5,030 research outputs found

    A testable hidden-sector model for Dark Matter and neutrino masses

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    We consider a minimal extension of the Standard Model with a hidden sector charged under a dark local U(1)â€Č gauge group, accounting simultaneously for light neutrino masses and the observed Dark Matter relic abundance. The model contains two copies of right-handed neutrinos which give rise to light neutrino-masses via an extended seesaw mechanism. The presence of a stable Dark-Matter candidate and a massless state naturally arise by requiring the simplest anomaly-free particle content without introducing any extra symmetries. We investigate the phenomenology of the hidden sector considering the U(1)â€Č breaking scale of the order of the electroweak scale. Confronting the thermal history of this hidden-sector model with existing and future constraints from collider, direct and indirect detection experiments provides various possibilities of probing the model in complementary ways as every particle of the dark sector plays a specific cosmological role. Across the identified viable parameter space, a large region predicts a sizable contribution to the effective relativistic degrees-of-freedom in the early Universe that allows to alleviate the recently reported tension between late and early measurements of the Hubble constantThe work of MP was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn through the grants FPA2015-65929-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE), PGC2018-095161-B-I00, IFT Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV-2016-0597, and Red Consolider MultiDark FPA2017-90566-REDC. MP would like to thank the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for its hospitality during part of the realization of this work as well as the Paris-Saclay Particle Symposium 2019 with the support of the P2I and SPU research departments and the P2IO Laboratory of Excellence (program “Investissements d’avenir” ANR-11-IDEX-0003-01 Paris-Saclay and ANR-10-LABX-0038), as well as the IPhT. This project has received funding/support from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreements Elusives ITN No. 674896 and InvisiblesPlus RISE No. 690575. J.G. is supported by the US Department of Energy under Grant Contract DE-SC001270

    Exhumation of the ultra high-pressure Tso Morari unit in eastern Ladakh (NW Himalaya): a case study.

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    Exhumation processes of the ultra-high pressure (UHP) Tso Morari dome (NW-Himalaya) are investigated using structural, petrological and geochronological data. The UHP Tso Morari unit is bounded by the low-grade metamorphic Indus Suture Zone to the NE and Mata unit to the SW. Three deformation phases (D1, D2 and D3) are observed. Only D3 is common to the UHP unit and the surrounding units. In the UHP unit, the first deformation phase (D1) produced upright folds, under eclogitic conditions (> 20 kbar; 580 ± 60 °C). D1 is overprinted by D2 structures related to a NW-SE trending open anticline. This phase is characterized by blueschist mineral associations, and corresponds to the quasi-isothermal decompression from a depth of 90 km (eclogitic conditions) up to 30-40 km. The final exhumation phase of the Tso Morari unit is dominated by tectonic denudation and erosion (D3), associated with a slight temperature increase. Radiochronological analyses indicate that the UHP exhumation process began during the Eocene. Exhumation was fast during D1-D2 and slowed down through D3 in Oligocene time. The change in the deformation style from D1-D2 to D3 in the Tso Morari unit coincides with changes in the exhumation rates and in the metamorphic conditions. These changes may reflect the transition from an exhumation along the subduction plane in a serpentinized wedge, to the vertical uplift of the Tso Morari unit across the upper crust

    Bright Light as a Personalized Precision Treatment of Mood Disorders

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    Background: The use of light for its antidepressant action dates back to the beginnings of civilization. Three decades ago, the use of bright-light therapy (BLT) for treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) was officially proposed. Since then, a growing scientific literature reports its antidepressant efficacy in both unipolar and bipolar disorders (BD), with or without seasonal patterns. This review aims to examine the management of BLT as a personalized and precision treatment in SAD, unipolar, and BD.Methods: We conducted a narrative review using Medline and Google Scholar databases up to June 2018.Results: BLT has physiological effects by resynchronizing the biological clock (circadian system), enhancing alertness, increasing sleep pressure (homeostatic system), and acting on serotonin, and other monoaminergic pathways. Effects of BLT on mood depend on several factors such as light intensity, wavelength spectrum, illumination duration, time of the day, and individual circadian rhythms. A growing body of evidence has been generated over the last decade about BLT evolving as an effective depression treatment not only to be used in SAD, but also in non-seasonal depression, with efficiency comparable to fluoxetine, and possibly more robust in patients with BD. The antidepressant action of BLT is fast (within 1-week) and safe, with the need in BD to protect against manic switch with mood stabilizers. Side effects might be nausea, diarrhea, headache, and eye irritation, and are generally mild and rare. This good safety profile may be of particular interest, especially in women during the perinatal period or for the elderly. The management of BLT needs to be clarified across mood disorders and future studies are expected to compare different dose-titration protocols, to validate its use as a maintenance treatment, and also to identify predictive biomarkers of response and tolerability. We propose clinical guidelines for BLT use in SAD, non-seasonal depression, and BD.Conclusions : BLT is an efficient antidepressant strategy in mono- or adjunct-therapy, that should be personalized according the unipolar or bipolar subtype, the presence or absence of seasonal patterns, and also regarding its efficacy and tolerability

