22 research outputs found

    Géneros y generaciones: conducta reproductiva de los mayas de Yucatán, México

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    The article describes and analyzes the process of transformation of the social representations about to the health/illness/attention processes pregnancy-childbirth-puerperium, through three generations of couples and the condition of gender. It's from the role that plays the biomedical ideology represented in the clinics of the social security, and the relations that operate between men and women, that is possible to distinguish the protective elements and curative, as well as the elements of existing stress. The work shows how play the genders through three generations in terms of mutual contribution, their demand and evaluation to the attention received by the obstetricians or to the services of medical attention, and the effect of the medicinal on men and women of the third generation.El artículo describe y analiza el proceso de transformación de las representaciones sociales respecto a la salud/enfermedad/atención de procesos de embarazo-parto-puerperio, a través de tres generaciones de parejas y la condición de género. Es a partir del papel que juega la ideología biomédica representada en las clínicas de campo de la seguridad social, y las relaciones que operan entre hombres y mujeres, que es posible distinguir los elementos protectivos y curativos, así como los elementos de tensión existentes. El trabajo muestra cómo juegan los géneros a través de tres generaciones en términos de colaboración mutua, su demanda y evaluación a la atención recibida por las parteras o a los servicios de atención alópatas, y el efecto de la medicalización sobre hombres y mujeres de la tercera generación

    El perfil general del excedente nutrimental en México en el periodo 1990-2013: un enfoque a partir del suministro energético de macronutrimentos y grupos de alimentos

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    En este texto se analiza la evolución del suministro excesivo de kilocalorías en México desde 1990 a 2013. Para cada año del periodo se estimó el requerimiento de energía y macronutrimentos de la población mexicana y se lo contrastó con el respectivo suministro per cápita para estimar la discrepancia entre requerimiento y suministro. Las discrepancias se analizaron como serie temporal. Así, el excedente energético osciló entre 700 y 800 kcal/día per cápita en todo el periodo y los azúcares-dulcificantes aportaron el mayor suministro energético por encima de su requerimiento. El exceso de lípidos se incrementó de modo intenso y constante principalmente por el aumento de lípidos de carne de aves de corral y cerdo. El exceso aportado por las bebidas alcohólicas tendió a polarizarse en el creciente consumo de cerveza. En suma, a partir de los azúcaresdulcificantes y la carne se tendió a configurar el suministro energético y su respectivo excedente. Esto tiene implicaciones directas en la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles así como en el uso insostenible de la tierra, el agua y la energía.This text analyzes the evolution of the excessive food energy supply in Mexico from 1990 to 2013. For each year, the energy and macronutrient requirements of the Mexican population were estimated and contrasted with the per capita energy supply. Discrepancies between requirement and supply were analyzed as a time series. The energy surplus ranged from 700 to 800 kcal per capita per day throughout the studied period and sugar/sweeteners contributed the highest above-requirement energy supply. Lipids excess increased steadily and intensely, mainly due to lipid increases from poultry and pork. Excess energy from alcoholic beverages tended to be concentrated into growing beer consumption. In summary, the energy supply and the corresponding surplus tended to be made up mainly of sugar/sweeteners and meat. This has direct implications for the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases as well as unsustainable use of land, water and energy

    El perfil general del excedente nutrimental en México en el periodo 1990-2013: un enfoque a partir del suministro energético de macronutrimentos y grupos de alimentos

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    This text analyzes the evolution of the excessive food energy supply in Mexico from 1990 to 2013. For each year, the energy and macronutrient requirements of the Mexican population were estimated and contrasted with the per capita energy supply. Discrepancies between requirement and supply were analyzed as a time series. The energy surplus ranged from 700 to 800 kcal per capita per day throughout the studied period and sugar/sweeteners contributed the highest above-requirement energy supply. Lipids excess increased steadily and intensely, mainly due to lipid increases from poultry and pork. Excess energy from alcoholic beverages tended to be concentrated into growing beer consumption. In summary, the energy supply and the corresponding surplus tended to be made up mainly of sugar/sweeteners and meat. This has direct implications for the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases as well as unsustainable use of land, water and energy.En este texto se analiza la evolución del suministro excesivo de kilocalorías en México desde 1990 a 2013. Para cada año del periodo se estimó el requerimiento de energía y macronutrimentos de la población mexicana y se lo contrastó con el respectivo suministro per cápita para estimar la discrepancia entre requerimiento y suministro. Las discrepancias se analizaron como serie temporal. Así, el excedente energético osciló entre 700 y 800 kcal/día per cápita en todo el periodo y los azúcares-dulcificantes aportaron el mayor suministro energético por encima de su requerimiento. El exceso de lípidos se incrementó de modo intenso y constante principalmente por el aumento de lípidos de carne de aves de corral y cerdo. El exceso aportado por las bebidas alcohólicas tendió a polarizarse en el creciente consumo de cerveza. En suma, a partir de los azúcares-dulcificantes y la carne se tendió a configurar el suministro energético y su respectivo excedente. Esto tiene implicaciones directas en la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles así como en el uso insostenible de la tierra, el agua y la energía

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery

    Géneros y generaciones: conducta reproductiva de los mayas de Yucatán, México

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    El artículo describe y analiza el proceso de transformación de las representaciones sociales respecto a la salud/enfermedad/atención de procesos de embarazo-partopuerperio, a través de tres generaciones de parejas y la condición de género. Es a partir del papel que juega la ideología biomédica representada en las clínicas de campo de la seguridad social, y las relaciones que operan entre hombres y mujeres, que es posible distinguir los elementos protectivos y curativos, así como los elementos de tensión existentes. El trabajo muestra cómo juegan los géneros a través de tres generaciones en términos de colaboración mutua, su demanda y evaluación a la atención recibida por las parteras o a los servicios de atención alópatas, y el efecto de la medicalización sobre hombres y mujeres de la tercera generación

