33 research outputs found
The Study of Instilling Plurality Values to the Students of Islamic Schools in Makassar
This study tries to discuss the central issue of the instilling plural values to learners of each level of Islamic schools in Makassar. This study focuses on Islamic schools, since the teaching of religious subjects were also offered at public schools. In order to limiting the scope of the research, this study highlights on the extent of religious teaching and how the teaching are synchronized with of the plurality values in schools that consists of diverse ethnicity and culture in one hand, and diverse religious beliefs outside the schools, in another hand. The main problem statement is how the plurality values are instilled at Islamic schools in Makassar. The instilling process of plural values is tilled at Islamic schools in Makassar. The instilling process of plural values and culture is qualitative with socio-cultural pedagogical approach. The finding is that the instilling of the plurality values had been implemented but is not yet an adequate process, because it is still sporadic. Also, it is not yet concretely reflected in the curriculum
Kajian Mikroorganisme dan Keterbelakangan Sainstek Umat Islam (Catatan Kecil dari a Non-Biology Specialist)
Pusat Kajian Islam dan Teknologi UIN Alauddin (Puskaistek) dibentuk dengan tujuan menjawab tantangan trasformasi IAIN ke UIN, Meminalisir melebarnya gap dualisme keilmuan (agama dan non-agama), Membangun ‘kekhasan lembaga’, Merajut ‘tradisi akademik’ kampus dan Merajut model pembelajaran ‘sains’ yang menarik dan produktif. Puskaistek sendiri mempunyai misi pengembangan saintek manusia berdasarkan tujuan penciptaan manusia ke bumi sebagai hamba Allah dan sebagai Khalifah Alla
This article discusses the values of Islamic education in the Bugis traditional marriage procession in the Tanete Riattang Barat sub-district, Bone district. This article uses the type of qualitative research (qualitative research). In this research, the data sources are interviews, observations, and documentation. The informants in this study were Ulama, traditional leaders and local communities. The Bugis traditional marriage procession is not a religious obligation in Islam that determines whether a marriage is valid or not, but the people in the Bugis Bone area believe that the traditional wedding procession carried out has meaning. This can be seen from every series of processions carried out based on Bugis Customs in the Tanete Riattang Barat District, Bone Regency, which can be seen from every wedding procession carried out by the people of the West Riattang Tanete District. These customs are traditions that are carried out from generation to generation and passed down from generation to generation.
Peranan Orang Tua Dalam Menumbuhkan Minat Membaca Alquran Anak di Kota Makassar
Abstrak Para orang tua khususnya yang berada di Kelurahan Maccini Sombala Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar yang terdiri dari beberapa kepala keluarga dengan berbagai macam profesi, ada yang bekerja sebagai pegawai negeri, pegawai swasta, berwira usaha, buruh dan lainnya. Dengan rutinitas atau kesibukan yang di lakukan para orang tua setiap harinya seharusnya tidak dapat mengurangi peran orang tua sebagi pendidik yang pertama bagi anak mereka. Akan tetapi ada beberapa dari orang tua yang kurang berperan di dalam mendidik anak mereka, khususnya dalam menumbuhkan minat membaca Alquran pada anak, di karenakan kesibukan akan pekerjaan mereka, terutama bagi para orang tua yang lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di luar rumah untuk bekerja setiap harinya, dan menyerahkan untuk membimbing anak mereka pada lembaga pendidikan seperti Tempat Pendidikan Alquran yang berada di sekitar tempat tinggal mereka. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang menghambat proses perkembangan pendidikan anak khususnya dalam menumbuhkan minat membaca Alquran anak karena kurangnya kerjasama antara penddidik dan perhatian dari orang tua itu sendiri, yang mana semestinya apapun pekerjaan atau profesi yang digeluti oleh seseorang/orang tua jangan sampai menjadi penghalang dalam mengarahkan dan membina anak-anak mereka kejalan yang benar, karena Pendidikan anak dimulai dari lingkungan keluarga. Orang tua mempunyai peranan yang tak terhingga dalam kehidupan anak, baik yang menyangkut pertumbuhan maupun perkembangan fisiknya. Oleh karena itu, tak dapat disangkal akan peranan orang tua dalam kehidupan anak secara luas
This paper examines in depth the implementation of the multicultural education process at IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua at conceptual and institutional levels. This type of research is qualitative research, the approach used in this research is a multidisciplinary approach with pedagogical, psychological, and sociological approaches. Data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation, literature search and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research instrument, namely, the researcher as a key instrument by using the observation theme guide, interview and documentation reference. Processing and data analysis with a model that is condensation Miles and Huberman, data presentation, conclusion and verification. Testing the validity of the data, namely triangulation techniques, checking the correctness of the information, discussing and consulting data, and extending research time. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the implementation of the cultivation of multicultural education values at IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua through the first conceptual level is realized through planning and formulating the vision, mission, and objectives of IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua, the second institutional level is implemented through content integration. education in the curriculum) and the internalization of values in learning carried out by stages (a) transforming multicultural values; (b) multicultural value transaction and (c) the application of transinternalization of multicultural values. The three operational levels include curriculum design that is designed based on multicultural values that are applied through the formal curriculum and hidden curriculum (not included in the curriculum) which is unwritten, not programmatically planned but its existence is influential in the application of multicultural education. The four architectural levels are realized through the formation of an adequate and complete multicultural-based physical environment
Religious education and moderation: A bibliometric analysis
Abstract: The urgency of religious moderation in the context of education is crucial.
