1,298 research outputs found

    Reviews: Jay E. Kinsbruner, The Colonial Spanish-American City: Urban Life in the Age of Atlantic Capitalism and James Robertson, Gone is the Ancient Glory: Spanish Town, Jamaica

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    Book reviews of Jay E. Kinsbruner, The Colonial Spanish-American City: Urban Life in the Age of Atlantic Capitalism. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2005. 198 PP·. ISBN: 0- 292-70621-9 (hbk.); James Robertson, Gone is the Ancient Glory: Spanish Town, Jamaica, 1500-2000. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers, 2005. 496 PP· ISBN: 976-637-198-9 (hbk.); 976-637-197-0 (pbk.)

    Hispanic Studies in Honor of Robert L. Fiore

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    Writing this introduction not only honors an extraordinary Hispanist but, more than anything else, a formidable professor whose work in education has reached beyond the classroom to the hallways of the department, to his home over a glass of brandy, to the local coffee shop, to long fruitful conversations in nearby Italian restaurants, to the opera, to the paddleball court or golf course, or in front of Masaccio’s frescos in Florence. Robert L. Fiore, mentor and friend, has remained the truest advisor and teacher to his students, consummate supporter to his colleagues, and loyal friend to those who know him outside academia. His wise and const ant counsel—the most precious gift he could have ever offered to his students—is exactly what he received from trust ed and faithful mentors early on in his career. Th is volume of essays by some of the most well known Hispanists today is not only proof of Bob’s impact on Golden Age studies, but also a small measure of appreciation by all who have had the good fortune to have known him, and been affect ed by him in some way. Th is introduction, surely too short and insignificant alongside Bob’s accomplishments, endeavors to put into words Bob’s lifelong contributions in and out of academia which are here remembered by those who respect and admire him.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/language_books/1009/thumbnail.jp

    A Companion to Cervantes\u27s Novelas ejemplares by Stephen Boyd

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    Producto en su mayoria del congreso celebrado en University College en Cork en 2001 titulado Artificio e invention: Cervantes\u27s Novelas ejemplare, este volumen es un conjunto de catorce articulos editado magistralmente por Stephen Boyd. Como consecuencia del escaso reconocimiento de las Novelas ejemplares fuera del mundo academico de los hispanistas, en su introduction Boyd declara que uno de los objetivos de la obra es precisamente el de dirigirla a un amplio publico lector angloparlante

    Los escenarios de la memoria: psicodrama en El trato de Argel de Cervantes

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    Analizado desde la óptica de las ideas de la psicoanalista Joyce McDougall en Theaters of the Mind y el psicodrama de Jacob Levy Moreno, El trato de Argel sirve como posible e hipotético reflejo del mundo interno de Cervantes. Por medio del psicodrama, el individuo examina su persona y sus relaciones personales mediante la actuación improvisada sobre un escenario solo o con otros personajes. Existen diferentes técnicas utilizadas en el psicodrama (representaciones del yo, soliloquios, proyecciones, intercambio de papeles, personajes antagónicos, juegos de dobles o la técnica del espejo) por medio de las cuales el individuo sometido a estudio explora conflictos internos puestos en escena a través de diferentes personajes que dramatizan la experiencia. Este conjunto de técnicas utilizadas en el psicodrama se observan igualmente en El trato de Argel, donde Cervantes reconstruye su pasado dando rienda suelta a los fantasmas del cautiverio argelino. En la pieza teatral, Cervantes pone en escena una treintena de personajes antagónicos y complementarios entre sí que hacen eco de las experiencias vividas por el mismo escritor durante su cautiverio en Argel, reconstruyendo el pasado desde distintos ángulos y perspectivas. El espectador tiene ante sí un yo fragmentado a través de personajes en contradicción que buscan salida por medio de la puesta en escena y que se mueven en espacios ambivalentes y heterogéneos. El Trato de Argel se convierte en psicodrama que captura metafóricamente los conflictos internos propios de la psicología tradicional del cautivo como son los diferentes niveles del cautiverio, la tortura, la sensación de abandono por parte del gobierno y la familia, la apostasía, el rescate, la huida o el suicidio

    Disposición al uso de sitios web de un grupo de organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) de Medellín

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    En la actualidad, en Colombia el uso de los sitios web en las ONG no se ha generalizado y analizar las razones de ello puede llevar a establecer estrategias de orientación hacia su uso como herramienta de comunicación para sus labores -- El presente estudio se realizó para conocer la disposición de las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) afiliadas a la Federación Antioqueña de ONG (FAONG) localizadas en la ciudad de Medellín hacia el uso de sitios web -- El interés central consistió en encontrar las ventajas y desventajas que las mismas encuentran acerca de la adopción de estar presentes en el canal en línea a través del uso de sitios web -- Para ello se partió de una revisión de antecedentes teóricos que exploran la adopción de herramientas digitales en diferentes empresas, definen las ventajas y desventajas de la presencia en línea y encuentran algunos motivadores e inhibidores y el nivel de conocimiento de las entidades en cuanto al uso de internet como canal de comunicación -- Para lograr el objetivo se hizo un estudio exploratorio en el que se aplicaron instrumentos, como entrevistas y encuestas, a un grupo de informantes seleccionados de ONG afiliadas a la FAONG -- Los hallazgos mostraron el interés de las organizaciones de tener un sitio web para comunicar e informar sobre su objeto social y determinar hacia cuál población están enfocadas; también se encontraron falencias en cuanto al conocimiento, el uso y la comunicación con sus públicos frente al manejo adecuado de un sitio we

