36 research outputs found

    Utjecaj ispaše, sukcesije i košnje na proljetnu faunu danjih leptira (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) na suhim krškim livadama i pašnjacima

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    Karst meadows belonging to the class Festuco-Brometea are regarded as species-rich habitats of national and European importance. Biodiversity in these areas is relatively high, but unlike most other semi-natural habitat types, it is highly influenced and facilitated by human activities. In the present study we document the presence and estimate abundance of butterfly species from three sampling plots in Kraški rob (SW Slovenia): two dry karst meadows and one pasture, which also includes an overgrown area. Over 16-day sampling occasions in May and June 2012, 63 species (including species complexes) were recorded. Nearly all of the species were recorded from dry karst meadows (60 ssp., 95%), while pasture (34 spp., 54%) and the overgrown site (28 spp., 44%) were less diverse. The abundance of butterflies was the lowest on the overgrown area. Although both grazing and overgrowth result in a decline in the number and abundance of species, we believe that traditional land use positively affects butterfly diversity, as it maintains open grasslands, a habitat that is preferred by most butterfly species to the later phases of succession. We therefore recommend the maintenance of a mosaic landscape structure, as it supports a wide range of butterfly fauna.Krške livade razreda Festuco-Brometea su vrstama bogata staništa od nacionalne i europske važnosti. Bioraznolikost na tim područjima je relativno visoka, no u suprotnosti s nekim drugim poluprirodnim staništima, njihova bioraznolikost je pod velikim utjecajem ljudske aktivnosti. U ovom istraživanju smo zabilježili prisutnost i procijenili brojnost danjih leptira na tri uzorkovane plohe na Kraškom rubu (jugozapadna Slovenija): dvije krške livade i jednom pašnjaku koji je uključivao i zarasla područja. Tijekom 16-dnevnog terenskog istraživanja u svibnju i lipnju 2012., zabilježili smo 63 vrste leptira (uključujući i komplekse vrsta). Gotovo sve vrste su bile zabilježene na suhim krškim livadama (60 vrsta, 95%), dok je na pašnjaku (34 vrste, 54%) i na zaraslom području (28 vrsta, 44%) raznolikost bila manja. Brojnost leptira je bila najmanja na zaraslim površinama. Iako i zaraštanje i ispaša imaju za posljedicu opadanje u broju vrsta i brojnosti, smatramo da tradicionalno korištenje zemlje pozitivno utječe na raznolikost leptira. Razlog za to je prije svega sprječavanje zaraštanja livada, koje leptiri preferiraju više od staništa u kasnijim fazama sukcesije. Zato predlažemo održavanje mozaične strukture krajolika, jer će na taj način on biti primjeren za veći broj vrsta leptira

    Anemone sylvestris (Ranunculaceae) u istočnom Prigorju (Zagreb, Hrvatska)

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    The article summarizes the current status and distribution of the vulnerable plant species Anemone sylvestris L. (Ranunculaceae) in the eastern part of the Prigorje region, NE from the Croatian capital, Zagreb. Data were collected during two inventory studies performed in 2015 and 2016 when over 12000 individuals were observed on 130 microlocations. Their distribution is discussed with respect to the borders of protected nature areas within the region. Habitat characteristics are described in relation to plant abundance. The main results indicate that the species prefers open grassland-type habitats of different expositions, with low coverage of woody plants, with abundance increasing on moderately-sloped terrain. We recommend active habitat protection measures and further monitoring.Članak sažima trenutni status i rasprostranjenost osjetljive vrste Anemone sylvestris L. (Ranunculaceae) u istočnom dijelu regije Prigorje, smještene SI od hrvatskog glavnog grada Zagreba. Podaci su prikupljani u dva terenska istraživanja tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine, kada je opaženo više od 12000 jedinki na 130 mikrolokacija. Diskutira se o njihovoj rasprostranjenosti u odnosu na granice zaštićenih područja prirode u regiji. Opisane su značajke staništa u odnosu na brojnost jedinki. Glavni rezultati ukazuju da vrsta preferira otvorena livadna staništa osunčana iz više smjerova, s niskom pokrovnošću drvenaste vegetacije i većom brojnošću na blago nagnutim padinama. Preporučuju se aktivnosti zaštite staništa i daljnja promatranja

    Sezonska zastupljenost, vertikalna distribucija i ekologija Mediteranskog karlića Upogebia pusilla (Decapoda: Gebiidea) na slovenskoj obali

