108 research outputs found

    A nyílt hozzáféréstől a nyílt tudomány felé OpenAIRE-Advance (2018–2021) = From Open Access to Open Science: the OpenAIRE-Advance project (2018–2021)

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    An exciting new chapter of the OpenAIRE project-series was launched on January 1, 2018. The mission of OpenAIRE-Advance is to support Open Access and Open Data mandates in Europe and worldwide. The project plays a strong role in strengthening and optimizing services with an end-user (everyone who’s been involved in the research lifecycle) optimized Dashboard system. One of its main goals is to make the Pan-European helpdesks more powerful through the NOAD (National Open Access Desk) system so that the NOADs will become key actors in consolidating the national Open Science movement. It commits the research society to Open Science in such a way as to channel Open Science as a service into the research lifecycle. Its primary task is to promote changes in scientific communication, so OpenAIRE will support the development of new generation repositories with new functionalities and new technologies. Hungary is represented in the project by the University of Debrecen University and National Library. We take part in the three workpackages concentrating on the construction of dissemination and communication channels between stakeholders; strengthening and operating the NOAD network, thus providing stakeholders with assistance and training opportunities, and the development of information and training materials and providing trainings on Open Science

    Infants’ sensitivity to nonadjacent vowel dependencies: The case of vowel harmony in Hungarian

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    Vowel harmony is a linguistic phenomenon whereby vowels within a word share one or several of their phonological features, constituting a nonadjacent, and thus challenging, dependency to learn. It can be found in a large number of agglutinating languages, such as Hungarian and Turkish, and it may apply both at the lexical level (i.e., within word stems) and at the morphological level (i.e., between stems and their affixes). Thus, it might affect both lexical and morphological development in infants whose native language has vowel harmony. The current study asked at what age infants learning an irregular harmonic language, Hungarian, become sensitive to vowel harmony within word stems. In a head-turn preference study, 13-month-old, but not 10-month-old, Hungarian-learning infants preferred listening to nonharmonic VCV (vowel–consonant–vowel) pseudowords over vowel-harmonic ones. A control experiment with 13-month-olds exposed to French, a nonharmonic language, showed no listening preference for either of the sequences, suggesting that this finding cannot be explained by a universal preference for nonharmonic sequences but rather reflects language-specific knowledge emerging between 10 and 13 months of age. We discuss the implications of this finding for morphological and lexical learning

    The role of prediction in language learning: evaluating error-based theories of language acquisition

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    This project examines prediction’s role in language acquisition by assessing the projections of error-based language acquisition theories, specifically the Dual-path model. It seeks to expand on results obtained by the prime surprisal paradigm and to develop novel studies building on this method. In Chapter 2, we examined whether prime surprisal appears with passive as well as dative structures in adults. While we found a numerical, but non-significant prime surprisal effect in the dative study, no such effects appeared with passives. In Chapter 3, in a four-stage prime surprisal-based intervention study we examined whether surprising sentences lead to more learning than predictable ones. Here we found preliminary evidence for enhanced learning rates for abstract structures after surprising input with 5-6 year-old child participants. These long-term effects were stronger in younger children, although they were dissociated from immediate prime surprisal. We found no significant evidence for verb-dependent error-based learning effects in either group or for an abstract learning effect in the adult group alone. In Chapter 4 we compared the ERPs associated with predictable and surprising dative sentences in adult participants and found an enhanced N400 effect in surprising (as opposed to predictable) DOD (double object dative) sentences but we found no such effect in prepositional (PD) sentences. We also found no significant differences in the P600 region. While the N400 effect shows predictability-related processing differences, based on these results alone we cannot determine whether these differences are the result of active prediction or differences in the ease of integration. Some of our key results (such as the replication of immediate prime surprisal effects in two of our studies, the preliminary evidence for enhanced learning rate with unexpected structures or the N400 effects) support error-based learning theories. However, other results (such as the dissociation of immediate prime surprisal and longer-term learning effects or the lack of P600 effect in surprising sentences) raise questions about the exact nature of the mechanism leading to these effects and warrant further examination

    The comparison of the potential effect of climate change on the segment growth of Fraxinus ornus, Pinus nigra and Ailanthus altissima on shallow, calcareous soils