    El perfil general del excedente nutrimental en México en el periodo 1990-2013: un enfoque a partir del suministro energético de macronutrimentos y grupos de alimentos

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    This text analyzes the evolution of the excessive food energy supply in Mexico from 1990 to 2013. For each year, the energy and macronutrient requirements of the Mexican population were estimated and contrasted with the per capita energy supply. Discrepancies between requirement and supply were analyzed as a time series. The energy surplus ranged from 700 to 800 kcal per capita per day throughout the studied period and sugar/sweeteners contributed the highest above-requirement energy supply. Lipids excess increased steadily and intensely, mainly due to lipid increases from poultry and pork. Excess energy from alcoholic beverages tended to be concentrated into growing beer consumption. In summary, the energy supply and the corresponding surplus tended to be made up mainly of sugar/sweeteners and meat. This has direct implications for the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases as well as unsustainable use of land, water and energy.En este texto se analiza la evolución del suministro excesivo de kilocalorías en México desde 1990 a 2013. Para cada año del periodo se estimó el requerimiento de energía y macronutrimentos de la población mexicana y se lo contrastó con el respectivo suministro per cápita para estimar la discrepancia entre requerimiento y suministro. Las discrepancias se analizaron como serie temporal. Así, el excedente energético osciló entre 700 y 800 kcal/día per cápita en todo el periodo y los azúcares-dulcificantes aportaron el mayor suministro energético por encima de su requerimiento. El exceso de lípidos se incrementó de modo intenso y constante principalmente por el aumento de lípidos de carne de aves de corral y cerdo. El exceso aportado por las bebidas alcohólicas tendió a polarizarse en el creciente consumo de cerveza. En suma, a partir de los azúcaresdulcificantes y la carne se tendió a configurar el suministro energético y su respectivo excedente. Esto tiene implicaciones directas en la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles así como en el uso insostenible de la tierra, el agua y la energí

    La vulnerabilidad humana a la transmisión vectorial de Trypanosoma cruzi a través de los procesos de salud-enfermedad y la apropiación social del territorio

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    Risk studies of Trypanosoma cruzi vector transmission have classically overlooked the role of social behaviors and subjectivities within the natural landscape and social environment. A review and analysis of the literature on relevant biological, eco-epidemiological and sociocultural factors was combined with an ethnographic study in order to develop a risk model framework identifying the components of hazard and human vulnerability. Social practices, representations and knowledge regarding the health-disease-care process and the social appropriation of the territory are considered as elements explicative of human vulnerability. Exploring these components within an ethnographic analysis allows new options and more adequate prevention or comprehensive risk control measures to be identified.Los estudios sobre el riesgo de la transmisión vectorial de Trypanosoma cruzi a población humana han desatendido el rol del comportamiento y de la subjetividad de las relaciones sociales en el marco del paisaje natural y el contexto social. A través de una revisión y síntesis de la bibliografía sobre los factores biológicos, ecoepidemiológicos y socioculturales que intervienen en el fenómeno, en conjunto con un estudio etnográfico, se propone un modelo de análisis del riesgo que distingue los componentes de peligro y de la vulnerabilidad humana. Los conocimientos, prácticas y representaciones sociales respecto del proceso salud-enfermedad-atención y de la apropiación social del territorio se plantean como elementos explicativos de la vulnerabilidad humana. Los componentes de la vulnerabilidad propuestos se exploran en el marco de un análisis etnográfico, que permite identificar opciones y medidas preventivas o de control integral del riesgo más adecuadas

    Social Representations and Practices Towards Triatomines and Chagas Disease in Calakmul, México.

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    Vector-borne transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi (VBTTc) is dependent on the concomitant interaction between biological and environmental hazard over the entire landscape, and human vulnerability. Representations and practices of health-disease-care-seeking and territorial appropriation and use were analyzed for VBTTc in a qualitative ethnographic study in the Zoh-Laguna landscape, Campeche, Mexico. In-depth interviews and participatory observation explored representations and practices regarding ethno-ecological knowledge related to vector-transmission, health-disease-care-seeking, and land use processes. The population has a broad knowledge of biting insects, which they believe are all most abundant in the rainy season; the community´s proximity to natural areas is perceived as a barrier to control their abundance. Triatomines are mostly recognized by men, who have detailed knowledge regarding their occurrence and association with mammals in non-domestic fragments, where they report being bitten. Women emphasize the dermal consequences of triatomine bites, but have little knowledge about the disease. Triatomine bites and the chinchoma are "normalized" events which are treated using home remedies, if at all. The neglected condition of Chagas disease in Mexican public health policies, livelihoods which are dependent on primary production, and gender-related knowledge (or lack thereof) are structural circumstances which influence the environment and inhabitants´ living conditions; in turn, these trigger triatomine-human contact. The most important landscape practices producing vulnerability are the activities and mobility within and between landscape fragments causing greater exposure of inhabitants primarily in the dry season. A landscape approach to understanding vulnerability components of VBTTc from health-disease-care-seeking perspectives and based on territorial appropriation and use, is essential where there is continuous movement of vectors between and within all habitats. An understanding of the structural factors which motivate the population´s perceptions, beliefs, and practices and which create and maintain vulnerability is essential to develop culturally relevant and sustainable community-based VBTTc prevention and control