62 research outputs found

    Process Mining of Programmable Logic Controllers: Input/Output Event Logs

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    This paper presents an approach to model an unknown Ladder Logic based Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) program consisting of Boolean logic and counters using Process Mining techniques. First, we tap the inputs and outputs of a PLC to create a data flow log. Second, we propose a method to translate the obtained data flow log to an event log suitable for Process Mining. In a third step, we propose a hybrid Petri net (PN) and neural network approach to approximate the logic of the actual underlying PLC program. We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed approach on a case study with three simulated scenarios

    Robust Modal Damping Control for Active Flutter Suppression

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    Flutter is an unstable oscillation caused by the interaction of aerodynamics and structural dynamics. It is current practice to operate aircraft well below their open-loop flutter speed in a stable flight regime. For future aircraft, weight reduction and aerodynamically efficient high aspect ratio wing design reduce structural stiffness and thus reduce flutter speed. Active control of the flutter phenomena can counter adverse aeroservoelastic effects and allow operation of an aircraft beyond its open-loop flutter speed. This paper presents a systematic robust control design method for active flutter suppression. It extends the standard four block mixed sensitivity formulation by a means to target specific dynamic modes and add damping. This enables a control design to augment damping of critical flutter modes with minimal impact on the rigid-body autopilots. Finally, the design scheme uses a manageably low number of tunable parameters with a clear physical interpretation. Tuning the controller is hence considerably easier than with standard approaches. The method is demonstrated by designing an active flutter suppression controller for a small, flexible unmanned aircraft and verified in simulation

    Pertimbangan Hakim terhadap Pemenuhan Unsur-Unsur Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Psikis dalam Rumah Tangga

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    Penelitian Penulis bertujuan untuk menemukan,menggambarkan dan menjelaskan bagaimana “Pertimbangan Hakim Terhadap Pemenuhan Unsur-Unsur Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Psikis Dalam Rumah Tangga.” Penelitian skripsi ini menggunakan metode pendekatan Yuridis Normatif dengan menggunakan tiga pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan kasus (case approach) yang berkaitan dengan kekerasan psikis dalam rumah tangga. Selanjutnya pendekatan undang-undang (statue approach) pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan menelaah semua peraturan perundang-undangan terkait isu hukum dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) pendekatan ini beranjak dari dari pandangan-pandangan dan doktrin yang berkembang dalam ilmu hukum dalam rangka mencari jawaban atas isu-isu hukum dalam suatu penelitian. Berdasarkan pada penulisan ini,penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dalam peraturan tentang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang menyebabkan kekerasan psikis belum ada kejelasan makna atau konsep,gambaran terkait perbuatan yang dilakukan seseorang yang menyebabkan kekerasan psikis. Sehingga untuk mempidanakan pelaku perlu adanya dasar dari pertimbangan Hakim dalam memutus dan memidanakan pelaku kekerasan psikis dalam rumah tangga sesuai dengan aturan hukum yang ada

    Identifizierung und Charakterisierung eines neuen Inhibitors der PH-Domäne der Cytohesin-Familie

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    Die Pleckstrin-homologe Domäne (PH-Domäne), die in vielen Proteinen zu finden ist, ist durch ihre Interaktion mit Phosphoinositiden (z.B. PIP3) entscheidend an der Membranrekrutierung dieser Proteine beteiligt. Die Regulation der Membranrekrutierung kann die Funktion der zu rekrutierenden Proteine beeinflussen. So können Signalproteine, die an die Membran rekrutiert werden, in der Regel erst dort mit Interaktionspartnern der Signaltransduktion in Wechselwirkung treten und damit ihre Funktion ausfüllen. Dies trifft auch auf die Proteinklasse der Cytohesine zu, die mit ihren verschiedenen direkten und indirekten Interaktionspartnern (IR, IRS, Integrin, Arf) erst nach Rekrutierung an die Membran interagiert. Bislang konnte auf die Membranrekrutierung der Cytohesine nur indirekt, durch Einsatz des PI3K-Inhibitors Wortmannin, eingegriffen werden. Er inhibiert die Bildung von PIP3, dem Hauptinteraktionspartner der PH-Domäne der Cytohesine. Da über PIP3 jedoch auch verschiedene andere Signalwege vermittelt werden, wird für eine spezifische Regulation der Membranrekrutierung der Cytohesine ein spezifischer PH-Domänen Inhibitor benötigt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten aus einer Bibliothek von 12.000 Substanzen Inhibitoren der Cytohesin PH-Domäne (Cyplecksins) identifiziert werden. Hierzu wurde ein Aptamerverdrängungsscreening auf Basis der Fluoreszenzintensitätsmessung des Nukleinsäurefarbstoffs RiboGreen entwickelt. Diese Methode ermöglicht, im Unterschied zu bereits bekannten Aptamerverdrängungsassays (z.B. auf Basis von Fluoreszenzpolarisation oder FRET), den direkten Einsatz eines in vitro transkribierten, ungelabelten RNA-Aptamers. Mit dieser Methode wird zudem das Repertoire an aptamerbasierten Hochdurchsatzscreenings erweitert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die identifizierten Cyplecksins in der Lage sind, in vitro die Bindung von Cytohesin an PIP3-haltige Membranen zu inhibieren

