421 research outputs found

    The potential of tasks for mathematical learning and its use in instruction – Perspectives of experts from Germany and Taiwan

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    The potential of tasks to stimulate students’ mathematical thinking and the adequate use of this potential in instruction are prominent indicators for instructional quality. Since the assessment of a task’s potential depends on the aims of instruction, it may be argued that corresponding perspectives vary between cultural contexts. However, so far, this has not been systematically investigated in cross-cultural comparisons. In this study, we investigate whether Western (German; N=17) and East Asian (Taiwanese; N=19) professors of mathematics education have different perspectives on the potential of word problems for students’ learning and the use of this potential in instruction by means of vignettes from a cross-cultural research project. We illustrate how differences reflect cultural aspects of mathematics instruction.This study is part of the project TaiGer Noticing which is funded by the DFG – German Research Foundation (grant numbers DR 1098/1-1 and LI 2616/2-1) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, grant number 106-2511-S-003-027-MY3)

    Perspectives of professors in mathematics education on fruit salad algebra – A comparison between Taiwan and Germany

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    This study investigated intercultural differences in experts’ perspectives on the appropriateness of the use of mathematical representations. A total of 19 Taiwanese and 12 German experts (professors in mathematics education) participated in an online survey to evaluate the use of representations in a text vignette illustrating a classroom situation in which the teacher used fruit salad algebra. Through content analysis, this study revealed that the majority of German experts criticized the inappropriateness of the representations for causing letter as object misconceptions, whereas the perspectives of Taiwanese experts were dominated by practical concerns related to whether the use of the representations was a waste of time or could help students successfully perform mathematical operations on the symbols.This study is part of the project TaiGer Noticing which is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, grant number 106-2511-S-003-027-MY3) and the DFG – German Research Foundation (grant numbers DR 1098/1-1 and LI 2616/2-1)

    Applying Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Nurses' Intention and Volunteering to Care for Sars Patients in Southern Taiwan

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) spread worldwide after an outbreak in Guangdong Province, China, in mid-November 2002. Health care workers were at highest risk of infection. The purpose of this study, which was based on Ajzen's theory of planned behavior (TPB), was to determine the extent to which personal attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control influence nurses' intention and volunteering to care for SARS patients. After the SARS outbreak, a total of 750 staff nurses (response rate 90%) at one hospital completed a questionnaire assessing their intention to provide care to SARS patients. Overall, 42.7% of nurses had a positive intention to provide care to SARS patients, and 25.4% of nurses would volunteer to care for SARS patients. Four factors explaining 35% of the variance in nurses' intention to care for SARS patients were self-efficacy (β = 0.39, p < 0.001), attitude (β = 0.25, p < 0.001), years of working in the study hospital (β = −0.15, p < 0.001), and receiving resources from the hospital (β = 0.13, p < 0.001). Two factors explaining 15% of the variance in nurses' volunteering to care for SARS patients were intention (β = 0.31, p < 0.001) and attitude (β = 0.15, p < 0.001). The final model shows that the variables of the TPB contributed significantly to the explanation of a portion of variance in nurses' intention and volunteering to care for SARS patients. The results are helpful for human resources managers facing a new contagious disease

    Fruit salad algebra – A comparison of experts’ and mathematics teachers’ noticing

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    TaiGer Noticing project, funded by MOST (grant 106-2511-S- 003-027-MY3) and the DFG – (grant DR 1098/1-1 and LI 2616/2-1)

    Composite type A thymoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    AbstractThe concurrent occurrence of thymoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the thymus has not been previously reported. We describe a 74-year-old man who presented with general weakness, neck lymphadenopathy, night sweats, and body weight loss. A right anterior mediastinal mass was found on computed tomography of the chest. The immunohistochemical stains AE1/AE3, CD20, CD3, and MUM-1 confirmed the different components of the mediastinal tumor. A heavy-chain gene clonality assay and light-chain gene clonality assay confirmed the B-cell clonality of the mediastinal tumor and neck lymph node. The patient had received a complete course of chemotherapy, and the result of positron emission tomography–computed tomography showed complete remission. The pathologic report of this mass revealed composite type A thymoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. If concurrent or composite thymoma and lymphoma are suspected, a thorough examination of the thymoma with a combination of ancillary studies is recommended to rule out the possibility of concurrent lymphoma

    Construct the destination image formation model of Macao: the case of Taiwan tourists to Macao

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    The investigation based on the vigorous tourism industry and open up the gaming industry in the future to promote and construct the nation competition strength in Taiwan. Tourism destination image is an important factor which tourist chooses and plans their tourism schedule. But the concept of image includes inner psychology motivation, external environment factor or these two factors interaction to develop and integrate model. Therefore, this investigation aimed to construct the destination image formation model of Macao and take the Taiwan visitors to Macao for example. According to the findings, Taiwan tourists who actually visited Macao generally report positive tourist image in overall. Furthermore, the overall image of tourists visiting Macao can be enhanced if consumers’ return on investment and service superiority are conducted through experiential value perspective in terms of value/environment variables of Taiwan tourists’ perception or cognition perspective. Finally, a tourism image of Macao perceived by Taiwan tourists is built upon an experience in integrated industry surrounded by luxury atmosphere. To feel about the casino culture of mirage among Asian cities, and a national image of sense and sensibility after combining Eastern and Western culture are primary tourism motives of the study

    Associations between child maltreatment, PTSD, and internet addiction among Taiwanese students

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    AbstractThis study examines (1) the associations between multiple types of child maltreatment and Internet addiction, and (2) the mediating effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on these associations. We collected data from a national proportionately stratified random sample of 6233 fourth-grade students in Taiwan in 2014. We conducted bivariate correlations and sets of multiple regression analyses to examine the associations between multiple types of maltreatment (5 types in total) and Internet addiction, and to identify the mediating role of PTSD. The results reveal that being male and experiencing abuse (psychological neglect, physical neglect, paternal physical violence, sexual violence) were associated with increased risk among children of developing PTSD and Internet addiction. Moreover, PTSD mediated the associations between multiple types of maltreatment (except maternal physical violence) and Internet addiction. This study demonstrates (1) the effects of multiple types of maltreatment on the PTSD and Internet addiction of children and (2) the importance of early prevention and intervention in addressing related public-health concerns

    Relationships between Parent-Reported Parenting, Child-Perceived Parenting, and Children’s Mental Health in Taiwanese Children

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    The current study examines the relationship between parents’ and children’s reports of parenting and their effects on children’s mental health symptoms. Six hundred and sixty-six parent-child dyads in Taiwan participated in this study. The parents and the children filled out the parenting questionnaires, and the children also reported their general mental health. The results demonstrated that parental-reported and child-perceived parenting were positively correlated, but parents tended to report lower scores on authoritarian parenting and higher scores on Chinese parenting than did their children. There were also significant gender differences: The mothers reported higher authoritative parenting than did the fathers; and the boys perceived higher authoritarian and Chinese-culture specific parenting than did the girls. Moreover, the Chinese parenting had a negative effect on children’s mental health outcomes. Finally, our results showed that children’s perception of parenting had a stronger effect on children’s mental health symptoms than did parental reports on parenting, urging future research to include the children’s report when investigating the effects of parenting on children’s mental health outcomes
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