    Characterization of the actin-like MreB cytoskeleton dynamics and its role in cell wall synthesis in Bacillus subtilis

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    The peptidoglycan cell wall (CW) and the actin-like MreB cytoskeleton are the majordeterminants of cell morphology in non-spherical bacteria. Bacillus subtilis is a rod-shaped Grampositive bacterium that has three MreB isoforms: MreB, Mbl (MreB–like) and MreBH (MreBHomologue). Over the last decade, all three proteins were reported to localize in dynamic filamentous helical structures running the length of the cells underneath the membrane. This helical pattern led to a model where the extended MreB structures act as scaffolds to position CW-synthesizing machineries along sidewalls. However, the dynamic relationship between the MreB cytoskeleton and CW elongation complexes remained to be elucidated. Here we describe the characterization of the dynamics of the three MreB isoforms, CW synthesis and elongation complexes in live Bacillus subtilis cells at high spatial and temporal resolution. Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) we found that MreB, Mbl and MreBH actually do not assemble into an extended helical structure but instead into discrete patches that move processively along peripheral tracks perpendicular to the long axis of the cell. We found similar patch localization and dynamics for several morphogenetic factors and CW-synthesizing enzymes including MreD, MreC, RodA, PbpH and PBP2a. Furthermore, using fluorescent recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), we showed that treadmilling of MreB filaments does not drive patch motility, as expected from the structural homology to actin. Blocking CW synthesis with antibiotics that target different steps of the peptidoglycan biosynthetic pathway stopped MreB patches motion, suggesting that CW synthesis is the driving force of patch motility. On the basis of these findings, we proposed a new model for MreB fuction in which MreB polymers restrict and orient patch motility to ensure controlled lateral CW expansion, thereby maintaining cell shape. To further investigate the molecular mechanism underlying MreB action, we next performed a site-directed mutagenesis analysis. Alanine substitutions of three charged amino 2 acids of MreB generated a B. subtilis strain with cell shape and growth defects. TIRFM analysis revealed that the mutated MreB protein displayed wild-type localization and dynamics, suggesting that it is still associated to the CW elongation machinery but might be defective in an interaction important for MreB morphogenetic function. Thus, this mutant appears as as a good candidate to start characterizing the interactions between the three MreB isoforms and components involved in CW elongation. It might also help to understand the function of components of theCWsynthetic complexes, and how they are coordinated to achieve efficient CW synthesis. Finally, to investigate how the integrity of the CW is maintained, we studied the localization and dynamics of the LiaIH-system, which i s t he t arget o f L iaRS, a t wo-component system involved in cell envelope stress response. We found that under stress conditions, when liaI and LiaH genes are expressed, the proteins form static complexes that coat the cell membrane. LiaI is required for the even distribution of the LiaH in the membrane. Taken together, these data suggest that LiaIH complexes may protect the cell from CW damage. Taken together, the findings described in this thesis provide valuable insights into the understanding of CW synthesis in B. subtilis, which may open new perspectives for the design of novel antimicrobial agents

    Immobilization of Acetylcholinesterase on Screen-Printed Electrodes. Application to the Determination of Arsenic(III)

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    Enzymatic amperometric procedures for measuring arsenic, based on the inhibitive action of this metal on acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity, have been developed. Screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) were used with acetylcholinesterase covalently bonded directly to its surface. The amperometric response of acetylcholinesterase was affected by the presence of arsenic ions, which caused a decrease in the current intensity. The experimental optimum working conditions of pH, substrate concentration and potential applied, were established. Under these conditions, repeatability and reproducibility of biosensors were determined, reaching values below 4% in terms of relative standard deviation. The detection limit obtained for arsenic was 1.1 × 10−8 M for Ach/SPCE biosensor. Analysis of the possible effect of the presence of foreign ions in the solution was performed. The method was applied to determine levels of arsenic in spiked tap water samples.Junta de Castilla y León (BU022A07, Q0968272E) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (TEC2008-01367/TEC) is gratefully acknowledged

    Contribution to the kownledge of cultural heritage via a Heritage Information System (HIS): the case of “La Cultura del Agua” in Valverde de Burguillos, Badajoz (Spain)

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    Modern science is going through a period of important reflection on the role of different agents and multiple disciplines in the management and safeguarding of architectural heritage. This new focus generates a greater amount and diversity of information, so the implementation of a unifying tool in the framework of digital information models would mean a better knowledge of cultural heritage as well as aiding its safeguarding and protection. In addition, it must be taken into account that, for the correct management of information in its broadest dimension, this tool must make it possible to relate alphanumeric data about an item of heritage to its spatial location. In this sense, this article proposes a Heritage Information System (HIS)—understood as a digital knowledge tool—that consists of a relational database and a map manager with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology (a geodatabase). The methodology suggested here sets out the steps that make up the HIS, so that the system can be applied to other geographical elements or realities. For this reason, a study was made of “La Cultura del Agua” in Valverde de Burguillos (Spain), a heritage ensemble that consists of rural architecture and dispersed preindustrial elements, which are currently at risk. The HIS seeks to develop a more complete identification of these elements (individually and as a system) and a justified argument for their being given value and great visibility. This new approach encourages sustainable development in terms of efficiency and effectiveness for the analysis, diagnosis, and reactivation of cultural heritage, always placing importance on the balance of social participation with the territory in which the system is applied, and with global societ