    Robust autopilot design for landing a large civil aircraft in crosswind

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    A comprehensive autolanding design for a representative model of a twin-engined commercial aircraft is presented in this paper. To facilitate the design task and minimize control law switching, a cascaded control structure is selected which resembles integrator chains. Classical loopshaping and robust control techniques are used to design the individual control loops. The emphasis is on providing a complete and comprehensive qualitative design strategy. The control system’s ability to safely land the aircraft despite strong crosswind in a variety of possible scenarios is demonstrated in an industry-grade verification campaign. Nonlinear Monte Carlo simulations of the airliner model are used to assess the risk of unsafe landing conditions and provide insight into the performance characteristics and limitations of the proposed control system

    Toward system innovation for more sustainable chemistry: insights into consumers’ perceptions, knowledge, and behavior related to traceability and product design strategies along leather supply chains

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    The leather industry is a complex system with multiple actors that faces a fundamental transition toward more sustainable chemistry. To support this process, this article analyzes challenges of the industry and consumers’ roles as a nexus of transition-relevant developments. We present findings of an empirical study (N = 439) among consumers on their perception of leather, related knowledge, and purchasing behavior. We found that participants perceived leather as natural, robust, and of high quality. Knowledge about the manufacturing of leather products was overall limited but varied. Applying a psychological behavior theory, we found that being aware of environmental and health consequences from conventional manufacturing of leather products was positively associated with a personal norm to purchase leather products that are less harmful to environment and health. The perceived ease of buying such products was positively associated with their purchase. Our findings shed light on consumers’ roles in the current leather system and their support of niche innovations toward more sustainable chemistry. Against this backdrop, we discuss implications for product design, consumer information, and needs for traceability along supply chains

    Shape and orientation of stellar velocity ellipsoids in spiral galaxies

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    We present a numerical study of the properties of the stellar velocity distribution in stellar discs which have developed a saturated, two-armed spiral structure. We follow the growth of the spiral structure deeply into the non-linear regime by solving the Boltzmann moment equations up to second order. By adopting the thin-disc approximation, we restrict our study of the stellar velocity distribution to the plane of the stellar disc. We find that the outer (convex) edges of stellar spiral arms are characterized by peculiar properties of the stellar velocity ellipsoids, which make them distinct from most other galactic regions. In particular, the ratio \sigma_1:\sigma_2 of the smallest versus largest principal axes of the stellar velocity ellipsoid can become abnormally small (as compared to the rest of the disc) near the outer edges of spiral arms. Moreover, the epicycle approximation fails to reproduce the ratio of the tangential versus radial velocity dispersions in these regions. These peculiar properties of the stellar velocity distribution are caused by large-scale non-circular motions of stars, which in turn are triggered by the non-axisymmetric gravitational field of stellar spiral arms. The magnitude of the vertex deviation appears to correlate globally with the amplitude of the spiral stellar density perturbations. However, locally there is no simple correlation between the vertex deviation and the density perturbations. (Abstract abridged).Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Simulations of the grand design galaxy M51: a case study for analysing tidally induced spiral structure

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    We present hydrodynamical models of the grand design spiral M51 (NGC 5194), and its interaction with its companion NGC 5195. Despite the simplicity of our models, our simulations capture the present day spiral structure of M51 remarkably well, and even reproduce details such as a kink along one spiral arm, and spiral arm bifurcations. We investigate the offset between the stellar and gaseous spiral arms, and find at most times (including the present day) there is no offset between the stars and gas to within our error bars. We also compare our simulations with recent observational analysis of M51. We compute the pattern speed versus radius, and like the observations, find no single global pattern speed. We also show that the spiral arms cannot be fitted well by logarithmic spirals. We interpret these findings as evidence that M51 does not exhibit a quasi-steady density wave, as would be predicted by density wave theory. The internal structure of M51 derives from the complicated and dynamical interaction with its companion, resulting in spiral arms showing considerable structure in the form of short-lived kinks and bifurcations. Rather than trying to model such galaxies in terms of global spiral modes with fixed pattern speeds, it is more realistic to start from a picture in which the spiral arms, while not being simple material arms, are the result of tidally induced kinematic density `waves' or density patterns, which wind up slowly over time.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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