Education is not only about academic knowledge, but also about shaping students’
character and attitude in life. This study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis
using the Scopus database as a data source. This research traces and analyzes the
number of published documents related to this topic in a certain period of time. The
results of the analysis show that the study of religious moderation and education is
still relatively new and has not been widely discussed in the scientific literature.
However, there has been an increase in the number of related published documents
in recent years. In addition, this research also identified several related topics that
were still minimally discussed, such as intolerance, religious extremism, and the role
of educational institutions in supporting religious moderation. This study also maps
the roots of the problem of intolerance, including in aspects such as politics,
economics, and society. Specifically, this is demonstrated by distrust between ethnic
and religious groups, religiosity, feeling threatened by another person or group,
radicalism, socioeconomic disparities, the spread of fake news, and the spread of
hate speech. This situation requires a responsive religious moderation learning
model in the future. These findings provide a broader view of important issues that
need further attention. The contribution of this study directs further research and
development of studies on inclusive and tolerant education in dealing with complex
challenges in religiously diverse societies
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan: a) Untuk membandingkan penerapan sebelum menggunakandan ketika menggunakan media pembelajaran Pop Up Book pada mata pelajaran IPS di kelasIV MIN 1 BIMA. b) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media Pop Up Book terhadaphasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran IPS di kelas IV MIN 1 BIMA. Penelitian inimerupakan penelitian kuantitatif jenis Eksperimen dengan desain Quasi Eksperimen Design.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua peserta didik kelas IV MIN 1 BIMA tahunpelajaran 2022/2023, yang jumlahnya 63 orang. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposivesampling diperoleh sampel dengan jumlah peserta didik 44 peserta didik. Untukmengumpulkan data menggunakan instrumen tes hasil belajar dan dokumentasi. Kemudiandianalisis dengan teknik statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa :1) Hasilbelajar peserta didik sebelum penggunaan media pembelajaran Pop Up Book berada padakategori “sedang” dengan nilai pretest tertinggi 60 dan terendah 20 sehingga rata-rata 40,91dan posttest tertinggi 90 dan terendah 50 sehingga rata-rata 66,36. Hasil belajar peserta didikketika penggunaan media pembelajaran Pop Up Book berada pada kategori “tinggi” dengannilai pretest tertinggi 70 dan terendah 20 sehingga rata-rata 42,73 dan posttest tertinggi 90 danterendah 50 sehingga rata-rata 71,36. 2) Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didiksebelum penggunaan media pembelajaran Pop Up Book memiliki kategorisasi “sedang”dengan nilai pretest 60-20 dan posttest 90-50 sedangkan ketika penggunaan media pembelajaranPop Up Book dengan kategorisasi “tinggi” dan nilai pretest 70-20 dan posttest 90-50. Perbedaanhasil belajar peserta didik juga dapat dilihat dari hasil perhitungan uji T, dimana = 5,674sedangkan nilai= 1,681 artinya nilai > nilai. Dari hasil analisis p-value = 0,000/2 = 0 < 0,05atau nilai signifikasi lebih kecil dari taraf kesalahan yang ditentukan
Manggarai Social Dynamics Community Aiming to Diaspora in Makassar
This type of research is qualitative by using a constructivism approach. In collecting the data, the researchers collected data discourse through the print media as well as researchers act as a research instrument. Data collected is the manggarai individual responded among other individual identities. The data obtained through two sources of data, namely; documentation and informants. Technique data collecting is done through in-depth interviews. The data were then analyzed using the technique of interactive analysis intended to look at the process, meaning and social dynamics of the manggarai. The results showed that the interaction between the responding manggarai with another identity in Makassar through continued study and efforts to find a job. Both of these media as roads and space for the opening event for manggarai in opening communication with other identities. People of manggarai is free in creating opportunities for communication via these two media. Social interaction occurs when people of manggarai already opened the room himself in doing all the activities and will further diresponi by other identities. These responses are often even as a platform to create patterns harmonious relationship and know each other customs with one another. So, it is not rare among manggarai community and other identity will form a new community. Bonds of social solidarity will further establish a scheme of communications with other identities which are influenced by a sense of togetherness as an appeal to other identities to join and to be involved in any management of any activity held by the manggarai community. Thus, the social concepts created by a community of manggarai in Makassar able to deliver to the direction of change is much better and positive value for all levels of society is also in support of the diaspora