    Borcherds symmetries in M-theory

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    It is well known but rather mysterious that root spaces of the EkE_k Lie groups appear in the second integral cohomology of regular, complex, compact, del Pezzo surfaces. The corresponding groups act on the scalar fields (0-forms) of toroidal compactifications of M theory. Their Borel subgroups are actually subgroups of supergroups of finite dimension over the Grassmann algebra of differential forms on spacetime that have been shown to preserve the self-duality equation obeyed by all bosonic form-fields of the theory. We show here that the corresponding duality superalgebras are nothing but Borcherds superalgebras truncated by the above choice of Grassmann coefficients. The full Borcherds' root lattices are the second integral cohomology of the del Pezzo surfaces. Our choice of simple roots uses the anti-canonical form and its known orthogonal complement. Another result is the determination of del Pezzo surfaces associated to other string and field theory models. Dimensional reduction on TkT^k corresponds to blow-up of kk points in general position with respect to each other. All theories of the Magic triangle that reduce to the EnE_n sigma model in three dimensions correspond to singular del Pezzo surfaces with A8−nA_{8-n} (normal) singularity at a point. The case of type I and heterotic theories if one drops their gauge sector corresponds to non-normal (singular along a curve) del Pezzo's. We comment on previous encounters with Borcherds algebras at the end of the paper.Comment: 30 pages. Besides expository improvements, we exclude by hand real fermionic simple roots when they would naively aris

    Glass Transition of the Phase Change Material AIST and its Impact on Crystallization

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    Engineering phase change materials (PCM) to realize superior data storage devices requires a detailed understanding of crystallization kinetics and its temperature dependence. The temperature dependence of crystallization differs distinctly between crystallizing from the glassy phase and the undercooled liquid (UCL). Hence, knowing the phase from which crystallization occurs is necessary for predicting the switching ability. Here, we measure the glassy dynamics and crystallization kinetics using calorimetry for heating rates spanning over six orders of magnitude. Our results show that the prominent PCM (Ag,In)-doped Sb2Te (AIST) exhibits a change from crystallizing from the glassy phase to crystallizing from the UCL at a critical heating rate of 5,000 K/s. Above the glass transition, the activation energy of crystallization changes drastically enabling rapid crystallization at elevated temperatures

    Pressure–temperature–time evolution of subducted crust revealed by complex garnet zoning (Theodul Glacier Unit, Switzerland)

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    Collisional orogens commonly include mono-metamorphic and poly-metamorphic units, and their different evolution can be difficult to recognize and reconcile. The Theodul Glacier Unit (TGU) in the Western Alps consists of an association of metasedimentary and metamafic rocks embedded within the Zermatt-Saas tectonic unit. In spite of recent petrological studies, it remains unclear whether these rocks underwent one or multiple metamorphic cycles. In this study, different lithologies from the TGU unit (mafic schist, mafic granofels, and chloritoid schist) were investigated for petrography, quantitative compositional mapping of garnet, thermodynamic modelling, and Lu–Hf garnet dating. The data reveal a coherent mono-metamorphic history with a ÎČ-shaped pressure–temperature (P–T) path characteristic of oceanic subduction. Garnet Lu–Hf ages yield a restricted garnet crystallization time window between 50.3 and 48.8 Ma (±0.5%, 2SD). A prograde metamorphic stage recorded in garnet cores yields conditions of 490 ± 15℃ and 1.75 ± 0.05 GPa. Maximum pressure conditions of 2.65 ± 0.10 GPa and 580 ± 15℃ were reached at 50.3 ± 0.3 Ma. Initial exhumation was rapid and led to isothermal decompression to 1.50 ± 0.10 GPa within 1 Ma. This decompression was associated with lawsonite breakdown in mafic schist and in mafic granofels, causing intense fluid–rock interaction within and between different lithologies. This process is recorded in garnet textures and trace element patterns, and in the major element composition of K-white mica. Initial exhumation was followed by re-heating of ~30℃ at a pressure of 1.50 ± 0.10 GPa. Perturbation of the subduction-zone thermal structure may be related to upwelling of hot asthenospheric mantle material and transient storage of the unit at the crust–mantle boundary
