42 research outputs found

    Who stay unwillingly in a job?

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    The paper examines the antecedents of intentions to quit, job search, and actual job switches during a five-year follow-up period. We use a representative random sample of all Finnish employees (N = 2800). The data both contain information on intentions to quit and on-the-job search from a cross-section survey and records employees’ actual job switches from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the survey. Specifically, we study the contribution of adverse working conditions (harms, hazards, uncertainty, physically and mentally heavy work), work organization (promotion prospects, discrimination, supervisor support) and ease-of-movement factors (mental health, wage level, regional unemployment). According to the estimates, adverse working conditions, poor promotions prospects, discrimination, poor supervisor support and mental health symptoms are positively related to unwillingly staying in a job, since these variables increase the probability of turnover intentions or job search but not actual job switches.Quit intentions; job search; job separation

    Kasvatusteoria ja itsekasvatus nykyisyyden kritiikkinä : Antti Saari (2021). Kasvatusteoria antiikista nykypäivään. Gaudeamus. 232 sivua.

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    Teos täyttää suomenkielisen tietokirjallisuuden aukkoa, sillä kasvatusteoriaa kokoavasti käsitteleviä ajantasaisia teoksia ei liikaa ole. Otsikon kuvaama aikajänne on aavistuksen mahtipontinen, kun ottaa huomioon, että pariin sataan sivuun on puristettu valikoidusti eri aikojen kasvatusfilosofian ja -teorian käsittelyä

    Tapausfilosofinen analyysi myöhäismodernin kasvatuksen metafysiikasta

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    The article discusses the metaphysics of education in late modernity. It examines the case philosophy created by the German philosopher Günther Anders. In addition to Anders' case philosophy, the article takes the perspective of the early Frankfurt School. It explores through case philosophical analysis utterances, which claim what education, citizenship or creativity is for. Techno-economical forces utilize education as a means to achieve the continuation of techno-economical progress. It is argued that the nature of educational praxis is misunderstood if it is seen through means–ends -schemata. However, education as praxis can be immune to those forces that strive to use education for purposes external to education as praxis.Pyrkimys selvittää kasvatusta nykyisyydessä vaatii vastausta kysymykseen, millainen ymmärrys ohjaa kasvatusta. Kasvatuksen ja sen tieteen ymmärtäminen asettuu tällöin osaksi myöhäismodernin yhteiskunnan ymmärtämistä. Praksiksen käsitteen esittely avaa mahdollisuuden tarkastella filosofisesta perspektiivistä kasvatuksen ideaa myöhäismodernina aikana. Mikä on nykyisen kasvatuskäsityksen ja -tieteen metafysiikka ja miten se suhtautuu kasvatukseen praksiksena

    Who stay unwillingly in a job?

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    The paper examines the antecedents of intentions to quit, job search, and actual job switches during a five-year follow-up period. We use a representative random sample of all Finnish employees (N = 2800). The data both contain information on intentions to quit and on-the-job search from a cross-section survey and records employees’ actual job switches from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the survey. Specifically, we study the contribution of adverse working conditions (harms, hazards, uncertainty, physically and mentally heavy work), work organization (promotion prospects, discrimination, supervisor support) and ease-of-movement factors (mental health, wage level, regional unemployment). According to the estimates, adverse working conditions, poor promotions prospects, discrimination, poor supervisor support and mental health symptoms are positively related to unwillingly staying in a job, since these variables increase the probability of turnover intentions or job search but not actual job switches

    Who stay unwillingly in a job?

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    The paper examines the antecedents of intentions to quit, job search, and actual job switches during a five-year follow-up period. We use a representative random sample of all Finnish employees (N = 2800). The data both contain information on intentions to quit and on-the-job search from a cross-section survey and records employees’ actual job switches from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the survey. Specifically, we study the contribution of adverse working conditions (harms, hazards, uncertainty, physically and mentally heavy work), work organization (promotion prospects, discrimination, supervisor support) and ease-of-movement factors (mental health, wage level, regional unemployment). According to the estimates, adverse working conditions, poor promotions prospects, discrimination, poor supervisor support and mental health symptoms are positively related to unwillingly staying in a job, since these variables increase the probability of turnover intentions or job search but not actual job switches

    Nuorten työntekijöiden sosialisaatio työpaikoilla: Sosiaalisten suhteiden, hyvinvoinnin ja perehdytyksen merkitys

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    Tässä tutkimusraportissa tarkastelemme ensinnäkin miten uusien työntekijöiden esimies- ja verkostosuhteet ovat yhteydessä heidän työtehtävissä suoriutumiseen sekä työryhmän ja työyhteisön jäsenenä toimimiseen. Lisäksi tarkastelemme muutoksia uusien työntekijöiden esimies- ja verkostosuhteissa. Toiseksi katsomme miten uusien työntekijöiden sosialisaatio on yhteydessä työssä koettuun hyvinvointiin. Tarkastelemme myös uusien työntekijöiden perehdytyskäytäntöjä henkilöstöhallinnon näkökulmasta

    NMR of quadrupole noble gases in liquid crystals

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    Abstract NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar noble gases, 21Ne (spin 3/2), 83Kr (9/2), 131Xe (3/2), dissolved in thermotropic liquid crystals enables the derivation of versatile information about the physical properties of the materials. The spectra display fine structures, triplets and nonets, which reveal quadrupole couplings. These, in turn, can be used in the determination of electric field gradients (EFG), orientational order parameters, and tilt angles. Comparison of 129Xe and 131Xe chemical shifts reveals second-order quadrupole shifts (SOQS) in circumstances where the ratio of quadrupole coupling and magnetic flux density is suitable. The 131Xe SOQS is shown to distinguish between uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases. Both 83Kr and 131Xe NMR spectra may display asymmetry around the central transition because of the SOQS, which can be used to identify biaxiality in nematic phases. As a curiosity, the effect of possible hexadecapole coupling on the 83Kr NMR transitions of krypton in liquid crystals is discussed