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    We studied seasonal abundance, vertical distribution and life history traits of the Mediterranean mud shrimp (Upogebia pusilla) in the mediolittoral zone in Slovenia. At two localities (Strunjan and Lazaret), quantitative samples from three plots (1 m2 each) at (0 cm), below (-50 cm) and above (+50 cm) mean water level were taken once every two months, in alternation. A set of parameters was also recorded, including vegetation cover, sediment type, air and sea temperature, pH, salinity and oxygen levels. Highest abundance was recorded during the warm period of the year, with peak abundance in June 2012 (21 % of total sample). Lowest plots were always occupied with the highest densities of mud shrimps. Males dominated during the winter while ovigerous females reached the peak in June (>40 % of all animals). In June at least 2/3 of females were ovigerous. Estimated mean incubation period was 31 days. We determined four periods in relation to the species’ reproductive activity. Early reproductive period (April) was characterised by emergence of first ovigerous females, while main reproductive period (May–July) was characterised by peak of reproduction. In post-reproductive (August–October), and non-reproductive (November–March) periods, no ovigerous females or newly hatched offspring were recorded.Istraživali smo sezonsku zastupljenost, vertikalnu raspodjelu i povijesne životne osobitosti Mediteranskog karlića (Upogebia pusilla) u Sloveniji. Na dva lokaliteta (Strunjan i Lazaret) izmjenično su uzeti jednom u dva mjeseca kvantitativni uzorci sa tri parcele (svaki 1 m2 ) na (0 cm), ispod (-50 cm) i iznad (+50 cm) srednje razine vode. Također je zabilježen skup parametara, uključujući vegetacijsku pokrivenost, vrstu sedimenta, temperaturu zraka i mora, pH, salinitet i razinukisika. Najveća zastupljenost zabilježena je tijekom toplog razdoblja godine i to u lipnju 2012 godine (21% ukupnog uzorka). Najviša gustoća karlića bila je zabilježena na najnižim parcelama. Mužjaci su prevladavali tijekom zime dok je najveći broj ovigerih ženki zabilježen u lipnju (>40% svih životinja, ili 2/3 svih ženki u lipnju). Procjenjeni srednji inkubacijski period bio je 31 dan. Utvrdili smo četiri razdoblja u vezi sa reproduktivnom aktivnosti ove vrste. Rano razdoblje reprodukcije bilo je obilježeno pojavom prvih ovigerih ženki u travnju, dok je za vrhunac reprodukcije obilježen reproduktivni period travanj-srpanj. U post-reproduktivnom (kolovoz-listopad) i ne-reproduktivnom periodu (studeni-ožujak) nisu bile zabilježene ovigere ženke ili juvenilne životinje

    Utjecaj ispaše, sukcesije i košnje na proljetnu faunu danjih leptira (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) na suhim krškim livadama i pašnjacima

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    Karst meadows belonging to the class Festuco-Brometea are regarded as species-rich habitats of national and European importance. Biodiversity in these areas is relatively high, but unlike most other semi-natural habitat types, it is highly influenced and facilitated by human activities. In the present study we document the presence and estimate abundance of butterfly species from three sampling plots in Kraški rob (SW Slovenia): two dry karst meadows and one pasture, which also includes an overgrown area. Over 16-day sampling occasions in May and June 2012, 63 species (including species complexes) were recorded. Nearly all of the species were recorded from dry karst meadows (60 ssp., 95%), while pasture (34 spp., 54%) and the overgrown site (28 spp., 44%) were less diverse. The abundance of butterflies was the lowest on the overgrown area. Although both grazing and overgrowth result in a decline in the number and abundance of species, we believe that traditional land use positively affects butterfly diversity, as it maintains open grasslands, a habitat that is preferred by most butterfly species to the later phases of succession. We therefore recommend the maintenance of a mosaic landscape structure, as it supports a wide range of butterfly fauna.Krške livade razreda Festuco-Brometea su vrstama bogata staništa od nacionalne i europske važnosti. Bioraznolikost na tim područjima je relativno visoka, no u suprotnosti s nekim drugim poluprirodnim staništima, njihova bioraznolikost je pod velikim utjecajem ljudske aktivnosti. U ovom istraživanju smo zabilježili prisutnost i procijenili brojnost danjih leptira na tri uzorkovane plohe na Kraškom rubu (jugozapadna Slovenija): dvije krške livade i jednom pašnjaku koji je uključivao i zarasla područja. Tijekom 16-dnevnog terenskog istraživanja u svibnju i lipnju 2012., zabilježili smo 63 vrste leptira (uključujući i komplekse vrsta). Gotovo sve vrste su bile zabilježene na suhim krškim livadama (60 vrsta, 95%), dok je na pašnjaku (34 vrste, 54%) i na zaraslom području (28 vrsta, 44%) raznolikost bila manja. Brojnost leptira je bila najmanja na zaraslim površinama. Iako i zaraštanje i ispaša imaju za posljedicu opadanje u broju vrsta i brojnosti, smatramo da tradicionalno korištenje zemlje pozitivno utječe na raznolikost leptira. Razlog za to je prije svega sprječavanje zaraštanja livada, koje leptiri preferiraju više od staništa u kasnijim fazama sukcesije. Zato predlažemo održavanje mozaične strukture krajolika, jer će na taj način on biti primjeren za veći broj vrsta leptira

