conservative modernization. The methodology was literature review, reaching, at the end, the understanding that Leal’s work is revealing in the way Brazil was modernized and how the State was consolidated

    A ocorrência de trilobitas Phacopida da Formação Pimenteira em João Costa, Piauí, Brasil

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    The marine macroinvertebrate fossils from the Devonian of the Parnaíba Basin are among the most diverse of Paleozoic of Brazil. In recent years, most revisions on these fossils involved trilobites from the Pimenteira and Cabeças formations, in the region of Picos and Pimenteiras cities, in the Piauí State. This survey reports the occurrence of Devonian trilobites from the Pimenteira Formation cropping out at João Costa city, in the region of Serra da Capivara National Park, southeastern Piauí State, where two species were recognized: Burmeisteria notica Clarke, 1913 and Metacryphaeus cf. australis Clarke, 1913. The wide occurrence of these genera in the Malvinokaffric Realm shows that transgressive events during part of the Devonian favored the faunal communication between the Andean, Brazilian and South African provinces through the reduction of geographical barriers. Finally, although the still preliminary character of the studies on Pimenteira Formation trilobites, this unit is already providing new paleontological data that contribute to the understanding of these fossil assemblages.Os fósseis de macroinvertebrados marinhos do Devoniano da Bacia do Parnaíba estão entre os mais diversos do Paleozoico do Brasil. Nos últimos anos, a maioria das revisões sobre esses fósseis envolveu trilobitas das formações Pimenteira e Cabeças, na região das cidades de Picos e Pimenteiras, no Estado do Piauí. Esta pesquisa relata a ocorrência de trilobitas devonianos da Formação Pimenteira, aflorante na cidade de João Costa, na região do Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara, no sudeste do Piauí, onde duas espécies foram reconhecidas: Burmeisteria notica Clarke, 1913 e Metacryphaeus cf. australis Clarke, 1913. A ampla ocorrência destes gêneros no Domínio Malvinocáfrico mostra que eventos transgressivos durante parte do Devoniano favoreceu a comunicação entre as faunas das províncias Andina, Brasileira e Sul-africana, através da redução das barreiras geográficas. Finalmente, apesar do caráter ainda preliminar dos estudos sobre trilobitas da Formação Pimenteira, esta unidade continua fornecendo novos dados paleontológicos que contribuem para o entendimento destas assembleias fósseis

    Metacryphaeus rotundatus, um novo elemento da fauna de trilobites calmoniidae (phacopida), da formação Ponta Grossa (devoniano), bacia do Paraná, Brasil

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    Trilobites Calmoniidae (Delo, 1935) constituem o grupo de Phacopida mais abundante e diversificado do registro fóssil da Formação Ponta Grossa, Devoniano, Sub-bacia Apucarana. Embora conhecidos desde o início do século passado, o estudo dos trilobites da Formação Ponta Grossa é ainda pouco abrangente, tanto do ponto de vista taxonômico, devido à concentração de estudos em certos táxons (calmoniídeos), como paleogeográfico e estratigráfico, em decorrência de concentração dos esforços de coleta nos afloramentos dos municípios de Ponta Grossa e Jaguariaíva. O exame de 398 espécimes, provenientes de rochas litoestratigraficamente correspondentes ao Membro Jaguariaíva, da Formação Ponta Grossa, especialmente da região de Tibagi - PR, revelou a presença de espécimes atribuíveis à espécie Metacryphaeus rotundatus (Kozlowski, 1923). Trata-se do primeiro registro desta espécie em rochas devonianas, do Brasil. Metacryphaeus rotundatus é uma espécie de ocorrência comum em rochas emsianas, da Formação Icla, da Bolívia. Embora no contexto do Domínio Malvinocáfrico, as afinidades paleobiogeográficas mais estreitas da fauna marinha sejam com as faunas das províncias Brasileira e Sul-africana, esse achado reforça outras evidências paleontológicas (e.g., conulários, trilobites homalonotídeos) indicativas da presença de elementos cosmopolitas, da Província Andina, nas assembléias fósseis do Devoniano da Bacia do Paraná. Tais formas viveram sob forte gradiente paleoclimático, desde clima temperado a temperado frio, até subpolar. Finalmente, no Devoniano paranaense, M. rotundatus ocupou, preferencialmente, fundos argilosos, ricos em matéria orgânica, depositados sob condições de águas plataformais, abaixo do nível de base de ondas de tempestades e indicativos de superfícies de inundação marinha.Calmoniids (Delo, 1935) are the most common and abundant group of trilobites of the fossil record of the Devonian Ponta Grossa Formation in the Apucarana sub-basin. Although known since the past century, the study of calmoniids has been taxonomically and stratigraphically biased. This is because some authors centered their studies on some particular genera from a few stratigraphic horizons within the basal portion of the Ponta Grossa Formation. The analyses of 398 specimens of calmoniid trilobites of the rocks of Jaguariaíva Member of the Ponta Grossa Formation, mainly from Tibagi county in the state of Paraná, Brazil, indicate the presence of specimens that are referable to Metacryphaeus rotundatus (Kozlowski, 1923). This is the first record of M. rotundatus in Brazilian Devonian rocks. Metacryphaeus rotundatus is a conspicuous species of the Emsian rocks of the Icla Formation, Bolivia. Although the affinities of the trilobite fauna of the Devonian Paraná Basin, in the context of the Malvinokaffric realm, are with the Brazilian and South Africa provinces, this finding is in accordance with new evidence (e.g., conulariids, homalonotids trilobites), indicating the presence of cosmopolitan species with Andean affinities. Metacryphaeus rotundatus lived in a broad paleoclimatic range, from a temperate, cold temperate to a subpolar climate. Finally, in the Devonian of the Paraná Basin, M. rotundatus lived and were preserved in muddy, organic rich bottoms, deposited in offshore waters, below the storm wave base, associated to marine flooding surfaces