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    Growth patterns of different plant species are primarily determined by edaphic factors, climate conditions and their species-specific adaptation properties. Changing sub-regional aridity trends due to the projected climate change like soil erosion and the invasion of alien plant species threaten the ligneous vegetation of karst areas. We aimed to study and model the potential effect of aridity on the growth rate of young individuals of the native Fraxinus ornus and its two important two competitors, the exotic Pinus nigra and the aggressive invader Ailanthus altissima in a karstic forest-steppe of the Veszprém plateau, Hungary on different soil depths. Mean soil depth and the Thornthwaite agrometeorological index were used as covariates. Climate data were gained from the E-OBS gridded dataset for the period of 1950 to 2013 and from the MPI Echam5 climate model for the period of 2081 to 2100. We found significant correlation between the soil depth values and the measured heights and the average of monthly Thornthwaite agrometeorological indices. In conclusion, aridity and soil-depth have significant, but different effect on the growth patterns of the studied species. While the annual growth season of Pinus nigra and Fraxinus ornus are determined by the aridity of the months of January to May, and from February to June, respectively, the growth of Ailanthus altissima is mainly determined by the period of March to August. The climate prediction-based growth model predicts the decline of the growth patterns of each species for the 2081-2100 period in Hungary due to climate change

    Töltés, spin és pálya szabadsági fokokkal rendelkező frusztrált elektronrendszerek egzotikus fázisai és gerjesztései = Exotic phases and excitation in frustrated electron systems with charge, spin and orbital degrees of freedom

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    Erősen frusztrált töltés- és spin-rendszereket vizsgáltunk piroklór rácson, melyekben az alapállapot makroszkopikusan elfajult. Valamint a másodlagos kölcsönhatások szerepét ezen elfajulás feloldásában. - Meghatároztuk egy korrelált elektronrendszer fázisdiagramját planáris piroklór rácson. Negyed-betöltésnél az alapállapot rezonáló szinglett kristály. Dópolás hatására szupravezetővé válik. - Megmutattuk, hogy a kvantum-dimer modellben gyémántrácson (ill. korrelált spinnélküli-fermion modellben piroklór rácson) résnélküli folyadék állapot jön létre véges paramétertartományban. - A króm-spinelekben észlelt feles mágnesezettségi plató megértéséhez vezethet a klasszikus bilineáris-bikvadratikus Heisenberg-modell tanulmányozása piroklór rácson. Megvizsgáltuk a plató stabilitásának feltételeit. Monte-Carlo szimuláció segítségével feltérképeztük a modell fázisdiagramját a hőmérséklet és mágneses tér függvényében, valamint felvázoltuk a mágnesezettség és szuceptibilitás hőmérsékletfüggését. Egymással versengő kölcsönhatások is vezethetnek frusztrációhoz: - Feltérképeztük a bilineáris-bikvadratikus egyes-spinű háromszögrács Heisenberg-modell fázisdiagramját mágneses térben, különös tekintettel a kvadrupoláris fázisokra és azok gerjesztéseire. - Megmutattuk, hogy a Dzjaloshinskij-Moriya kölcsönhatás lényegesen megváltoztatja a feles-spinű Heisenberg létrák fázisdiagramját mágneses térben. | We studied highly frustrated charge and spin pyrochlore systems, where the ground state is macroscopically degenerate, and the effects of secondary interactions in lifting this degeneracy: - We determined the phase diagram of a correlated electronic model on the planar pyrochlore lattice. At quarter filling the ground state is a resonating singlet-pair crystal. Upon doping, we found an extended window for superconducting pairing. - We have shown that the quantum dimer model on diamond lattice (i.e. correlated spinless fermion problem on the pyrochlore lattice) can support a gapless liquid state in a finite parameter range. - The classical bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model on pyrochlore lattice is a good starting point to understand the half-magnetization plateau in chromium spinels. We have deduced the criteria for a stable plateau. Monte-Carlo simulation revealed the finite-temperature phase diagram in magnetic field, and the temperature dependence of the magnetization and susceptibility. Frustration can also be introduced by competition between different interaction terms: -We have mapped out the phase diagram of the spin-one bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice in a magnetic field, with emphasis on the quadrupolar phases and their excitations. -We show that Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions can substantially modify the phase diagram of spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladders in a magnetic field

    Digital Measurement of Myelofibrosis Associated Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor ß (PDGFR ß) Expression in Bone Marrow Biopsies

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    In daily routine the reticulin silver staining is used on bone marrow biopsy samples as a gold standard for the characterization of myelofibrosis, however this method does not provide information about the prefibrotic stage.Recently a specific immunohistochemical method was introduced which may overcome these weaknesses of reticulin staining. Activated fibroblasts responsible for stromal proliferation are highlighted by increased PDGFR β expression, which can be presented by immunohistochemistry in bone marrow samples. Using this staining the pre-fibrotic stage can become detectable and we have information about the disease activity.During development of new staining method it is important to prove its reliability and usability. In this paper we introduce a digital image processing method to measure paranchymal damage in digitalized histological slides that can aid correct interpretation of the staining.</p

    A magánjog fejlődése és kodifikálása Magyarországon

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