    Prisotnost požarov in poplav v življenjskih okoljih ogrožene vrste metulja barjanski okarček (Coenonympha oedippus) v Sloveniji

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    In Slovenia the False ringlet Coenonympha oedippus uniquely occurs both on wet (Ljubljana Marsh and surroundings) and dry grasslands (Slovenian Istria, Karst, Gorica Hills). Natural hazards that threaten its habitats include fires and floods; the frequency of their occurrence in the former and existing habitats of C. oedippus was determined using the χ2-test. We showed that habitats on wet grasslands are less threatened by fire than those on dry grasslands. Among the latter, habitats in the Karst and Slovenian Istria are the most threatened. Habitats of C. oedippus are threatened by flooding only in Slovenian Istria and Ljubljana Marsh. Considering the extent of fire and flood risk and fragmentation of C. oedippus habitats in Slovenia, we assume that such natural hazards may lead to local extinction of the species.Barjanski okarček se v Sloveniji edinstveno pojavlja tako na vlažnih (Ljubljansko barje z okolico) kot na suhih traviščih (slovenska Istra, Kras, Goriška brda). Med naravnimi nesrečami, ki ogrožajo njegove habitatne krpe, so požari in poplave. Njihovo pogostost pojavljanja v nekdanjih in obstoječih bivališčih barjanskega okarčka smo ugotavljali s χ2-testom. Pokazali smo, da so življenjska okolja na vlažnih traviščih požarno manj ogrožena kot na suhih traviščih. Med slednjimi so najbolj ogrožene habitatne krpe na Krasu in v slovenski Istri. Habitatne krpe barjanskega okarčka so poplavno ogrožene le v slovenski Istri in na Ljubljanskem barju. Glede na stopnjo požarne in poplavne ogroženosti ter razdrobljenosti življenjskih okolij barjanskega okarčka v Sloveniji domnevamo, da lahko tovrstne naravne nesreče povzročijo lokalno izumrtje vrste

    Fundamental research questions in subterranean biology

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    Five decades ago, a landmark paper inSciencetitledThe Cave Environmentheralded caves as ideal natural experimental laboratories in which to develop and address general questions in geology, ecology, biogeography, and evolutionary biology. Although the 'caves as laboratory' paradigm has since been advocated by subterranean biologists, there are few examples of studies that successfully translated their results into general principles. The contemporary era of big data, modelling tools, and revolutionary advances in genetics and (meta)genomics provides an opportunity to revisit unresolved questions and challenges, as well as examine promising new avenues of research in subterranean biology. Accordingly, we have developed a roadmap to guide future research endeavours in subterranean biology by adapting a well-established methodology of 'horizon scanning' to identify the highest priority research questions across six subject areas. Based on the expert opinion of 30 scientists from around the globe with complementary expertise and of different academic ages, we assembled an initial list of 258 fundamental questions concentrating on macroecology and microbial ecology, adaptation, evolution, and conservation. Subsequently, through online surveys, 130 subterranean biologists with various backgrounds assisted us in reducing our list to 50 top-priority questions. These research questions are broad in scope and ready to be addressed in the next decade. We believe this exercise will stimulate research towards a deeper understanding of subterranean biology and foster hypothesis-driven studies likely to resonate broadly from the traditional boundaries of this field.Peer reviewe