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    A desigualdade está, estruturalmente, presente na sociedade brasileira em seus mais diversos matizes, como as desigualdades de raça, gênero e classe. As pesquisas revelam que, predominantemente, os homens brancos proprietários estão no topo da pirâmide enquanto as mulheres negras trabalhadoras precarizadas a sustentam. Desse modo, pensar a relação entre poder econômico (dinheiro) e gênero tem importância para apreender as contradições que organizam as relações sociais no Brasil. A problematização deste artigo, portanto, reside em relacionar e analisar a relação entre gênero e dinheiro/poder econômico na sociedade brasileira. Como objetivos específicos verifica-se: i) apresentar gênero na sociedade brasileira; ii) apresentar dinheiro/poder econômico na sociedade brasileira. A metodologia é de revisão bibliográfica e o referencial teórico é, fundamentalmente, a contribuição de Florestan Fernandes no que diz respeito à sua compreensão de capitalismo dependente e autocracia burguesa. Compreende-se, ao final, que é a autocracia o elemento organizador da sociedade brasileira e, por isso, a relação entre gênero e dinheiro é expressão do patriarcado autocrático

    Neo-omphaloplasty in anchor-line abdominoplasty performed in patients who have previously undergone bariatric surgery

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    INTRODUCTION: In formerly morbidly obese individuals, major weight loss after bariatric surgery leads to the development of extensive areas of sagging skin with large fat deposits that mainly affect the limbs, several regions of the trunk, and the anterior abdominal wall in particular. The gold standard procedure, anchor-line abdominoplasty (also known as inverted T), is performed with the simultaneous removal of the navel followed by neo-umbilicoplasty during surgery. In the present report, we describe our experience with neo-omphaloplasty in anchor-line abdominoplasty performed in patients who previously underwent bariatric surgery. The neo-omphaloplasty mainly consists of 2 skin flaps bilaterally positioned at the extremities of the skin incision, facilitating a natural appearance of the navel after they are sutured to the fascia. METHODS: From March 2011 to June 2012, 50 patients, who previously underwent bariatric surgery and had stable body weight for at least 6 months, were operated on at the Plastic Surgery Service of the Clinics Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Campinas. RESULTS: In the 50 patients, the neo-umbilicus was positioned at a location that was preoperatively established, and these patients exhibited characteristics similar to individuals who had not undergone abdominal surgeries. There was no evidence of dehiscence, necrosis, stenosis, suture line enlargement in the neo-umbilicus, or seroma formation in this cohort. CONCLUSIONS: When neo-omphaloplasty is performed using 2 skin flaps conventionally positioned in the abdominal wall, at a distance varying between 16 and 18 cm from the xiphoid process, the aesthetic outcomes are similar to the natural appearance of the navel. This technical approach is quick and easy to implement.INTRODUÇÃO: As grandes perdas ponderais pós-cirurgia bariátrica resultam, nos ex-obesos mórbidos, em grande flacidez cutânea nas áreas mais volumosas, com maiores depósitos adiposos nos membros, nas diversas regiões do tronco e, particularmente, na parede anterior do abdome. A abdominoplastia em âncora, também chamada tipo T invertido, tem sido o procedimento de eleição pelos especialistas, com ressecção concomitante do umbigo, seguida da neoumbilicoplastia no ato operatório. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever nossa experiência com a técnica de neo-onfaloplastia no decurso das abdominoplastias em âncora em pacientes pós-cirurgia bariátrica, que consiste, basicamente, na utilização de 2 retalhos cutâneos, bilateralmente posicionados nas bordas da pele incisada, que, suturados à fáscia, determinam a umbilicação de aspecto natural. MÉTODO: Entre março de 2011 e junho de 2012, foram operados, pela Disciplina de Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Campinas, 50 pacientes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica prévia, com estabilização do peso corpóreo por, no mínimo, 6 meses. RESULTADOS: Nos 50 pacientes operados, o neoumbigo ficou posicionado no local estabelecido pré-operatoriamente, apresentando características semelhantes às de indivíduos sem histórico de cirurgia abdominal prévia. Não ocorreram deiscência, necrose, estenose, alargamento das linhas de sutura no neoumbigo ou seromas nessa série de casos. CONCLUSÕES: A neo-onfaloplastia com emprego de 2 retalhos cutâneos e padronização de seu posicionamento na parede abdominal, distante 16 cm a 18 cm do apêndice xifoide, permitiu resultado estético compatível com o aspecto natural da cicatriz umbilical. Essa abordagem técnica é de fácil e rápida execução.11411

    Evolution of a key enzyme of aerobic metabolism reveals Proterozoic functional subunit duplication events and an ancient origin of animals

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    The biological toolkits for aerobic respiration were critical for the rise and diversification of early animals. Aerobic life forms generate ATP through the oxidation of organic molecules in a process known as Krebs’ Cycle, where the enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) regulates the cycle's turnover rate. Evolutionary reconstructions and molecular dating of proteins related to oxidative metabolism, such as IDH, can therefore provide an estimate of when the diversification of major taxa occurred, and their coevolution with the oxidative state of oceans and atmosphere. To establish the evolutionary history and divergence time of NAD-dependent IDH, we examined transcriptomic data from 195 eukaryotes (mostly animals). We demonstrate that two duplication events occurred in the evolutionary history of NAD-IDH, one in the ancestor of eukaryotes approximately at 1967 Ma, and another at 1629 Ma, both in the Paleoproterozoic Era. Moreover, NAD-IDH regulatory subunits β and γ are exclusive to metazoans, arising in the Mesoproterozoic. Our results therefore support the concept of an ‘‘earlier-than-Tonian’’ diversification of eukaryotes and the pre-Cryogenian emergence of a metazoan IDH enzyme

    Genotoxicity detected during cyanobacteria bloom in a water supply reservoir

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    The aquatic ecosystems are susceptible to cyanobacterial blooms due to the eutrophication of water bodies caused by human activities. In this study, phytoplankton and cyanotoxins analysis, as well as cellular and genetic biomarkers of toxicity (Allium cepa test - higher plant test system), were evaluated in water samples of Alagados Reservoir during a cyanobacterial bloom in South Brazil. The water samples were collected during the wet season at two sites in the Reservoir. Paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) were detected in both samples (sites 1 and 2); however, the levels of PSTs were higher in site 1. Gonyautoxin 2 was the major cyanotoxin found in the Reservoir. Both samples were able to induce cytotoxic effects (reduced Mitotic Index) and damage the genetic material (i.e., increased frequencies of chromosome aberration and micronuclei) of meristematic cells of A. cepa. The cellular and genetic damages were higher in the sample site 1, wherein high levels of PSTs were verified. Thus, our findings suggested that cyanotoxins-contaminated waters may damage the genetic material of living organisms, and therefore this group of contaminants should be assessed for their potential genotoxicity